private void ChangeLabel(MPLSPacket packet) { int oldPort = packet.DestinationPort; int oldLabel = packet.GetLabelFromStack(); int[] FIBOutput = fib.GetOutput(oldPort, oldLabel, packet.ipPacket.destinationAddress); int port = FIBOutput[0]; int label = FIBOutput[1]; packet.DestinationPort = port; LogClass.WhiteLog("MPLSPacket from inPort " + oldPort + ": old label = " + oldLabel); if (label != 0) { packet.PutLabelOnStack(label); Console.WriteLine(" | new label = " + label); } else { Console.WriteLine(" | old label removed"); } if (fib.LookForLabelToBeAdded(oldPort, oldLabel) != 0) { int addingLabel = fib.LookForLabelToBeAdded(oldPort, oldLabel); packet.PutLabelOnStack(fib.LookForLabelToBeAdded(oldPort, oldLabel)); LogClass.Log("Starting new tunnel with label " + addingLabel); ChangeLabel(packet); } else if (fib.LookForLabelToBeRemoved(oldPort, oldLabel) != 0) { LogClass.Log("Ending tunnel"); ChangeLabel(packet); } }
// 指令請求, 回復success / error / norespond public String SendRequestWithUrl(string Url, string strCommand) { string data = GetStringWithUrl(Url, strCommand); try { JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(data); var result = (string)jObj.Descendants() .OfType <JProperty>() .Where(p => p.Name == "state") .First().Value; return(result); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log(e.Source + "發生錯誤,原因" + e.Message); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException jsexp = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("LOG.txt"); streamWriter.WriteLine(jsexp.ToString()); streamWriter.WriteLine(data); streamWriter.Close(); return(null); } }
public void SendEmail(string to, string subject, string body, string from, string password) { try { MailMessage email = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(); smtp.Host = ""; // set up the Gmail server smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.Port = 587; smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(from, password); smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; // draft the email MailAddress fromAddress = new MailAddress(from); email.From = fromAddress; email.To.Add(to); email.Subject = subject; email.Body = body; smtp.Send(email); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Error sending email - carring on any ways - " + e); } }
public static void userAuthentication(string userName) { if (AddressesTable.isUserAuthenticated(userName)) { LogClass.Log(userName + " authentication successful."); } }
public void DeleteLink(string begin, string end) { Link linkToBeDeleted = links.Find(x => (x.FirstSNPP.Address == begin && x.SecondSNPP.Address == end)); deletedLinks.Add(linkToBeDeleted); links.Remove(linkToBeDeleted); LogClass.Log("[RC] Removed link: " + linkToBeDeleted.FirstSNPP.Address + " - " + linkToBeDeleted.SecondSNPP.Address + " from RC."); }
private static string ReadStreamFromResponse(WebResponse response) { using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) // Pipe the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. using (StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"))) { String data = objReader.ReadToEnd(); try { if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { return(null); } while (true) { if (data[0] != '{') { data = data.Substring(1); } else { break; } } return(data); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Exception:" + e.Message); logClass.Log(" API Connect GetString Error" + data); return(null); } } /* * using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(responseStream)) * { * //Need to return this response * string strContent = sr.ReadToEnd(); * return strContent; * }*/ }
public static void actionLog() { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); string strMSG = ""; ScreenShotService.ScreenShotClass serviceScreenShot = new ScreenShotService.ScreenShotClass(); serviceScreenShot.CaptureScreen(objConfig.ScreenShotPath); strMSG = "Logging addtional card infomation. \r\n" + getCardDetails(); logClass.Log(strMSG); }
public static bool SendConnectionRequest(SNP pathBegin, SNP pathEnd, SubnetworkAddress subnetworkAddress) { Tuple <SNP, SNP> connTuple = new Tuple <SNP, SNP>(pathBegin, pathEnd); bool hasValue = SocketsByAddress.TryGetValue(subnetworkAddress, out childSubSocket); if (hasValue) { if (pathBegin.Deleting) { childSubSocket.SendObject(DELETE_CONNECTION_REQUEST, connTuple); } else { childSubSocket.SendObject(CONNECTION_REQUEST_FROM_CC, connTuple); } while (!(acked || nacked)) { Thread.Sleep(30); } if (acked) { if (pathBegin.Deleting) { LogClass.MagentaLog("Subnetwork " + subnetworkAddress.subnetAddress + " deleted connection between: " + pathBegin.Address + " and " + pathEnd.Address); } else { LogClass.GreenLog("Subnetwork " + subnetworkAddress.subnetAddress + " set connection between: " + pathBegin.Address + " and " + pathEnd.Address); } acked = false; return(true); } else if (nacked) { if (pathBegin.Deleting) { LogClass.Log("Subnetwork " + subnetworkAddress.subnetAddress + " can't delete the connection between: " + pathBegin.Address + " and " + pathEnd.Address); } else { LogClass.Log("Subnetwork " + subnetworkAddress.subnetAddress + " can't set up the connection between: " + pathBegin.Address + " and " + pathEnd.Address); } nacked = false; return(false); } } else { LogClass.Log("Can't find subnetwork: " + subnetworkAddress.ToString()); } return(false); }
