public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { lock (this) { if (locationInfo.PropertyInfo == null) { PostSharpDescription.Add<SomeLocationAspect>( "(SomeLocationAspect) If you 'get' or 'set' me, I'll throw an exception. Good you knew, right? Applied on field: " + locationInfo.FieldInfo.AsSignature(), locationInfo.FieldInfo); } else { MethodInfo getMethod = locationInfo.PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(true); MethodInfo setMethod = locationInfo.PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(true); PostSharpDescription.Add<SomeLocationAspect>( "(SomeLocationAspect) If you 'get' or 'set' me, I'll throw an exception. Good you knew, right? Applied on property: " + locationInfo.PropertyInfo.AsSignature(), locationInfo.PropertyInfo); if (getMethod != null) { PostSharpDescription.Add<SomeLocationAspect>( "(SomeLocationAspect) If you 'get' me, I'll throw an exception. Good you knew, right? Applied on method '" + getMethod.Name + "'", locationInfo.PropertyInfo, getMethod); } if (setMethod != null) { PostSharpDescription.Add<SomeLocationAspect>( "(SomeLocationAspect) If you 'set' me, I'll throw an exception. Good you knew, right? Applied on method '" + setMethod.Name + "'", locationInfo.PropertyInfo, setMethod); } } return base.CompileTimeValidate(locationInfo); } }
internal void SetFilter(LocationInfo locationInfo, FilterAttribute filter) { if ( this.frozen ) throw new InvalidOperationException(); this.filteredMembers.Add(locationInfo, filter); }
public static string GetName(SessionPolicy policy, LocationInfo locationInfo, string customName) { switch (policy) { case SessionPolicy.Custom: if (customName != null) { return customName; } else { return SiAuto.Main.Name; } case SessionPolicy.TypeName: return locationInfo.DeclaringType.Name; case SessionPolicy.FullyQualifiedTypeName: return locationInfo.DeclaringType.Namespace + "." + locationInfo.DeclaringType.Name; case SessionPolicy.Namespace: return locationInfo.DeclaringType.Namespace; case SessionPolicy.MemberName: return locationInfo.Name; } return SiAuto.Main.Name; }
/// <summary> /// A constructor returning a bounds adjustment object for the given array of locationInfo objects /// </summary> /// <param name="locationInfoArray"></param> /// <param name="DesiredWidth">Desired Width of Bounding rectangle</param> /// <param name="DesiredHeight">Desired Height of Bounding rectangle</param> /// <returns></returns> public static BoundsAdjustment CalculateBounds(LocationInfo[] locationInfoArray, double DesiredMaxWidth, double DesiredMaxHeight) { double XMax = double.MinValue; double YMax = double.MinValue; double XMin = double.MaxValue; double YMin = double.MaxValue; foreach(LocationInfo locInfo in locationInfoArray) { if(locInfo.X > XMax) XMax = locInfo.X; if(locInfo.X < XMin) XMin = locInfo.X; if(locInfo.Y > YMax) YMax = locInfo.Y; if(locInfo.Y < YMin) YMin = locInfo.Y; } BoundsAdjustment bounds = new BoundsAdjustment(DesiredMaxWidth, DesiredMaxHeight, XMax,XMin, YMax, YMin); return bounds; }
// Called when the position timer triggers, and calculates the next position based on current speed and heading, // and adds a little randomization to current heading, speed and accuracy. private void timer_Tick(object sender, object e) { if (oldPosition == null) { oldPosition = new LocationInfo() { Location = new MapPoint(StartLongitude, StartLatitude) { SpatialReference = new SpatialReference(4326) }, Speed = 0, Course = 0, HorizontalAccuracy = 20, }; } var now = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan timeParsed = timer.Interval; double acceleration = randomizer.NextDouble() * 5 - 2.5; double deltaSpeed = acceleration * timeParsed.TotalSeconds; double newSpeed = Math.Max(0, deltaSpeed + oldPosition.Speed); double deltaCourse = randomizer.NextDouble() * 30 - 15; double newCourse = deltaCourse + oldPosition.Course; while (newCourse < 0) newCourse += 360; while (newCourse >= 360) newCourse -= 360; double distanceTravelled = (newSpeed + oldPosition.Speed) * .5 * timeParsed.TotalSeconds; double accuracy = Math.Min(500, Math.Max(20, oldPosition.HorizontalAccuracy + (randomizer.NextDouble() * 100 - 50))); var pos = GetPointFromHeadingGeodesic(new Point(oldPosition.Location.X, oldPosition.Location.Y), distanceTravelled, newCourse - 180); var newPosition = new LocationInfo() { Location = new MapPoint(pos.X, pos.Y, new SpatialReference(4326)), Speed = newSpeed, Course = newCourse, HorizontalAccuracy = accuracy, }; oldPosition = newPosition; if (LocationChanged != null) LocationChanged(this, oldPosition); }
void RetrieveGPSData() { currentGPSPosition = Input.location.lastData; string gpsString = "::" + currentGPSPosition.latitude + "//" + currentGPSPosition.longitude; print (gpsString); //outputText1.text = gpsString; }
private Func<object, PropertyChangedEventHandler> GetHandlerFirstTime(LocationInfo locationInfo) { Type fieldType = typeof(PropertyChangedEventHandler); var fields = from f in locationInfo.DeclaringType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic) where f.FieldType == fieldType select f; FieldInfo propertyChangedField = null; try { propertyChangedField = fields.Single(); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw new Exception(string.Format("The {0} aspect is only compatible with the simple scenario of a single {1} field.", GetType().Name, fieldType.Name)); } // (object x) => (([Type])x).[Field] ParameterExpression obj = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object)); UnaryExpression convertObj = Expression.Convert(obj, locationInfo.DeclaringType); MemberExpression getField = Expression.PropertyOrField(convertObj, propertyChangedField.Name); Expression<Func<object, PropertyChangedEventHandler>> expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<object, PropertyChangedEventHandler>>(getField, obj); return expression.Compile(); }
