protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext) { var user = (UserInfoModel)httpContext.Session[Constants.SessionKeys.UserInfo]; if (user == null) { _IsLogged = false; } else { _IsLogged = true; //Neu yeu cau check accion if (user.ROLE == Constants.Role.SuperAdmin || Action == null) { _HasPermission = true; } else { _HasPermission = Action.Any(t => ( (user.ListMenu != null) && (user.ListMenu.Where(x => x.ID == t).ToList().Count > 0) ) ); } if (_HasPermission && Action != null) { LogBusiness log = new LogBusiness(); log.LogThaoTac(user.USER_NAME, httpContext.Request.Url.LocalPath, httpContext.Request.Url.OriginalString, Action[0]); } return(_HasPermission); } return(false); }
public void SendNotification(IEnumerable <Guid> users, Notification.Entity.SignalR.Notification notification) { try { LogBusiness.Info(string.Format("[NotificationHub] SendNotification (connectionId: {0})", Context.ConnectionId)); if (users == null || !users.Any()) { LogBusiness.Warn(string.Format("[NotificationHub] SendNotification - Listagem de usuários vazia (connectionId: {0})", Context.ConnectionId)); return; } if (notification == null) { LogBusiness.Warn(string.Format("[NotificationHub] SendNotification - Notificação vazia (connectionId: {0})", Context.ConnectionId)); return; } foreach (var user in users) { LogBusiness.Debug(string.Format("[NotificationHub] SendNotification - Notificação ({0}) enviada para o usuário ({1})", notification.Id, user)); Clients.Group(user.ToString()).ReceiveNotification(notification); } } catch (Exception exc) { LogBusiness.Error(exc); throw; } }
public override Task OnDisconnected(bool stopCalled) { try { LogBusiness.Info(string.Format("[NotificationHub] OnDisconnected (connectionId: {0})", Context.ConnectionId)); var principal = this.Context.User as ClaimsPrincipal; var getUserId = from c in principal.Identities.First().Claims where c.Type == CLAIM_USERID select c.Value;//.FirstOrDefault(); var userId = getUserId.FirstOrDefault(); if (userId != null) { LogBusiness.Debug(string.Format("[NotificationHub] Grupo ({0}) removido (connectionId: {1})", userId, Context.ConnectionId)); Groups.Remove(Context.ConnectionId, userId.ToString()); } return(base.OnDisconnected(stopCalled)); } catch (Exception exc) { LogBusiness.Error(exc); throw; } }
public JsonResult GetTaskLogs(string taskID, string userID, string clientID, int pageindex = 1) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(taskID)) { int totalCount = 0; int pageCount = 0; var list = LogBusiness.GetLogs(taskID, EnumLogObjectType.OrderTask, PageSize, pageindex, ref totalCount, ref pageCount, clientID); List <Dictionary <string, object> > logs = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); foreach (var item in list) { Dictionary <string, object> log = new Dictionary <string, object>(); log.Add("createUser", GetUserBaseObj(item.CreateUser)); log.Add("remark", item.Remark); log.Add("createTime", item.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss")); logs.Add(log); } JsonDictionary.Add("taskLogs", logs); JsonDictionary.Add("totalCount", totalCount); JsonDictionary.Add("pageCount", pageCount); } return(new JsonResult { Data = JsonDictionary, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }); }
void txtCode_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter) { cmbMaterial.Items.Clear(); string barcode = this.txtCode.Text.Trim(); LogBusiness.RecordLog(user, "扫码器读取条码为:" + barcode, "读取条码"); DataTable table = test.GetInfomation(barcode); if (table.Rows.Count != 0) { foreach (DataRow item in table.Rows) { if (!cmbMaterial.Items.Contains(item["MaterialNumber"])) { this.cmbMaterial.Items.Add(item["MaterialNumber"]); } } cmbMaterial.SelectedIndex = 0; } else { MessageBox.Show("未查询到数据,请重试!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } }
