Example #1
        public void CalculateTest(double value, double expected)
            var calculator   = new Logarithm();
            var actualResult = calculator.SingleCalculate(value);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResult, 0.0001);
Example #2
        public void CalculateTest()
            IOneArgumentCalculator calculator = new Logarithm();
            double result = calculator.Calculate(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result, 0.01);
Example #3
        public void CalculatorTest(double firstValue, double expected)
            var calculator   = new Logarithm();
            var actualResult = calculator.Calculate(firstValue);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResult);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple log image filter. Applies the <see cref="System.Math.Log(double)"/>
        /// function for each pixel in the image, clipping values as needed.
        /// <para>Accord.NET internal call. Please see: <see cref="Accord.Imaging.Filters.Logarithm"/> for details.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TColor">Color type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="img">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="inPlace">Apply in place or not. If it is set to true return value can be omitted.</param>
        /// <returns>Processed image.</returns>
        public static TColor[,] Logarithm <TColor>(this TColor[,] img, bool inPlace = false)
        where TColor : struct, IColor
            Logarithm l = new Logarithm();

            return(img.ApplyFilter(l, inPlace));
Example #5
        public void CalculateTest(double arOne, double arTwo, double expected)
            var calculator   = new Logarithm();
            var actualResult = calculator.Calculate(arOne, arTwo);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actualResult, 0.001);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Simple log image filter. Applies the <see cref="System.Math.Log(double)"/>
        /// function for each pixel in the image, clipping values as needed.
        /// <para>Accord.NET internal call. Please see: <see cref="Accord.Imaging.Filters.Logarithm"/> for details.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TColor">Color type.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="TDepth">Channel type.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="img">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="inPlace">Apply in place or not. If it is set to true return value can be omitted.</param>
        /// <returns>Processed image.</returns>
        public static Image <TColor, TDepth> Logarithm <TColor, TDepth>(this Image <TColor, TDepth> img, bool inPlace = false)
            where TColor : IColor
            where TDepth : struct
            Logarithm l = new Logarithm();

            return(img.ApplyFilter(l, inPlace));
Example #7
        private int IterationNumber(double C, Vector <double> e, double delta)
            Logarithm lg              = it => Math.Log(it, 10);
            var       absMaxE         = e.Clone().Map(Math.Abs).Max();
            var       iterationNumber = (lg(absMaxE) - lg(delta) - lg(1 - C)) / lg(C) - 1;

        public void Logarithm_Smoke_Test()
            Assert.AreEqual(3, Logarithm.CalcBase2LogFloor(9));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, Logarithm.CalcBase2LogFloor(8));
            Assert.AreEqual(5, Logarithm.CalcBase2LogFloor(32));

            Assert.AreEqual(2, Logarithm.CalcBase10LogFloor(102));
            Assert.AreEqual(3, Logarithm.CalcBase10LogFloor(1000));
Example #9
        public void RunLogarithmTest()
            var logarithm = new Logarithm();
            var strategy  = new Context <double>(logarithm);

            var result = strategy.Calculate(64.00, 2.00);

            Console.WriteLine($"log base(2) of 64 = {result}");
            Assert.AreEqual(6.00, result);
Example #10
    static void Main()
        Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch();

        // SQRT
        Sqrt.FloatSqrt(1f, 10000000f, 1f);
        Console.WriteLine("Float: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Sqrt.DoubleSqrt(1d, 10000000d, 1d);
        Console.WriteLine("Double: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Sqrt.DecimalSqrt(1m, 10000000m, 1m);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        // Sinus
        Sinus.FloatSinus(1f, 10000000f, 1f);
        Console.WriteLine("Float: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Sinus.DoubleSinus(1d, 10000000d, 1d);
        Console.WriteLine("Double: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Sinus.DecimalSinus(1m, 10000000m, 1m);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        // Logarithm
        Logarithm.FloatLogarithm(1f, 10000000f, 1f);
        Console.WriteLine("Float: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Logarithm.DoubleLogarithm(1d, 10000000d, 1d);
        Console.WriteLine("Double: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

