public List <Trip> GetTripWithRange(QueryBuilder filterTrip, LocationRange departureLocRange)
                tripDatabase = XDocument.Load(tripDatabasePath);

                var baseQuery = (from t in tripDatabase.Descendants("Trip")
                                 where departureLocRange.contains(new Location(Convert.ToDouble(t.Element("DepartureLatitude").Value), Convert.ToDouble(t.Element("DepartureLongitude").Value)))
                                 select new Trip()
                    ID = Convert.ToInt32(t.Element("ID").Value),
                    Owner = t.Element("Owner").Value,
                    DepartureName = t.Element("DepartureName").Value,
                    DepartureDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(t.Element("DepartureDateTime").Value),
                    ArrivalName = t.Element("ArrivalName").Value,
                    ArrivalDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(t.Element("ArrivalDateTime").Value),
                    Smoke = Convert.ToBoolean(t.Element("Smoke").Value),
                    Music = Convert.ToBoolean(t.Element("Music").Value),
                    Cost = Convert.ToDouble(t.Element("Cost").Value),
                    FreeSits = Convert.ToInt32(t.Element("FreeSits").Value),
                    Notes = t.Element("Notes").Value,
                    Modifiable = Convert.ToBoolean(t.Element("Modifiable").Value)

                IEnumerable <Trip> filteredQuery = FilterQuery(filterTrip, baseQuery);
Example #2
    public string FormatTextAtLine(LocationRange range)
        var(line, _, _, column, _, columnLength, _) = range;

        var output = FormatTextPreludeAt(line);

        var padding = new string(' ',
                                 Utilities.GetNumberOfDigits(line + 100) // the space the line number takes
                                 + 3                                     // the space for " | "
                                 + (column - 1)                          // the space before the character's column

        var actualLine = GetPrettyLineAt(line);

        if (actualLine == "")
            output += "EOF";


        output += actualLine + "\n\t"; // the tab is to adjust for the source code padding

        output += padding + new string('^', columnLength) + " right here\n";

        return(output + FormatTextEpilogueAt(line));
Example #3
    public string FormatTextAtLines(LocationRange range)
        var(firstLine, lastLine, lineLength, firstColumn, _, _, _) = range;
        var output = FormatTextPreludeAt(firstLine);

        var padding = new string(' ',
                                 Utilities.GetNumberOfDigits(lastLine + 100) // the space the line number takes
                                 + 3                                         // the space for " > "
                                 + (firstColumn - 1)                         // the space before the character's column

        output += "\t" + padding + "v error starts here\n";

        for (int i = 0; i < lineLength; i++)
            var actualLine = GetPrettyLineAt(
                lineNumber: firstLine + i,
                separator: ">"

            if (actualLine == "")
                output += "EOF";


            output += actualLine + '\n';

        return(output + FormatTextEpilogueAt(lastLine));
 protected GraphqlParseException(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo info, System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext streamingContext)
     : base(info, streamingContext)
     LocationRange = new LocationRange(
         start: new Location(info.GetInt32("StartLine"), info.GetInt32("StartColumn")),
         stop: new Location(info.GetInt32("StopLine"), info.GetInt32("StopColumn"))
        }//End SearchTrip


        private string[] NeighbourNodesInRange(LocationRange departureLocRange)
            List <string> targetNeighbours = new List <string>();

            foreach (ServiceNode neighbour in Neighbours)
                /** The neighbour is within the range. */
                if (departureLocRange.contains(neighbour.Location))
                    targetNeighbours.Add(baseForwardAddress + neighbour.NodeName);

Example #6
 public OperationTypeDefinition(OperationType operationType, TypeName typeName, LocationRange location) : base(location)
     OperationType = operationType;
     TypeName      = typeName;
 public GraphqlParseException(string message, LocationRange locationRange, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
     LocationRange = locationRange;
Example #8
 public VariableDefinition(Variable variable, ITypeNode graphQLType, IValueNode?defaultValue, LocationRange location)
     : base(location)
     this.Variable     = variable;
     this.GraphQLType  = graphQLType;
     this.DefaultValue = defaultValue;
Example #9
 public TypeCondition(TypeName typeName, LocationRange location) : base(location)
     TypeName = typeName;
Example #10
 public NonNullType(ITypeNode baseType, LocationRange location) : base(location)
     BaseType = baseType;
Example #11
 public Argument(string name, IValueNode value, LocationRange location) : base(location)
     Name  = name;
     Value = value;
Example #12
        public Result SearchTrip(QueryBuilder queryTrip)
            // Error! Search range cannot be a negative number!
            if (queryTrip.Range < 0)
                SearchTripError error = new SearchTripError();
                error.Comment = "Search range must be a non-negative number!";

            /** Check if the current node is the nearest node to the departure location. */
            string targetNode = NearestNodeToDeparture(queryTrip.DepartureName);

            if (!targetNode.Equals(NodeName))
                Console.WriteLine("Decision: sending SearchTripCommand to : {0}", targetNode);
                ForwardRequiredResult forwardRequest = new ForwardRequiredResult();
                forwardRequest.RequestID   = serviceImpl.generateGUID();
                forwardRequest.Destination = baseForwardAddress + targetNode;


            // The Search has no range criteria. We can perform a simple search or
            // a simple forward request.
            if (queryTrip.Range == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Testing Range 0");
                List <Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripZeroRange(queryTrip);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

            // The client specified a range for search: we need to do a more complex search
            // and potentially a multiple forwarding.
                Location      departureLoc      = GMapsAPI.addressToLocation(queryTrip.DepartureName);
                LocationRange departureLocRange = new LocationRange(departureLoc.Latitude, departureLoc.Longitude, queryTrip.Range);

                List <Trip> matchingTrip = GetTripWithRange(queryTrip, departureLocRange);

                SearchTripResult searchResult = new SearchTripResult(matchingTrip);
                searchResult.OriginalQueryID = queryTrip.ID;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} Trip(s) were found in {2}", serviceImpl.LogTimestamp, matchingTrip.Count, NodeName);

                /** Check if there are other neighbour nodes within the range of search. */
                string[] targetNeighbours = NeighbourNodesInRange(departureLocRange);
                if (targetNeighbours.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string n in targetNeighbours)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} is in range.", n);

                    return(new NullResult());
                    //Console.WriteLine("No neighbour is in range.");
        }//End SearchTrip