public IHttpActionResult GetFoPickUpCountwise(int mode, int districtID, string date, string toDate, string UID) { //return Ok(db.Tbl_Questions.Where(x => x.QuetionId == mode)); var fromOrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00.000"); var toOrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(toDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59.000"); try { var modeName = mode == 1 ? "Order Creation Report" : "Order Delivery Report"; var filter = "From Date:- " + fromOrderDate.ToString() + "<br/>ToDate:- " + toOrderDate.ToString() + "<br/> Mode:- " + modeName; var filename = "PickUp Sheet(Assigned/picked/Returned)"; LogBusiness.DownloadHistoryLog(filter, filename, Convert.ToInt32(UID)); } catch { } //var list = ClsHelper.Get_Orderdetail(mode,Convert.ToDateTime(fromOrderDate), Convert.ToDateTime(toOrderDate)); DataSet ds = LogBusiness.GetFoPickUp(mode, Convert.ToDateTime(fromOrderDate), Convert.ToDateTime(toOrderDate), districtID); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 1 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 1) { ds.Tables[0].TableName = "FoPickUpCountWise"; ds.Tables[1].TableName = "FoPickUpValueWise"; string disrictname = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["DistrictName"]); } return(Ok(ds));//View("OrderReport"); }
public MainWindow(User user) { this.userInfo = user; LogBusiness.RecordLog(userInfo.Id.ToString(), "登录进入管理系统", "登录"); InitializeComponent(); this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(MainWindow_FormClosing); }
public ActionResult SelectLogImage(IEnumerable <int> ImageIDs) { LogBusiness LogBO = new LogBusiness(); //Lay nhung image da chon tu db, sort theo rollcall ID List <LogImage> ImageList = ImageIDs.Select(id => LogBO.GetLogImageByID(id)) .OrderBy(img => img.AttendanceLog.RollCallID).ToList(); List <int> RollCallIDs = ImageList.Select(img => img.AttendanceLog.RollCallID).Distinct().ToList(); List <RecognizerResult> Result = new List <RecognizerResult>(); foreach (int RollCallID in RollCallIDs) { List <LogImage> RollCallImages = ImageList.Where(img => img.AttendanceLog.RollCallID == RollCallID).ToList(); List <String> ImagePaths = RollCallImages.Select(img => Server.MapPath("~/Content/Log/" + img.ImageLink)).ToList(); //Nhan dien khuon mat, dua vao list de show ra Result.AddRange(FaceBusiness.RecognizeStudentForAttendance(RollCallID, ImagePaths)); } //Danh sash student de tao select list ViewBag.Students = StuBO.GetAllStudents(); return(View("LogImagesResult", Result)); }
public MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT CreateTempLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT record) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { if (record.EFFECTIVE_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Effective date cannot be set to past date."); if (record.EXPIRY_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date cannot be set to past date."); if (record.EXPIRY_DATE <= record.EFFECTIVE_DATE) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date must be after effective date."); var duplicate = unitOfWork.MA_COUNTRY_LIMITRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ISTEMP == true && p.ISACTIVE == true && p.COUNTRY_ID == record.COUNTRY_ID && p.EXPIRY_DATE >= record.EFFECTIVE_DATE); if (duplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Duplicate temp limit info"); LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var newRecord = new { AMOUNT = record.AMOUNT, EFFECTIVE_DATE = record.EFFECTIVE_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE = record.EXPIRY_DATE }; unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(logBusiness.CreateLogging(sessioninfo, record.COUNTRY_ID, LimitLogEvent.TEMP_COUNTRY_LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT, "Temp Country Limit", newRecord)); unitOfWork.MA_COUNTRY_LIMITRepository.Add(record); unitOfWork.Commit(); } return record; }
public MA_CTPY_LIMIT UpdateCounterpartyLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_CTPY_LIMIT counterpartyLimit) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var foundData = unitOfWork.MA_CTPY_LIMITRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == counterpartyLimit.ID); if (foundData == null) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!"); } else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new{ AMOUNT = foundData.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), FLAG_CONTROL = foundData.FLAG_CONTROL, EXPIRE_DATE = foundData.EXPIRE_DATE }; var newRecord = new { AMOUNT = counterpartyLimit.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), FLAG_CONTROL = counterpartyLimit.FLAG_CONTROL, EXPIRE_DATE = counterpartyLimit.EXPIRE_DATE }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundData.ID, LimitLogEvent.LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_CTPY_LIMIT, oldRecord, newRecord); if (log != null) { unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); } foundData.ID = counterpartyLimit.ID; foundData.AMOUNT = counterpartyLimit.AMOUNT; foundData.FLAG_CONTROL = counterpartyLimit.FLAG_CONTROL; foundData.EXPIRE_DATE = counterpartyLimit.EXPIRE_DATE; foundData.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = counterpartyLimit.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundData.LOG.MODIFYDATE = DateTime.Now; foundData.LIMIT_ID = counterpartyLimit.LIMIT_ID; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return(counterpartyLimit); }