        Logarithm.DecimalLogarithm(1m, 10000000m, 1m);
        Console.WriteLine("Decimal: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Example #11
        public override BaseExpression VisitLogarithm(Logarithm logarithm)
            // log_a(x) -> 1 / (x ln(a))
            var x = logarithm.Argument;
            var a = logarithm.Base;

            return(new Division(
                       lhs: Real.One,
                       rhs: new Multiplication(
                           new Logarithm(Real.E, a)
Example #12
        public void ApplyTest()
            Bitmap input = Properties.Resources.lena_color;

            Logarithm log    = new Logarithm();
            Bitmap    output = log.Apply(input);

            Exponential exp            = new Exponential();
            Bitmap      reconstruction = exp.Apply(output);

            //ImageBox.Show("input", input);
            //ImageBox.Show("output", output);
            //ImageBox.Show("reconstruction", reconstruction);
Example #13
        public void ProcessImageTest()
            double[,] diag = Matrix.Magic(5);

            Bitmap input;

            new MatrixToImage(0, 100).Convert(diag, out input);

            Logarithm log    = new Logarithm();
            Bitmap    output = log.Apply(input);

            Exponential exp            = new Exponential();
            Bitmap      reconstruction = exp.Apply(output);

            double[,] actual;
            new ImageToMatrix(0, 100).Convert(reconstruction, out actual);

            double[,] expected = diag;

            Assert.IsTrue(expected.IsEqual(actual, 1.5));
Example #14
        public Node <INode> GetNode(string nodeName)
            switch (nodeName)
            case Absolute.NAME:
                INode nodeAbsolute = new Absolute() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeAbsolute));

            case Approx.NAME:
                INode nodeAprox = new Approx() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeAprox));

            case ArcCos.NAME:
                INode nodeArcCos = new ArcCos() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcCos));

            case ArcSin.NAME:
                INode nodeArcSin = new ArcSin() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcSin));

            case ArcTan2.NAME:
                INode nodeArcTan2 = new ArcTan2() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeArcTan2));

            case Ceil.NAME:
                INode nodeCeil = new Ceil() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCeil));

            case CeilToInt.NAME:
                INode nodeCeilToInt = new CeilToInt() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCeilToInt));

            case Clamp.NAME:
                INode nodeClamp = new Clamp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClamp));

            case Clamp01.NAME:
                INode nodeClamp01 = new Clamp01() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClamp01));

            case ClosestPowerOf2.NAME:
                INode nodeClosestPowerOf2 = new ClosestPowerOf2() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeClosestPowerOf2));

            case Cosinus.NAME:
                INode nodeCosinus = new Cosinus() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeCosinus));

            case DeltaAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeDeltaAngle = new DeltaAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeDeltaAngle));

            case Exp.NAME:
                INode nodeExp = new Exp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeExp));

            case Floor.NAME:
                INode nodeFloor = new Floor() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeFloor));

            case FloorToInt.NAME:
                INode nodeFloorToInt = new FloorToInt() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeFloorToInt));

            case Lerp.NAME:
                INode nodeLerp = new Lerp() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLerp));

            case LerpAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeLerpAngle = new LerpAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLerpAngle));

            case Log10.NAME:
                INode nodeLog10 = new Log10() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLog10));

            case Logarithm.NAME:
                INode nodeLogarithm = new Logarithm() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeLogarithm));

            case Sinus.NAME:
                INode nodeSinus_ = new Sinus() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeSinus_));

            case Max.NAME:
                INode nodeMax = new Max() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMax));

            case Min.NAME:
                INode nodeMin = new Min() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMin));

            case MoveTowards.NAME:
                INode nodeMoveTowards = new MoveTowards() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMoveTowards));

