private void UpdatePhaseGauge() { if (AscensionLevel == default(ModifiableStat) || AscensionRate == default(ModifiableStat) || AscensionLockoutRate == default(ModifiableStat)) { FormattedDebugMessage(LogLevel.Info, "There is no AscensionLevel, AscensionRate, or AscensionLockoutRate stat tied to Player {0}",; return; } if (AscensionLockout.LockoutRate != AscensionLockoutRate.Value) { AscensionLockout.LockoutRate = AscensionLockoutRate.Value; } if (!AscensionLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } AscensionLevel.Alter(AscensionRate.ModifiedValue); if (AscensionLevel.Value > AscensionLevel.ValueCap) { AscensionLevel.Value = AscensionLevel.ValueCap; } else if (AscensionLevel.Value < 0) { AscensionLevel.Value = 0; } GameUIController.UpdatePhoenixGauge(AscensionLevel.Value, AscensionLevel.ValueCap); AscensionLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); CheckForPhaseChange(); }
public void SpawnRevivable() { if (!SpawnLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } int modelId = Random.Range(0, RevivableModels.Count); string modelName = RevivableModels[modelId]; int spawnAttempts = 0; bool pointSelected = false; do { int pointId = Random.Range(0, SpawnPoints.Count); GameObject spawnPoint = SpawnPoints[pointId]; bool isOccupied = IsSpawnPointOccupied(spawnPoint); if (!isOccupied) { pointSelected = true; MatchEntityManager.SpawnRevivable(spawnPoint.transform.position, spawnPoint.transform.rotation, modelName); } else { spawnAttempts++; } } while (!pointSelected && spawnAttempts < 5); SpawnLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); }
private void EvaluateAttentionSpan() { if (AttentionSpan == default(ModifiableStat) || AttentionSpanDecay == default(ModifiableStat) || AttentionSpanDecayRate == default(ModifiableStat)) { FormattedDebugMessage(LogLevel.Info, "There is no AttentionSpan, AttentionSpanDecay, or AttentionSpanDecayRate stat tied to AI {0}",; return; } AttentionSpanDecayLockout.LockoutRate = AttentionSpanDecayRate.Value; if (!AttentionSpanDecayLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } if (AttentionSpan.Value <= 0.0f) { Destroy(gameObject); } AttentionSpan.Value -= AttentionSpanDecay.Value; FormattedDebugMessage(LogLevel.Info, "AI entity {0}'s attention level is now {1}",, AttentionSpan.Value); AttentionSpanDecayLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); }
public void Update() { if (!IsOpen) { return; } if (DoorLockout.CanAttempt()) { StartCoroutine(CloseDoor()); } }
public void DetectEntities() { if (!DetectionLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, Radius); PriorEntityCount = SensedEntities.Count; SensedEntities = GetInterestingObjects(hitColliders, AffectedTags); DetectionLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); }
public void Fire() { if (!CanFire) { return; } if (!WeaponLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } FireProjectile(); WeaponLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); }
private void GetInput() { CheckWeaponFire(); float walkAmount = _controls.GetAxis(WalkAxis); float strafeAmount = _controls.GetAxis(StrafeAxis); PlanarMotion = new Vector3(strafeAmount, 0, walkAmount); _movement.ProcessPlanarMovement(PlanarMotion); bool jumpPressed = _controls.GetAxisDown(JumpAxis); bool jumpHeld = (_controls.GetAxis(JumpAxis) > 0.0f) && !jumpPressed; bool jumpReleased = _controls.GetAxisUp(JumpAxis); if (jumpPressed && !_movement.IsJumping && JumpCount > 0 && JumpLockout.CanAttempt()) { _movement.PerformJump(); JumpCount--; JumpLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); } if (jumpHeld && _movement.IsJumping) { _movement.PerformJump(); } if (jumpReleased && _movement.IsJumping) { _movement.AbortJump(); } //result = PlayerActionStates.Idle; //if (walkAmount > 0) // result = PlayerActionStates.Walk; //else if (walkAmount < 0) // result = PlayerActionStates.Backstep; //if (strafeAmount > 0) // result = PlayerActionStates.StrafeRight; //else if (strafeAmount < 0) // result = PlayerActionStates.StrafeLeft; }
private void CheckForReviveProximity() { if (!ReviveUpdateLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } ReviveUpdateLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); RevivableSensor.DetectEntities(); // If nothing has been sensed, do nothing else. // If nothing has been sensed, but something is no longer detected, hide the Revive guage. if (RevivableSensor.HasSensedNothing) { if (RevivableSensor.HasLeft) { DebugMessage("An object that can revive has left the sensor, and nothing else that can is nearby."); GameUIController.ShowRevivingGauge(false); } return; } // If something has just been sensed, show the revive guage. if (RevivableSensor.HasEntered) { GameUIController.ShowRevivingGauge(true); } // If something is being sensed, increment the gauge ReviveStatus.Increase(ReviveRate.Value); FormattedDebugMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Reviving {0}: {1}/{2}",, ReviveStatus.Value, ReviveStatus.ValueCap); GameUIController.UpdateRevivingGauge(ReviveStatus.Value, ReviveStatus.ValueCap); // If the revive is complete, hide the gauge, spawn the revived object. if (ReviveStatus.IsAtMax) { FormattedDebugMessage(LogLevel.Info, "Reviving {0} as {1}",, ReviveModelName); gameObject.SetActive(false); GameUIController.ShowRevivingGauge(false); ScoreManager.NoteChickenRescue(); MatchEntityManager.SpawnMob(transform.position, transform.rotation, ReviveModelName); } }
public void OnTriggerStay(Collider who) { // If not periodic, don't even bother. if (Mathf.Abs(PeriodicDamageLockout.LockoutRate - 0.0f) <= 0.001f) { return; } if (!AffectedTags.Contains(who.tag)) { return; } if (!PeriodicDamageLockout.CanAttempt()) { return; } DealDamage(who.gameObject); PeriodicDamageLockout.NoteLastOccurrence(); }