public static void NoScrobblesFoundErrorResponse(this EmbedBuilder embed, LastResponseStatus apiResponse, ICommandContext context, Logger.Logger logger) { embed.WithTitle("Error while attempting get Last.FM information"); switch (apiResponse) { case LastResponseStatus.Failure: embed.WithDescription("Can't retrieve scrobbles because Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later. \n" + "Please note that .fmbot isn't affiliated with Last.FM."); break; case LastResponseStatus.MissingParameters: embed.WithDescription("You or the user you're searching for has no scrobbles/artists on their profile, or Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later. \n \n" + "Recently changed your Last.FM username? Please change it here too using `.fmset`. \n" + "For more info on your settings, use `.fmset help`."); break; default: embed.WithDescription( "You or the user you're searching for has no scrobbles/artists on their profile, or Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later."); break; } embed.WithThumbnailUrl(""); embed.WithColor(Constants.WarningColorOrange); logger.LogError($"No scrobbles found for user, error code {apiResponse}", context.Message.Content, context.User.Username, context.Guild?.Name, context.Guild?.Id); }
private async Task ExecuteCommand(SocketUserMessage msg, ShardedCommandContext context, int argPos, string customPrefix = null) { if (StackCooldownTarget.Contains(msg.Author)) { //If they have used this command before, take the time the user last did something, add 1100ms, and see if it's greater than this very moment. if (StackCooldownTimer[StackCooldownTarget.IndexOf(msg.Author)].AddMilliseconds(1100) >= DateTimeOffset.Now) { return; } StackCooldownTimer[StackCooldownTarget.IndexOf(msg.Author)] = DateTimeOffset.Now; } else { //If they've never used this command before, add their username and when they just used this command. StackCooldownTarget.Add(msg.Author); StackCooldownTimer.Add(DateTimeOffset.Now); } var searchResult = this._commands.Search(context, argPos); // If no command were found, return. if ((searchResult.Commands == null || searchResult.Commands.Count == 0) && customPrefix != null && !msg.Content.StartsWith(customPrefix)) { return; } if ((searchResult.Commands == null || searchResult.Commands.Count == 0) && msg.Content.StartsWith(ConfigData.Data.CommandPrefix)) { var commandPrefixResult = await this._commands.ExecuteAsync(context, msg.Content.Remove(0, 1), this._provider); if (commandPrefixResult.IsSuccess) { Statistics.CommandsExecuted.Inc(); } else { var logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.LogError(commandPrefixResult.ToString(), context.Message.Content); } return; } var result = await this._commands.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, this._provider); if (result.IsSuccess) { Statistics.CommandsExecuted.Inc(); } else { var logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.LogError(result.ToString(), context.Message.Content); } }
public static void UsernameNotSetErrorResponse(this EmbedBuilder embed, ICommandContext context, Logger.Logger logger) { embed.WithTitle("Error while attempting get Last.FM information"); embed.WithDescription("Your Last.FM username has not been set. \n" + "Please use the `.fmset` command to connect your Last.FM account to .fmbot. \n" + $"Example: `{ConfigData.Data.CommandPrefix}fmset lastfmusername`\n \n" + "For more info, use `.fmset help`."); embed.WithColor(Constants.WarningColorOrange); logger.LogError("Last.FM username not set", context.Message.Content, context.User.Username, context.Guild?.Name, context.Guild?.Id); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the <see cref="DiscordShardedClient.Log"/> event. /// </summary> /// <param name="logMessage">The log message.</param> private Task LogEvent(LogMessage logMessage) { Task.Run(() => { // If log message is a Serializer Error, Log the message to the SerializerError folder. if (logMessage.Message.Contains("Serializer Error")) { _logger.LogError($"Source: {logMessage.Source} Exception: {logMessage.Exception} Message: {logMessage.Message}"); } Log(logMessage.Message); }); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
