public PermissionItem(Guid permissionItemGuid, int permissionItemValue, Guid createUserGuid, UserTypes createUserType, Logics isFreeAwayCreator) { this.permissionKey = GuidHelper.NewGuid(); this.permissionItemGuid = permissionItemGuid; this.permissionItemValue = permissionItemValue; this.createUserGuid = createUserGuid; this.createUserType = createUserType; this.isFreeAwayCreator = isFreeAwayCreator; }
public static String getLogicString(Logics logic) { switch (logic) { case Logics.AND: return "AND"; case Logics.OR: return "OR"; } return null; }
public ActionResult Profile(string username, int page = 1) { ApplicationUser user; if (UserManager.IsUserNameExistWithValidation(username, out user)) { var algorithms = new Logics(); ViewBag.Title = username + "'s apps collection"; ViewBag.Meta = "Mobile apps, apps review, apple apps, android apps, " + ViewBag.Title; ViewBag.Keywords = ViewBag.Meta; if (user != null) { var apps = algorithms.GetViewableApps(db) .Where(n => n.PostedByUserID == user.UserID) .Include(n => n.User) .OrderByDescending(n => n.AppID); var pageInfo = new PaginationInfo { ItemsInPage = AppConfig.Setting.PageItems, PageNumber = page, PagesExists = -1 }; var appsForThisPage = apps.GetPageData(pageInfo, CacheNames.ProfilePaginationDataForSpecificProfile, true) .ToList(); algorithms.GetEmbedImagesWithApp(appsForThisPage, db, (int)pageInfo.ItemsInPage, GalleryCategoryIDs.SearchIcon); ViewBag.Apps = appsForThisPage; var eachUrl = "/profiles/" + user.UserName + "?page=@page"; ViewBag.paginationHtml = new HtmlString(Pagination.GetList(pageInfo, eachUrl, "", maxNumbersOfPagesShow: MaxNumbersOfPagesShow)); ViewBag.breadcrumbs = algorithms.GetBredcrumbsBasedOnCurrentUrl(); return(View(user)); } } ViewBag.Reason = "User not found."; return(View("_404")); }
async Task UpdateAsync() { while (true) { _state = await UpdateState(); if (_state == null) { await Task.Delay(500); continue; } var result = Logics.TryGetResult(_state); if (result != null) { End(result); return; } if (_state.GetTurnOwner() != _playerName) { await Task.Delay(500); continue; } while (true) { DrawField(); DrawTurnInfo(); var intent = AskForIntent(); if (intent != null) { await SendIntentAsync(intent); break; } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Task 10.1.12"); bool ansOpen = ConsoleUtility.AnswerOpen(); List <Triangle> Matrix = new List <Triangle>(); List <Triangle> newMatrix = new List <Triangle>(); if (ansOpen == true) { Matrix = ConsoleUtility.MatrixRead(); Console.WriteLine("Генерирум список трекгольников..."); ConsoleUtility.OutputMatrix(Matrix); } else { Console.WriteLine("Введите размерность матрицы"); int row = ConsoleUtility.InputRowAndColumn("Кол-во строк в матрице: "); Console.WriteLine("Генерирум список трекгольников..."); Matrix = GVUtility.CreateRandomMatrix(row); ConsoleUtility.OutputMatrix(Matrix); } Logics log = new Logics(Matrix); newMatrix = log.TriangleIn4Part(); if (newMatrix.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Ни один из данных треугольников не может лежать сразу в 4 четвертях"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Эти треугольники лежат в 4 четвертях на координатной сетке:"); ConsoleUtility.OutputMatrix(newMatrix); ConsoleUtility.WriteMatrix(newMatrix); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public ActionResult Specific(string platformName, int page = 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(platformName)) { var alg = new Logics(); var pageInfo = new PaginationInfo { ItemsInPage = AppConfig.Setting.PageItems, PageNumber = page }; var platform = alg.GetPlatformPageApps(platformName, pageInfo, CacheNames.PlatformPageSpecificPagesCount + "-" + platformName); if (platform != null) { var eachUrl = "/Apps/Mobile/Platforms/" + platform.PlatformName + "/@page"; ViewBag.paginationHtml = Pagination.GetList(pageInfo, eachUrl, "", maxNumbersOfPagesShow: MaxNumbersOfPagesShow); return(View(platform)); } } ViewBag.Reason = "Platform not found. Please try /Android or /Apple"; return(View("_404")); }