            case MoveTowardsAngle.NAME:
                INode nodeMoveTowardsAngle = new MoveTowardsAngle() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeMoveTowardsAngle));

            case NextPowerOfTwo.NAME:
                INode nodeNextPowerOfTwo = new NextPowerOfTwo() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeNextPowerOfTwo));

            case PerlinNoise.NAME:
                INode nodePerlinNoise = new PerlinNoise() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodePerlinNoise));

            case PingPong.NAME:
                INode nodePingPong = new PingPong() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode> (nodePingPong));

            case Pow.NAME:
                INode nodePow = new Pow() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodePow));

            case SquareRoot.NAME:
                INode nodeSqrt = new SquareRoot() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeSqrt));

            case Tan.NAME:
                INode nodeTan = new Tan() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeTan));

            case Random.NAME:
                INode nodeRandom = new Random() as INode;
                return(new Node <INode>(nodeRandom));

Example #15
 public void Statistics_Log2()
     Assert.AreEqual(Logarithm.Log2(2), 1);
     Assert.AreEqual(Logarithm.Log2(1), 0);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        ///     Function expression
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Function VisitFunction(CalculatorParser.FunctionContext context)
            Function res = null;

            //Trigonometric functions
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Sinus)
                res = new Sinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Cosinus)
                res = new Cosinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Tangens)
                res = new Tangens(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Cotangens)
                res = new Cotangens(Visit(context.expr()));

            //Elementary functions
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Sqrt)
                res = new Sqrt(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Logarithm)
                res = new Logarithm(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is Exponenta)
                res = new Exponenta(Visit(context.expr()));

            //Inverse Trigonometric functions
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is ArcSinus)
                res = new ArcSinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is ArcCosinus)
                res = new ArcCosinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is ArcTangens)
                res = new ArcTangens(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is ArcCotangens)
                res = new ArcCotangens(Visit(context.expr()));

            //Hyperbolic functions
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is HypSinus)
                res = new HypSinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is HypCosinus)
                res = new HypCosinus(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is HypTangens)
                res = new HypTangens(Visit(context.expr()));
            if (FunctionMap[context.fun.Type] is HypCotangens)
                res = new HypCotangens(Visit(context.expr()));

Example #17
        public void ErrorTest()
            var calculator = new Logarithm();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(0));
Example #18
        public void NegativeCalculateTest()
            var calculator = new Logarithm();

            Assert.Throws <System.Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(-4, 1));
 public void LogTest()
     Assert.AreEqual(2, Logarithm.Log(10, 100));
        private void Initialize(IEnumerable <string> variableNames, int nConstants)
            #region symbol declaration
            var add    = new Addition();
            var sub    = new Subtraction();
            var mul    = new Multiplication();
            var div    = new Division();
            var mean   = new Average();
            var log    = new Logarithm();
            var pow    = new Power();
            var square = new Square();
            var root   = new Root();
            var sqrt   = new SquareRoot();
            var exp    = new Exponential();

            // we use our own random number generator here because we assume
            // that grammars are only initialized once when setting the grammar in the problem.
            // This means everytime the grammar parameter in the problem is changed
            // we initialize the constants to new values
            var rand = new MersenneTwister();
            // warm up
            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

            var constants = new List <Constant>(nConstants);
            for (int i = 0; i < nConstants; i++)
                var constant = new Constant();
                    var constVal = rand.NextDouble() * 20.0 - 10.0;
                    constant.Name             = string.Format("{0:0.000}", constVal);
                    constant.MinValue         = constVal;
                    constant.MaxValue         = constVal;
                    constant.ManipulatorSigma = 0.0;
                    constant.ManipulatorMu    = 0.0;
                    constant.MultiplicativeManipulatorSigma = 0.0;
                } while (constants.Any(c => c.Name == constant.Name)); // unlikely, but it could happen that the same constant value is sampled twice. so we resample if necessary.

