Example #1
        public async void UpdatingLostDogFailsForNonExistingDog()
            var lostDog = new LostDog {
                Id = -1

            Assert.False((await lostDogRepository.UpdateLostDog(lostDog)).Successful);
Example #2
        public async void DeletingLostDogClearsAllData()
            var saveDog = new LostDog()
                Breed       = "dogdog",
                Age         = 5,
                Size        = "Large, very large",
                Color       = "Orange but a bit yellow and green dots",
                SpecialMark = "tattoo of you on the neck",
                Name        = "Cat",
                Picture     = new PictureDog()
                    FileName = "photo",
                    FileType = "png",
                    Data     = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
                HairLength = "Long",
                EarsType   = "Short",
                TailLength = "None",
                Behaviors  = new List <DogBehavior>()
                    new DogBehavior()
                        Behavior = "Angry"
                Location = new LocationDog()
                    City = "Biała", District = "Lol ther's none"
                DateLost = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20),
                OwnerId  = 1,
                Comments = new List <LostDogComment>()

            var dog = await lostDogRepository.AddLostDog(saveDog);


            var result = await lostDogRepository.DeleteLostDog(dog.Data.Id);


            dog = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogDetails(dog.Data.Id);

        public void Seed()
            var account = new AddAccountDto()
                Name        = "bob",
                Email       = "*****@*****.**",
                PhoneNumber = "222333444",
                Password    = "******",
                AccountRole = AccountRoles.Regular

            if (!AccountService.AddAccount(account).Result.Successful)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not seed the database with a user");

            var saveDogDog = new LostDog()
                Breed       = "dogdog",
                Age         = 5,
                Size        = "Large, very large",
                Color       = "Orange but a bit yellow and green dots",
                SpecialMark = "tattoo of you on the neck",
                Name        = "Cat",
                Picture     = new PictureDog()
                    FileName = "photo",
                    FileType = "png",
                    Data     = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
                HairLength = "Long",
                EarsType   = "Short",
                TailLength = "None",
                Behaviors  = new List <DogBehavior>()
                    new DogBehavior()
                        Behavior = "Angry"
                Location = new LocationDog()
                    City = "Biała", District = "Lol ther's none"
                DateLost = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20),
                OwnerId  = 1,
                Comments = new List <LostDogComment>()

            if (LostDogRepository.AddLostDog(saveDogDog).Result == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not seed the database with a dog assigned to user");

            var shelter = new Shelter()
                IsApproved  = true,
                Name        = $"VeryNiceShelter-1",
                PhoneNumber = $"2111111111",
                Email       = $"*****@*****.**",
                Address     = new Address
                    City           = "Gdańsk",
                    PostCode       = "12-345",
                    Street         = "Bursztynowa",
                    BuildingNumber = "123"

            if (ShelterRepository.AddShelter(shelter).Result == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Could not seed the database with a shelter");
Example #4
        public async void GetLostDogSortsProperly()
            var saveDog = new LostDog()
                Breed       = "dogdog",
                Age         = 5,
                Size        = "Large, very large",
                Color       = "Orange but a bit yellow and green dots",
                SpecialMark = "tattoo of you on the neck",
                Name        = "Cat",
                Picture     = new PictureDog()
                    FileName = "photo",
                    FileType = "png",
                    Data     = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
                HairLength = "Long",
                EarsType   = "Short",
                TailLength = "None",
                Behaviors  = new List <DogBehavior>()
                    new DogBehavior()
                        Behavior = "Angry"
                Location = new LocationDog()
                    City = "Biała", District = "Lol ther's none"
                DateLost = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20),
                OwnerId  = 1,
                Comments = new List <LostDogComment>()
            var saveDog2 = new LostDog()
                Breed       = "dogdog",
                Age         = 6,
                Size        = "Large, very large",
                Color       = "Orange but a bit yellow and green dots",
                SpecialMark = "tattoo of you on the neck",
                Name        = "Cat",
                Picture     = new PictureDog()
                    FileName = "photo",
                    FileType = "png",
                    Data     = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }
                HairLength = "Long",
                EarsType   = "Short",
                TailLength = "None",
                Behaviors  = new List <DogBehavior>()
                    new DogBehavior()
                        Behavior = "Angry"
                Location = new LocationDog()
                    City = "Czarna", District = "Lol ther's none"
                DateLost = new DateTime(2021, 3, 20),
                OwnerId  = 1,
                Comments = new List <LostDogComment>()

            Assert.True((await lostDogRepository.AddLostDog(saveDog)).Successful);
            Assert.True((await lostDogRepository.AddLostDog(saveDog2)).Successful);

            var filteringResult = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogs(new LostDogFilter(), "location.city", 0, 50);

            var filteringResult2 = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogs(new LostDogFilter(), "Location.City,ASC", 0, 50);

            var filteringResult3 = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogs(new LostDogFilter(), "location.city,DESC", 0, 50);

            var filteringResult4 = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogs(new LostDogFilter(), "location.city,deSc", 0, 50);

            var filteringResult5 = await lostDogRepository.GetLostDogs(new LostDogFilter(), "notexsitant,DESC", 0, 50);

            Assert.True(filteringResult.Successful && filteringResult2.Successful && filteringResult3.Successful && filteringResult4.Successful && !filteringResult5.Successful);
            Assert.True(filteringResult.Data[0].Id == filteringResult2.Data[0].Id && filteringResult.Data[^ 1].Id == filteringResult3.Data[0].Id && filteringResult3.Data[0].Id == filteringResult4.Data[0].Id);