public MailController(IEmail emailService) { #region Write Log var dtEntry = DateTime.Now; var address = baseAddress + ".MailController(IEmail emailService)"; var dic = LogBusiness.GetDictionary(); dic.Add(LogFieldName.FullyQualifiedFunctionName, address); var dicParams = LogBusiness.GetDictionary(); dicParams.Add(LogFieldName.Token, dicParams); LogBusiness.CustomLog("AnonymousUser", LogEvent.MethodStart, dic, dicParams); #endregion try { _emailService = emailService; } catch (Exception ex) { #region Write Log dic = LogBusiness.GetDictionary(); dic.Add(LogFieldName.FullyQualifiedFunctionName, baseAddress); dic.Add(LogFieldName.ErrorMessage, ex.Message); dic.Add(LogFieldName.StackTrace, ex.StackTrace); dic.Add(LogFieldName.TimeElapsed, ((int)(DateTime.Now - dtEntry).TotalMilliseconds).ToString()); LogBusiness.CustomLog("EMail informations could not be loaded to MailAPI possibly from unexpected error", LogEvent.ErrorEvent, dic, dicParams); #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// 确认保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (storeUnit.StoreStructUpdate(txtUsedStatus.Text, txtStoreType.Text, txtRowNumber.Text, txtColumnNumber.Text, txtLayerNumber.Text) == 1) { LogBusiness.RecordLog("管理员", string.Format("将库位{0}-{1}-{2}状态修改为【使用状态{3}】", txtRowNumber.Text, txtColumnNumber.Text, txtLayerNumber.Text, txtUsedStatus.Text), "修改仓库结构属性"); } MessageBox.Show("修改成功,重启系统以后生效", "提示!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); }
// // GET: /Help/ public ActionResult Security() { var logmd = LogBusiness.GetLogsByUserID(CurrentUser.UserID, 1); ViewBag.LastIP = logmd.IP == "::1" ? "" : logmd.IP; ViewBag.LastTime = logmd.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户浏览量 /// </summary> /// <param name="userid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult GetUserReport(string userid) { JsonDictionary.Add("item", LogBusiness.GetUserCount(userid)); return(new JsonResult { Data = JsonDictionary, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }); }
public void TestEmtpyUrl() { string url = string.Empty; LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(url); Action action = () => logBusiness.MapMinhaCdnToAgora(); action.Should().Throw <Exception>().WithMessage("The url is empty"); }
public void TestInvalidUrl() { string url = "test"; LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(url); Action action = () => logBusiness.MapMinhaCdnToAgora(); action.Should().Throw <Exception>().WithMessage("The url is invalid"); }
public ActionResult UserEdit() { var model = M_UsersBusiness.GetUserDetail(CurrentUser.UserID); var logmd = LogBusiness.GetLogsByUserID(CurrentUser.UserID, 2); ViewBag.UserName = model.UserName; ViewBag.LastIP = model.LastLoginIP == "::1" ? "" : model.LastLoginIP; ViewBag.LastTime = logmd.CreateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); return(View()); }
public MA_TEMP_CTPY_LIMIT UpdateTempLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_TEMP_CTPY_LIMIT record) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { if (record.EFFECTIVE_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Effective date cannot be set to past date."); } if (record.EXPIRY_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date cannot be set to past date."); } if (record.EXPIRY_DATE <= record.EFFECTIVE_DATE) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date must be after effective date."); } var duplicate = unitOfWork.MA_TEMP_CTPY_LIMITRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.CTPY_LIMIT_ID == record.CTPY_LIMIT_ID && p.ISACTIVE == true && p.ID != record.ID && p.EXPIRY_DATE >= record.EFFECTIVE_DATE); if (duplicate != null) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Duplicate temp limit info"); } var foundData = unitOfWork.MA_TEMP_CTPY_LIMITRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == record.ID); if (foundData == null) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!"); } else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { AMOUNT = foundData.