protected DataSet loadByPrimaryKey(string key) { string[] options = new string[2]; options[0] = key; try { //localCN.Open(); //localCN.ConnectionString = connectionString; string stmt = prepareStatement(loadStmt, options); System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter da = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(stmt, GlobalShared.CN.ConnectionString); DataSet ds = new DataSet(DS_DATA_SET); da.Fill(ds, DS_DATA_SET); ColumnCount = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Count; return(ds); } catch (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error while retrieving record from " + localTable + ": " + ex.Message); return(null); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ErrorMessage = ex.Message; Log.Log((int)LogClass.logType.ErrorCondition, "Error while retrieveing record from " + localTable + ": " + ex.Message); return(null); } finally { try { if (localCN.State == ConnectionState.Open) { localCN.Close(); } } catch { } } }
public bool DeletePeerCoordinationIn(SNP pathBegin, string pathEnd) { LogClass.Log("[DEBUG] incoming deletepeercoordination from" + pathBegin.Address + " to " + pathEnd); List <SNP> SNPList = null; foreach (string[] key in existingConnections.Keys) { if ((key[0] == pathBegin.Address && key[1] == pathEnd) || (key[1] == pathBegin.Address && key[0] == pathEnd)) { SNPList = existingConnections[key]; } } //w kazdym SNP ustaw "deleting" na true SNPList.ForEach(x => x.Deleting = true); //usuniecie alokacji w LRM for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count; index += 2) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[index + 1]; DeleteLinkConnectionRequest(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd); } //Wysłanie DeleteConnectionRequesta do podsieci, jeżeli na liscie SNP znajdą się 2 adresy brzegowe tej podsieci for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count - 1; index++) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; for (int jndex = index + 1; jndex < SNPList.Count; jndex++) { SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[jndex]; if (BelongsToSubnetwork(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { if (DeleteConnectionRequestOut(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { LogClass.Log("Deleting " + SNPpathBegin.Address + " - " + SNPpathEnd.Address + " successful."); } else { LogClass.Log("Epic fail xD"); return(false); } } } } return(true); //Jesli polaczenie zestawiono poprawnie }
public JObject GetJObjectSelectSQLWithUrl(string strUrl, string sql_query) { try { JObject jObj = GetJObjectWithUrl(strUrl, "api_lottery.php?action=getFreeList&select_str=" + sql_query); return(jObj); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log(e.Source + "發生錯誤,原因" + e.Message + "SQL:" + sql_query); return(null); } }
public static void SendDeleteConnectionRequest(string pathBeginAddress, string pathEndAddress, SubnetworkAddress subnetAddress) { Tuple <string, string> deleteTuple = new Tuple <string, string>(pathBeginAddress, pathEndAddress); CSocket childSubSocket; bool hasValue = SocketsByAddress.TryGetValue(subnetAddress, out childSubSocket); if (hasValue) { childSubSocket.SendObject(DELETE_CONNECTION_REQUEST, deleteTuple); } else { LogClass.Log("Can't find subnetwork: " + subnetAddress.ToString()); } }
// 指令請求, 回復success / error / norespond public String SendRequest(string strCommand) { /* * sURL = BaseURL + strCommand; * * WebRequest wrGETURL; * wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(sURL); * * Stream objStream; * objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); * StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(objStream); * * * * * var data = objReader.ReadToEnd(); * if (data == null) return "norespond"; */ string data = GetStringWithUrl(BaseURL, strCommand); try { JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(data); var result = (string)jObj.Descendants() .OfType <JProperty>() .Where(p => p.Name == "state") .First().Value; return(result); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log(e.Source + "發生錯誤,原因" + e.Message); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException jsexp = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("LOG.txt"); streamWriter.WriteLine(jsexp.ToString()); streamWriter.WriteLine(data); streamWriter.Close(); return(null); } }
private static void ProcessConnectInformation(CSocket connectedSocket) { Tuple <string, object> received = connectedSocket.ReceiveObject(); Dictionary <string, string> receivedInformation = (Dictionary <string, string>)received.Item2; if (receivedInformation.Count == 0) { toNCCSocket = connectedSocket; } else { String operatedSubnetwork = receivedInformation[OPERATED_SUBNETWORK]; String operatedSubnetworkMask = receivedInformation[OPERATED_SUBNETWORK_MASK]; SubnetworkAddress connectedSubnetAddress = new SubnetworkAddress(operatedSubnetwork, operatedSubnetworkMask); SocketsByAddress.Add(connectedSubnetAddress, connectedSocket); LogClass.Log("Subnetwork " + operatedSubnetwork + " connected."); } }
public bool DeleteConnectionRequestOut(SNP pathBegin, SNP pathEnd) { LogClass.Log("[DEBUG] sending delete connection request out between " + pathBegin.Address + " and " + pathEnd.Address); //wysyla do cc poziom niżej wiadomosc usuwaj jak szalony konik IPAddress subnetworkAddress = null; IPAddress subnetworkAddressMask = null; foreach (SubnetworkAddress sub in ContainedSubnetworksAddresses) { if (IPAddressExtensions.IsInSameSubnet(sub.subnetAddress, IPAddress.Parse(pathBegin.Address), sub.subnetMask)) { subnetworkAddress = sub.subnetAddress; subnetworkAddressMask = sub.subnetMask; } } SubnetworkAddress subnetAddress = new SubnetworkAddress(subnetworkAddress.ToString(), subnetworkAddressMask.ToString()); SubnetworkServer.SendConnectionRequest(pathBegin, pathEnd, subnetAddress); return(true); }