/// <summary> /// 判断某人员在某企业是否为首次回款 /// </summary> /// <param name="enterpriseKey"></param> /// <param name="laborKey"></param> /// <param name="excudeSalarySummaryKey">排除在外的工资摘要Key</param> /// <returns></returns> public Logics IsFirstCash(string enterpriseKey, string laborKey, string excudeSalarySummaryKey = "") { Logics result = Logics.False; string sqlClause = string.Format("select count(*) from XQYCSalarySummary where EnterpriseKey='{0}' AND LaborKey='{1}' ", enterpriseKey, laborKey); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(excudeSalarySummaryKey) == false) { sqlClause += string.Format(" AND SalarySummaryGuid !='{0}' ", excudeSalarySummaryKey); } int valueCount = Convert.ToInt32(base.GetScalar(sqlClause)); if (valueCount > 0) { result = Logics.False; } else { result = Logics.True; } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Called specifically from Post save or edit save /// not from AdditionNeccessaryFields /// </summary> /// <param name="appId"></param> /// <param name="uploadGuid"></param> /// <param name="tagString">Given tag list as comma separated value.</param> private void ManageTagsInDatabase(long appId, Guid uploadGuid, string tagString) { new Thread(() => { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tagString)) { using (var db2 = new ReviewAppsEntities()) { // remove any previous tag relation with this app. // remove all previous tag relation-ship with this app. db2.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("DELETE FROM TagAppRelation WHERE AppID=@p0", appId); var tagsList = tagString.Split(";,".ToCharArray()); foreach (var tag in tagsList) { string tagDisplay = Logics.GetAllUpperCaseTitle(tag); var tagFromDatabase = db2.Tags.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TagDisplay == tagDisplay); if (tagFromDatabase == null) { // creating tag // if tag not exist in the database then create one. tagFromDatabase = new Tag { TagDisplay = Logics.GetAllUpperCaseTitle(tagDisplay) }; db2.Tags.Add(tagFromDatabase); } //db2.SaveChanges(); //remove this for testing if works // add tag relation with this app var newTagRel = new TagAppRelation(); //newTagRel.TagID = tagFromDatabase.TagID; // may not need to bind the tags id because it will be done by EF newTagRel.AppID = appId; tagFromDatabase.TagAppRelations.Add(newTagRel); db2.SaveChanges(); } } } }).Start(); }
public void NoIntentsAfterWin() { var state = CheckWin(_horizontalWin, "X"); Assert.False(Logics.IsIntentValid(state, new Intent("O", 2, 0))); }
private bool IsExcuted() { Logics logic = BusinessLogBLL.Instance.GetLogStatus(TaskNameInConfig, DateTime.Today); return(Converter.ToBoolean(logic)); }
public ListofItems() { logicsData = Logics.Instance; this.InitializeComponent(); allItemsListView.ItemsSource = logicsData.GetAllLibraryItems(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine("Hello strategic tic-tac-toe demo!"); Console.WriteLine(); bool aiStep = true; var externalLogics = new Logics(); bool success = false; while (!success) { Console.WriteLine("First move settings: [a] ai or [h] human"); string settings = Console.ReadLine(); if (settings == "a") { aiStep = true; externalLogics.IsInverted = false; success = true; } else if (settings == "h") { aiStep = false; externalLogics.IsInverted = true; success = true; } } var solverConfiguration = new SolverConfiguration(); var solverFactory = new SolverFactory <Position, Cell>(externalLogics, solverConfiguration, SolverLog); ISolver <Cell> solver = solverFactory.Create(); Position position = new Position(); IList <Cell> history = new List <Cell>(); while (!position.IsEnded) { PrintPosition(position); Cell next; Position copy = new Position(position.History); if (aiStep) { while (true) { try { solver = solverFactory.Create(); next = AiStep(history, solver); copy.Do(next); break; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } else { while (true) { try { next = HumanStep(); copy.Do(next); break; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } } } position.Do(next); history.Add(next); aiStep = !aiStep; } if (!position.HasWinner) { Console.WriteLine("Game over, DRAW!"); } else { Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Game over, {0} WON!", aiStep ? "human" : "ai")); } PrintPosition(position); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void ThrowOnInvaldIntent() { Assert.False(Logics.IsIntentValid(null, null)); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => Logics.ExecuteIntent(null, null)); }