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EFFECTIVE_DATE = foundData.EFFECTIVE_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE = foundData.EXPIRY_DATE, ISACTIVE = foundData.ISACTIVE }; var newRecord = new { AMOUNT = record.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EFFECTIVE_DATE = record.EFFECTIVE_DATE, EXPIRY_DATE = record.EXPIRY_DATE, ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundData.CTPY_LIMIT_ID, LimitLogEvent.TEMP_LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_TEMP_CTPY_LIMIT, oldRecord, newRecord, "Temp Limit"); if (log != null) { unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); } foundData.AMOUNT = record.AMOUNT; foundData.CTPY_LIMIT_ID = record.CTPY_LIMIT_ID; foundData.EFFECTIVE_DATE = record.EFFECTIVE_DATE; foundData.EXPIRY_DATE = record.EXPIRY_DATE; foundData.ISACTIVE = record.ISACTIVE; foundData.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = record.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundData.LOG.MODIFYDATE = DateTime.Now; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return(record); }
public MA_USER UpdateUser(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_USER user) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var checkDuplicate = unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.USERCODE.ToLower() == user.USERCODE.ToLower() && p.ID != user.ID); if (checkDuplicate != null) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DUPLICATE_DATA); } var foundUser = unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == user.ID); if (foundUser == null) { throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DATA_NOT_FOUND); } else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { DEPARTMENT = foundUser.DEPARTMENT, ISACTIVE = foundUser.ISACTIVE , ISLOCKED = foundUser.ISLOCKED, NAME = foundUser.NAME , USERCODE = foundUser.USERCODE, USER_OPICS = foundUser.USER_OPICS , USER_PROFILE = foundUser.MA_USER_PROFILE.LABEL }; var newRecord = new { DEPARTMENT = user.DEPARTMENT, ISACTIVE = user.ISACTIVE , ISLOCKED = user.ISLOCKED, NAME = user.NAME , USERCODE = user.USERCODE, USER_OPICS = user.USER_OPICS , USER_PROFILE = unitOfWork.MA_USER_PROFILERepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == user.USER_PROFILE_ID).LABEL }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundUser.ID, LogEvent.USER_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_USER, oldRecord, newRecord); if (log != null) { unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); } foundUser.ID = user.ID; foundUser.DEPARTMENT = user.DEPARTMENT; foundUser.ISACTIVE = user.ISACTIVE; foundUser.ISLOCKED = user.ISLOCKED; foundUser.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = user.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundUser.LOG.MODIFYDATE = user.LOG.MODIFYDATE; foundUser.NAME = user.NAME; foundUser.USERCODE = user.USERCODE; foundUser.USER_OPICS = user.USER_OPICS; foundUser.USER_PROFILE_ID = user.USER_PROFILE_ID; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return(user); }
public static bool CreateUserReport(string seeid, string seename, string keyName, string operateip, string userid = "", string username = "", string levelid = "") { var bl = M_UsersDAL.BaseProvider.CreateUserReport(seeid, keyName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userid)) { LogBusiness.AddOperateLog(userid, username, levelid, seeid, seename, EnumUserOperateType.SeeUser, "", operateip); } return(bl); }
public static string GetUserPartInfo(string seeID, string seename, string cname, string userid, string username, string leveid, string operateip) { object obj = CommonBusiness.Select("M_Users", cname, " Userid='" + seeID + "'"); if (obj != null) { LogBusiness.AddOperateLog(userid, username, leveid, seeID, seename, EnumUserOperateType.SeeLink, "联系方式", operateip); return(obj.ToString()); } return(""); }
public static bool CreateNeeds(UserNeeds needs, string operateip) { var result = UserNeedsDAL.BaseProvider.CreateNeeds(needs.UserID, needs.UserName, needs.Type, needs.Title, needs.Content, needs.LetDays, needs.ServiceConten, needs.NeedSex, needs.Price, needs.NeedType, needs.NeedCity, needs.NeedDate); if (result && needs.Type == 0) { LogBusiness.AddOperateLog(needs.UserID, needs.UserName, needs.UserLevelID, "", "", EnumUserOperateType.SendLog, needs.Title, operateip); } return(result); }
