Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Enumerate known selectors for a given weak fingerprint.
        /// </summary>
        internal Result <Selector[]> GetSelectorsCore(Context context, Fingerprint weakFingerprint, CancellationToken cts)
            var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                _tracer.GetSelectorsStart(context, weakFingerprint);

                using (_lockSet.AcquireAsync(weakFingerprint).Result)
                    Selector[] records = _records
                                         .Where(r => r.StrongFingerprint.WeakFingerprint.Equals(weakFingerprint))
                                         .Select(r => r.StrongFingerprint.Selector)
            catch (Exception exception)
                _tracer.Debug(context, $"{Component}.GetSelectors() error=[{exception}]");
                return(Result.FromException <Selector[]>(exception));
                _tracer.GetSelectorsStop(context, stopwatch.Elapsed);
Example #2
        public async Task AcquireImmediatelyNotBlockedAndReturnsNullWhenKeyHeld()
            var lockSet = new LockSet <string>();

            using (await lockSet.AcquireAsync("key1"))
                using (var handle = lockSet.TryAcquire("key1"))
Example #3
        public async Task <Result <AbsolutePath> > BackupAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath instancePath, string?name = null)
            int          numCopiedFiles = 0;
            AbsolutePath?backupPath     = null;

            return(await context.PerformOperationAsync(_tracer, async() =>
                var backupTime = _clock.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var backupName = backupTime;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    backupName += $"-{name}";
                backupPath = _backupPath / backupName;

                // Unlikely, but it is possible for GC to start running and think that it should purge this directory,
                // this avoids the scenario.
                using var _ = await _locks.AcquireAsync(backupPath);

                if (_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(backupPath))
                    _fileSystem.DeleteDirectory(backupPath, DeleteOptions.All);

                // See: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/rocksdb-basics#database-debug-logs
                _fileSystem.EnumerateFiles(instancePath, "*LOG*", false,
                                           fileInfo =>
                    var fileName = fileInfo.FullPath.FileName;
                    var targetFilePath = backupPath / fileName;

                    // Do not use Async here: since EnumerateFiles takes an Action, making this async means we'll
                    // need to make the action async as well, which is equivalent to an async void function. That
                    // leads to race conditions.
#pragma warning disable AsyncFixer02 // Long running or blocking operations under an async method
                    _fileSystem.CopyFile(fileInfo.FullPath, targetFilePath, replaceExisting: true);
#pragma warning restore AsyncFixer02 // Long running or blocking operations under an async method


                if (numCopiedFiles == 0)
                    _fileSystem.DeleteDirectory(backupPath, DeleteOptions.All);

                return new Result <AbsolutePath>(backupPath);
            }, extraEndMessage : _ => $"From=[{instancePath}] To=[{backupPath?.ToString() ?? "Unknown"}] NumCopiedFiles=[{numCopiedFiles}]"));
Example #4
        public async Task <Result <AbsolutePath> > BackupAsync(OperationContext context, AbsolutePath instancePath, string?name = null)
            int          numCopiedFiles = 0;
            AbsolutePath?backupPath     = null;

            return(await context.PerformOperationAsync(_tracer, async() =>
                var backupTime = _clock.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd_HHmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                var backupName = backupTime;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    backupName += $"-{name}";
                backupPath = _backupPath / backupName;

                // Unlikely, but it is possible for GC to start running and think that it should purge this directory,
                // this avoids the scenario.
                using var _ = await _locks.AcquireAsync(backupPath);

                if (_fileSystem.DirectoryExists(backupPath))
                    _fileSystem.DeleteDirectory(backupPath, DeleteOptions.All);

                // See: https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb/wiki/rocksdb-basics#database-debug-logs
                _fileSystem.EnumerateFiles(instancePath, "*LOG*", false,
                                           async fileInfo =>
                    var fileName = fileInfo.FullPath.FileName;
                    var targetFilePath = backupPath / fileName;

                    await _fileSystem.CopyFileAsync(fileInfo.FullPath, targetFilePath, replaceExisting: true);


                if (numCopiedFiles == 0)
                    _fileSystem.DeleteDirectory(backupPath, DeleteOptions.All);

                return new Result <AbsolutePath>(backupPath);
            }, extraEndMessage : _ => $"From=[{instancePath}] To=[{backupPath?.ToString() ?? "Unknown"}] NumCopiedFiles=[{numCopiedFiles}]"));
Example #5
        public void DoubleDisposeShouldNotFailForLockHandleList()
            var handles = _lockSet.AcquireAsync(new [] { "key1", "key2" });

            // Dispose pattern implies that double dispose should never fail.