            var variables = new List <HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable>();
            foreach (var variableName in variableNames)
                var variableSymbol = new HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable();
                variableSymbol.Name = variableName;
                variableSymbol.WeightManipulatorMu    = 0.0;
                variableSymbol.WeightManipulatorSigma = 0.0;
                variableSymbol.WeightMu    = 1.0;
                variableSymbol.WeightSigma = 0.0;
                variableSymbol.MultiplicativeWeightManipulatorSigma = 0.0;
                variableSymbol.AllVariableNames = new[] { variableName };
                variableSymbol.VariableNames    = new[] { variableName };



            #region subtree count configuration
            SetSubtreeCount(add, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(sub, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(mul, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(div, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(mean, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(log, 1, 1);
            SetSubtreeCount(pow, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(square, 1, 1);
            SetSubtreeCount(root, 2, 2);
            SetSubtreeCount(sqrt, 1, 1);
            SetSubtreeCount(exp, 1, 1);
            constants.ForEach((c) => SetSubtreeCount(c, 0, 0));
            variables.ForEach((v) => SetSubtreeCount(v, 0, 0));

            var functions       = new ISymbol[] { add, sub, mul, div, mean, log, pow, root, square, sqrt };
            var terminalSymbols = variables.Concat <ISymbol>(constants);
            var allSymbols      = functions.Concat(terminalSymbols);

            #region allowed child symbols configuration
            foreach (var s in allSymbols)
                AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, s);
            foreach (var parentSymb in functions)
                foreach (var childSymb in allSymbols)
                    AddAllowedChildSymbol(parentSymb, childSymb);

        private void Initialize()
            var add      = new Addition();
            var sub      = new Subtraction();
            var mul      = new Multiplication();
            var div      = new Division();
            var mean     = new Average();
            var sin      = new Sine();
            var cos      = new Cosine();
            var tan      = new Tangent();
            var log      = new Logarithm();
            var exp      = new Exponential();
            var @if      = new IfThenElse();
            var gt       = new GreaterThan();
            var lt       = new LessThan();
            var and      = new And();
            var or       = new Or();
            var not      = new Not();
            var constant = new Constant();

            constant.MinValue = -20;
            constant.MaxValue = 20;
            variableSymbol    = new HeuristicLab.Problems.DataAnalysis.Symbolic.Variable();

            var allSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                add, sub, mul, div, mean, sin, cos, tan, log, exp, @if, gt, lt, and, or, not, constant, variableSymbol
            var unaryFunctionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                sin, cos, tan, log, exp, not
            var binaryFunctionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                gt, lt
            var functionSymbols = new List <Symbol>()
                add, sub, mul, div, mean, and, or

            foreach (var symb in allSymbols)

            foreach (var funSymb in functionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 1, 3);
            foreach (var funSymb in unaryFunctionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 1, 1);
            foreach (var funSymb in binaryFunctionSymbols)
                SetSubtreeCount(funSymb, 2, 2);

            SetSubtreeCount(@if, 3, 3);
            SetSubtreeCount(constant, 0, 0);
            SetSubtreeCount(variableSymbol, 0, 0);

            // allow each symbol as child of the start symbol
            foreach (var symb in allSymbols)
                AddAllowedChildSymbol(StartSymbol, symb, 0);

            // allow each symbol as child of every other symbol (except for terminals that have maxSubtreeCount == 0)
            foreach (var parent in allSymbols)
                for (int i = 0; i < GetMaximumSubtreeCount(parent); i++)
                    foreach (var child in allSymbols)
                        AddAllowedChildSymbol(parent, child, i);
Example #22
        public void ExceptionLessThanZeroTest(double firstArgument)
            var calculator = new Logarithm();

            Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => calculator.Calculate(firstArgument));
Example #23
 public abstract BaseExpression VisitLogarithm(Logarithm logarithm);
Example #24
        private void Use_count(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            Logarithm answ = new Logarithm(TBa.Text, TBb.Text);

            answer.Content = answ.getLogarithm();