Example #1
        private async Task Execute()
            if (Verbose)
                Trace.WriteLine("Execution of writer loop started. Waiting for log lines...");

            while (!_cancellationTokenSource.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                // wait for processing
                if (Verbose)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Loop waiting for {LogDnaConfig.WriterLoopInterval} ms");

                await Task.Delay(LogDnaConfig.WriterLoopInterval);

                if (!HasLines())
                    if (Verbose)
                        Trace.WriteLine($"No lines this time...  see you in {LogDnaConfig.WriterLoopInterval} ms");


                LogLineBatch logLinesBatch;

                lock (_linesLock)
                    var currentLogLines = new LogLine[_logLines.Count];
                    _logLines.CopyTo(currentLogLines, 0);

                    logLinesBatch = new LogLineBatch(currentLogLines);

                if (Verbose)
                    Trace.WriteLine($"Prepared batch with {logLinesBatch.Lines.Count()} log lines");

                await SendBatchWithRetry(logLinesBatch);

            if (Verbose)
                Trace.WriteLine("Stopping execution of writer loop. Good bye!");
Example #2
        private async Task SendBatchWithRetry(LogLineBatch logLineBatch)
            var tries      = 1;
            var successful = false;

                var request = new IngestRequest()
                    HostName = _dnsInfoProvider.GetHostName()

                var response = await _logDnaApi.Ingest(request, LogDnaConfig.AuthorizationHeader, logLineBatch);

                successful = response.IsSuccessStatusCode;

                if (!successful)
                    var errorMessage = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    await Console.Error.WriteAsync(
                        $"Failed to log batch of {logLineBatch.Lines.Count()} log lines: {response.StatusCode} - {errorMessage}"
                else if (Verbose)
                        $"Successfully sent batch of {logLineBatch.Lines.Count()} on attempt {tries}: : {response.StatusCode}"
            } while (!successful && tries++ <= LogDnaConfig.WriterMaxRetries);

            if (!successful)
                await Console.Error.WriteAsync(
                    $"Failed to log batch of {logLineBatch.Lines.Count()} log lines after {LogDnaConfig.WriterMaxRetries} attempts"