public static void SendNotification(IEnumerable <Guid> users, Guid notificationId) { try { var notif = NotificationBusiness.GetById(notificationId); if (notif == null) { LogBusiness.Warn(string.Format("[SignalRClientBusiness] SendNotification - Notificação não encontrada ({0})", notificationId)); return; } if ((notif.DateStartNotification > DateTime.Now.Date) || (notif.DateEndNotification != null && DateTime.Now.Date > notif.DateEndNotification)) { LogBusiness.Info(string.Format("[SignalRClientBusiness] SendNotification - Notificação fora do período programado ({0})", notificationId)); return; } var notifP = new Notification.Entity.SignalR.Notification() { Id = notif.Id, Title = notif.Title, Message = notif.Message }; var hubConnection = new HubConnection(UrlSignalRServer); var hub = hubConnection.CreateHubProxy("notificationHub"); hubConnection.Headers.Add("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Encode(UserCredentialSignalRServer, PasswordCredentialSignalRServer)); hubConnection.Start().Wait(); int i = 0; int total = users.Count(); while (i < total) { var ltU = users.Skip(i).Take(1000).ToList(); LogBusiness.Debug(string.Format("[SignalRClientBusiness] SendNotification - Enviando... ({0}-{1})", i, ltU.Count)); hub.Invoke("SendNotification", ltU, notifP).Wait(); i += 1000; } hubConnection.Stop(); } catch (Exception exc) { LogBusiness.Error(exc); throw; } }
public IActionResult Search(JDataTableSearch model, string AppId, string AppName) { IList <AppInfo> res = LogBusiness.GetAppInfoList(); JDatatableResult jDatatable = new JDatatableResult() { data = res, recordsTotal = res.Count, recordsFiltered = res.Count }; return(new JsonResult(jDatatable)); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get() { try { var result = SchoolSuperiorBusiness.Get(claimData.UserId, claimData.GroupId); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage SaveAction(NotificationAction entity) { try { NotificationBusiness.Action(filterActionUser.UserId, entity); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
/// <summary> /// 删除该条信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { storeUnit.DeleteStoreStruct(cmbDel.SelectedItem.ToString(), txtRowNumber.Text, txtColumnNumber.Text, txtLayerNumber.Text); if (cmbDel.SelectedItem.ToString() != "全部删除") { LogBusiness.RecordLog("管理员", string.Format("将库位{0}-{1}-{2}删除", txtRowNumber.Text, txtColumnNumber.Text, txtLayerNumber.Text), "删除库位"); } else { LogBusiness.RecordLog("管理员", "将仓库所有库位全部删除", "删除全部库位"); } MessageBox.Show("删除成功,重启系统以后生效", "提示!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand); }
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string calendarYear) { try { var result = CourseBusiness.Get(calendarYear); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Get() { try { var result = LogBusiness.Get(filterActionPaginate.Page, filterActionPaginate.Size); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage GetById(Guid id) { try { var result = LogBusiness.GetById(id); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string calendarYear, [ModelBinder(typeof(Ints))] IEnumerable <int> courseId = null) { try { var result = CoursePeriodBusiness.Get(calendarYear, courseId); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, result)); } catch (Exception exc) { var logId = LogBusiness.Error(exc); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new ErrorModel(logId))); } }
public MA_USER CreateUser(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_USER user) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var checkDuplicate = unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.GetByUserCode(user.USERCODE); if (checkDuplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DUPLICATE_DATA); LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(logBusiness.CreateLogging(sessioninfo, user.ID, LogEvent.USER_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_USER, "User", new { })); unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.Add(user); unitOfWork.Commit(); } return user; }
public MA_INSTRUMENT Create(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_INSTRUMENT instrument, ProductCode product) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var checkDuplicate = unitOfWork.MA_INSTRUMENTRepository.GetAllByProductCode(product.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == instrument.LABEL); if (checkDuplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Label is duplicated"); if (product == ProductCode.BOND) { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(logBusiness.CreateLogging(sessioninfo, instrument.ID, LogEvent.INSTRUMENT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_INSTRUMENT, "BOND", new { })); } unitOfWork.MA_INSTRUMENTRepository.Add(instrument); unitOfWork.Commit(); } return instrument; }
public MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT UpdateCountryLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT countryLimit) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { if (countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date cannot be set to past date."); var foundData = unitOfWork.MA_COUNTRY_LIMITRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == countryLimit.ID); if (foundData == null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!"); else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { AMOUNT = foundData.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EXPIRE_DATE = foundData.EXPIRY_DATE }; var newRecord = new { AMOUNT = countryLimit.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EXPIRE_DATE = countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundData.COUNTRY_ID, LimitLogEvent.COUNTRY_LIMIY_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_COUNTRY, oldRecord, newRecord, "Country Limit"); if (log != null) unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); foundData.AMOUNT = countryLimit.AMOUNT; foundData.FLAG_CONTROL = countryLimit.FLAG_CONTROL; foundData.EXPIRY_DATE = countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE; foundData.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = countryLimit.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundData.LOG.MODIFYDATE = countryLimit.LOG.MODIFYDATE; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return countryLimit; }
public MA_INSTRUMENT Update(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_INSTRUMENT instrument, ProductCode product) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var checkDuplicate = unitOfWork.MA_INSTRUMENTRepository.GetAllByProductCode(product.ToString()).FirstOrDefault(p => p.LABEL == instrument.LABEL && p.ID != instrument.ID); if (checkDuplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Label is duplicated"); var foundData = unitOfWork.MA_INSTRUMENTRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == instrument.ID); if (foundData == null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!"); else { if (product == ProductCode.BOND) { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { ISACTIVE = foundData.ISACTIVE, CAL_METHOD = foundData.CAL_METHOD, COUPON = foundData.COUPON, COUPON_FREQ_TYPE = foundData.MA_FREQ_TYPE!= null ?foundData.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL:string.Empty, FLAG_FIXED = foundData.FLAG_FIXED, INS_MKT = foundData.INS_MKT, ISSUER = foundData.ISSUER, LABEL = foundData.LABEL, LOT_SIZE = foundData.LOT_SIZE, MATURITY_DATE = foundData.MATURITY_DATE, PRODUCT = foundData.MA_PRODUCT!= null ? foundData.MA_PRODUCT.LABEL:string.Empty, CURRENCY = foundData.MA_CURRENCY != null ? foundData.MA_CURRENCY.LABEL:string.Empty }; var newRecord = new { ISACTIVE = instrument.ISACTIVE, CAL_METHOD = instrument.CAL_METHOD, COUPON = instrument.COUPON, COUPON_FREQ_TYPE =unitOfWork.MA_FREQ_TYPERepository.All().FirstOrDefault(f=>f.ID==instrument.COUPON_FREQ_TYPE_ID).LABEL, FLAG_FIXED = instrument.FLAG_FIXED, INS_MKT = instrument.INS_MKT, ISSUER = instrument.ISSUER, LABEL = instrument.LABEL, LOT_SIZE = instrument.LOT_SIZE, MATURITY_DATE = instrument.MATURITY_DATE, PRODUCT = unitOfWork.MA_PRODUCTRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == instrument.PRODUCT_ID).LABEL, CURRENCY = unitOfWork.MA_CURRENCYRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(c => c.ID == instrument.CURRENCY_ID1).LABEL, }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundData.ID, LogEvent.INSTRUMENT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_INSTRUMENT, oldRecord, newRecord); if (log != null) unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); } foundData.ID = instrument.ID; foundData.ISACTIVE = instrument.ISACTIVE; foundData.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = sessioninfo.CurrentUserId; foundData.LOG.MODIFYDATE = DateTime.Now; foundData.CAL_METHOD = instrument.CAL_METHOD; foundData.COUPON = instrument.COUPON; foundData.COUPON_FREQ_TYPE_ID = instrument.COUPON_FREQ_TYPE_ID; foundData.FLAG_FIXED = instrument.FLAG_FIXED; foundData.INS_MKT = instrument.INS_MKT; foundData.ISSUER = instrument.ISSUER; foundData.LABEL = instrument.LABEL; foundData.LOT_SIZE = instrument.LOT_SIZE; foundData.MATURITY_DATE = instrument.MATURITY_DATE; foundData.PRODUCT_ID = instrument.PRODUCT_ID; foundData.CURRENCY_ID1 = instrument.CURRENCY_ID1; foundData.CURRENCY_ID2 = instrument.CURRENCY_ID2; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return instrument; }