public void InvalidState() { Assert.False(Logics.IsIntentValid(null, new Intent("X", 0, 0))); }
/// <summary> /// 按照类别获取公式集合 /// </summary> /// <param name="costKind"></param> /// <param name="costType"></param> /// <param name="onlyDisplayUsable"></param> /// <param name="whereClause"></param> /// <param name="paras"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <CostFormularEntity> GetList(CostKinds costKind, CostTypes costType, Logics onlyDisplayUsable, string whereClause, params IDbDataParameter[] paras) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereClause)) { whereClause = " 1=1 "; } whereClause += string.Format(" AND CostKind={0} AND CostType={1} ", (int)costKind, (int)costType); return(base.GetList(onlyDisplayUsable, whereClause, 0, string.Empty, paras)); }
public static MeshData PointCloudFromRaycasts(int resolution, int seed, Vector2 sampleCenter, WorldData worldData, PlantProfile profile) { #region Variables Random.State initialState = Random.state; Random.InitState(seed); int verticesPerLine = resolution; float spaceBetweenGrass = (float)Statics.terrainDataDetailResolution / verticesPerLine; float noise = spaceBetweenGrass * 0.25f; float maxAltitude = Statics.maximumGlobalHeight + 1; float minAltitude = Statics.minimumGlobalHeight - 1; float elevation; Ray ray; RaycastHit hit; float distance = maxAltitude - minAltitude; LayerMask collisionMask = Statics.groundLayer; LayerMask obstacleMask = Statics.noGrowZone; Vector3 vertexPosition; Vector2 uvPercent; Vector3 normalDirection; Color color; int index = 0; MeshData meshData = new MeshData(true); #endregion for (int z = 0; z < verticesPerLine; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < verticesPerLine; x++) { float realX = x * spaceBetweenGrass; float realZ = z * spaceBetweenGrass; Vector2 noiseOffset = new Vector2(Random.Range(-noise, noise), Random.Range(-noise, noise)); Vector2 sampleOffset = new Vector2(realX - (verticesPerLine * 0.5f), realZ - (verticesPerLine * 0.5f)); Vector3 origin = new Vector3(sampleCenter.x + sampleOffset.x + noiseOffset.x, maxAltitude, sampleCenter.y + sampleOffset.y + noiseOffset.y); if (profile.density < Statics.hash.SampleHashAbs(origin)) { continue; } elevation = Logics.SampleDataSet(origin.z, origin.x, worldData.elevation); if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Terrestrial) { if (elevation < (Statics.minimumGrowthHeight + 1f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } if (elevation > (Statics.maximumGrowthHeight - 1f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } } else if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Marine) { if (elevation > (Statics.minimumGrowthHeight + 1f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } if (elevation < Statics.seaLevel - 0.002f) { continue; } } else if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Aquatic) { if (elevation > Statics.seaLevel - 0.002f) { continue; } } ray = new Ray(origin, -Vector3.up); if (Physics.Raycast(origin + (Vector3.up * (1000 - maxAltitude)), -Vector3.up, out hit, distance + 1001, obstacleMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { continue; } if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, distance, collisionMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { vertexPosition = new Vector3(hit.point.x - sampleCenter.x, hit.point.y - 0.01f, hit.point.z - sampleCenter.y); uvPercent = new Vector2((realX + noiseOffset.x) / verticesPerLine, (realZ + noiseOffset.y) / verticesPerLine); float perlin = Statics.hash.SamplePerlin(vertexPosition); normalDirection = hit.normal * Maths.Map(perlin, 0.25f, 0.75f, 0.5f, 1.25f); if (perlin <= profile.diseasePrevalence) { color = Color.Lerp(profile.unhealthyDark, profile.unhealthyBright, Statics.hash.SampleHashAbs(vertexPosition)); } else { color = Color.Lerp(profile.healthyDark, profile.healthyBright, Statics.hash.SampleHashAbs(vertexPosition)); } meshData.AddPoint(index, vertexPosition, uvPercent, normalDirection, color); index++; } } } Random.state = initialState; return(meshData); }
