public async Task PostAsync([FromBody] JObject MessageJobj) { bool outgoing; string ChannelUUId = ""; string SocketPublishUrl = _configuration.GetValue <string>("RequestUrls:WebSocketPublish"); string MdeiaType = "0";"Whats api called"); try { outgoing = (bool)MessageJobj["outgoing"]; // "sender": "919966226645", //"recipient": "2df4b63c-135a-4206-91d3-8132dfe64f22", if (!outgoing) { ChannelUUId = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["recipient"]); } WidgetChannels widgetChannel = null; Widgets widget = null; try { widgetChannel = _context.WidgetChannels.Where(wc => wc.ChanneUUID == ChannelUUId && wc.ConversationTypeId == 2).FirstOrDefault();"widgetChannel for message: " + widgetChannel.WidgetId); widget = _context.Widgets.Where(w => w.Id == widgetChannel.WidgetId).FirstOrDefault();"widget for message: " + widgetChannel.WidgetId); } catch (Exception dbEx) { widgetChannel = _context.WidgetChannels.Where(wc => wc.Id == 2).FirstOrDefault();"widgetChannel for message catch: " + widgetChannel.WidgetId); widget = _context.Widgets.Where(w => w.Id == 6).FirstOrDefault();"widget for message catch: " + widget.Id); } // var widgetChannel = _context.WidgetChannels.Where(wc => wc.ChanneUUID == ChannelUUId && wc.ConversationTypeId == 2).FirstOrDefault(); //"widgetChannel for message: " + widgetChannel.WidgetId ); //[HttpPost("{account_id}/widgets/{widget_id}/conversations/{conversation_id}/{is_endchat}/replies")] if (widget != null) { if (!outgoing) { JObject jObject = new JObject(); jObject = JObject.Parse(MessageJobj.ToString()); // await ProcessIncomingMessageAsync(widget, MessageJobj);"Whats api ougoing enter"); string CustomerMobile = ""; string CustomerName = ""; string CustomerProfileImage = ""; int AccountId = widget.AccountId; int WidgetId = widget.Id; int ConverstationId = 0; long ConverstationMessageId = 0; int CustomerId = 0; JObject CustJobj = new JObject(); CustomerMobile = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["sender"]); ChannelUUId = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["recipient"]); CustomerName = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["user"]["name"]); CustomerProfileImage = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["user"]["image"]); ConversationsController conController = new ConversationsController(_context, _configuration); CustJobj = GetCustomerId(AccountId, CustomerName, CustomerMobile, CustomerProfileImage); CustomerId = Convert.ToBoolean(CustJobj["Success"]) ? Convert.ToInt32(CustJobj["CustomerId"]) : -1;"Whats api after get customer"); var PrevConverstations = (from Con in _context.Conversations where Con.WidgetId == WidgetId && Con.CustomerId == CustomerId orderby Con.Id descending select new { Con.Id, Con.AgentId }).FirstOrDefault(); if (PrevConverstations != null) { ConverstationId = PrevConverstations.Id; }"Whats api after Conversations"); var PrevConMessages = (from ConMess in _context.ConversationMessages where ConMess.ConversationId == ConverstationId orderby ConMess.Id descending select new { ConMess.Id, ConMess.CreatedTimeUTC, ConMess.AgentId }).FirstOrDefault(); DateTime RecentMsgTime; if (PrevConMessages != null && PrevConMessages.Id > 0) { ConverstationMessageId = PrevConMessages.Id; RecentMsgTime = PrevConMessages.CreatedTimeUTC; } else { RecentMsgTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-10); }"Whats api after Conversation messages"); DateTime CurrentUtcNow = DateTime.UtcNow; TimeSpan MessageSpan = CurrentUtcNow - RecentMsgTime; double totalSecForDay = 3 * 60 * 60; // Static condiftion bool IsNewChat = false; if (MessageSpan.TotalSeconds > totalSecForDay) // create new conversations after 24 hours { Conversations conversations = new Conversations() { StatusId = 1, CustomerId = CustomerId, Mobile = CustomerMobile, ConversationTypeId = 2 }; ActionResult <Conversations> newCon = await conController.PostConversations(AccountId, WidgetId, conversations); // JObject Con = await CreateConversation(AccountId, WidgetId, conversations); OkObjectResult okResult = newCon.Result as OkObjectResult; if (okResult.StatusCode == 200) { Conversations NewConversation = okResult.Value as Conversations; ConverstationId = NewConversation.Id; } IsNewChat = true; }"Whats api after Conversation save"); ConversationMessages conversationMessages = new ConversationMessages(); int IsBotEnd = 0; //"MessageTypeId": "1", // "Message":msg conversationMessages.ConversationId = ConverstationId; conversationMessages.MessageTypeId = 1; conversationMessages.ConversationTypeId = 2; if (IsNewChat == false) { conversationMessages.AgentId = PrevConverstations.AgentId; } //message payload table conversationMessages.Message = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["text"]); string CustomerMessage = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["text"]); string MessageType = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["type"]); if (MessageType != "text") { //attachment conversationMessages.AttachmentUrl = Convert.ToString(MessageJobj["payload"]["attachment"]); conversationMessages.Message = ConstructMediaMessage(conversationMessages.AttachmentUrl, MessageType, conversationMessages.Message, ref MdeiaType); } var ConInfo = _context.ConversationInfo.Where(w => w.ConversationId == ConverstationId).FirstOrDefault(); if (ConInfo != null) { IsBotEnd = ConInfo.IsBotEnd; } if (IsBotEnd > 0) { conversationMessages.MessageTypeId = 3; } ActionResult <ConversationMessages> newConMsg = await conController.PostConversationMessages(AccountId, WidgetId, ConverstationId, IsBotEnd, conversationMessages); OkObjectResult okResultMesg = newConMsg.Result as OkObjectResult; if (okResultMesg.StatusCode == 200) { ConversationMessages NewConvMsg = okResultMesg.Value as ConversationMessages; }"Whats api after Conversation message save"); if (IsBotEnd > 0) { // table for botend //if (IsPingAgent == "true") //{ // cust_jsonObj = { "conversationId": conversationId, "from": conversationId, "to": agentId, "messageType": "0", "message": "Customer OnBoard" }; //} //else //{ // cust_jsonObj = { "conversationId": conversationId, "from": fromId, "to": agentId, "messageType": "0", "message": "Customer OnBoard" }; //} if (IsNewChat == false && IsBotEnd > 0) // send message to agent through socket { //JObject jobj = new JObject(); //jobj.Add(new JProperty("conversationId", conversationMessages.ConversationId)); //jobj.Add(new JProperty("from", "WhatsApp_"+ conversationMessages.ConversationId)); //jobj.Add(new JProperty("to", "Hub_" + conversationMessages.AgentId)); //jobj.Add(new JProperty("message", conversationMessages.Message)); //jobj.Add(new JProperty("messageType", "0")); //WebSocketSubscriber.Send(jobj); JObject jobjs = new JObject(); JObject wsMessageObj = new JObject(); JObject CustomerDetails = new JObject(); // "data":{"fromName" :"" ,"fromMobile",""} CustomerDetails.Add(new JProperty("fromName", CustomerName)); CustomerDetails.Add(new JProperty("fromMobile", CustomerMobile)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("conversationId", Convert.ToString(ConverstationId))); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("from", "WhatsApp_5f2d3a8e31197a445686653b")); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("to", "Hub_" + PrevConverstations.AgentId)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("message", CustomerMessage)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("mediaUrl", conversationMessages.AttachmentUrl)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("type", MdeiaType)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("data", CustomerDetails)); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("messageType", "0")); jobjs.Add(new JProperty("ConversationTypeId", 2)); wsMessageObj = new JObject(new JProperty("Module", "Chat"), new JProperty("Event", "NewChat"), new JProperty("Channel_Name", "WhatsApp_Hub_" + PrevConverstations.AgentId), new JProperty("Data", jobjs)); // WebSocketSubscriber wb = new WebSocketSubscriber(); WebSocketSubscriber.pushSocket(SocketPublishUrl, wsMessageObj);"Whats api after websocket publish"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LogProperties.error("expection at WhatsApp Handler: " + ex.ToString()); } }
public string GetWelcomeMsg() {"Application started"); return("!!!Welcome to TelebuHubChat!!!"); }
public IEnumerable <string> Get() {"Whats api get called"); return(new string[] { "value1", "value2" }); }