private void WriteRows(List <ReportColumnMapping> columnDefinitions, List <SearchResultRow> rows) { int columnIndex; int progressPercent = 0; var firstRow = rows.First(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++) { columnIndex = 1; for (var j = 0; j < firstRow.Values.Count; j++) { var value = rows[i].Values[j].Value; var columnDefinition = columnDefinitions.First(x => x.Id == rows[i].Values[j].ColumnId); string dataFormat = GetDataFormat(columnDefinition); int precision = GetPrecision(columnDefinition); SetCellValue(rowIndex, columnIndex, value, dataFormat, precision); columnIndex++; if (ProgressCallback != null) { progressPercent = (int)((((double)100) / rows.Count) * i); ProgressCallback.Invoke(progressPercent); LoopTimer.Loop(); } } rowIndex++; } }
public void TestLoopTimer3X() { // This test will fail unless the assembly is marked with the // [assembly: CollectionBehavior(DisableTestParallelization = true)] // This is because when running tests in parallel, the thread prioritization // system behaves unexpectedly. The lesson for end-users is: If you require something // to happen at a certain time, make sure that owner of the Timer object is your main thread. var ct462 = 0; ServiceTimer timer = new LoopTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.01)); timer.AddEvent( (s, e) => { _output.WriteLine("poke: " + Interlocked.Increment(ref ct462)); }); timer.Run(); var t = Task.Delay(50); t.Wait(); timer.ShutDown(); _output.WriteLine("Asserting..."); // TODO: Running local returns 4 as expected; running on AppVeyor returns // 12. Presumably running in parallel on steroids? ct462.ShouldBeInRange(2, 6); }
public void Start() { Skype = new SKYPE4COMLib.Skype(); Skype.Attach(); LoopTimer.Start(); }
private void DoTimer(TimeSpan delay) { if (m_Timer != null) m_Timer.Stop(); m_Timer = new LoopTimer(this, delay); m_Timer.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Method <c>Awake</c> called by engine as part of startup process. Used to /// initialize important values. /// </summary> public void Awake() { rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); audioSrc = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); gameContScript = gameCont.GetComponent <MazeNewGameController>(); flashTimer = new LoopTimer(MakeVisible, SwitchVisibility, 0.6f, 0.1f); rend = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); }
public HealthInfo(double displayInterval, int sampleCount) { DisplayTimer = new LoopTimer(displayInterval); OffsetAbsoluteDeviation = new SimpleMovingAverage(0, sampleCount); RttAbsoluteDeviation = new SimpleMovingAverage(0, sampleCount); Sent = 0; Received = 0; }
private void ProcessRequestThreadStart(ReportStatus status, SearchRequest request, string filePath) { try { // setup request.PageSize = _defaultPageSize; status.ProgressPercentage = 0; status.StatusMessage = "Processing"; UpdateReportStatus(status); var dataSource = _reportsDataSourceFactory.GetDataSource(status.Platform); var columnDefinitions = dataSource.GetColumnMappings(request.SelectedColumns); var loopTimer = new LoopTimer <ReportStatus>(DateTime.Now, StatusUpdateTimerInterval, x => UpdateReportStatus(x), status); // loop through all pages loading the data var data = LoadAllData(ref status, request, dataSource, loopTimer); // save all the data into a spreadsheet using (var renderer = _spreadsheetWriterFactory.NewWriter()) { status.StatusMessage = "Saving"; UpdateReportStatus(status); renderer.LoopTimer = loopTimer; renderer.ProgressCallback = (i => status.ProgressPercentage = (int)(((double)100 * Configuration.Exports.DataLoadPercent) + ((double)Configuration.Exports.DataSavePercent * i))); renderer.Write(columnDefinitions, data, writeColumnHeaders: true); string fileName = string.Format("report-{0}.xlsx", status.Id); renderer.Save(Path.Combine(filePath, fileName)); } // finish status.ProgressPercentage = 100; status.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now; status.StatusMessage = "Complete"; UpdateReportStatus(status); } catch (Exception ex) { // This runs in a separate thread. We can't throw or the whole process will get killed. try { status.StatusMessage = "Failed"; status.ErrorMessage = ex.Message; status.StackTrace = ex.StackTrace; status.DateCompleted = DateTime.Now; UpdateReportStatus(status); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: log } } }