IEnumerator getLocation() { // Wait until service initializes int maxWait = 20; while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && maxWait > 0) { yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); maxWait--; } // Service didn't initialize in 20 seconds if (maxWait < 1) { Debug.Log("Timed out"); yield break; } // Connection has failed if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed) { print("Unable to determine device location"); yield break; } else { locFound = true; // Access granted and location value could be retrieved Debug.Log("Location: " + Input.location.lastData.latitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.longitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.altitude + " " + Input.location.lastData.horizontalAccuracy + " " + Input.location.lastData.timestamp); } gpsPos = new LocationInfo(); // Stop service if there is no need to query location updates continuously //Input.location.Stop(); }
public static void OnLogin(LoginEventArgs e) { Mobile from = e.Mobile; if (from == null || from.IsPlayer()) return; if (HasDisconnected(from)) { if (!m_MoveHistory.ContainsKey(from)) m_MoveHistory[from] = new LocationInfo(from.Location, from.Map); LocationInfo dest = GetRandomDestination(); from.Location = dest.Location; from.Map = dest.Map; } else if (m_MoveHistory.ContainsKey(from)) { LocationInfo orig = m_MoveHistory[from]; from.SendMessage("Your character was moved from {0} ({1}) due to a detected client crash.", orig.Location, orig.Map); m_MoveHistory.Remove(from); } }
void Update() { locationInfo = Input.location.lastData; string lat = gpsActivityJavaClass.CallStatic<string>("getLat"); string lng = gpsActivityJavaClass.CallStatic<string>("getLng"); if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Failed) { GameObject.Find("gps_output2").guiText.text = "Unable to determine device location"; } else { GameObject.Find("gps_output2").guiText.text = "" + locationInfo.latitude + ", " + locationInfo.longitude; } if (lat != null && lng != null) { //speed = float.Parse(speedMessage); GameObject.Find("gps_output").guiText.text = lat + ", " + lng; } else { GameObject.Find("gps_output").guiText.text = "No Position."; } }
public static LocationInfo GetLocationInfo(string ipParam) { LocationInfo result = null; IPAddress i = Dns.GetHostEntry(ipParam).AddressList[0]; string ip = i.ToString(); if (!cachedIps.ContainsKey(ip)) { string r; using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { r = webClient.DownloadString( String.Format("{0}&position=true", ip)); } XDocument xmlResponse = XDocument.Parse(r); try { foreach (XElement element in xmlResponse.Root.Nodes()) { if (element.Name.LocalName == "featureMember") { //element Hostip is the first element in featureMember XElement hostIpNode = (XElement)element.Nodes().First(); result = new LocationInfo(); //loop thru the elements in Hostip foreach (XElement node in hostIpNode.Elements()) { if (node.Name.LocalName == "name") result.Name = node.Value; if (node.Name.LocalName == "countryName") result.CountryName = node.Value; if (node.Name.LocalName == "countryAbbrev") result.CountryCode = node.Value; } } } } catch (NullReferenceException) { //Looks like we didn't get what we expected. } if (result != null) { cachedIps.Add(ip, result); } } else { result = cachedIps[ip]; } return result; }
public AstPythonType(PythonAst ast, IPythonModule declModule, ClassDefinition def, string doc, LocationInfo loc) { _members = new Dictionary<string, IMember>(); Name = def.Name; Documentation = doc; DeclaringModule = declModule; Mro = new IPythonType[0]; Locations = new[] { loc }; }
public override void CompileTimeInitialize(LocationInfo locationInfo, AspectInfo aspectInfo) { RaisePropertyChanged = locationInfo.DeclaringType.GetMethod( "RaisePropertyChanged", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic, null, new[] { typeof(string) }, null); }
public GoogleDirectionsForm(Utils.BasePlugin.Plugin plugin, Framework.Interfaces.ICore core) : this() { _core = core; _plugin = plugin; this.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_TITLE); this.label1.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_START); this.label3.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_END); this.label2.Text = string.Format(Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_STOPS), 8); this.checkBox1.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_AUTOMATICROUTING); this.label4.Text = string.Format(Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_AVWAYPOINTS), 200); this.button1.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_ADDTOSTOPS); this.button5.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_ADDWAYPOINT); this.button6.