public JObject StringConvertJObj(string strJson) { try { JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(strJson.ToString()); return(jObj); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log(e.Source + "發生錯誤,原因" + e.Message); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException jsexp = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("LOG.txt"); streamWriter.WriteLine(jsexp.ToString()); streamWriter.WriteLine(strJson); streamWriter.Close(); return(null); } }
public JObject GetJObject(string strCommand) { string data = GetStringWithUrl(BaseURL, strCommand); try { JObject jObj = JObject.Parse(data.ToString()); return(jObj); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log(e.Source + "發生錯誤,原因" + e.Message); Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException jsexp = new Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter("LOG.txt"); streamWriter.WriteLine(jsexp.ToString()); streamWriter.WriteLine(data); streamWriter.Close(); return(null); } }
static void ExecuteCommand(string command) { //Execute in new CMD window incase of error or hang try { //Setup command ProcessStartInfo processInfo; Process process; processInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c " + command); processInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; processInfo.UseShellExecute = true; //Execute command process = Process.Start(processInfo); //Don't want to wait for exit incase bat hangs give it two minutes then carry on CountDown(objConfig.Delay / 2, "Waiting for half a delay period for " + command + " to have time to finish."); process.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Error executing - " + command + "\r\nError - " + e); } }
public bool ConnectionRequestFromCC(SNP pathBegin, SNP pathEnd) { List <SNPP> SNPPList = RouteTableQuery(pathBegin.Address, pathEnd.Address, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity); //Lista SNP dla tworzonego aktualnie polaczenia List <SNP> SNPList = new List <SNP>(); SNPList.Add(pathBegin); SNPList.Add(pathEnd); for (int index = 0; index < SNPPList.Count; index += 2) { SNPP SNPPpathBegin = SNPPList[index]; SNPP SNPPpathEnd = SNPPList[index + 1]; Tuple <SNP, SNP> SNPpair = LinkConnectionRequest(SNPPpathBegin, SNPPpathEnd, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity); SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item1); SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item2); } //Zapamietaj SNPlist z polaczeniem mdzy takimi adresami existingConnections.Add(new string[] { pathBegin.Address, pathEnd.Address }, SNPList); //Wysłanie ConnectionRequesta do podsieci, jeżeli na liscie SNP zajdą się 2 adresy brzegowe tej podsieci List <SNP> connected = new List <SNP>(); for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count - 1; index++) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; for (int jndex = index + 1; jndex < SNPList.Count; jndex++) { SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[jndex]; if (BelongsToSubnetwork(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { if (ConnectionRequestOut(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { connected.Add(SNPpathBegin); connected.Add(SNPpathEnd); LogClass.Log("Subnetwork Connection set properly."); } else { connected.ForEach(x => x.Deleting = true); for (int i = 0; i < connected.Count; i += 2) { DeleteLinkConnectionRequest(connected.ElementAt(i), connected.ElementAt(i + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < connected.Count; i += 2) { ConnectionRequestOut(connected.ElementAt(i), connected.ElementAt(i + 1)); } SubnetworkServer.callIgnoreLinkInRC(SNPpathBegin); SubnetworkServer.callIgnoreLinkInRC(SNPpathEnd); LogClass.Log("Epic fail."); return(false); } } } } return(true); //Jesli polaczenie zestawiono poprawnie }
public void UpdateFIB(List <Entry> table) { fib.UpdateRoutingTable(table); LogClass.Log("Updating FIB in inPort " + portNumber); fib.DisplayFIB(portNumber); }
public String GetStringWithUrl(string strUrl, string strCommand) { LogClass log = new LogClass(); sURL = strUrl + strCommand; log.Log(sURL); #if ASYNC try { var task = MakeAsyncRequest(sURL, "text/html"); return(task.Result); } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Exception:" + e.Message); logClass.Log(" API Connect GetString Error" + sURL); return(null); } //Console.WriteLine("Got response of {0}", task.Result); #else //HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); // Create a 'WebRequest' object with the specified url. WebRequest myWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(sURL); // Send the 'WebRequest' and wait for response. WebResponse myWebResponse = myWebRequest.GetResponse(); //myWebRequest.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Post; // Obtain a 'Stream' object associated with the response object. Stream ReceiveStream = myWebResponse.GetResponseStream(); Encoding encode = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"); // Pipe the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(ReceiveStream, encode); /* * sURL = BaseURL + strCommand; * * WebRequest wrGETURL; * wrGETURL = WebRequest.Create(sURL); * * Stream objStream; * objStream = wrGETURL.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); * StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(objStream); */ String data = objReader.ReadToEnd(); try { if (data == null || data.Length == 0) { return(null); } while (true) { if (data[0] != '{') { data = data.Substring(1); } else { break; } } return(data); /* * string data2; * if (data[0] != '{') * { * data2 = data.Substring(1); * } * else * { * data2 = data; * } * return data2; */ } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Exception:" + e.Message); logClass.Log(" API Connect GetString Error" + data); return(null); } #endif }
