void OnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("Show pop 1")) { UIManager.GetInstance().OpenUI("LuaTest1", (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Init"); }, (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Refresh"); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("Show pop 2")) { UIManager.GetInstance().OpenUI("LuaTest2", (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Init"); }, (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Refresh"); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("Show pop 3")) { UIManager.GetInstance().OpenUI("LuaTest3", (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Init"); }, (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Refresh"); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("Show pop 4")) { UIManager.GetInstance().OpenUI("LuaTest4", (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Init"); }, (table) => { LuaHelper.CallFunctionWithSelf(table, "LuaTestView:Refresh"); }); } if (GUILayout.Button("Show message")) { UIManager.GetInstance().ShowMessageBox("This is a message: " + Time.realtimeSinceStartup, () => { LogModule.DebugLog("Who clicked OK?"); }, () => { LogModule.DebugLog("I clicked cancel."); }); } }
public void UpdateAwardItemState(int nTurnID) { ActivenessAwardItem[] Item = m_ItemGrid.GetComponentsInChildren <ActivenessAwardItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < Item.Length; ++i) { if (Item[i].TurnID == nTurnID) { Tab_ActivenessAward pAward = TableManager.GetActivenessAwardByID(nTurnID, 0); if (pAward == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("ActivenessAward: ActivenessAward.txt can't find line " + nTurnID); return; } AwardState awardState = AwardState.AWARD_CANNNTHAVE; bool bFlag = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.AwardActivityData.GetActivenessAwardFlag(nTurnID); if (bFlag == false && Activeness > pAward.MiniActiveness) { awardState = AwardState.AWARD_CANHAVE; } else if (bFlag == true) { awardState = AwardState.AWARD_HAVEDONE; } else { awardState = AwardState.AWARD_CANNNTHAVE; } Item[i].AwardButtonState = awardState; return; } } }
//================================== private void _onChangeFlyWingData(int oldId, int newId) { if (m_FlyWingDataDictionary.ContainsKey(oldId)) { m_FlyWingDataDictionary.Remove(oldId); FlyWingData temFlyWingData = new FlyWingData(); temFlyWingData.InitFlyWingData(newId); m_FlyWingDataDictionary.Add(newId, temFlyWingData); if (m_CurEquipFlyWingId == oldId) { m_CurEquipFlyWingId = newId; } // 重新计算所有属性 _onCaluAllPlayerProperty(); if (FlyWingRoot.Instance()) { FlyWingRoot.Instance().UpdataFlyWingDataById(oldId, newId); } } else { LogModule.DebugLog("addFlyWingData falid ,Not have ~~", oldId); } }
void OnLoadItem(GameObject achieveItem, object param) { if (null == achieveItem) { LogModule.DebugLog("load achieve item error"); return; } int signItemCount = TableManager.GetAchieveNotice().Count; for (int i = 0; i < signItemCount; i++) { GameObject newItem = Utils.BindObjToParent(achieveItem, ItemParent); Tab_AchieveNotice pLin = TableManager.GetAchieveNoticeByID(i, 0); if (pLin != null && null != newItem) { Transform iconTransform = newItem.transform.FindChild("Icon"); if (null != iconTransform && null != iconTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <UISprite>()) { iconTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <UISprite>().spriteName = pLin.Icon; } Transform nameTransform = newItem.transform.FindChild("Name"); if (null != nameTransform && null != nameTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>()) { nameTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <UILabel>().text = pLin.Name; } } } ItemParent.GetComponent <UIGrid>().repositionNow = true; }
public void ChangeCardDone(bool isSuccess) { if (isSuccess) { LogModule.DebugLog("Change Card Done Success!"); } }