private void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var discordClient = new DiscordShardedClient(new DiscordSocketConfig { LogLevel = LogSeverity.Verbose, MessageCacheSize = 0 }); var logger = new Logger.Logger(); services .AddSingleton(discordClient) .AddSingleton(new CommandService(new CommandServiceConfig { LogLevel = LogSeverity.Verbose, DefaultRunMode = RunMode.Async, })) .AddSingleton <CommandHandler>() .AddSingleton <StartupService>() .AddSingleton <TimerService>() .AddSingleton <IUserIndexQueue, UserIndexQueue>() .AddSingleton <IPrefixService, PrefixService>() .AddSingleton <IndexService>() .AddSingleton(logger) .AddSingleton <Random>() // Add random to the collection .AddSingleton(this.Configuration) // Add the configuration to the collection .AddHttpClient(); services .AddTransient <ILastfmApi, LastfmApi>(); using (var context = new FMBotDbContext()) { try { logger.Log("Ensuring database is up to date"); context.Database.Migrate(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.LogError("Migrations", $"Something went wrong while creating/updating the database! \n{e.Message}"); throw; } } }
public static void ErrorResponse(this EmbedBuilder embed, ResponseStatus apiResponse, string message, ICommandContext context, Logger.Logger logger) { embed.WithTitle("Error while attempting get Last.FM information"); switch (apiResponse) { case ResponseStatus.Failure: embed.WithDescription("Can't retrieve data because Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later. \n" + "Please note that .fmbot isn't affiliated with Last.FM."); break; default: embed.WithDescription( message); break; } embed.WithColor(Constants.WarningColorOrange); logger.LogError($" returned error: {message}, error code {apiResponse}", context.Message.Content, context.User.Username, context.Guild?.Name, context.Guild?.Id); }
public static void NoScrobblesFoundErrorResponse(this EmbedBuilder embed, ResponseStatus apiResponse, ICommandContext context, Logger.Logger logger) { embed.WithTitle("Error while attempting get Last.FM information"); switch (apiResponse) { case ResponseStatus.Failure: embed.WithDescription("Can't retrieve scrobbles because Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later. \n" + "Please note that .fmbot isn't affiliated with Last.FM."); break; default: embed.WithDescription( "You have no scrobbles/artists on your profile, or Last.FM is having issues. Please try again later."); break; } embed.WithColor(Constants.WarningColorOrange); logger.LogError($"No scrobbles found for user, error code {apiResponse}", context.Message.Content, context.User.Username, context.Guild?.Name, context.Guild?.Id); }
private async Task ExecuteCommand(SocketUserMessage msg, ShardedCommandContext context, int argPos, string customPrefix = null) { if (StackCooldownTarget.Contains(msg.Author)) { //If they have used this command before, take the time the user last did something, add 1100ms, and see if it's greater than this very moment. if (StackCooldownTimer[StackCooldownTarget.IndexOf(msg.Author)].AddMilliseconds(1100) >= DateTimeOffset.Now) { return; } StackCooldownTimer[StackCooldownTarget.IndexOf(msg.Author)] = DateTimeOffset.Now; } else { //If they've never used this command before, add their username and when they just used this command. StackCooldownTarget.Add(msg.Author); StackCooldownTimer.Add(DateTimeOffset.Now); } var searchResult = this._commands.Search(context, argPos); // If custom prefix is enabled, no commands found and message does not start with custom prefix, return if ((searchResult.Commands == null || searchResult.Commands.Count == 0) && customPrefix != null && !msg.Content.StartsWith(customPrefix)) { return; } var disabledCommands = this._disabledCommandService.GetDisabledCommands(context.Guild?.Id); if (searchResult.Commands != null && disabledCommands != null && disabledCommands.Any(searchResult.Commands.First().Command.Name.Contains)) { await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The command you're trying to execute has been disabled in this server."); return; } if ((searchResult.Commands == null || searchResult.Commands.Count == 0) && msg.Content.StartsWith(ConfigData.Data.Bot.Prefix)) { var commandPrefixResult = await this._commands.ExecuteAsync(context, msg.Content.Remove(0, 1), this._provider); if (commandPrefixResult.IsSuccess) { Statistics.CommandsExecuted.Inc(); } else { var logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.LogError(commandPrefixResult.ToString(), context.Message.Content); } return; } if (searchResult.Commands[0].Command.Attributes.OfType <LoginRequiredAttribute>().Any()) { var userRegistered = await this._userService.UserRegisteredAsync(context.User); if (!userRegistered) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithColor(Constants.LastFMColorRed); var logger = new Logger.Logger(); embed.UsernameNotSetErrorResponse(context, customPrefix ?? ConfigData.Data.Bot.Prefix, logger); await context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed.Build()); return; } } var result = await this._commands.ExecuteAsync(context, argPos, this._provider); if (result.IsSuccess) { Statistics.CommandsExecuted.Inc(); } else { var logger = new Logger.Logger(); logger.LogError(result.ToString(), context.Message.Content); } }