public bool PeerCoordinationIn(SNP pathBegin, string pathEnd) { LogClass.Log("[DEBUG] incoming peercoordination from" + pathBegin.Address + " to " + pathEnd); string[] existingConnKey = new string[] { pathBegin.Address, pathEnd }; string beginAddressForDict = pathBegin.Address; //Lista SNP dla tworzonego aktualnie polaczenia List <SNP> SNPList = new List <SNP>(); //sprawdza, z ktorej domeny przyszedl SNP i podmienia jego adres na adres swojego SNPP brzegowego foreach (SubnetworkAddress domainAddress in OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation.Keys) { if (IPAddressExtensions.IsInSameSubnet(IPAddress.Parse(pathBegin.Address), domainAddress.subnetAddress, domainAddress.subnetMask)) { Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> foundTranslation = OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation[domainAddress].Find(x => x.Item1.ToString() == pathBegin.Address); IPAddress translatedAddress = foundTranslation.Item2; Console.WriteLine("TRANSALATED FROM" + pathBegin.Address + " TO " + translatedAddress.ToString()); pathBegin.Address = translatedAddress.ToString(); } } Console.WriteLine("DEFENITELY TRANSALATED TO " + pathBegin.Address); //przepustowosc bierzemy z przekazanego SNP SNPList.Add(new SNP(pathBegin.Label, pathBegin.Address, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity, null, null)); SNPList.Add(new SNP(0, pathEnd, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity, pathBegin.PathBegin, pathBegin.PathEnd)); //Zapamietaj SNPlist z polaczeniem mdzy takimi adresami existingConnections.Add(existingConnKey, SNPList); List <SNPP> SNPPList = RouteTableQuery(pathBegin.Address, pathEnd, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity); for (int index = 0; index < SNPPList.Count; index += 2) { SNPP SNPPpathBegin = SNPPList[index]; SNPP SNPPpathEnd = SNPPList[index + 1]; Tuple <SNP, SNP> SNPpair = LinkConnectionRequest(SNPPpathBegin, SNPPpathEnd, pathBegin.OccupiedCapacity); SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item1); SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item2); } //Wysłanie ConnectionRequesta do podsieci, jeżeli na liscie SNP zajdą się 2 adresy brzegowe tej podsieci List <SNP> connected = new List <SNP>(); for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count - 1; index++) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; for (int jndex = index + 1; jndex < SNPList.Count; jndex++) { SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[jndex]; if (BelongsToSubnetwork(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { LogClass.WhiteLog("[DEBUG] Sending ConnectionRequest between" + SNPpathBegin.Address + SNPpathEnd.Deleting + "and" + SNPpathEnd.Address + SNPpathBegin.Deleting); if (ConnectionRequestOut(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { connected.Add(SNPpathBegin); connected.Add(SNPpathEnd); LogClass.Log("Subnetwork Connection set properly."); } else { connected.ForEach(x => x.Deleting = true); for (int i = 0; i < connected.Count; i += 2) { DeleteLinkConnectionRequest(connected.ElementAt(i), connected.ElementAt(i + 1)); } for (int i = 0; i < connected.Count; i += 2) { ConnectionRequestOut(connected.ElementAt(i), connected.ElementAt(i + 1)); LogClass.WhiteLog("[DEBUG] Sending DeleteConnectionRequest between" + SNPpathBegin.Address + SNPpathEnd.Deleting + "and" + SNPpathEnd.Address + SNPpathBegin.Deleting); } SubnetworkServer.callIgnoreLinkInRC(SNPpathBegin); SubnetworkServer.callIgnoreLinkInRC(SNPpathEnd); LogClass.Log("Epic fail."); return(false); } } } } return(true); //Jesli polaczenie zestawiono poprawnie }
public static int intTestCount = 0; //Just a global variable for counting test loops please ignore my poor coding standards static void Main() { try { //Declaring and initilizing some stuff probaly more stuff then i need EmailClass emailClass = new EmailClass(); LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); string[] strUtilization; int intStrikes = 0; int intMissing = 0; bool bReboot = false; bool bAddStrike = false; string strMsg = ""; bool bRestartedMiner = false; int intEvents = 10; //Get config values from the config file try { getConfig(); } catch (Exception e) { logClass.Log("Error loading config. Check config file exiting program - " + e); Environment.Exit(1); } logClass.Log("Starting process assuming reboot because I don't feel like checking."); //Send Email starting up if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { logClass.Log("Sending Email"); emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + "Monitoring is starting", "Monitoring is starting", objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } //Half a delay checks to give the computer time to get going. Added fancy count down. CountDown(objConfig.Delay / 2); //Delete old log files logClass.DeleteOldLogs(3); //If startup bat present run it if (objConfig.StartBat != "") { try { logClass.Log("Starting miner command - " + objConfig.StartBat); ExecuteCommand(objConfig.StartBat); } catch (Exception e) { logClass.Log("Error starting miner- attemping notification - " + e); if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + "Miner failed to start", "Miner failed to start check log", objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } } } if (objConfig.ProdOrTest == "test") { logClass.Log("\r\nUsing Test Data!!!