public override void OnRspUserLogin(ThostFtdcRspUserLoginField pRspUserLogin, ThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) { if (pRspInfo.ErrorID != 0) { LogCenter.Error("交易登录失败:" + pRspInfo.ErrorMsg); return; } LogCenter.Log("交易登录成功"); AccountCenter.Instance.IsTDLogin = true; this.instruments.Clear(); LogCenter.Log("请求查询合约"); int i = this.ReqQryInstrument(new ThostFtdcQryInstrumentField(), 0); if (i != 0) { LogCenter.Error("请求查询合约错误:" + CTPErrorHelper.GetError(i)); } var field = new ThostFtdcSettlementInfoConfirmField { BrokerID = AccountCenter.Instance.Account.BrokerID, InvestorID = AccountCenter.Instance.Account.InvestorID, ConfirmDate = DateTime.Today.ToString(), ConfirmTime = DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() }; LogCenter.Log("投资者结算结果确认"); i = this.ReqSettlementInfoConfirm(field, 0); if (i != 0) { LogCenter.Error("投资者结算结果确认错误:" + CTPErrorHelper.GetError(i)); } }
public override SiteCookie GetCookie() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Pattern)) { throw new Exception("Fiddler CookieTrapper: Pattern cannot be null!"); } string cookie; using (FiddlerClient fiddlerWrapper = new FiddlerClient(ProxyPort, Pattern)) { fiddlerWrapper.StartCapture(true); try { base.GetCookie(); var header = fiddlerWrapper.Headers; const string cookiesPattern = @"Cookie: (.*?)\r\n"; cookie = Regex.Match(header, cookiesPattern).Groups[1].Value; } catch (Exception e) { LogCenter.Log(null, "Get cookie failed.", LogLevel.Error, e); return(null); } fiddlerWrapper.StopCapture(); } return(new SiteCookie { CookiesStringPart = cookie }); }
private void UpdateProxy() { var result = _supplier.GetProxies(); Parallel.ForEach(result, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10 }, proxy => { var key = proxy.Key; var value = proxy.Value; if (_allProxy.ContainsKey(key)) { return; } if (ProxyUtil.ValidateProxy(proxy.Value.HttpHost.Uri.Host, proxy.Value.HttpHost.Uri.Port)) { LogCenter.Log(null, $"Detect one usefull proxy: {key}", LogLevel.Debug); value.SetFailedNum(0); value.SetReuseTime(_reuseInterval); _proxyQueue.Add(value); _allProxy.GetOrAdd(key, value); } }); }
void CurrentDomain_UnhandledException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { Exception exception = e.ExceptionObject as Exception; MessageBox.Show("程序出现异常,请联系开发者!", "错误", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); LogCenter.Log(exception); }
public static bool ValidateProxy(string ip, int port) { bool isReachable = false; string http = $"http://{ip}:{port}"; try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AllowAutoRedirect = true, UseProxy = true, Proxy = new UseSpecifiedUriWebProxy(new Uri(http)) }) { Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 5) }; var result = client.GetStringAsync("").Result; if (result.Contains("百度")) { isReachable = true; } } catch (Exception e) { LogCenter.Log(null, "FAILRE - CAN not connect! Proxy: " + http, Infrastructure.LogLevel.Error, e); } return(isReachable); }
public void InsertOrder(InputOrder order) { LogCenter.Log("下单:" + order.ToString()); var field = new ThostFtdcInputOrderField { BrokerID = order.BrokerID, InvestorID = order.InvestorID, Direction = (EnumDirectionType)order.Direction, CombOffsetFlag_0 = (EnumOffsetFlagType)order.OffsetFlag, InstrumentID = order.InstrumentID, LimitPrice = order.Price, VolumeTotalOriginal = order.Volume, UserID = order.GroupID, CombHedgeFlag_0 = EnumHedgeFlagType.Speculation, ForceCloseReason = EnumForceCloseReasonType.NotForceClose, ContingentCondition = EnumContingentConditionType.Immediately, TimeCondition = EnumTimeConditionType.GFD, VolumeCondition = EnumVolumeConditionType.AV, OrderPriceType = EnumOrderPriceTypeType.LimitPrice, MinVolume = 1, IsAutoSuspend = 1, }; int i = this.ReqOrderInsert(field, 0); if (i != 0) { LogCenter.Error("输入报单错误:" + CTPErrorHelper.GetError(i)); } }
public RedialResult Redial(Action action = null) { if (CheckIsRedialing()) { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(50); if (!CheckIsRedialing()) { //ReleaseRedialLocker(); return(RedialResult.OtherRedialed); } } } else { try { LogCenter.Log(null, "Wait all atomic action...", LogLevel.Warn); // 等待数据库等操作完成 WaitAll(); LogCenter.Log(null, "Start redial...", LogLevel.Warn); Redialer.Redial(); InternetDetector.Detect(); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogCenter.Log(null, "Redial finished.", LogLevel.Warn); action?.Invoke(); return(RedialResult.Sucess); } catch (IOException) { // 有极小可能同时调用File.Open时抛出异常 return(Redial(action)); } catch (Exception) { return(RedialResult.Failed); } finally { ReleaseRedialLocker(); if (AfterRedialWaitTime > 0) { Console.WriteLine($"Going to sleep for {AfterRedialWaitTime} after redial."); Thread.Sleep(AfterRedialWaitTime); } } } }
public override void OnRspUserLogin(ThostFtdcRspUserLoginField pRspUserLogin, ThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) { if (pRspInfo.ErrorID != 0) { LogCenter.Error("行情登录失败:" + pRspInfo.ErrorMsg); return; } LogCenter.Log("行情登录成功"); AccountCenter.Instance.IsMDLogin = true; int i = this.SubscribeMarketData(subscribeSet.ToArray()); if (i != 0) { LogCenter.Error("订阅行情错误:" + CTPErrorHelper.GetError(i)); } }