public override void InitState() { base.InitState(); MenuSongSrc = new VSoundSource("Foom/Song/intro1.mp3"); MenuSongSound = MenuSongSrc.Play2D(true); var img = new ImageForm().Set(300, 800, 300, 300, "").SetImage(new Texture2D("Foom/Img/Intro/img1.jpg", LoadMethod.Single, true)); UI.BootAlpha = 0.0f; int tc = 0; void ImgUp1() { img.Y = img.Y - 3; } bool ImgUpR() { if (img.Y < 200) { return(true); } return(false); } void Img1Text() { } bool Img1TextD() { if (Environment.TickCount > (tc + 3000)) { return(true); } return(false); } //int tc = 0; void FadeUi1() { } void UI3() { } bool UI3D() { if (Environment.TickCount > (tc + 3500)) { return(true); } return(false); } void UI4S() { SUI.Root.Forms.Clear(); var img1 = new ImageForm().Set(50, 50, 600, 600).SetImage(new Texture2D("Foom/Img/Intro/img3.jpg", LoadMethod.Single, false)); var tex1 = new ImageForm().Set(100, 300, 600, 250).SetImage(new Texture2D("Foom/Img/Intro/text2.png", LoadMethod.Single, true)); SUI.Root.Forms.Add(img1); SUI.Root.Add(img1); img1.Add(tex1); UI.TarAlpha = 1.0f; } bool FadeDone1() { if (Environment.TickCount > (tc + 3500)) { UI.TarAlpha = 0.0f; if (UI.BootAlpha < 0.01f) { UI.TarAlpha = 1.0f; return(true); } } return(false); } void UI3S() { tc = Environment.TickCount; SUI.Root.Forms.Clear(); var img2 = new ImageForm().Set(100, 100, 400, 400).SetImage(new Texture2D("Foom/Img/Intro/img2.jpg", LoadMethod.Single, true)); SUI.Root.Add(img2); var log1 = new ImageForm().Set(220, 350, 500, 250).SetImage(new Texture2D("Foom/Img/Intro/text1.png", LoadMethod.Single, true)); SUI.Root.Add(log1); Logics.When(FadeDone1, UI4S); UI.TarAlpha = 1.0f; Logics.Do(UI3, UI3D); } // bool UI3D() // { // return false; //} bool FadeUID() { if (UI.BootAlpha < 0.01f) { return(true); } return(false); } void FadeUI() { UI.TarAlpha = 0.0f; Logics.Do(FadeUi1, FadeUID, UI3S); // UI.BootAlpha += (0.0f - UI.BootAlpha) * 0.1f; } void NextImg() { tc = Environment.TickCount; Logics.Do(Img1Text, Img1TextD, FadeUI); var text = new LabelForm().Set(600, 250, 200, 80, "The Dawn Of Hell..."); SUI.Root.Forms.Add(text); } Logics.Do(ImgUp1, ImgUpR, NextImg); SUI = new UI(); SUI.Root.Add(img); }
public Login() { logicsData = Logics.Instance; this.InitializeComponent(); }
/// Apply the preferences to the Scenario /// </summary> /// <param name="prefs"></param> private void SetPreferences(Logics.Preferences.FormPrefs prefs) { if (prefs == null || Scenario == null) { return; } Scenario.SetPositionInfo(prefs.PosX, prefs.PosY, prefs.Width, prefs.Height, prefs.Properties); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有的角色 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List<BusinessRole> GetList(Logics onlyDisplayUsable, string whereClause) { string cacheKey = CoreCacheKeys.GetRoleListKey(onlyDisplayUsable, whereClause); return CacheHelper.Access<Logics, string, List<BusinessRole>>(cacheKey, CacheHelper.AFewTime, DALSave.GetList, onlyDisplayUsable, whereClause); }
public void Add(LogicFlowModel[] logics) { Logics.AddRange(logics); }
public static List <TreeData> TreeCloudFromRaycasts(int seed, Vector2 sampleCenter, WorldData worldData, PlantProfile profile) { #region Variables Random.State initialState = Random.state; Random.InitState(seed); List <TreeData> treeCloud = new List <TreeData>(); Vector3 position; Quaternion rotation; Vector3 scale; int density = Mathf.RoundToInt((Statics.terrainDataResolution * 0.5f) * profile.density); float maxAltitude = Statics.maximumGlobalHeight + 1; float minAltitude = Statics.minimumGlobalHeight - 1; float noise = 0.5f; Ray ray; RaycastHit hit; float distance = maxAltitude - minAltitude; LayerMask collisionMask = Statics.groundLayer; LayerMask