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_CREATEROUTE); this.button7.Text = Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_PRINT); Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); using (StreamReader textStreamReader = new StreamReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("GlobalcachingApplication.Plugins.GDirections.content.html"))) { string doc = textStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); doc = doc.Replace("//defaultCenter", string.Format("var startCenter = new google.maps.LatLng({0});",_core.CenterLocation.SLatLon)); doc = doc.Replace("Total Distance", Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_TOTALDISTANCE)); webBrowser1.Navigate("about:blank"); if (webBrowser1.Document != null) { webBrowser1.Document.Write(string.Empty); } webBrowser1.DocumentText = doc; } LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(); li.Location = new Framework.Data.Location(_core.HomeLocation.Lat, _core.HomeLocation.Lon); li.Name = string.Format("{0}", Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_HOME)); listBox2.Items.Add(li); comboBox1.Items.Add(li); comboBox2.Items.Add(li); li = new LocationInfo(); li.Location = new Framework.Data.Location(_core.CenterLocation.Lat, _core.CenterLocation.Lon); li.Name = string.Format("{0}", Utils.LanguageSupport.Instance.GetTranslation(STR_CENTER)); listBox2.Items.Add(li); comboBox1.Items.Add(li); comboBox2.Items.Add(li); var geocaches = Utils.DataAccess.GetSelectedGeocaches(_core.Geocaches).Take(200); foreach (Framework.Data.Geocache gc in geocaches) { li = new LocationInfo(); li.Location = new Framework.Data.Location(gc.Lat, gc.Lon); li.Name = gc.Name ?? ""; listBox2.Items.Add(li); comboBox1.Items.Add(li); comboBox2.Items.Add(li); } }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (locationInfo.Name != "Horse") { Message.Write(locationInfo, SeverityType.Error, "MYERRORCODE01", "Location name must be 'horse'"); return false; } return true; }
private static string GetDisplayName(LocationInfo location) { var displayAttribute = location.PropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DisplayNameAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault(); if (displayAttribute != null) { return ((DisplayNameAttribute)displayAttribute).DisplayName; } return location.Name; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the location information such as: /// Yükseklik: 28 m. Boylam: 29° 9' D Enlem: 40° 54' K Gün Batımı: 17:10 Gün Doğumu: 07:21 /// </summary> /// <param name="locationInfoNodes">The html location information nodes.</param> private static LocationInfo GetLocationInfo(HtmlNodeCollection locationInfoNodes) { LocationInfo locationInfo = new LocationInfo(); locationInfo.Altitude = locationInfoNodes[0].LastChild.InnerText.RemoveNbsp(); locationInfo.Longitude = locationInfoNodes[1].LastChild.InnerText.RemoveNbsp().ReplaceQuoteAndDegree(); locationInfo.Latitude = locationInfoNodes[2].LastChild.InnerText.RemoveNbsp().ReplaceQuoteAndDegree(); locationInfo.Sunset = locationInfoNodes[3].LastChild.InnerText.RemoveNbsp(); locationInfo.Sunrise = locationInfoNodes[4].LastChild.InnerText.RemoveNbsp(); return locationInfo; }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (!typeof (INotifyPropertyChanged).IsAssignableFrom(locationInfo.DeclaringType)) { Message.Write(locationInfo, SeverityType.Error, "Error1", "The type '{0}' must implement INotifyPropertyChanged in order to decorate property '{1}' with NotifyPropertyChangedAspect.", locationInfo.DeclaringType, locationInfo.PropertyInfo); return false; } return base.CompileTimeValidate(locationInfo); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { myLocation = new LocationInfo(); lat = myLocation.latitude; lon = myLocation.longitude; url = "" + lat + "," + lon + "&zoom=14&size=800x600&maptype=hybrid&sensor=true"; StartCoroutine(Myyield(url)); Debug.Log("lat : " + lat + " lon : " + lon); }
public LocationFinderItem (CustomerProfile person, LocationInfo address) { this.Type = LocationFinderItemType.Contact; this.DataItem = address; //this.Text = string.Format ("{0} {1}", person.FirstName, person.LastName); this.Detail = address.StreetAddress; this.FormattedAddress = address.FormattedAddress; this.Lat = address.Lat; this.Lng = address.Lng; }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { Type requiredType = typeof(INotifyPropertyChanged); PropertyInfo property = locationInfo.PropertyInfo; if (property == null || !requiredType.IsAssignableFrom(property.DeclaringType)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("The {0} aspect can only be applied to properties of types implementing {1}.", GetType().Name, requiredType.Name)); } return base.CompileTimeValidate(locationInfo); }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (!typeof (FrameworkElement).IsAssignableFrom(locationInfo.DeclaringType)) { Message.Write(locationInfo, SeverityType.Error, "Error2", @"The type {0} must derive from FrameworkElement in order to decorate property '{1}' with ResourceBoundPropertyAspect.", locationInfo.DeclaringType, locationInfo.PropertyInfo); return false; } return base.CompileTimeValidate(locationInfo); }
protected override LocationInfo[] ParseLookupResults () { List<LocationInfo> addresses = new List<LocationInfo> (); LocationInfo info = new LocationInfo () { ProviderType = LocationLookupProviderType.Google }; AddressLookupGoogle.PopulateInfo (info, this.Results); addresses.Add (info); return addresses.ToArray (); }