public MA_USER UpdateUser(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_USER user) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { var checkDuplicate = unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.USERCODE.ToLower() == user.USERCODE.ToLower() && p.ID != user.ID); if (checkDuplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DUPLICATE_DATA); var foundUser = unitOfWork.MA_USERRepository.GetAll().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == user.ID); if (foundUser == null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), Messages.DATA_NOT_FOUND); else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { DEPARTMENT = foundUser.DEPARTMENT, ISACTIVE = foundUser.ISACTIVE , ISLOCKED = foundUser.ISLOCKED, NAME = foundUser.NAME , USERCODE = foundUser.USERCODE, USER_OPICS = foundUser.USER_OPICS , USER_PROFILE = foundUser.MA_USER_PROFILE.LABEL }; var newRecord = new { DEPARTMENT = user.DEPARTMENT, ISACTIVE = user.ISACTIVE , ISLOCKED = user.ISLOCKED, NAME = user.NAME , USERCODE = user.USERCODE, USER_OPICS = user.USER_OPICS , USER_PROFILE = unitOfWork.MA_USER_PROFILERepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p=> p.ID== user.USER_PROFILE_ID).LABEL }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundUser.ID, LogEvent.USER_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_USER, oldRecord, newRecord); if (log != null) unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); foundUser.ID = user.ID; foundUser.DEPARTMENT = user.DEPARTMENT; foundUser.ISACTIVE = user.ISACTIVE; foundUser.ISLOCKED = user.ISLOCKED; foundUser.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = user.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundUser.LOG.MODIFYDATE = user.LOG.MODIFYDATE; foundUser.NAME = user.NAME; foundUser.USERCODE = user.USERCODE; foundUser.USER_OPICS = user.USER_OPICS; foundUser.USER_PROFILE_ID = user.USER_PROFILE_ID; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return user; }
public List<LimitAuditReportModel> GetLimitAuditReport(SessionInfo sessionInfo, string strLogDatefrom, string strLogDateto, string strCtpy, string strCountry, string strEvent) { try { DateTime dteReportfrom; DateTime dteReportto; Guid guCtpyID = Guid.Empty; Guid guCountryID = Guid.Empty; LogBusiness _logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); CounterpartyBusiness _counterpartyBusiness = new CounterpartyBusiness(); CountryBusiness _countryBusiness = new CountryBusiness(); UserBusiness _userBusiness = new UserBusiness(); var log = _logBusiness.GetLogAll().Where(l => l.EVENT == LimitLogEvent.LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString() || l.EVENT == LimitLogEvent.TEMP_LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString() || l.EVENT == LimitLogEvent.COUNTRY_LIMIY_AUDIT.ToString() || l.EVENT == LimitLogEvent.TEMP_COUNTRY_LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString()).AsQueryable(); var ctpyLimit = _counterpartyBusiness.GetCounterpartyLimitAll().AsQueryable(); var ctpys = _counterpartyBusiness.GetCounterpartyAll().AsQueryable(); var countrys = _countryBusiness.GetCountryAll().AsQueryable(); var users = _userBusiness.GetAll().AsQueryable(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLogDatefrom)) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Please input start log date."); else if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(strLogDatefrom, "dd/MM/yyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out dteReportfrom)) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Invalid start log date."); else dteReportfrom = DateTime.ParseExact(strLogDatefrom, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLogDateto)) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Please input end log date."); else if (!DateTime.TryParseExact(strLogDateto, "dd/MM/yyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None, out