obstacleMask = Statics.obstacleLayer; float elevation; #endregion for (int i = 0; i < density; i++) { Vector3 origin = new Vector3(sampleCenter.x, 0, sampleCenter.y); origin.y = maxAltitude; origin.x += Statics.terrainDataResolution * Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f); origin.z += Statics.terrainDataResolution * Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f); elevation = Logics.SampleDataSet(origin.z, origin.x, worldData.elevation); if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Terrestrial) { if (elevation < (Statics.minimumGrowthHeight + 2.5f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } if (elevation > (Statics.maximumGrowthHeight - 2.5f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } } else if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Marine) { if (elevation > (Statics.minimumGrowthHeight + 2.5f) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight) { continue; } if (elevation < Statics.seaLevel - 0.002f) { continue; } } else if (profile.habitat == PlantHabitat.Aquatic) { if (elevation > Statics.seaLevel - 0.002f) { continue; } } ray = new Ray(origin, -Vector3.up); if (Physics.Raycast(origin + (Vector3.up * (1000 - maxAltitude)), -Vector3.up, out hit, distance + 1001, obstacleMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { continue; } if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, distance, collisionMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.Collide)) { position = hit.point - Vector3.up * Random.Range(1f, 2f); rotation = Quaternion.Euler( (Vector3.right * Random.Range(-noise, noise)) + (Vector3.up * Random.Range(0, 360)) + (Vector3.forward * Random.Range(-noise, noise)) ); scale = * Random.Range(1 - noise, 1 + noise); GameObject newTree = Instantiate(profile.model, Statics.treesParent, true); = + " (" + i + ")"; newTree.transform.position = position; newTree.transform.rotation = rotation; newTree.transform.localScale = scale; treeCloud.Add(new TreeData(position, rotation, scale)); } } Random.state = initialState; return(treeCloud); }
public ClusteredMapRenderer() { Logics.Remove(Logics.OfType <PinLogic>().First()); Logics.Add(new ClusterLogic(Config.ImageFactory, OnMarkerCreating, OnMarkerCreated, OnMarkerDeleting, OnMarkerDeleted)); }
public void Remove(int seq) { Logics.RemoveAll(x => x.Seq == seq); }
public override void InitState() { Console.WriteLine("Loading logo tex."); LogoTex = new StarEngine.Texture.VTex2D("Data\\2D\\Logo\\DarkArtLogo.png", LoadMethod.Single); PresTex = new VTex2D("Data\\2D\\Logo\\Presents.png", LoadMethod.Single); GameTex = new VTex2D("Data\\2D\\Logo\\ArenaLogo.png", LoadMethod.Single); Console.WriteLine("Loaded."); ms = StarSoundSys.Play2DFile("Data\\Music\\Logo\\LogoTheme1.wav"); VPen.SetProj(0, 0, StarApp.W, StarApp.H); bool AlphaUp() { LogoAlpha = LogoAlpha + 0.015f; if (LogoAlpha > 1.0f) { return(true); } return(false); } int waitStart = 0; void WaitInit() { waitStart = Environment.TickCount; } bool WaitABit() { if (Environment.TickCount > waitStart + 2000) { return(true); } return(false); } bool logoDone = false; bool AlphaDown() { LogoAlpha -= 0.01f; if (LogoAlpha < 0.0f) { logoDone = true; LogoAlpha = 0.0f; return(true); } return(false); } void TestDo() { } void DoPresent() { LogoAlpha = 0.0f; PresentLogo = true; } void DoGame() { LogoAlpha = 0.0f; GameLogo = true; } void Done() { ms.Stop(); ToMenu = true; } Logics.Flow(null, AlphaUp); Logics.Flow(WaitInit, WaitABit); Logics.Flow(null, AlphaDown, DoPresent); Logics.Flow(null, AlphaUp); Logics.Flow(WaitInit, WaitABit); Logics.Flow(null, AlphaDown, DoGame); Logics.Flow(null, AlphaUp); Logics.Flow(WaitInit, WaitABit); Logics.Flow(null, AlphaDown, Done); bool StateDone() { return(logoDone); } void NextState() { ms.Stop(); PresentLogo = true; } bool UnlessMusic() { return(ms.Playing); } Logics.When(StateDone, NextState, UnlessMusic); }
public static string GetAreaListKey(string parentAreaCode, Logics onlyDisplayUsable) { return string.Format("{0}ParentAreaCode{1}_CanUsable{2}", GetAreaListPrefixKey(), parentAreaCode, (int)onlyDisplayUsable); }