void Update() { Input.location.Start(); if(isEnabled) { if (isReadyToCalibrateLP) { lastPoint = Input.location.lastData; isReadyToCalibrateLP = false; StartCoroutine("timer"); } } }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (!locationInfo.LocationType.IsInterface) { Message.Write(SeverityType.Error, "001", "LoadDependency can only be used on Interfaces in {0}.{1}", locationInfo.DeclaringType, locationInfo.Name); return false; } _type = ObjectFactory.GetInstanceType(locationInfo.LocationType); if (_type == null) { Message.Write(SeverityType.Error, "002", "A concrete type was not found for {0}.{1}", locationInfo.DeclaringType, locationInfo.Name); return false; } return true; }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (IsGuid && (locationInfo.LocationType != typeof(String) && locationInfo.LocationType != typeof(Guid))) { //Message.Write(SeverityType.Warning, "Initialize00", string.Format("[Initialize] on {0}.{1}", locationInfo.DeclaringType.Name, locationInfo.Name)); //Message.Write(SeverityType.Warning, "Initialize00", string.Format("IsGuid == {0}", IsGuid)); //Message.Write(SeverityType.Warning, "Initialize00", string.Format("LocationType == {0}", locationInfo.LocationType)); //Message.Write(SeverityType.Warning, "Initialize00", string.Format("LocationType != typeof(string) == {0}", locationInfo.LocationType != typeof(string))); //Message.Write(SeverityType.Warning, "Initialize00", string.Format("LocationType != typeof(Guid) == {0}", locationInfo.LocationType != typeof(Guid))); Message.Write(MessageLocation.Of(locationInfo), SeverityType.Error, "Initialize01", "Only string and Guid types can be initialized with IsGuid = true"); } if (IsGuid && _defaultValue != null) Message.Write(MessageLocation.Of(locationInfo), SeverityType.Error, "Initialize02", "Cannot specify a default value with IsGuid = true"); if (locationInfo.LocationType.IsInterface) Message.Write(MessageLocation.Of(locationInfo), SeverityType.Error, "Initialize03", string.Format("Cannot initialize a property that is an interface type (in {0}.{1})", locationInfo.DeclaringType.Module, locationInfo.Name)); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Called by the <b>ProvideAspects</b> method of <see cref="FieldValidationAttribute"/>. /// Since a type can have many validated fields but needs a single instance of the current type-level aspect, /// this method ensures that each validated type has a single <see cref="TypeValidationAspect"/> /// and registers all validated fields in this aspect. /// </summary> /// <param name="field">Validated field.</param> /// <param name="validator">Field validator.</param> /// <param name="aspects">Collection to which the new aspect should (eventually) be added.</param> internal static IEnumerable<AspectInstance> RegisterFieldValidator( LocationInfo location, FieldValidationAttribute validator) { Type declaringType = location.DeclaringType; TypeValidationAspect instance; // Do I have already an aspect for this type? if ( !instances.TryGetValue( declaringType.FullName, out instance ) ) { // No? Create one. instance = new TypeValidationAspect(); instances.Add( declaringType.FullName, instance ); yield return new AspectInstance( declaringType, instance ); } // Index the validator in the new aspect instance. instance.validators.Add( validator ); }
public override bool CompileTimeValidate(LocationInfo locationInfo) { // Verify that we have a valid regular expression. try { Regex.IsMatch( "", regexStr ); } catch ( Exception e ) { Message.Write(SeverityType.Error, "CM00003", "Error with [RegexValidation] applied on '{0}': invalid regular expression: {1}", locationInfo, e.Message); return false; } return base.CompileTimeValidate(locationInfo); }
void RetrieveGPSData() { if (state == STATE.ENABLE) { state = STATE.WAIT; currentGPSPosition = Input.location.lastData; lat = currentGPSPosition.latitude; lon = currentGPSPosition.longitude; if (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Stopped) { // Dummy Data lat = 35.710071f; lon = 139.810707f; } Debug.Log("Refresh"); var url = ""; var qs = ""; //if (!autoLocateCenter) { // if (centerLocation.address != "") // qs += "center=" + HTTP.URL.Encode(centerLocation.address); // else { qs += "center=" + string.Format("{0},{1}", lat, lon); // } qs += "&zoom=" + zoom.ToString(); //} qs += "&size=" + string.Format("{0}x{0}", size); qs += "&scale=" + "2"; qs += "&maptype=" + "roadmap"; var usingSensor = false; #if UNITY_IPHONE usingSensor = Input.location.isEnabledByUser && Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running; #endif qs += "&sensor=" + (usingSensor ? "true" : "false"); Debug.Log("Refreshed"); StartCoroutine(Download(url + "?" + qs)); } }
IEnumerator calculate() { Debug.Log("Opaaaaaaaaaaaa"); currentPoint = Input.location.lastData; double dLat = (currentPoint.latitude - lastPoint.latitude) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var dLon = (currentPoint.longitude - lastPoint.longitude) * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var li = Mathf.Deg2Rad * lastPoint.latitude; var li2 = currentPoint.latitude * Mathf.Deg2Rad; var a = Math.Sin(dLat / 2) * Math.Sin(dLat / 2) + Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Sin(dLon / 2) * Math.Cos(li) * Math.Cos(li2); var c = 2 * Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(a), Math.Sqrt(1 - a)); sum += R * c; // Debug.Log("lastpoint " + lastPoint.X + " " + lastPoint.Y); // Debug.Log("currentpoint " + currentPoint.X + " " + currentPoint.Y);s isReadyToCalibrateLP = true; yield break; }