public override void OnFrontConnected() { LogCenter.Log("行情连接成功"); var loginField = new ThostFtdcReqUserLoginField { BrokerID = AccountCenter.Instance.Account.BrokerID, UserID = AccountCenter.Instance.Account.InvestorID, Password = AccountCenter.Instance.Account.Password }; int i = this.ReqUserLogin(loginField, 0); if (i != 0) { LogCenter.Error("行情登录失败:" + CTPErrorHelper.GetError(i)); } }
private void DoArbiOrder() { if (!this.VerifyLogin()) { return; } LogCenter.Log("套利单发送,价差:" + this.Spread); string groupID = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); foreach (var item in this.InstrumentModels) { var order = this.GenerateOrder(item, groupID); TradeAdapter.Instance.InsertOrder(order); } SpeechHelper.Speak("Order"); }
public override void OnRspQryInstrument(ThostFtdcInstrumentField pInstrument, ThostFtdcRspInfoField pRspInfo, int nRequestID, bool bIsLast) { if (pRspInfo != null && pRspInfo.ErrorID != 0) { LogCenter.Error("请求查询合约错误:" + pRspInfo.ErrorMsg); return; } if (pInstrument.ProductClass == EnumProductClassType.Futures) { this.instruments.Add(new Instrument(pInstrument)); } if (bIsLast) { LogCenter.Log("收到期货合约数量:" + this.instruments.Count); InstrumentCenter.Instance.SetInstruments(this.instruments.OrderBy(p => p.InstrumentID).ToArray()); } }
public RedialResult Redial() { if (CheckIsRedialing()) { while (true) { Thread.Sleep(50); if (!CheckIsRedialing()) { return(RedialResult.OtherRedialed); } } } else { try { LogCenter.Log(null, "Wait all atomic action...", LogLevel.Warn); // 等待数据库等操作完成 WaitAll(); LogCenter.Log(null, "Start redial...", LogLevel.Warn); Redialer.Redial(); InternetDetector.Detect(); Thread.Sleep(2000); LogCenter.Log(null, "Redial finished.", LogLevel.Warn); return(RedialResult.Sucess); } catch (IOException) { // 有极小可能同时调用File.Open时抛出异常 return(Redial()); } catch (Exception) { return(RedialResult.Failed); } finally { ReleaseRedialLocker(); } } }
private static void PublishQuotation() { while (true) { if (marketDataFieldQueue.Count == 0) { Thread.Sleep(1); continue; } ThostFtdcDepthMarketDataField field = marketDataFieldQueue.Dequeue(); if (field.LastPrice == 0) { LogCenter.Log("过滤价格为0的数据:" + field.InstrumentID); continue; } ArbitrageViewModel.Instance.ProcessQuotation(new Quotation(field)); } }
public void LogHandler(string message, string stacktrace, UnityEngine.LogType type) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.Append(message); s.Append("\r\n"); if (type == UnityEngine.LogType.Error || type == UnityEngine.LogType.Exception) { s.Append(stacktrace); LogCenter.LogError(s.ToString()); } else if (type == UnityEngine.LogType.Log) { LogCenter.Log(s.ToString()); } else if (type == UnityEngine.LogType.Warning) { LogCenter.LogWarning(s.ToString()); } }
public static bool ValidateProxy(string ip, int port) { bool isReachable = false; try { TcpClient tcp = new TcpClient(); IPAddress ipAddr = IPAddress.Parse(ip); tcp.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; Stopwatch watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); tcp.ConnectAsync(ipAddr, port).Wait(); watch.Stop(); LogCenter.Log(null, $"Detect one usefull proxy: {ip}:{port}, cost {watch.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.", LogLevel.Debug); isReachable = true; } catch (Exception e) { LogCenter.Log(null, $"FAILRE - CAN not connect! Proxy: {ip}:{port}.", LogLevel.Error, e); } return(isReachable); }
public override SiteCookie GetCookie() { var cookies = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var webDriver = GetWebDriver(); try { webDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(Url); Thread.Sleep(10000); if (LoginAreaSelector != null) { var loginArea = FindElement(webDriver, LoginAreaSelector); loginArea.Click(); Thread.Sleep(1000); } if (UserSelector != null) { var user = FindElement(webDriver, UserSelector); user.Clear(); user.SendKeys(User); Thread.Sleep(1500); } if (PassSelector != null) { var pass = FindElement(webDriver, PassSelector); pass.Clear(); pass.SendKeys(Pass); Thread.Sleep(1500); } var submit = FindElement(webDriver, SubmitSelector); submit.Click(); Thread.Sleep(10000); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AfterLoginUrl)) { webDriver.Navigate().GoToUrl(AfterLoginUrl); Thread.Sleep(10000); } var cookieList = webDriver.Manage().Cookies.AllCookies.ToList(); if (cookieList.Count > 0) { foreach (var cookieItem in cookieList) { cookies.Add(cookieItem.Name, cookieItem.Value); } } webDriver.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { LogCenter.Log(null, "Get cookie failed.", LogLevel.Error, e); webDriver.Dispose(); return(null); } return(new SiteCookie { CookiesDictionary = cookies }); }
void App_DispatcherUnhandledException(object sender, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherUnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { LogCenter.Log(e.Exception); }