private void InitializeGame() { player = new Player(); enemyManager = EnemyManager.GetInstance(); enemyManager.Initialize(); projectileManager = ProjectileManager.GetInstance(); projectileManager.Initialize(); loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); timeLogger = TimeLogger.GetInstance(); Loop(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts the TimerViewModel clock and the LoopTimer clock. /// Instantiates the LoopTimer with the TimerViewModel's attributes. /// </summary> public async Task Start() { clock = new Timer(100); clock.Elapsed += Sync; clock.AutoReset = true; clock.Start(); await Task.Run(() => { lt = new LoopTimer(this); lt.Start(); }); }
public ServerTime(ManualLogSource log, Peer server, double interval, Timestamped <PingMessage> seed) { _log = log; _server = server; _pingTimer = new LoopTimer(interval); var offset = ProcessPong(seed, out var rtt, out _offsetBounds); _offsetAverage = new ExponentialMovingAverage(offset, EMA_ALPHA); _rttAverage = new ExponentialMovingAverage(rtt, EMA_ALPHA); }
internal H3Client(ManualLogSource log, ClientConfig config, StatefulActivity discord, PeerMessageList <H3Client> messages, byte channelsCount, double tickDeltaTime, Version version, IPEndPoint endpoint, ConnectionRequestMessage request, OnH3ClientDisconnect onDisconnected) : base(log, messages, channelsCount, new Events(), version, endpoint, x => x.Put(request)) { _log = log; _config = config; _discord = discord; _onDisconnected = onDisconnected; _tickDeltaTime = tickDeltaTime; _tickTimer = new LoopTimer(tickDeltaTime); _players = new Dictionary <byte, Puppet>(); _health = new HealthInfo(HEALTH_INTERVAL, (int)(HEALTH_INTERVAL / PING_INTERVAL)); }
public Projectile( MovementModule movementModule, SKBitmap projBitmap, Animator animatorExpl, float damage ) { this.movementModule = movementModule; this.projBitmap = projBitmap; this.animatorExpl = animatorExpl; explDuration = animatorExpl.GetLoopDuration(); this.damage = damage; friendly = false; loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); }
private void Start() { float height = Camera.main.orthographicSize * 2; float width = height * Camera.main.aspect; viewPort = new Vector2(width, height); xPosition = width * xPercentage - width / 2; rend = GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); spriteHeight = rend.sprite.bounds.size.y; spriteHeight *= transform.localScale.y; flashTimer = new LoopTimer(MakeVisible, SwitchVisibility, 0.50f, 0.1f); audioSrc = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); }
internal H3Server(ManualLogSource log, HostConfig config, RandomNumberGenerator rng, PeerMessageList <H3Server> messages, byte channelsCount, Version version, double tickDeltaTime, IPEndPoint publicEndPoint) : base(log, messages, channelsCount, new Events(messages.Definitions[typeof(Timestamped <PingMessage>)]), version, config.Binding.IPv4.Value, config.Binding.IPv6.Value, config.Binding.Port.Value) { _log = log; _config = config; _partyID = Key32.FromRandom(rng); _tickTimer = new LoopTimer(tickDeltaTime); _peerIDs = new Dictionary <Peer, byte>(); _husks = new Dictionary <byte, Husk>(); _selfID = -1; Secret = new JoinSecret(version, publicEndPoint, Key32.FromRandom(rng), tickDeltaTime); HostKey = Key32.FromRandom(rng); }
public Animator(string resourceString, int nSteps, int stepDuration) { nStepsPre = 0; nStepsHold = nSteps; nStepsPost = 0; this.stepDuration = stepDuration; bitmapsArrayHold = new SKBitmap[nSteps]; for (int i = 0; i < nSteps; i++) { bitmapsArrayHold[i] = Helper.LoadBitmap( resourceString + GetStepIdentifierString(i) + ".png" ); } loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); //TODO move call out of constructor Start(); }
public Enemy( float maxHealth, MovementModule movementModule, WeaponModule weaponModule, Animator animatorNormal, Animator animatorExpl ) { this.maxHealth = maxHealth; health = maxHealth; this.movementModule = movementModule; this.weaponModule = weaponModule; this.animatorNormal = animatorNormal; this.animatorExpl = animatorExpl; explDuration = animatorExpl.GetLoopDuration(); loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); }