public static void OpenWindow_Circle(GameObject UIObj, int nRadius, string strText, string TextLocation, int nMotionType = 0, bool bIsBoxEnable = false, bool bIsMaskEnable = false, bool bIsForever = false, OnShowGuide deleOnShowGuide = null, OnShowGuide afterShowGuide = null, bool isHasGuideFrame = false, bool bIsFocusAnim = true, Action onClickBlackCallback = null) { if (PlayerPreferenceData.NewPlayerGuideClose) { return; } if (null == UIObj) { LogModule.DebugLog(UIObj + "UIobj is null!!!"); return; } Debug.LogWarning("FTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); GuideSpriteType sprType = GuideSpriteType.NoFrame; if (isHasGuideFrame) { sprType = GuideSpriteType.Circle; } //TextLocation = "center"; m_CurPlayerGuideInfo.Init(UIObj, nRadius, nRadius, strText, TextLocation, nMotionType, bIsBoxEnable, bIsMaskEnable, bIsForever, bIsFocusAnim, sprType, deleOnShowGuide, afterShowGuide, 0f, 0f, onClickBlackCallback); //PlayerGuideInfo curInfo = new PlayerGuideInfo(UIObj, nRadius, nRadius, strText, TextLocation, nMotionType, bIsBoxEnable, bIsMaskEnable, bIsForever, GuideSpriteType.Circle); IsOpenFlag = true; UIManager.ShowUI(UIInfo.NewPlayerGuidRoot, OnOpenWindow); }
void OnClick(Vector2 screenPos) { if (EditMode) { return; } if (_clickAnimationing) { return; } if (State == LodState.Lod0) { OnClickLod0(screenPos); EventManager.GetInstance().SendEvent(EventId.MapBlockSelected, screenPos); #if UNITY_EDITOR Coord c = Layout.ScreenPos2Coord(MapCamera, screenPos); MapTileVO data = ProxyManager.GetInstance().Get <MapProxy>().GetTile(c); LogModule.DebugLog(string.Format("coord:{0},height:{1},type:{2},blockType:{3},camp{4}", data.coord, data.height, data.type, data.blockType, data.camp)); #endif } else if (State == LodState.Lod1) { OnClickLod1(screenPos); } }
// 下载远程文件列表回调 void OnDownloadRemoteResFileList(bool bSuccess) { if (bSuccess) { m_curUpdateStep = UpdateStep.CompareRes; // 远程文件列表请求成功,开始查找需要下载的资源 LogModule.DebugLog("load file success: " + CacheVersionPath + "/" + ResFileListName); string localFileListName = LocalVersionPath + "/" + ResFileListName; LogModule.DebugLog(localFileListName); // 如果读取目录没有文件,将包体文件拷贝出 if (!File.Exists(localFileListName)) { m_versionFileDownloader = DownloadHelper.StartDownload(this, GetAppDataUrl(AppVersionFolder, ResFileListName), false, localFileListName, OnDownloadLocalResFileList); } else { OnDownloadLocalResFileList(true); } } else { // 下载远程文件列表失败,应该重新请求 UpdateFinish(UpdateResult.GetFileListFail); } }
/// <summary> /// 检查是否可以在密聊频道发送消息 /// </summary> bool CheckIsCanSendTell() { //密聊频道检测一下当前是否有密聊对象 if (CurChannelType != ChatInfoLogic.CHANNEL_TYPE.CHAT_TYPE_TELL) { return(true); } UInt64 tellGuid = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.LastTellGUID; String tellName = GameManager.gameManager.PlayerDataPool.LastTellName; if (tellGuid == GlobeVar.INVALID_GUID || tellName == "") { Obj_MainPlayer _mainPlayer = Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().MainPlayer; if (_mainPlayer == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("_mainPlayer is Null"); return(false); } _mainPlayer.SendNoticMsg(false, "#{11166}"); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// ɾ³ý×ʱ¼äδʹÓõÄÌõÄ¿ /// </summary> private void RemoveLastUnUsedClip() { float fSmallestTime = 99999999.0f; int smallestId = -1; foreach (SoundClip clip in m_SoundClipMap.Values) { if (fSmallestTime > clip.m_LastActiveTime) { smallestId = clip.m_uID; fSmallestTime = clip.m_LastActiveTime; } } LogModule.DebugLog("RemoveLastUnUsedClip( " + smallestId.ToString() + " )"); //ÒÔºó×¢Ê͵ô m_SoundClipMap.Remove(smallestId); #if UNITY_WP8 Tab_Sounds soundsTab = TableManager.GetSoundsByID(smallestId, 0); if (null != soundsTab) { BundleManager.ReleaseUnreferencedSoundBundle(BundleManager.GetBundleLoadUrl("", soundsTab.FullPathName + ".data")); } #endif }
// 创建坐骑 public void InitMount(Obj_OtherPlayer PlayerObj, int nMountID) { if (PlayerObj == null) { return; } Tab_MountBase MountBase = TableManager.GetMountBaseByID(nMountID, 0); if (null == MountBase) { LogModule.DebugLog("MountBase.txt has not Line ID=" + nMountID); return; } Tab_CharMount MountTable = TableManager.GetCharMountByID(MountBase.ModelID, 0); if (MountTable == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("CharMount.txt has not Line ID=" + MountBase.ModelID); return; } GameObject Obj = PlayerObj.gameObject; if (Obj == null) { return; } //PlayerObj.MountID = nMountID; m_PlayerObj = PlayerObj; Singleton <ObjManager> .GetInstance().ReloadModel(Obj, MountTable.MountModel, Obj_Mount.OnAsycLoadMount, PlayerObj, MountTable.BindPoint); }
