Example #1
        private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int          ret_val;
            double       zero_flow_tolerance = 0.005; //value below which it is assumed that the flow is zero
            double       head_diff_tolerance = 0.2;   //if flow path contstructing algorithm arrives at logger's neighbour, it is assumed that it has arrinved at this logger ony if absolute head difference between the enighbour and the logger is smaller than this value
            WaterNetwork water_network       = new WaterNetwork();
            //ret_val = Epanet.SimulateInEpanet();
            //ret_val = Epanet.ReadEpanetResults(water_network);
            IO io_object = new IO();

            ret_val = io_object.ReadEpanetDll_WindowApp(water_network, false);

            water_network.GenerateNeighboursLists(zero_flow_tolerance); //TEMP!!!
            EFavorTest     efavor_test = new EFavorTest();
            OpenFileDialog file_dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            file_dialog.InitialDirectory = Settings.Default.path;
            file_dialog.FileName         = "EFavor_test_fake.xls";
            efavor_test.LoadEFavorData(file_dialog.FileName, water_network);

            List <Valve> inlet_valves = efavor_test.list_of_inlet_flowmeters.ConvertAll <Valve>(new Converter <FlowMeter, Valve>(FlowMeter.GetValve));

            //TODO!!!update valve.setting based on FlowMeter.prv_settings, to do so ask efavor object for time_step_pressure_stepping and IO object for hydraulic step (using EN) (and other times if needed)
            inlet_valves[0].setting = new double[5] {
                20, 30, 40, 50, 60
            };                                                              //!!!TEMP!!!
            //inlet_valves[0].setting = new double[6] { 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30 }; //!!!TEMP!!!
            io_object.SimulateUpdateHeadsFlows(water_network, inlet_valves, 1 * 60, 5 * 60, 60);
            //io_object.SimulateUpdateHeadsFlows(water_network, inlet_valves, 50, 340, 60);

            //MessageBox.Show("Nodes: " + water_network.nNodes + " Pipes: " + water_network.nLinks);

            List <Node> inlet_nodes = efavor_test.list_of_inlet_loggers.ConvertAll <Node>(new Converter <Logger, Node>(Logger.GetLoggerNode));
            FlowTree    flow_tree   = new FlowTree(water_network, inlet_nodes);


            LoggerConnections logger_connections = new LoggerConnections(efavor_test.list_of_loggers, flow_tree);

            logger_connections.LoggerConn2WaterNet(efavor_test, efavor_test.list_of_inlet_set_ids[0]);

            List <List <Node> > dupa = logger_connections.GetAllPathsBetweenLoggers("6", "5");

        /// <summary>!!!relies on specific coding of logger connection names!!!
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void dataGrid1_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            List <Tuple <string, double, double> > listJustSelected   = new List <Tuple <string, double, double> >(e.AddedItems.Cast <Tuple <string, double, double> >());
            List <Tuple <string, double, double> > listJustUnselected = new List <Tuple <string, double, double> >(e.RemovedItems.Cast <Tuple <string, double, double> >());
            MainWindow        mainWindow        = (MainWindow)this.Owner;
            LoggerConnections loggerConnections = mainWindow.loggerConnections;
            int error;

            if (loggerConnections.logger_water_network == null)  //check if logger_water_network exists (it should at this stage!)
                error = loggerConnections.LoggerConn2WaterNet(mainWindow.efavorTest, mainWindow.inletSetSelectionComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString(), true);
                loggerConnections.logger_water_network.isPlotted = true;
                error = mainWindow.DrawWaterNetwork();