private void DoStageSetup() { //Debug.Log("Difficulty: " + _GlobalVariables.difficulty); float waitTime = difficultyWaitTimes[_GlobalVariables.difficulty]; float spawnTime = difficultySpawnRates[_GlobalVariables.difficulty]; float spawnPeriodTime = spawnTime * (difficultySectionFaces[_GlobalVariables.difficulty] + 1); //Added 1 to section faces number to make final "spawn" actually be the switch to restTimer currentSection = 0; spawnPattern = GetSpawnPattern(); //Debug.Log("spawnPattern: " + spawnPattern.ToString()); restTimer = new LoopTimer(SwitchTimer, waitTime); spawnTimer = new LoopTimer(SwitchTimer, SpawnNextFace, spawnPeriodTime, spawnTime); currentTimer = restTimer; currentTimer.Reset(); }
public WeaponModuleUnit( float frequency, float damage, MovementModule movementTemplate, SKBitmap projBitmap, Animator animatorExpl ) { shootInterval = 1000 / frequency; this.damage = damage; this.movementTemplate = movementTemplate; this.projBitmap = projBitmap; this.animatorExpl = animatorExpl; loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); cooldownStartTime = loopTimer.GetTotalMs(); friendly = false; projectileManager = ProjectileManager.GetInstance(); //fireAudioPlayer = // Helper.LoadAudioPlayer(""); }
public Animator( string resourceStringPre, string resourceStringHold, string resourceStringPost, int nStepsPre, int nStepsHold, int nStepsPost, int stepDuration ) { this.nStepsPre = nStepsPre; this.nStepsHold = nStepsHold; this.nStepsPost = nStepsPost; this.stepDuration = stepDuration; bitmapsArrayPre = new SKBitmap[nStepsPre]; bitmapsArrayHold = new SKBitmap[nStepsHold]; bitmapsArrayPost = new SKBitmap[nStepsPost]; for (int i = 0; i < nStepsPre; i++) { bitmapsArrayPre[i] = Helper.LoadBitmap( resourceStringPre + GetStepIdentifierString(i) + ".png" ); } for (int i = 0; i < nStepsHold; i++) { bitmapsArrayHold[i] = Helper.LoadBitmap( resourceStringHold + GetStepIdentifierString(i) + ".png" ); } for (int i = 0; i < nStepsPost; i++) { bitmapsArrayPost[i] = Helper.LoadBitmap( resourceStringPost + GetStepIdentifierString(i) + ".png" ); } loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); }
public Player() { pos = new SKPoint( Settings.Player.startPosX, Settings.Player.startPosY ); speed = 0; playerBitmapUp = Helper.LoadBitmap(""); playerBitmapDown = Helper.LoadBitmap(""); playerBitmapNeutral = Helper.LoadBitmap(""); weaponModuleFactory = WeaponModuleFactory.GetInstance(); loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); weapon = weaponModuleFactory.CreatePlayerWeapon( Settings.Player.Weapon.frequency, Settings.Player.Weapon.damage, Settings.Player.Weapon.projSpeed ); weapon.SetFriendly(); = false; jetPackActive = false; animatorExpl = new Animator( "", 1, Settings.Player.explAnimStepDuration ); explDuration = Settings.Player.explAnimStepDuration * 1; animatorJetPack = new Animator( "", "", "", 8, 23, 19, Settings.Player.jetPackAnimStepDuration ); }
private BackAndForthMovUnit() { loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); cycleStart = loopTimer.GetTotalMs(); }
public void Stop() { LoopTimer.Stop(); Skype = null; }
private List <SearchResultRow> LoadAllData(ref ReportStatus status, SearchRequest request, IReportsDataSource dataSource, LoopTimer <ReportStatus> loopTimer) { request.PageIndex = 0; request.GetCount = true; // get the first page, with a count var page = GetPage(request, dataSource); var totalRows = page.Summary.TotalRows; var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)totalRows / request.PageSize); var result = page.Data; // getting count could have an impact on performance and is only needed for the first request request.GetCount = false; while (request.PageIndex + 1 < totalPages) { request.PageIndex++; page = GetPage(request, dataSource); if (page != null && page.Data != null && page.Data.Any()) { result.AddRange(page.Data); } status.ProgressPercentage = (int)Math.Floor(((double)100 / totalPages) * (request.PageIndex + 1) * Configuration.Exports.DataLoadPercent); loopTimer.Loop(); } return(result); }
private CircularMovUnit() { loopTimer = LoopTimer.GetInstance(); cycleStart = loopTimer.GetTotalMs(); }
private void DoTimer(TimeSpan delay) { if (this.m_Timer != null) this.m_Timer.Stop(); this.m_Timer = new LoopTimer(this, delay); this.m_Timer.Start(); }
private void TimerForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { LoopTimer.Start(); this.Size = new Size(168, 32); }