public void SwitchToScene(SceneId sceneId, object param = null) { if (sceneId == CurrentSceneId) { LogModule.WarningLog("switch to current scene: " + sceneId); } LogModule.DebugLog("SceneMgr SwitchToScene sceneId:" + sceneId.ToString() + " " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); mParam = param; if (mCurScene != null) { mCurScene.OnWillExit(); //App.EventMgr.Post(EventId.SceneWillExit, mCurScene.Id); } if (mSceneTypeDict.ContainsKey(sceneId)) { mNextScene = Activator.CreateInstance(mSceneTypeDict[sceneId]) as SceneBase; if (mNextScene != null) { mNextScene.OnWillEnter(param); } } if (hdlSceneWillSwitch != null) { hdlSceneWillSwitch.Invoke(mCurrentSceneId, sceneId, param); } SceneManager.LoadScene(sceneId.ToString()); }
void SetCommonFlag(int nBits, bool bFlag) { if (nBits < 0 || nBits >= MAX_CHAR_COMMON_FLAG_NUM * 8 * sizeof(int)) { LogModule.DebugLog("SetCommonFlag: Index out of Range!!!"); return; } int nIndex = nBits / (sizeof(int) * 8); if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < MAX_CHAR_COMMON_FLAG_NUM) { //int nOldBits = nBits; nBits = nBits % (sizeof(int) * 8);// 0-31 if (nBits >= 0 && nBits <= 31) { int nDataValue = m_CommonFlag[nIndex]; if (bFlag != false) { nDataValue |= (1 << nBits); } else { nDataValue &= ~(1 << nBits); } m_CommonFlag[nIndex] = nDataValue; } // 更新后操作 OnCommonFlagChange(nBits); } }
void SetCommonData(int nIndex, int nValue) { if (nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= MAX_CHAR_COMMON_DATA_NUM) { LogModule.DebugLog("SetCommonData: Index out of Range!!!"); return; } int nData = m_CommonData[nIndex]; m_CommonData[nIndex] = nValue; // 特殊添加 其他 更改 加在 OnCommonDataChange()中 if (nIndex == (int)Games.UserCommonData.USER_COMMONDATA.CD_COPYSCENE_CANGJINGGE_SWEEP) { if (ActivityController.Instance() != null) { ActivityController.Instance().UpdateTabTips(); } if (FunctionButtonLogic.Instance()) { FunctionButtonLogic.Instance().UpdateActionButtonTip(); } if (CangJingGeWindow.Instance() != null) { CangJingGeWindow.Instance().UpdateInfo(); if (nData < nValue)//开始扫荡 { CangJingGeWindow.Instance().StartSweep(); } } } // 更新 操作 OnCommonDataChange(nIndex, nValue); }
public static List <int> GetLayOutByMatrixLayout(string layOut) { List <int> layOuts = new List <int>(); if (null == layOut) { return(layOuts); } LogModule.DebugLog(layOut); string[] tempStr = layOut.Trim("\"\"".ToCharArray()).Split(','); LogModule.DebugLog("length ================== " + tempStr.Length); for (int i = 0; i < tempStr.Length; i++) { LogModule.DebugLog(tempStr[i]); } LogModule.DebugLog("last ====== " + tempStr[tempStr.Length - 1]); for (int i = 0; tempStr != null && i < tempStr.Length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tempStr[i].Length; j++) { string curStr = tempStr[i]; int nWayId = -1; int.TryParse(curStr[j].ToString(), out nWayId); layOuts.Add(nWayId); } } return(layOuts); }
// 获取版本号回调 void OnCheckVersion(bool bSuccess) { if (bSuccess) { LogModule.DebugLog("comparing version"); // 比较版本号 LogModule.DebugLog("version --local:" + m_localVersion.ToString() + " --remote:" + m_remoteVersion); if (m_remoteVersion > m_localVersion) { Utils.DeleteFolder(CacheVersionPath); LogModule.DebugLog("remote version is big than local, begin update"); m_curUpdateStep = UpdateStep.GetFileList; // 下载文件列表 m_versionFileDownloader = DownloadHelper.StartDownload(this, m_resServerUrl + "/" + ResFileListName, true, CacheVersionPath + "/" + ResFileListName, OnDownloadRemoteResFileList); } else { StartCoroutine(OnDownloadlevelIndexFile()); } } else { // error 严重错误,可能网络不通,需要重新请求 LogModule.ErrorLog("check verion fail"); UpdateFinish(UpdateResult.GetVersionFail); } }
static public void OnLog(string message, string stackTrace, LogType type) { switch (type) { case LogType.Exception: { string bugMsg = "{\n" + "\"message\":" + "\"" + message.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"stacktrace\":" + "\"" + stackTrace.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"time\":" + "\"" + PlatformHelper.GetCurrentTime() + "\"" + "\n" + "\"" + "\n}"; //PlatformHelper.UploadBug(butMsg); LogModule.ErrorLog(bugMsg); break; } case LogType.Log: LogModule.DebugLog(message); break; case LogType.Warning: LogModule.WarningLog(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogModule.ErrorLog(message); break; } }