internal void RaiseTestEvent() { try { String newSystem; if (Program.actualCondition.System == "Eravate") { newSystem = "Pai Huldr"; } else { newSystem = "Eravate"; } Program.actualCondition.System = newSystem; Program.actualCondition.Location = ""; var LI = new LocationInfoEventArgs() { System = Program.actualCondition.System, Location = Program.actualCondition.Location }; LocationInfo.Raise(this, LI); var EA = new LocationChangedEventArgs() { System = Program.actualCondition.System, Location = Program.actualCondition.Location, OldSystem = Program.actualCondition.System, OldLocation = Program.actualCondition.Location, Changed = enLogEvents.Jump | enLogEvents.System }; LocationChanged.Raise(this, EA); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in RaiseEvent", ex); } }
private void EditLabel(LocationInfo location) { if (location.Symbol != null) { //Don't allow edit label on symbols return; } if (location.Label != null) { using (frmEditLabel frm = new frmEditLabel(location.Label)) { frm.ShowDialog(); } } else if (location.Address >= 0) { AddressInfo relAddress = new AddressInfo() { Address = location.Address, Type = _manager.RelativeMemoryType }; AddressInfo absAddress = DebugApi.GetAbsoluteAddress(relAddress); if (absAddress.Address >= 0) { CodeLabel label = LabelManager.GetLabel((uint)absAddress.Address, absAddress.Type); if (label == null) { label = new CodeLabel() { Address = (uint)absAddress.Address, MemoryType = absAddress.Type }; } using (frmEditLabel frm = new frmEditLabel(label)) { frm.ShowDialog(); } } } }
private void updateLocationInfo(string key, GeoLocation location) { LocationInfo oldInfo = GeoUtils.getMapSafe(key, locationInfos); bool isNew = (oldInfo == null); bool changedLocation = (oldInfo != null && !oldInfo.location.Equals(location)); bool wasInQuery = (oldInfo != null && oldInfo.inGeoQuery); bool isInQuery = this.locationIsInQuery(location); if ((isNew || !wasInQuery) && isInQuery) { foreach (GeoQueryEventListener listener in this.eventListeners) { this.geoFire.raiseEvent(() => { listener.onKeyEntered(key, location); }); } } else if (!isNew && changedLocation && isInQuery) { foreach (GeoQueryEventListener listener in this.eventListeners) { this.geoFire.raiseEvent(() => { listener.onKeyMoved(key, location); }); } } else if (wasInQuery && !isInQuery) { foreach (GeoQueryEventListener listener in this.eventListeners) { this.geoFire.raiseEvent(() => { listener.onKeyExited(key); }); } } LocationInfo newInfo = new LocationInfo(location, this.locationIsInQuery(location)); //this.locationInfos.Add(key, newInfo); GeoUtils.setMapSafe(key, newInfo, locationInfos); }
public decimal Insert(LocationInfo Obj_info) { try { OracleParameter paramReturn = new OracleParameter("p_return", OracleDbType.Decimal, ParameterDirection.Output); OracleHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(Common.gConnectString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "pkg_location.Proc_Insert", new OracleParameter("p_code", OracleDbType.Varchar2, Obj_info.Code, ParameterDirection.Input), new OracleParameter("p_name", OracleDbType.Varchar2, Obj_info.Name, ParameterDirection.Input), new OracleParameter("p_level_type", OracleDbType.Decimal, Obj_info.Level_type, ParameterDirection.Input), new OracleParameter("p_parent_id", OracleDbType.Decimal, Obj_info.Parent_Id, ParameterDirection.Input), new OracleParameter("p_parent_name", OracleDbType.Varchar2, Obj_info.Parent_Name, ParameterDirection.Input), new OracleParameter("p_notes", OracleDbType.Varchar2, Obj_info.Notes, ParameterDirection.Input), paramReturn); return(Convert.ToDecimal(paramReturn.Value.ToString())); } catch (Exception ex) { NaviCommon.Common.log.Error(ex.ToString()); return(-1); } }
void Start() { animator = gameObject.GetComponent <Animator>(); Input.location.Start(0.5f); // GPS사용 선언 int wait = 1000; if (Input.location.isEnabledByUser) //GPS 사용가능 { while (Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Initializing && wait > 0) //초기화 진행 { wait--; } currentGPSPosition = Input.location.lastData;//gps 위치를 받음 } else//GPS가 없는 경우 { Debug.Log("GPS 상태를 확인해주세요"); } }
public ParseFileResult Parse(Stream stream, LocationInfo locationInfo) { DataFile = GetDataFile(stream); if (DataFile == null) { return(ParseFileResult.CannotParse()); } if (locationInfo == null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DataFile.Properties.SiteNumber)) { return(ParseFileResult.SuccessfullyParsedButDataInvalid($"No {nameof(DataFile.Properties.SiteNumber)} property is set, so no AQUARIUS location can be inferred. Try uploading the file directly to a location.")); } locationInfo = _resultsAppender.GetLocationByIdentifier(DataFile.Properties.SiteNumber); } return(AppendResults(locationInfo)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Create([Bind(Include = "NameOfActivity,LocationOfActivity,Latitude,Longitude,City,State,TimeOfActivity,HowManyMembersInvolved,EstimatedCostOfActivity")] MadeActivites madeActivites) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { string apiCall = "" + AddPluses(madeActivites.LocationOfActivity) + ",+" + AddPluses(madeActivites.City) + ",+" + AddPluses(madeActivites.State) + "&key=AIzaSyBeWLVk14n3OzLLKLvDvUyWspH929EcEaY"; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //make a request for api call set up base address url client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiCall); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(apiCall); LocationInfo location = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LocationInfo>(await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); madeActivites.Latitude = location.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lat.ToString(); madeActivites.Longitude = location.Results[0].Geometry.Location.Lng.ToString(); db.MadeActivites.Add(madeActivites); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(madeActivites)); }
