//delete by Id
        public ActionResult DeleteFromVerification(int id)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (Session["Company"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            int    palletNum = (int)Session["PalletNum"];
            string msg       = "";

            HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.DeleteAsync("LoosePicking?id=" + id).Result;

            //TempData["RespondMessage"] = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                msg = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;

                //Remove from PalletSelectionModel List
                List <PalletSelectionModel> psms         = (List <PalletSelectionModel>)Session["PalletSelectionModels"];
                List <PalletSelectionModel> verifiedPsms = psms.Where(w => w.PalletNum == palletNum).ToList();
                PalletSelectionModel        ps           = verifiedPsms.Where(w => w.Id == id).SingleOrDefault();
                decimal redeemQty = ps.PalletQty;
                string  uniqueKey = ps.UD108Key1;
                Session["PalletSelectionModels"] = verifiedPsms;

                //Add back the delete Qty to the PartNum , find by UD108Key1
                LoosePickingDetailModel lpd = (LoosePickingDetailModel)Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"];
                if (uniqueKey == lpd.UD108Key1)
                    lpd.Qty = lpd.Qty + redeemQty;
                    Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] = lpd;
                msg = "Success";

            //TempData["ResponseMessage"] = msg;
            //return View("Verification", verifiedPsms);

            return(Json(new { Message = msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        public ActionResult Retrieve(LoosePickingDetailModel obj)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (Session["Company"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (obj == null && Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] != null)
                obj = (LoosePickingDetailModel)Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"];

            RetrieveModel rm = new RetrieveModel();

            rm.Id        = obj.Id;
            rm.UD108Key1 = obj.UD108Key1;
            rm.Company   = obj.Company;
            rm.Plant     = obj.Plant;
            rm.SONum     = obj.SONum;
            rm.PartNum   = obj.PartNum;
            rm.PartDesc  = obj.PartDesc;
            rm.Qty     = obj.Qty;
            rm.UOMCode = obj.UomCode;
            rm.UserId = obj.UserId;

            Session["RetrieveModel"] = rm;

        //************PRODUCT SCANNING - PICKING PROCESS************//

        //Product Scanning Page for Picking Process. id = PalletNum
        public ActionResult ProductScanning(int id)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (Session["Company"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            //Testing data
            //List<LotNumSuggestion> lotNums = new List<LotNumSuggestion>();
            //LotNumSuggestion ln = new LotNumSuggestion();
            //ln.LotNum = "Lot12345";
            //ln.OnHandQty = 100;

            //LotNumSuggestion ln2 = new LotNumSuggestion();
            //ln2.LotNum = "LotZXC";
            //ln2.OnHandQty = 200;

            //if (lotNums != null)
            //    //Display in the modal
            //    TempData["LotNums"] = lotNums;

            int palletNum = id;

            Session["PalletNum"] = palletNum;

            //Data from loose picking detail bring to pallet selection model for update purpose
            LoosePickingDetailModel lpd = (LoosePickingDetailModel)Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"];

            //Set some data from LoosePickingDetailModel Object to PalletSelectionModel for update through WEB Api. Because we need to post by PalletSelectionModel Object through WEB Api /LPPalletSelection(POST)
            PalletSelectionModel ps = new PalletSelectionModel();

            ps.Id         = lpd.Id;
            ps.UD108Key1  = lpd.UD108Key1;
            ps.SysRowId   = lpd.SysRowId;
            ps.Company    = lpd.Company;
            ps.Plant      = lpd.Plant;
            ps.SONum      = lpd.SONum;
            ps.ShipByDate = lpd.ShipByDate;
            ps.PartNum    = lpd.PartNum;
            ps.PartDesc   = lpd.PartDesc;
            ps.ActQty     = lpd.ActQty;
            ps.PrevQty    = lpd.PrevLPQty;
            ps.PalletNum  = id;     //
            //ps.LotNum = ""; // Set after they scan the lot num and its valid. On Action: CheckProductScanningLotNum
            ps.PalletQty = lpd.Qty; //
            ps.UomCode   = lpd.UomCode;
            ps.Remark          = lpd.Remark;
            ps.LoosePickStatus = lpd.LoosePickStatus;
            ps.UserId          = lpd.UserId;
            ps.DPNum           = lpd.DPNum;

            //Keep PalletSelectionModel Object into Session
            Session["PalletSelectionModel"] = ps;

            //Get Suggested Lot Num from Web API
            List <LotNumSuggestion> lotNums = new List <LotNumSuggestion>();

            lotNums = GetSuggestionLotNum(ps.Company, ps.PartNum);
            if (lotNums != null)
                //Display in the modal
                TempData["LotNums"] = lotNums;