// 拷贝文件列表 void GenerateLocalFileList() { try { LogModule.DebugLog("copy filelist"); string localFileListName = LocalVersionPath + "/" + ResFileListName; //string cacheFileListName = CacheVersionPath + "/" + ResFileListName; if (!Utils.GenerateResFileList(localFileListName, m_dicLocalFiles)) { LogModule.ErrorLog("generate version file fail!"); UpdateFinish(UpdateResult.GenerateVersionFileFail); } //Utils.CheckTargetPath(localFileListName); //File.Copy(cacheFileListName, localFileListName, true); } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogModule.ErrorLog("generate version file fail!" + ex.ToString()); UpdateFinish(UpdateResult.GenerateFileListFail); return; } GenerateResLevelFile(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!ProcessInput.IsProcessInput) { return; } if (Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer && !Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.IsInModelStory && !Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.QingGongState) { #if !UNITY_EDITOR && (UNITY_IPHONE || UNITY_ANDROID || UNITY_WP8) if (!Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.IsDie() && !UIManager.IsSubUIShow() && (NewPlayerGuidLogic.IsOpenFlag == false || NewPlayerGuidLogic.CurrentGuideID != 1)) { if (Input.touchCount > 0) { UpdateWithTouch(); } else { // 无触摸点 fingerID又不是-1 应对真机上使用摇杆同时按HOME键退出再进入的情况 if (m_FingerID != -1) { LogModule.DebugLog("iPhone HOME come back!"); m_FingerID = -1; JoyStickEndMove(); } } } #endif } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { Transform curTrans = transform; Transform parent = null; while (null != curTrans) { if (curTrans.name == "Model") { Transform curParent = curTrans.parent; if (null == curParent) { LogModule.DebugLog("model is error"); } else { parent = curParent; } break; } curTrans = curTrans.parent; } if (null == parent) { LogModule.DebugLog("model is error"); return; } m_ModelParent = parent; }
private IEnumerator RequestNotice() { WWW wwwNotice = new WWW("http://ydcabal.changyou.com/cabal3D/conf/notice/login/Notice_AppStore.txt"); yield return(wwwNotice); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wwwNotice.error)) { LogModule.ErrorLog("request login notice error" + wwwNotice.error); } else { LogModule.DebugLog(wwwNotice.text); m_text = wwwNotice.text; BoxCollider curCollider = labelText.gameObject.GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); if (null == curCollider) { LogModule.ErrorLog("label not contain collider"); yield break; } m_bReceiveData = true; m_bRequesting = false; DoShowNotice(); } }
public void PlaySceneMusic() { if (null == GameManager.gameManager.SoundManager) { return; } Tab_SceneClass tab = TableManager.GetSceneClassByID(GameManager.gameManager.RunningScene, 0); if (tab == null) { return; } if (tab.BGMusic < 0) { return; } Tab_Sounds soundsTab = TableManager.GetSoundsByID(tab.BGMusic, 0); if (soundsTab == null) { LogModule.DebugLog("sound name " + tab.BGMusic.ToString() + " is null"); return; } GameManager.gameManager.SoundManager.PlayBGMusic(tab.BGMusic, soundsTab.FadeOutTime, soundsTab.FadeInTime); }
//初始化动作接口,目前是硬代码,之后会根据配表之类的实现 public void InitAnimation(string strChildName = "Model") { if (null == m_AnimLogic) { return; } //首先保存该ObjAction的路径 m_AnimLogic.AnimResFilePath = m_AnimationFilePath; //由于目前Obj采用的都是Root作为根节点,而独立挂Model节点,所以动作组件采取搜索子节点方式 Transform modelTransform = gameObject.transform.FindChild(strChildName); if (modelTransform) { m_Objanimation = modelTransform.gameObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); } if (m_Objanimation) { m_AnimLogic.InitState(m_Objanimation.gameObject); } else { LogModule.DebugLog("The character you would like to control doesn't have animations. Moving her might look weird."); } }