\r\n"); } //Loop till something breaks while (!bReboot) { //Clear message for every loop strMsg = ""; //Decide if we are using real values or test values if (objConfig.ProdOrTest != "test") { strUtilization = getUtilization(); } else { strUtilization = testgetUtilization(); } //Convert the string utilizations into ints so we can do some math. int[] intUtilization = Array.ConvertAll(strUtilization, delegate(string s) { return(int.Parse(s)); }); //Make sure all cards are utilized above threshold if (checkUtilization(intUtilization, ref strMsg)) { bAddStrike = true; } //Make sure all cards are present else if (intUtilization.Length < objConfig.NumberOfGPUS) { bAddStrike = true; intMissing = objConfig.NumberOfGPUS - intUtilization.Length; strMsg = strMsg + "\r\nThe Ugly - " + intMissing + " GPUs are missing \r\n"; } //Clean run new batter clear the board else { //If there was strike log the next good run before clearing the board if (intStrikes > 0) { logClass.Log(strMsg); intStrikes = 0; } else { Console.Write("\r\n" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss tt") + " - " + strMsg); } bRestartedMiner = false; } //If Error Log int if (strMsg.Contains("Bad") || strMsg.Contains("Ugly")) { logClass.Log(strMsg); } //If error and internet is up count it as strike if (bAddStrike) { //Check for internet connection before looking for strikes. If not internet/pool then no need to try anything. if (CheckForInternetConnection()) { intStrikes++; } else { logClass.Log("Internet check failed strike not counted."); } } //Check if we need attempt to restart computer if (intStrikes >= objConfig.ComputerStrikes) { bReboot = true; } //Check if we need to attempt to restart miner else if (intStrikes >= objConfig.MinerStrikes) { //If restart bat present execute it if (objConfig.RestartBat != "") { try { if (!bRestartedMiner) { bRestartedMiner = true; logClass.Log("Restarting miner command - " + objConfig.StartBat); actionLog(); ExecuteCommand(objConfig.RestartBat); if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + " Restarting Miner Program", logClass.returnEvents(intEvents), objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } } } catch (Exception e) { logClass.Log("Error - attemping notification if enabled - " + e); if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + "Miner failed to restart", "Miner failed to restart. Monitoring will continue and computer restart may be attempted if enabled.\r\n" + logClass.returnEvents(intEvents), objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } } } else { logClass.Log("Miner strike set but no bat file provided!"); } } //sleep for the set delay CountDown(objConfig.Delay); } //Well crap we made it out time to reboot actionLog(); if (objConfig.Restart != "no") { //Send Email something went wrong if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { logClass.Log("Sending Email"); emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + "struck out rebooting", "Rebooting\r\n" + logClass.returnEvents(intEvents), objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } logClass.Log("Attemping reboot with force"); strMsg = "-r -f -t 60 -c \"" + strMsg + "\""; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown.exe", strMsg); } else { logClass.Log("Computer struck out but reboot is disabled."); if (objConfig.SendEmail != "no") { emailClass.SendEmail(objConfig.ToEmailAddress, "GPU Utilization Monitor - " + objConfig.Rig + "struck out", "Reboot is diabled taking no farther action to be taken. Stopping monitoring \r\n" + logClass.returnEvents(intEvents), objConfig.FromEmailAddress, objConfig.FromEmailPassword); } } } catch (Exception e) { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("Fatal exception - " + e); } }
//Reads values from the file and puts them in the global object public static void getConfig() { LogClass logClass = new LogClass(); logClass.Log("***Starting Config****"); string strNumberOfGPUS = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("NumberOfGPUS"); logClass.Log("Number of GPUS - " + strNumberOfGPUS); string strDelay = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Delay"); logClass.Log("Delay between checks - " + strDelay + " minutes"); string strToEmailAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ToEmailAddress"); logClass.Log("Notification to email - " + Mask(strToEmailAddress, 2)); string strFromEmailAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FromEmailAddress"); logClass.Log("Notification from email - " + Mask(strFromEmailAddress, 2)); string strFromEmailPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("FromEmailPassword"); logClass.Log("Notification from email password - " + Mask(strFromEmailPassword)); string strProdOrTest = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ProdOrTest"); logClass.Log("Prod or Test - " + strProdOrTest); string strSendEmail = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("SendEmail"); logClass.Log("Sending notification emails - " + strSendEmail); string strComputerStrikes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ComputerStrikes"); logClass.Log("How many strikes before restarting - " + strComputerStrikes); string strMinerStrikes = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("MinerStrikes"); logClass.Log("How many strikes before executing restart bat - " + strMinerStrikes); string strRestartBat = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("RestartBat"); logClass.Log("Restart bat file - " + strRestartBat); string strStartBat = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("StartBat"); logClass.Log("Start up bat file - " + strStartBat); string strRestart = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Restart"); logClass.Log("Are we restarting the computer - " + strRestart); string strRig = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("Rig"); logClass.Log("Rig Name - " + strRig); string strTestUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("TestUrl"); logClass.Log("URL to validate internet - " + strTestUrl); string strBadCardThreshold = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("BadCardThreshold"); logClass.Log("Threshold for GPU utilization - " + strBadCardThreshold + "%"); string strScreenShotPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ScreenShotPath"); logClass.Log("Path to save screen shots - " + strScreenShotPath); string strScreenShotLoops = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("ScreenShotLoops"); logClass.Log("***Ending Config****"); objConfig.NumberOfGPUS = Int32.Parse(strNumberOfGPUS); objConfig.Delay = double.Parse(strDelay) * 60; objConfig.ComputerStrikes = Int32.Parse(strComputerStrikes); //If 0 then disabled set so high it doesn't matter if (objConfig.ComputerStrikes == 0) { objConfig.ComputerStrikes = 100000; } objConfig.MinerStrikes = Int32.Parse(strMinerStrikes); //If 0 then disabled set so high it doesn't matter if (objConfig.MinerStrikes == 0) { objConfig.MinerStrikes = 100000; } objConfig.ToEmailAddress = strToEmailAddress; objConfig.FromEmailAddress = strFromEmailAddress; objConfig.FromEmailPassword = strFromEmailPassword; objConfig.SendEmail = strSendEmail; objConfig.RestartBat = strRestartBat; objConfig.StartBat = strStartBat; objConfig.Restart = strRestart; objConfig.ProdOrTest = strProdOrTest; objConfig.Rig = strRig; objConfig.TestUrl = strTestUrl; objConfig.BadCardThreshold = Int32.Parse(strBadCardThreshold); objConfig.ScreenShotPath = strScreenShotPath; }
private static void waitForInput(CSocket socket) { Tuple <String, Object> received = socket.ReceiveObject(); String parameter = received.Item1; Object receivedObject = received.Item2; string firstParam = null; string secondParam = null; if (receivedObject is MessageParameters) { messageParameters = (MessageParameters)received.Item2; firstParam = messageParameters.getFirstParameter(); secondParam = messageParameters.getSecondParameter(); capacity = messageParameters.getCapacity(); } if (parameter.Equals(CALL_REQUEST)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL REQUEST from " + firstParam); try { Policy.userAuthentication(firstParam); userAddress_1 = Directory.getTranslatedAddress(firstParam); LogClass.Log("Translated " + firstParam + " to " + userAddress_1); userAddress_2 = Directory.getTranslatedAddress(secondParam); if (userAddress_2 != null) { LogClass.Log("Translated " + secondParam + " to " + userAddress_2); } if (userAddress_2.Contains("10.1")) { SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CONNECTION REQUEST to CC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()); SendingManager.SendMessage(CONNECTION_REQUEST, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } else if (userAddress_2.Contains("10.2")) { SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToNCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL COORDINATION to NCC_2" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_COORDINATION, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { LogClass.Log("Cannot translate " + secondParam); LogClass.Log("Cannot set up the connection"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL REJECTED to CPCC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_REJECTED_CPCC, "1", "1", 0); } } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_TEARDOWN)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL TEARDOWN from " + firstParam); try { Policy.userAuthentication(firstParam); userAddress_1 = Directory.getTranslatedAddress(firstParam); LogClass.Log("Translated " + firstParam + " to " + userAddress_1); userAddress_2 = Directory.getTranslatedAddress(secondParam); if (userAddress_2 != null) { LogClass.Log("Translated " + secondParam + " to " + userAddress_2); } if (userAddress_2.Contains("10.1")) { SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL TEARDOWN to CC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_TEARDOWN, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } else if (userAddress_2.Contains("10.2")) { SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToNCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL TEARDOWN to NCC_2" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_TEARDOWN_NCC, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } } catch (NullReferenceException) { LogClass.Log("Cannot translate " + secondParam); LogClass.Log("Cannot