        //public ActionResult UpdateProductScanning(PalletSelectionModel obj)
        public ActionResult UpdateProductScanning(PalletSelectionModel obj)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (Session["Company"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            PalletSelectionModel sessionPallet = (PalletSelectionModel)Session["PalletSelectionModel"];

            obj.FromWareHouse = sessionPallet.FromWareHouse; //"L05";
            obj.FromBinNum    = sessionPallet.FromBinNum;    // "RS_BTL";
            obj.ToWareHouse   = sessionPallet.ToWareHouse;   //"L09";
            obj.ToBinNum      = sessionPallet.ToBinNum;      //"L09";
            //pallet.Qty = rmApi.Qty;
            obj.ShipByDate = (DateTime)Session["ShipByDate"];

            string errMsg = "-";
            string msg    = "-";
            string status = "";

            //Check Qty. If finish, change to LoosePickStatus to Full
            LoosePickingDetailModel lpd = (LoosePickingDetailModel)Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"];
            decimal newLpdQty           = 0;
            decimal qty       = lpd.Qty;
            decimal palletQty = obj.PalletQty;

            newLpdQty = qty - palletQty;
            if (newLpdQty <= 0)
                obj.LoosePickStatus = "Full";

            //JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            //var json = js.Serialize(obj);

            HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.PostAsJsonAsync("LPPalletSelection", obj).Result;

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                //Set New Qty in LPDM Session
                //lpd.Qty = newLpdQty;
                //Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] = lpd;
                //Session["LoosePickingDetailModelXQty"] = newLpdQty;
                lpd.Qty = newLpdQty;
                Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] = lpd;
                msg    = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                status = "Success";

                    JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(msg);
                    string  msgJ    = (string)jObject.SelectToken("Message");
                    string  msgDtl  = (string)jObject.SelectToken("MessageDetail");
                    if (msgDtl == null)
                        errMsg = msgJ;
                        errMsg = msgDtl;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errMsg = msg;
                msg    = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                status = "Fail";

                    JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(msg);
                    string  msgJ    = (string)jObject.SelectToken("Message");
                    string  msgDtl  = (string)jObject.SelectToken("MessageDetail");
                    if (msgDtl == null)
                        errMsg = msgJ;
                        errMsg = msgDtl;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errMsg = msg;

            return(Json(new { Message = errMsg, Status = status }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        // Keep only 1 loose picking detail in this page. Whole object is set from button click from JS (Details Page)
        public ActionResult PalletSelection(LoosePickingDetailModel obj)
            if (Session["User"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            if (Session["Company"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));

            //Clear Previous Session
            Session["PalletNum"]             = null;
            Session["PalletSelectionModels"] = null;

            //for back button. Call this action without parameters / object
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.PartNum) && Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] != null)
                obj = (LoosePickingDetailModel)Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"];

            //This qty is for JS Checking. If qty <= 0, then this item cannot be scan anymore
            ViewBag.LoosePickingDetailQty = obj.Qty;

            List <PalletModel> objLstPModels = new List <PalletModel> {
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 0, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 1, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 2, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 3, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 4, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 5, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 6, PQty = 0
                new PalletModel {
                    PId = 7, PQty = 0

            List <PalletSelectionModel> objLstPSelectedModels = new List <PalletSelectionModel>();
            string Qry = $"LPPalletSelection?Company={obj.Company}&SONum={obj.SONum}&ShipByDate={obj.ShipByDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}";
            HttpResponseMessage response = GlobalVariables.WebApiClient.GetAsync(Qry).Result;

            if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                objLstPSelectedModels            = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <PalletSelectionModel> >().Result;
                Session["PalletSelectionModels"] = objLstPSelectedModels;
            if (objLstPSelectedModels != null && objLstPSelectedModels.Any())
                foreach (var pm in objLstPModels)
                    decimal pqty = objLstPSelectedModels.Where(w => w.PalletNum == pm.PId).Sum(s => s.PalletQty);
                    pm.PQty = pqty;

                    objLstPSelectedModels.Where(w => w.PalletNum == pm.PId).Any(s => s.VerifyStatus == false ? pm.isVerified = false: pm.isVerified = true);

                //List<PalletSelectionModel> verifyPsms = psms.Where(w => w.PalletNum == id).ToList();
                //if (verifyPsms.Any(b => b.VerifyStatus == false))
                //    ViewBag.VerifyStatus = "F";
                //    ViewBag.VerifyStatus = "T";

            // Keep this loose picking detail object and bring it to Product Scanning Page
            Session["LoosePickingDetailModel"] = obj;