public void UpdateDistance(float deltaDistance) { if (deltaDistance != 0) { deltaDistance *= 0.5f; deltaDistance = Mathf.Clamp(deltaDistance, -CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceChangeMaxSpeed, CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceChangeMaxSpeed); m_fDistance += deltaDistance; if (m_fDistance > CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceMax) { m_fDistance = CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceMax; } if (m_fDistance < CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceMin) { m_fDistance = CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceMin; } // 根据distance计算pitch m_fPitch = (m_fDistance - CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceDefault) / (CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceDefault - CameraDefine.m_fCameraDistanceMin) * (CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchDefault - CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchMin) + CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchDefault; if (m_fPitch > CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchMax) { m_fPitch = CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchMax; } if (m_fPitch < CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchMin) { m_fPitch = CameraDefine.m_fCameraPitchMin; } LogModule.DebugLog(m_fDistance.ToString()); m_bDirty = true; } }
/// <summary> /// 日志检测处理方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <param name="stacktrace"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> public void OnLog(string message, string stacktrace, LogType type) { if (UnityGuiConsole.Instance != null) { UnityGuiConsole.Instance.LogCallback(message, stacktrace, type); } switch (type) { case LogType.Exception: { string butMsg = "{\n" + "\"message\":" + "\"" + message.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"stacktrace\":" + "\"" + stacktrace.Replace("\n", "") + "\"" + ",\n\"time\":" + "\"" + PlatformHelper.getcurrentTime() + "\"" + "\n" + "\"" + "\n}"; //PlatformHelper.UploadBug(butMsg); LogModule.DebugLog(butMsg); break; } case LogType.Log: LogModule.DebugLog(message); break; case LogType.Warning: LogModule.WarningLog(message); break; case LogType.Error: LogModule.ErrorLog(message); break; } }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H)) { CreateObjFunction.CreateModelStoryObj(463, "JXZFastMove1", Test); LogModule.DebugLog("fffffffffff"); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.K)) { ObjSnare_Init_Data initData = new ObjSnare_Init_Data(); initData.m_ServerID = 10000000; initData.m_OwerGuid = Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.GUID; initData.m_OwnerObjId = Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.ServerID; initData.m_fX = 1; initData.m_fZ = 5; initData.m_SnareID = 1; CreateObjFunction.CreateModelSnareObj(initData); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y)) { ObjYanHua_Init_Data initData = new ObjYanHua_Init_Data(); initData.m_ServerID = 10000000; initData.m_OwerGuid = Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.GUID; initData.m_OwnerObjId = Singleton <ObjManager> .Instance.MainPlayer.ServerID; initData.m_fX = 1; initData.m_fZ = 1; initData.m_nYanHuaID = 2; CreateObjFunction.CreateModelYanhuaObj(initData); } }
public void ReceiveSendMarch(object parm) { LogModule.DebugLog("ReceiveSendMarch"); CSendMarch tSendMarch = GameFacade.GetProxy <BattleProxy>().SendMarch; mSceneID = tSendMarch.sceneId; }
public void ReceiveBattleInfor(object parm) { LogModule.DebugLog("ReceiveBattlerInfor"); CBattleInfor tBattleInfor = GameFacade.GetProxy <BattleProxy>().BattleInfor; mCurrentCamp = (SquadCamp)tBattleInfor.camp; ServerBattleState tServerBattleState = (ServerBattleState)tBattleInfor.currentState; if (tServerBattleState == ServerBattleState.STATUS_SELECTTARGET || tServerBattleState == ServerBattleState.STATUS_MARCH || tServerBattleState == ServerBattleState.STATUS_COMBAT) { mBattleState = BattleState.Start; } else { mBattleState = BattleState.prepare; } if (mSceneID != tBattleInfor.sceneId) { return; } StartCoroutine(LoadUnitAssets(tBattleInfor)); //Open Battle UI. MediatorManager.GetInstance().Add(new BattleUIController()); }
// 清除缓存 public static void DoUnloadUnuseBundle() { LogModule.DebugLog("Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets"); Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); GC.Collect(); m_cacheBundleSize = 0; m_cacheBundleAddCount = 0; }
public void GetBattlerInfor() { LogModule.DebugLog("GetBattlerInfor"); CG_BATTLEINFOR battlerInforPacket = (CG_BATTLEINFOR)PacketDistributed.CreatePacket(MessageID.PACKET_CG_BATTLEINFOR); battlerInforPacket.SetSceneId(mSceneID); battlerInforPacket.SendPacket(); }