public bool TryLookup(double latitude, double longitude, out LocationInfo locationInfo) { var downloader = new Downloader { EnableCompression = true }; downloader.Headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; // Google enables compressed output only, if a valid User-Agent is sent! downloader.Headers["User-Agent"] = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/17.0"; GoogleResults results = downloader.Download <GoogleResults>(BuildUrl(latitude, longitude)); if (results == null || results.Results == null || results.Results.Count == 0) { locationInfo = null; return(false); } locationInfo = results.Results[0].ToLocation(); locationInfo.Latitude = latitude; locationInfo.Longitude = longitude; return(true); }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Finds the next occurence. /// </summary> /// <param name="startLocation">The selection level information, property tag and /// character offset that represent the location where the search should start.</param> /// <returns> /// A LocationInfo thingy if a match was found, otherwise <c>null</c>. /// </returns> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public LocationInfo FindNext(LocationInfo startLocation) { m_StartLocation = startLocation; m_LocationFound = null; m_fHitLimit = false; Reset(); // Just in case // Enhance JohnT: if we need to handle more than one root object, this would // be one place to loop over them. m_vc.Display(this, m_hvoCurr, m_frag); if (m_LocationFound == null && m_fHitLimit) { m_LimitLocation = null; } else if (m_LimitLocation == null) { m_LimitLocation = new LocationInfo(startLocation); } return(m_LocationFound); }
public ActionResult findDriver(Trip model) { if (Session["username"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } ListDriverNearLocation = new List <DriverInfomation>(); //From = getLocationFromAddress(model.tripFrom); //To = getLocationFromAddress(model.tripTo); LocationInfo from = new LocationInfo(), to = new LocationInfo(); from.address = model.tripFrom; to.address = model.tripTo; Session["From"] = model.tripFrom; Session["To"] = model.tripTo; DirectionInfo direction = getDirection(from, to); return(View()); }
public void PARSER_SHOULD_ADD_METHOD_NAME_WHEN_LOCATION_INFO_IS_REQUIRED() { //Arrange var locationInfo = new LocationInfo("class", "method", "file", "line"); var loggingEvent = new LoggingEvent(new LoggingEventData { LocationInfo = locationInfo }); var parser = new BasicLoggingEventParser(string.Empty, FixFlags.LocationInfo, true, _exceptionFactory); var resultDictionary = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //Act parser.ParseLocationInfo(loggingEvent, resultDictionary); //Assert var resultLocationInfo = resultDictionary["LocationInformation"] as Dictionary <string, object>; if (resultLocationInfo != null) { resultLocationInfo["MethodName"].Should().BeEquivalentTo(locationInfo.MethodName); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="inLocation"></param> /// <param name="inCanvas"></param> /// <param name="inImgWidth"></param> /// <param name="inImgHeight"></param> private void calculateLandscapeImgDimensionsInCanvas(LocationInfo inLocation, Control inCanvas, ref double inImgWidth, ref double inImgHeight) { double locationRatio = resolutionRatio(inLocation); if (inCanvas.Width >= inCanvas.Height) { inImgHeight = inCanvas.Height; inImgWidth = inImgHeight * locationRatio; if (inImgWidth > inCanvas.Width) { inImgWidth = inCanvas.Width; inImgHeight = inImgWidth / locationRatio; } } else { inImgWidth = inCanvas.Width; inImgHeight = inImgWidth / locationRatio; } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="locations"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <LocationInfo> GetListForInterfaceDataSync(List <string> locations) { string sql = "select [ID],[LOCATION] " + "from [LES].[TM_BAS_LOCATION] with(nolock) " + "where [VALID_FLAG] = 1 and [LOCATION] in ('" + string.Join("','", locations.ToArray()) + "');"; Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); DbCommand cmd = db.GetSqlStringCommand(sql); List <LocationInfo> list = new List <LocationInfo>(); using (IDataReader dr = db.ExecuteReader(cmd)) { while (dr.Read()) { LocationInfo info = new LocationInfo(); info.Id = DBConvert.GetInt64(dr, dr.GetOrdinal("ID")); info.Location = DBConvert.GetString(dr, dr.GetOrdinal("LOCATION")); list.Add(info); } } return(list); }
private SearchLocation GetSiteVisitLocation(LocationInfo locationInfo) { var searchResults = _siteVisit.Get(new GetSearchLocations { SearchText = locationInfo.Identifier }); if (searchResults.LimitExceeded) { throw new ExpectedException($"Cannot resolve location ID for identifier='{locationInfo.Identifier}'. LimitExceeded=true. Results.Count={searchResults.Results.Count}"); } var location = searchResults.Results .SingleOrDefault(l => l.Identifier == locationInfo.Identifier && l.Name == locationInfo.LocationName); if (location == null) { throw new ExpectedException($"Cannot resolve locationID for unknown identifier='{locationInfo.Identifier}', even with Results.Count={searchResults.Results.Count}"); } return(location); }