dteReportto)) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Invalid end log date."); else dteReportto = DateTime.ParseExact(strLogDateto, "dd/MM/yyyy", null); if (dteReportto < dteReportfrom) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Start log date must before end log date."); var limits = from limit in ctpyLimit join ctpy in ctpys on limit.CTPY_ID equals ctpy.ID select new { LIMIT_ID = limit.ID, CTPY_ID = ctpy.ID, SNAME = ctpy.SNAME, LIMIT = limit.MA_LIMIT.LABEL }; log = log.Where(l => l.LOG_DATE.Date >= dteReportfrom.Date && l.LOG_DATE.Date <= dteReportto.Date); if (strEvent != "-1") log = log.Where(p => p.EVENT == strEvent); var limitAudits = from l in log join user in users on l.LOG.INSERTBYUSERID equals user.ID join c in limits on l.RECORD_ID equals c.LIMIT_ID into templimit from sublimit in templimit.DefaultIfEmpty() join country in countrys on l.RECORD_ID equals country.ID into tempcountry from subcountry in tempcountry.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby l.LOG_DATE select new LimitAuditReportModel { ENTITY = sublimit != null ? sublimit.SNAME : subcountry != null ? subcountry.LABEL : "", ENTITY_ID = sublimit != null ? sublimit.CTPY_ID : (subcountry != null ? subcountry.ID : Guid.Empty), LIMIT = (l.EVENT.Contains("TEMP") ? "TEMP-" : "") + (sublimit != null ? sublimit.LIMIT : "COUNTRY-LIMIT"), //sublimit != null ? sublimit.LIMIT : "Country Limit", USER = user.USERCODE, LOG_DATE = l.LOG_DATE, LOG_DATE_STR = l.LOG_DATE.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm"), DETAIL = l.LOG_DETAIL }; if (Guid.TryParse(strCtpy, out guCtpyID)) { guCtpyID = Guid.Parse(strCtpy); limitAudits = limitAudits.Where(p => p.ENTITY_ID == guCtpyID); } if (Guid.TryParse(strCountry, out guCountryID)) { guCountryID = Guid.Parse(strCountry); limitAudits = limitAudits.Where(t => t.ENTITY_ID == guCountryID); } return limitAudits.ToList(); } catch (DataServicesException ex) { throw this.CreateException(ex, null); } }
public MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT UpdateTempCountryLimit(SessionInfo sessioninfo, MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT countryLimit) { using (EFUnitOfWork unitOfWork = new EFUnitOfWork()) { if (countryLimit.EFFECTIVE_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Effective date cannot be set to past date."); if (countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE < sessioninfo.Process.CurrentDate) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date cannot be set to past date."); if (countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE <= countryLimit.EFFECTIVE_DATE) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Expiry date must be after effective date."); var duplicate = unitOfWork.MA_COUNTRY_LIMITRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID != countryLimit.ID && p.ISTEMP == true && p.ISACTIVE == true && p.COUNTRY_ID == countryLimit.COUNTRY_ID && p.EXPIRY_DATE >= countryLimit.EFFECTIVE_DATE); if (duplicate != null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Duplicate temp limit info"); var foundData = unitOfWork.MA_COUNTRY_LIMITRepository.All().FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == countryLimit.ID); if (foundData == null) throw this.CreateException(new Exception(), "Data not found!"); else { LogBusiness logBusiness = new LogBusiness(); var oldRecord = new { AMOUNT = foundData.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EFFECTIVE_DATE = foundData.EFFECTIVE_DATE, EXPIRE_DATE = foundData.EXPIRY_DATE, ISACTIVE = foundData.ISACTIVE }; var newRecord = new { AMOUNT = countryLimit.AMOUNT.ToString("#,##0"), EFFECTIVE_DATE = countryLimit.EFFECTIVE_DATE, EXPIRE_DATE = countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE, ISACTIVE = countryLimit.ISACTIVE }; var log = logBusiness.UpdateLogging(sessioninfo, foundData.COUNTRY_ID, LimitLogEvent.TEMP_COUNTRY_LIMIT_AUDIT.ToString(), LookupFactorTables.MA_COUNTRY_LIMIT, oldRecord, newRecord, "Temp Country Limit"); if (log != null) unitOfWork.DA_LOGGINGRepository.Add(log); foundData.AMOUNT = countryLimit.AMOUNT; foundData.ISACTIVE = countryLimit.ISACTIVE; foundData.EFFECTIVE_DATE = countryLimit.EFFECTIVE_DATE; foundData.EXPIRY_DATE = countryLimit.EXPIRY_DATE; foundData.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID = countryLimit.LOG.MODIFYBYUSERID; foundData.LOG.MODIFYDATE = countryLimit.LOG.MODIFYDATE; unitOfWork.Commit(); } } return countryLimit; }