public static LoginPO LoginDOToPO(LoginDO from)
            LoginPO to = new LoginPO();

            to.Username = from.Username;
            to.Password = from.Password;
Example #2
        //Method for mapping from PO to DO
        public static LoginDO LoginPOtoDO(LoginPO from)
            //Declaring a new DO object using the WinsDO model
            LoginDO to = new LoginDO();

            //Mapping all relevant information. from is the pass in, to is the result.
            to.Username = from.Username;
            to.Password = from.Password;
            //sends the data back to the method that called it
Example #3
        public LoginDO ViewUserByUsername(LoginDO form)
            SqlConnection connectionToSql = null;
            SqlCommand    storedProcedure = null;
            SqlDataReader reader          = null;
            LoginDO       loginDO         = null;

                connectionToSql             = new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
                storedProcedure             = new SqlCommand("USER_LOGIN", connectionToSql);
                storedProcedure.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                storedProcedure.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", form.Username);

                reader = storedProcedure.ExecuteReader();

                loginDO = new LoginDO();

                if (reader.Read())
                    loginDO.Username = reader["Username"] as string;
                    loginDO.UserId   = (int)reader["UserID"];
                    loginDO.RoleId   = (int)reader["RoleID"];
                    loginDO.Password = reader["Password"] as string;
                    loginDO = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
                if (connectionToSql != null)
        //Method for searching the database by username, and returning username, password, roleId, and userId
        public LoginDO ValidLogin(string username)
            //Defining SqlConnection for this method
            SqlConnection scon = new SqlConnection(_conn);
            //Establishing new list using model LoginDO
            LoginDO login = new LoginDO();
            //Establishing a new data adapter
            SqlDataAdapter adapter = null;
            //Establishing a new data table
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            //Beginning the processes
                //Defining a variable for the SqlCommand, as well as the stored proc and connection we're using
                SqlCommand loginCheck = new SqlCommand("LOGIN_INFO_RETRIEVAL", scon);
                //Defining what kind of command our SqlCommand is
                loginCheck.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                //Adding in all the variables. Format: ("@SqlVariable", C#VariableValue)
                loginCheck.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Username", username);
                //defining our adapter and what command it uses
                adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(loginCheck);
                //telling code to use the data table to fill itself
                //setting our object equal to all information pulled from database by running it through a mapper
                login = LoginListMap.RowToItem(table.Rows[0]);
            //Catch for any errors that may happen
            catch (Exception ex)
                //passing in the exception that was thrown to the errorhandler
            //finally cleans up any last loose ends
                //closing SqlConnection
                //disposing of the SqlConnection
            //Sending all information pulled from the database up to the PL
        public ActionResult Login(LoginPO form)
            ActionResult response = null;
            LoginPO      login    = new LoginPO();

                //Checks ModelState to be sure info inputted matches the current model
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    LoginDO dataObject    = LoginMapper.LoginPOToDO(form);
                    LoginDO databaseLogin = _dataAccess.ViewUserByUsername(dataObject);

                    //Checks whether the inputted password and username are correct, and handles that properly
                    if (databaseLogin == null || form.Password != databaseLogin.Password)
                        ModelState.AddModelError("Password", "Username or password incorrect, please try again.");
                        response = View();
                    else if (form.Password == databaseLogin.Password && form.Username == databaseLogin.Username)
                        Session["Username"] = databaseLogin.Username;
                        Session["UserID"]   = databaseLogin.UserId;
                        Session["RoleID"]   = databaseLogin.RoleId;

                        //keeps user logged in for 5 minutes, after they log in they get sent to home page
                        Session.Timeout = 5;
                        response        = RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
                    response = View();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Log("Fatal", ex.TargetSite.ToString(), ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
Example #6
        //Method for assigning data from database values to c# values
        public static LoginDO RowToItem(DataRow iSource)
            //Establishing a object using model LoginDO
            LoginDO to = new LoginDO();

            //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
            to.UserId = (long)iSource["UserId"];
            //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
            to.UserRoleId = (int)iSource["UserRoleId"];
            //Checking if SQL value is null or not, and if not, proceeds into the if
            if (iSource["Username"] != DBNull.Value)
                //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
                to.Username = iSource["Username"].ToString();
            //Checking if SQL value is null or not, and if not, proceeds into the if
            if (iSource["Password"] != DBNull.Value)
                //pulling "Value" from SQL, casting it or converting it as necessary, and assigning it to it's c# equivalent
                to.Password = iSource["Password"].ToString();
            //Return all data to previous method
Example #7
        //Call to check the credentials of a user in the database for Login
        public LoginDO UserLogin(LoginDO userLogin)
            //Try(catch) to open a connection and access the server database
                using (SqlConnection sqlConnect = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                    using (SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("USER_LOGIN", sqlConnect))
                        sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                        sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@UserName", userLogin.UserName);
                        sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Password", userLogin.Password);

                        using (SqlDataReader dataReader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader())
                            while (dataReader.Read())
                                userLogin.UserID    = (int)dataReader["UserID"];
                                userLogin.ProfileID = (int)dataReader["ProfileID"];
                                userLogin.UserName  = (string)dataReader["UserName"];
                                userLogin.JobTitle  = (string)dataReader["JobTitle"];
                                userLogin.RoleName  = (string)dataReader["RoleName"];
            catch (Exception error)
                Logger Error = new Logger();
            finally { }