            foreach (Tuple <string, double, double> currentTuple in listJustUnselected)
                string loggerName  = currentTuple.Item1;
                int    loggerIndex = loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.FindIndex(tmp => tmp.logger_id == loggerName);
                if (loggerIndex < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Can't find logger " + loggerName);
                //connections outgoing from this logger:
                for (int i = 0; i < loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.Count; i++)
                    if (loggerConnections.logger_connection_matrix[loggerIndex, i] == true)
                        Link linkTemp = loggerConnections.logger_water_network.listOfLinks.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "L" + loggerName + "-" + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id);
                        if (linkTemp == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't find connection from logger " + loggerName + " to logger " + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id);
                        var alreadyInList = mainWindow.pathHitList.Find(tmp => tmp.Tag == linkTemp); // make sure that this logger connection is already in pathHitList
                        if (alreadyInList != null)                                                   //add if yes unselect it
                            mainWindow.ChangeLinkApperance(linkTemp, linkTemp.color, linkTemp.thickness - UI.Default.SelectionLinkThickness);
                            //MessageBox.Show(linkTemp.name + " unselected");
                //connections incoming to this logger:
                for (int i = 0; i < loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.Count; i++)
                    if (loggerConnections.logger_connection_matrix[i, loggerIndex] == true)
                        Link linkTemp = loggerConnections.logger_water_network.listOfLinks.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "L" + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id + "-" + loggerName);
                        if (linkTemp == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't find connection from logger " + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id + " to logger " + loggerName);
                        var alreadyInList = mainWindow.pathHitList.Find(tmp => tmp.Tag == linkTemp); // make sure that this logger connection is already in pathHitList
                        if (alreadyInList != null)                                                   //add if yes unselect it
                            mainWindow.ChangeLinkApperance(linkTemp, linkTemp.color, linkTemp.thickness - UI.Default.SelectionLinkThickness);
                            //MessageBox.Show(linkTemp.name + " unselected");

            //just selected:
            foreach (Tuple <string, double, double> currentTuple in listJustSelected)
                string loggerName  = currentTuple.Item1;
                int    loggerIndex = loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.FindIndex(tmp => tmp.logger_id == loggerName);
                if (loggerIndex < 0)
                    MessageBox.Show("Can't find logger " + loggerName);
                //connections outgoing from this logger:
                for (int i = 0; i < loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.Count; i++)
                    if (loggerConnections.logger_connection_matrix[loggerIndex, i] == true)
                        Link linkTemp = loggerConnections.logger_water_network.listOfLinks.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "L" + loggerName + "-" + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id);
                        if (linkTemp == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't find connection from logger " + loggerName + " to logger " + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id);
                        var alreadyInList = mainWindow.pathHitList.Find(tmp => tmp.Tag == linkTemp); // check whether logger connection is already in pathHitList
                        if (alreadyInList == null)                                                   //add if not
                            mainWindow.ChangeLinkApperance(linkTemp, linkTemp.color, linkTemp.thickness + UI.Default.SelectionLinkThickness);
                            //MessageBox.Show(linkTemp.name + " selected");
                //connections incoming to this logger:
                for (int i = 0; i < loggerConnections.list_of_loggers.Count; i++)
                    if (loggerConnections.logger_connection_matrix[i, loggerIndex] == true)
                        Link linkTemp = loggerConnections.logger_water_network.listOfLinks.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "L" + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id + "-" + loggerName);
                        if (linkTemp == null)
                            MessageBox.Show("Can't find connection from logger " + loggerConnections.list_of_loggers[i].logger_id + " to logger " + loggerName);
                        var alreadyInList = mainWindow.pathHitList.Find(tmp => tmp.Tag == linkTemp); // check whether logger connection is already in pathHitList
                        if (alreadyInList == null)                                                   //add if not
                            mainWindow.ChangeLinkApperance(linkTemp, linkTemp.color, linkTemp.thickness + UI.Default.SelectionLinkThickness);
                            //MessageBox.Show(linkTemp.name + " selected");
        private void button_calcLogConnections_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                MainWindow  mainWindow        = (MainWindow)this.Owner;
                List <Node> local_inlet_nodes = new List <Node>();
                //check which selected nodes are inlet by comparing to inlet_nodes
                if ((inletNodes != null) && (inletNodes.Count > 0))
                    foreach (Node node in inletNodes)
                        if (!mainWindow.rectangleHitList.Any(tmp => ((Node)tmp.Tag) == node)) //check if this node is in selected nodes list
                        {                                                                     //no
                            if (MessageBox.Show("Node " + node.name + " is at the outlet of PRV but has not been selected as logger. Do you want to add this node to list of inlet loggers",
                                                "Inlet logger missed?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes)
                            { //user wants to add this node to list of inlet loggers
                                mainWindow.ChangeNodeApperance(node, mainWindow.ToBrush(UI.Default.SelectionNodeColor), UI.Default.SelectionNodeSize);
                                textBox_nAllocatedLog.Text = mainWindow.rectangleHitList.Count.ToString();
                        else //yes
                    throw new Exception("List of inlet nodes unexpectedly empty!");