set up the connection"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL REJECTED to CPCC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_REJECTED_CPCC, "1", "1", 0); } } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_TEARDOWN_NCC)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL TEARDOWN from NCC_1"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL TEARDOWN to " + secondParam + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_TEARDOWN_CPCC, firstParam, secondParam, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_TEARDOWN_CPCC)) { LogClass.Log(secondParam + " accepted the dealocation"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToNCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL TEARDOWN to NCC_1" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_TEARDOWN_NCC_2, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_TEARDOWN_NCC_2)) { LogClass.Log("Received DEALLOCATION CONFIRMATION from NCC_2"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL TEARDOWN to CC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_TEARDOWN, userAddress_1, userAddress_2, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_COORDINATION)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL COORDINATION from NCC_1"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL INDICATION to " + secondParam + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_INDICATION, firstParam, secondParam, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_CONFIRMED_CPCC)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL CONFIRMED from " + secondParam); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToNCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL CONFIRMED to NCC_1" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_CONFIRMED_NCC, firstParam, secondParam, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(CALL_CONFIRMED_NCC)) { LogClass.Log("Received CALL CONFIRMED from NCC_2"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CONNECTION REQUEST to CC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendObject(new Dictionary <string, string>()); SendingManager.SendMessage(CONNECTION_REQUEST, firstParam, secondParam, capacity); } else if (parameter.Equals(ACK_FUNCTION)) { LogClass.Log("Connection set properly"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL CONFIRMED to CPCC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_CONFIRMED_CPCC, "1", "1", 0); } else if (parameter.Equals(NACK_FUNCTION)) { LogClass.Log("Cannot set up the connection"); SendingManager.Init(Config.getIntegerProperty("sendPortToCPCC")); LogClass.Log("Sending CALL REJECTED to CPCC" + Environment.NewLine); SendingManager.SendMessage(CALL_REJECTED_CPCC, "1", "1", 0); } }
public bool DeleteConnection(string pathBegin, string pathEnd) { List <SNP> SNPList = null; LogClass.Log("[DEBUG] deleting connection between" + pathBegin + " to " + pathEnd); //new string[] { pathBegin, pathEnd } foreach (string[] key in existingConnections.Keys) { if ((key[0] == pathBegin && key[1] == pathEnd) || (key[1] == pathBegin && key[0] == pathEnd)) { SNPList = existingConnections[key]; } } //w kazdym SNP ustaw "deleting" na true SNPList.ForEach(x => x.Deleting = true); string PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain = null; //usuniecie alokacji w LRM for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count; index += 2) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[index + 1]; DeleteLinkConnectionRequest(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd); } //Wysłanie DeleteConnectionRequesta do podsieci, jeżeli na liscie SNP znajdą się 2 adresy brzegowe tej podsieci for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count - 1; index++) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; for (int jndex = index + 1; jndex < SNPList.Count; jndex++) { SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[jndex]; if (BelongsToSubnetwork(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { if (ConnectionRequestOut(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { LogClass.Log("Deleting " + SNPpathBegin.Address + " - " + SNPpathEnd.Address + " successful."); } else { LogClass.Log("Epic fail xD"); return(false); } } } } //sprawdzamy, czy adres koncowy jest w naszej domenie if (!IPAddressExtensions.IsInSameSubnet(IPAddress.Parse(pathEnd), IPAddress.Parse(SubnetworkAddress), IPAddress.Parse(SubnetworkMask))) { PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain = pathEnd; //TODO: sprawdz, czy ktorys z SNP ma adres SNPP brzegowego tej domeny SNP lastSNPinThisDomain = null; foreach (SNP snp in SNPList) { foreach (List <Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> > list in OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation.Values) { foreach (Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> tuple in list) { if (tuple.Item1.ToString() == snp.Address) { lastSNPinThisDomain = snp; } } } } if (DeletePeerCoordinationOut(lastSNPinThisDomain, PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain)) { LogClass.Log("DeletePeerCoordination OK."); } else { LogClass.Log("PeerCoordination FAIL."); }; } return(true); //Jesli polaczenie zestawiono poprawnie }
// % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % // // %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GŁOWNA METODA %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // // % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % // public bool ConnectionRequestFromNCC(string pathBegin, string pathEnd, int capacity) { string PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain = null; string[] existingConnKey = new string[] { pathBegin, pathEnd }; //Lista SNP dla tworzonego aktualnie polaczenia List <SNP> SNPList = new List <SNP>(); //zakladamy, ze adres poczatkowy zawsze jest w naszej domenie, jezeli dostalismy requesta od NCC //dodaj SNP z labelem 0 dla poczatku sciezki SNPList.Add(new SNP(0, pathBegin, capacity, pathBegin, pathEnd)); //sprawdzamy, czy adres koncowy jest w naszej domenie if (!IPAddressExtensions.IsInSameSubnet(IPAddress.Parse(pathEnd), IPAddress.Parse(SubnetworkAddress), IPAddress.Parse(SubnetworkMask))) { PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain = pathEnd; //sprawdza, czy adres docelowy jest w innej podsieci i podmienia foreach (SubnetworkAddress domainAddress in OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation.Keys) { if (!IPAddressExtensions.IsInSameSubnet(IPAddress.Parse(pathEnd), domainAddress.subnetAddress, domainAddress.subnetMask)) { Random random = new Random(); List <Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> > translationsList = OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation[domainAddress]; Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> foundTranslation = translationsList[random.Next(translationsList.Count)]; IPAddress translatedAddress = foundTranslation.Item1; pathEnd = translatedAddress.ToString(); } } } LogClass.WhiteLog("[CC] RouteTableQuery called between: " + pathBegin + " and: " + pathEnd); List <SNPP> SNPPList = RouteTableQuery(pathBegin, pathEnd, capacity); if (SNPPList.Count > 0) { //dodaj SNP z labelem 0 dla konca sciezki if (PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain == null) { SNPList.Add(new SNP(0, pathEnd, capacity, pathBegin, pathEnd)); } else { SNPP fakeSNPP = new SNPP(pathEnd, 0); SNPPList.Add(fakeSNPP); SNPPList.Add(fakeSNPP); } for (int index = 0; index < SNPPList.Count; index += 2) { SNPP SNPPpathBegin = SNPPList[index]; SNPP SNPPpathEnd = SNPPList[index + 1]; Tuple <SNP, SNP> SNPpair = LinkConnectionRequest(SNPPpathBegin, SNPPpathEnd, capacity); if (SNPpair.Item1 != SNPpair.Item2) { SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item1); SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item2); } else { SNPList.Add(SNPpair.Item1); } } //Zapamietaj SNPlist z polaczeniem mdzy takimi adresami existingConnections.Add(existingConnKey, SNPList); //Wysłanie ConnectionRequesta do podsieci, jeżeli na liscie SNP zajdą się 2 adresy brzegowe tej podsieci for (int index = 0; index < SNPList.Count - 1; index++) { SNP SNPpathBegin = SNPList[index]; for (int jndex = index + 1; jndex < SNPList.Count; jndex++) { SNP SNPpathEnd = SNPList[jndex]; if (BelongsToSubnetwork(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { if (ConnectionRequestOut(SNPpathBegin, SNPpathEnd)) { LogClass.Log("Subnetwork Connection set properly."); } else { LogClass.Log("Epic fail."); return(false); } } } } //Wyslanie PeerCoordination jezeli zestawiane polaczenie przebiega przez 2 domeny if (PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain != null) { //TODO: sprawdz, czy ktorys z SNP ma adres SNPP brzegowego tej domeny SNP lastSNPinThisDomain = null; foreach (SNP snp in SNPList) { foreach (List <Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> > list in OtherDomainSNPPAddressTranslation.Values) { foreach (Tuple <IPAddress, IPAddress> tuple in list) { if (tuple.Item1.ToString() == snp.Address) { lastSNPinThisDomain = snp; lastSNPinThisDomain.PathBegin = pathBegin; lastSNPinThisDomain.PathEnd = PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain; } } } } if (PeerCoordinationOut(lastSNPinThisDomain, PathEndAddressFromDifferentDomain)) { LogClass.Log("PeerCoordination OK."); } else { LogClass.Log("PeerCoordination FAIL."); }; } } if (SNPPList.Count > 0) { return(true); //Jesli polaczenie zestawiono poprawnie } else { return(false); } }
public void Send() { msg.Body = ""; if (gbIsRss && gsRssHeaderTemplate != "" && gsRssHeaderTemplate != null) { msg.AppendBodyFromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Emails/" + gsRssHeaderTemplate)); } try { msg.Body = gsBodyTemplateText + msg.Body; } catch (Exception ex) { } try { msg.AppendBodyFromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Emails/" + gsBodyTemplate)); } catch (Exception ex) { } for (int i = 0; i < saBodyReplace.Count; i++) { msg.Body = msg.Body.Replace(((string[])saBodyReplace[i])[0], ((string[])saBodyReplace[i])[1]); } if (gbShowFrame) { msg.Body = "<img src='" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["HOSTURL"] + "/images/misc/emailBanner.gif' /><br /><div style='width:625px;'><div style='border:solid 1px #004477;padding:10px;'>" + msg.Body + "</div></div>"; } //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write(msg.To + "," + msg.FromAddress); msg.Bcc += ";" + ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["BCC"]; // /* msg.Body = "To: " + msg.To + "<hr />" + msg.Body; msg.To = "*****@*****.**"; msg.Body = "Bcc: " + msg.Bcc + "<hr />" + msg.Body; msg.Body = "Cc: " + msg.Cc + "<hr />" + msg.Body; msg.Bcc = ""; msg.Cc = ""; // */ msg.Send(); LogClass logger = new LogClass(); logger.Log(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/Logs/"), "EmailSbj - " + msg.Subject + ",EmailTO - " + msg.To + ",EmailBCC- " + msg.Bcc + ",EmailCC- " + msg.Cc); }