public void InvalidIntent() { Assert.False(Logics.IsIntentValid(new GameState(3, "X", "O"), null)); }
public void Add(LogicFlowModel logic) { Logics.Add(logic); }
public MenuAdmin() { logicsData = Logics.Instance; this.InitializeComponent(); ShowOption(); }
public void Remove(LogicFlowModel logic) { Logics.Remove(logic); }
public static WorldData GenerateWorldData(TerrainData terrainData, TerrainSurfaceData[] surfaceData, bool climateData = false) { #region Variables Statics.maximumGlobalHeight = terrainData.bounds.max.y; Statics.minimumGlobalHeight = 0; Statics.maximumGrowthHeight = Statics.maximumGlobalHeight * surfaceData[3].startingHeight; Statics.minimumGrowthHeight = Statics.maximumGlobalHeight * surfaceData[2].startingHeight; Statics.seaLevel = Mathf.Lerp(surfaceData[1].startingHeight, surfaceData[2].startingHeight, 0.9f); Statics.cloudLevel = Statics.maximumGlobalHeight * 1.1f; int width = Statics.terrainDataResolution; int length = Statics.terrainDataResolution; int depth = surfaceData.Length; float[,] elevation = new float[width, length]; float[,] temperature = new float[width, length]; float[,] moisture = new float[width, length]; int[,] surface = new int[width, length]; float[,,] splatMap = new float[width, length, depth]; float[] surfaceValues; float minimumGrowthHeight = Statics.minimumGrowthHeight / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight; float maximumGrowthHeight = Statics.maximumGrowthHeight / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight; #endregion for (int y = 0; y < length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { #region Elevation elevation[x, y] = terrainData.GetHeight(y, x) / Statics.maximumGlobalHeight; #endregion #region Temperature if (elevation[x, y] >= maximumGrowthHeight) { temperature[x, y] = Maths.Map(elevation[x, y], maximumGrowthHeight, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.0f); } else if (elevation[x, y] <= minimumGrowthHeight) { temperature[x, y] = Maths.Map(elevation[x, y], 0.0f, minimumGrowthHeight, 0.0f, 0.25f); } else { temperature[x, y] = Maths.MapToCenter(elevation[x, y], Statics.seaLevel, minimumGrowthHeight, maximumGrowthHeight, 0.25f, 0.75f); } #endregion #region Moisture if (elevation[x, y] >= maximumGrowthHeight) { moisture[x, y] = 0; } else if (elevation[x, y] <= Statics.seaLevel) { moisture[x, y] = 1; } else if (elevation[x, y] > Statics.seaLevel && elevation[x, y] < minimumGrowthHeight) { moisture[x, y] = Maths.Map(elevation[x, y], Statics.seaLevel, minimumGrowthHeight, 1.0f, 0.75f); } else { moisture[x, y] = Maths.Map(elevation[x, y], minimumGrowthHeight, maximumGrowthHeight, 0.75f, 0.0f); } #endregion #region Surface surfaceValues = new float[depth]; for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { if (i == depth - 1 && elevation[x, y] >= surfaceData[i].startingHeight) { surfaceValues[i] = 1; surface[x, y] = i; } else if (elevation[x, y] >= surfaceData[i].startingHeight && elevation[x, y] < surfaceData[i + 1].startingHeight) { surfaceValues[i] = 1; surface[x, y] = i; } } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { splatMap[x, y, i] = surfaceValues[i]; } #endregion } } #region Smoothing for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { splatMap = Logics.Smooth(splatMap, i); } #endregion return(new WorldData(elevation, temperature, moisture, surface, splatMap)); }
protected override void OnValidIntentCreated(Intent intent) { _state = Logics.ExecuteIntent(_state, intent); OnStateUpdated(); }
public static string GetRoleListKey(Logics onlyDisplayUsable, string whereClause) { return string.Format("{0}onlyDisplayUsable:{1}-whereClause:{2}", GetRoleListPrefixKey(), onlyDisplayUsable, whereClause); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Logics logs = new Logics(); }
public SignUpPage() { logicsData = Logics.Instance; this.InitializeComponent(); userTypeCmbBx.ItemsSource = Enum.GetValues(typeof(UserType)); }
public AddItemPage() { logicsData = Logics.Instance; this.InitializeComponent(); }