                if (local_inlet_nodes.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("No loggers at zone inlets have been defined!");

                //Generate loggers from selected nodes
                List <Logger> listLoggers = new List <Logger>();
                for (int i = 0; i < mainWindow.rectangleHitList.Count; i++)
                    Node   node       = (Node)mainWindow.rectangleHitList[i].Tag;
                    bool   isInlet    = local_inlet_nodes.Any(tmp => tmp == node);
                    Logger new_logger = new Logger((i + 1).ToString(), node, isInlet);
                    new_logger.elevation = node.elevation;

                //check loggers proximity
                if ((AdvancedOptions.loggerNeighbourhoodLevel > 1) && (LoggerConnections.CheckLoggersProximity(listLoggers)))
                    if (MessageBox.Show("There are some loggers next to each other and with head difference smaller than the tolerance parameter, but the logger neighbourhood parameter is greater than 1. It is recommended to change the parameters or the logger locations. Do you want to continue calculating logger connections (YES), or to stop and modify the parameters (NO)?",
                                        "Continue?", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.No)

                //if path highlighting window is open close it as we're redefining all logger connections and paths
                if (mainWindow.pathsWindow != null)
                //clear the list in case some logger connections were highlighed

                //Generate flow tree for the loaded waterNetwork and inlets specified above
                FlowTree flowTree = new FlowTree(mainWindow.waterNetwork, local_inlet_nodes);
                int      ret_val  = flowTree.GenerateFlowTree();
                if (ret_val < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error while analysing network flow paths!");

                //Calculate and display logger connections
                mainWindow.loggerConnections = new LoggerConnections(listLoggers, flowTree);
                ret_val = mainWindow.loggerConnections.CalculatePathsBetweenLoggers(AdvancedOptions.head_diff_tolerance);
                if (ret_val < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error while skeletonizing the network!");
                mainWindow.checkbox_loggerNetworkVisibility.IsChecked = false; //uncheck and check to refresh display
                mainWindow.checkbox_loggerNetworkVisibility.IsChecked = true;
                button_saveLogLocation.IsEnabled = true;
                button_RemoveLoggers.IsEnabled   = true;

                //List<Node> chuj = mainWindow.loggerConnections.GetNodesFromPathsAndSideBranchesBetweenLoggers("5", "9");
                //List<Node> allPaths = mainWindow.loggerConnections.GetNodesFromAllPathsAllConnections();
                //List<Node> tmpbranch = new List<Node>();
                //Node thisNode = mainWindow.waterNetwork.listOfNodes.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "N15");
                //mainWindow.loggerConnections.AddBranchesNotInPaths(ref tmpbranch, thisNode, allPaths);

                //tmpbranch = new List<Node>();
                //thisNode = mainWindow.waterNetwork.listOfNodes.Find(tmp => tmp.name == "N63");
                //mainWindow.loggerConnections.AddBranchesNotInPaths(ref tmpbranch, thisNode, allPaths);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Error while calculating connections in logger location tool: " + ex.Message);