private int DeleteLocation(LocationInfo locationInfo) { ++InspectedLocations; if (!ConfirmLocationDeletion(locationInfo)) { return(0); } Log.Info($"Deleting location '{locationInfo.Identifier}' ..."); var deletedLocation = DeleteLocationByLocationInfo(locationInfo); Log.Info($"Deleted location '{locationInfo.Identifier}' successfully."); if (Context.RecreateLocations) { RecreateLocation(deletedLocation); } return(1); }
public async Task SetupDataStream(bool remote, string accountName, string accountKey, string homeId, string appId, string streamId) { StreamFactory sf = StreamFactory.Instance; CallerInfo ci = new CallerInfo(null, appId, appId, 0); FqStreamID fq_sid = new FqStreamID(homeId, appId, streamId); if (remote) { LocationInfo li = new LocationInfo(accountName, accountKey, SynchronizerType.Azure); datastream = await Task.Run(() => sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue> (fq_sid, ci, li, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read, null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null, true)); } else { datastream = await Task.Run(() => sf.openValueDataStream <StrKey, StrValue> (fq_sid, ci, null, StreamFactory.StreamSecurityType.Plain, CompressionType.None, StreamFactory.StreamOp.Read, null, 4 * 1024 * 1024, 1, null)); } }
/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /// <summary> /// Member AddStringAltMember /// </summary> /// <param name="tag">tag</param> /// <param name="ws">ws</param> /// <param name="vwvc">_vwvc</param> /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ public override void AddStringAltMember(int tag, int ws, IVwViewConstructor vwvc) { CheckDisposed(); if (Finished) { return; } base.AddStringAltMember(tag, ws, vwvc); if (m_StartLocation != null && !CurrentLocationIsStartLocation(tag)) { return; } DoFind(m_sda.get_MultiStringAlt(m_hvoCurr, tag, ws), tag); // We now processed the start location, so continue normally m_StartLocation = null; }
private string GetLocationSummary3X(LocationInfo location) { var timeSeries = Client.Publish .Get(new Publish3x.TimeSeriesDescriptionServiceRequest { LocationIdentifier = location.Identifier }) .TimeSeriesDescriptions; var derivedTimeSeriesCount = timeSeries .Count(ts => !BasicTimeSeriesTypes.Contains(ts.TimeSeriesType)); var ratingModels = Client.Publish .Get(new Publish3x.RatingModelDescriptionListServiceRequest { LocationIdentifier = location.Identifier }) .RatingModelDescriptions; var fieldVisits = Client.Publish .Get(new Publish3x.FieldVisitDescriptionListServiceRequest { LocationIdentifier = location.Identifier }) .FieldVisitDescriptions; var locationData = Client.Publish .Get(new Publish3x.LocationDataServiceRequest { LocationIdentifier = location.Identifier }); InspectedTimeSeries += timeSeries.Count; InspectedDerivedTimeSeries += derivedTimeSeriesCount; InspectedRatingModels += ratingModels.Count; InspectedFieldVisits += fieldVisits.Count; var inventorySummary = FriendlyList( TimeSeriesInventory(timeSeries.Count, derivedTimeSeriesCount), "rating model".ToQuantity(ratingModels.Count), "field visit".ToQuantity(fieldVisits.Count)); return($"{location.Identifier} - {locationData.LocationName} has {inventorySummary}."); }
//TODO: update for 1.62 private void SetMetaData(string mid) { sPaintStrokes.OnAddToScene(); bool useLocation = Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running; LocationInfo locationInfo = Input.location.lastData; // Update for PN 1.62 LibPlacenote.MapMetadataSettable metadata = new LibPlacenote.MapMetadataSettable(); = RandomName.Get(); mLabelText.text = "Saved Map Name: " +; JObject userdata = new JObject(); metadata.userdata = userdata; //JObject shapeList = Shapes2JSON(); //userdata["shapeList"] = shapeList; userdata[sModels.jsonKey] = sModels.ToJSON(); userdata[sPaintStrokes.jsonKey] = sPaintStrokes.ToJSON(); userdata[sPeople.jsonKey] = sPeople.ToJSON(); if (useLocation) { metadata.location = new LibPlacenote.MapLocation(); metadata.location.latitude = locationInfo.latitude; metadata.location.longitude = locationInfo.longitude; metadata.location.altitude = locationInfo.altitude; } else { // default location so that JSON object is not invalid due to missing location data metadata.location = new LibPlacenote.MapLocation(); metadata.location.latitude = 50f; metadata.location.longitude = 100f; metadata.location.altitude = 10f; } LibPlacenote.Instance.SetMetadata(mid, metadata); }
private void LoadLocations() { availableLocations.Clear(); using (Profile.Settings xmlreader = new Profile.MPSettings()) { for (int i = 0; i < VirtualDirectory.MaxSharesCount; i++) { string cityTag = String.Format("city{0}", i); string strCodeTag = String.Format("code{0}", i); string strSatUrlTag = String.Format("sat{0}", i); string strTempUrlTag = String.Format("temp{0}", i); string strUVUrlTag = String.Format("uv{0}", i); string strWindsUrlTag = String.Format("winds{0}", i); string strHumidUrlTag = String.Format("humid{0}", i); string strPrecipUrlTag = String.Format("precip{0}", i); string city = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", cityTag, string.Empty); string strCode = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strCodeTag, string.Empty); string strSatURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strSatUrlTag, string.Empty); string strTempURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strTempUrlTag, string.Empty); string strUVURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strUVUrlTag, string.Empty); string strWindsURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strWindsUrlTag, string.Empty); string strHumidURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strHumidUrlTag, string.Empty); string strPrecipURL = xmlreader.GetValueAsString("weather", strPrecipUrlTag, string.Empty); if (city.Length > 0 && strCode.Length > 0) { LocationInfo loc = new LocationInfo(); loc.City = city; loc.CityCode = strCode; loc.UrlSattelite = strSatURL; loc.UrlTemperature = strTempURL; loc.UrlUvIndex = strUVURL; loc.UrlWinds = strWindsURL; loc.UrlHumidity = strHumidURL; loc.UrlPrecip = strPrecipURL; availableLocations.Add(loc); } } } }
public IEnumerable <AspectInstance> ProvideAspects(object targetElement) { var parameter = targetElement as ParameterInfo; if (parameter != null) { var method = (MethodBase)parameter.Member; var filterMethodArgumentsAspect = GetAspect <FilterMethodArgumentsAspect>(method); if (filterMethodArgumentsAspect == null) { filterMethodArgumentsAspect = new FilterMethodArgumentsAspect(method); yield return(new AspectInstance(method, filterMethodArgumentsAspect)); } filterMethodArgumentsAspect.SetFilter(parameter, this); } else { var locationInfo = LocationInfo.ToLocationInfo(targetElement); if (locationInfo.IsStatic) { Message.Write(locationInfo, SeverityType.Error, "MY02", "Cannot apply [{0}] to {1} because it is static.", GetType().Name, locationInfo); yield break; } var type = locationInfo.DeclaringType; if (type.IsValueType) { Message.Write(locationInfo, SeverityType.Error, "MY03", "Cannot apply [{0}] to {1} because the declaring type is a struct.", GetType().Name, locationInfo); yield break; } var filterTypePropertiesAspect = GetAspect <FilterTypePropertiesAspect>(type); if (filterTypePropertiesAspect == null) { filterTypePropertiesAspect = new FilterTypePropertiesAspect(); yield return(new AspectInstance(type, filterTypePropertiesAspect)); } filterTypePropertiesAspect.SetFilter(locationInfo, this); } }
public void ReadField(VersionedVariable reference, IFieldDefinition field) { int refId = GetIdFromInterpretation(this.GetInterpretation(reference)); if (this.currentHeap.TryGetValue(refId, out var locationInfo)) { if (locationInfo.ContainsField(field)) { // It was read successfully return; } else if (refId > VariableState.NullValue) { // Note: This can't happen in higher level languages, because they always // initialize the fields (e.g. to zero) throw new NotSupportedException( "Unable to model reading data of explicitly allocated but uninitialized objects"); } } // Fall back to input heap if not found in the current heap if (!this.inputHeap.TryGetValue(refId, out locationInfo)) { locationInfo = new LocationInfo() { LastModifiedVersion = 0 }; this.inputHeap.Add(refId, locationInfo); } if (!locationInfo.ContainsField(field)) { // Read the value from the particular input heap array var fieldArray = this.state.GetFieldArray(field); var valueIntr = this.smtModel.GetInterpretation(fieldArray.Select(refId)); // Store either the reference ID or the value interpretation to the field locationInfo.SetField(field, valueIntr); } }
//-----------------------------InitPanel------------------------------- public void OnSearchMapsClick() { MessageManager.Instance.ShowMessage("Searching for saved maps"); //TODO: later we can use this location info for querying the related maps. LocationInfo locationInfo = Input.location.lastData; //LibPlacenote.Instance.SearchMaps(locationInfo.latitude, locationInfo.longitude, radiusSearch, (mapList) => LibPlacenote.Instance.SearchMaps(Const.MAP_PREFIX, (mapList) => { foreach (Transform t in SelectMapFacade.Instance.mapListContentParent.transform) { Destroy(t.gameObject); } MessageManager.Instance.DebugMessage(string.Format("Found {0} maps.", mapList.Length)); if (mapList.Length == 0) { MessageManager.Instance.ShowMessage("No maps found. Create a map first!"); return; } // Render the map list! foreach (LibPlacenote.MapInfo mapId in mapList) { if (mapId.metadata.userdata != null) { Debug.Log(mapId.metadata.userdata.ToString(Formatting.None)); } AddMapToList(mapId); } MessageManager.Instance.ShowMessage("Please select a map to load"); //update UI mode UIManager.Instance.SetUIMode(UIManager.UIMode.SelectMap); SelectMapFacade.Instance.SetUIMode(SelectMapFacade.UIMode.SelectMap_NoMapSelected); }); }
private Location DeleteLocation3X(LocationInfo locationInfo) { if (Context.RecreateLocations) { throw new ExpectedException($"Locations cannot be auto re-created on AQTS {Client.ServerVersion}. Stopping before deleting anything."); } var location = GetSiteVisitLocation(locationInfo); using (var soapClient = LegacyServiceClient.Create(Context.Server, Context.Username, Context.Password)) { var locationsDeleted = soapClient.DeleteLocationAndAllContentById(location.Id, preventContentDeletion: false); if (locationsDeleted != 1) { throw new ExpectedException($"Unable to delete location '{locationInfo.Identifier}'"); } } // We can't recreate a location in 3.X, so no need to return a provisioning object return(null); }
public void PickLatLong() { bool useLocation = Input.location.status == LocationServiceStatus.Running; LocationInfo locationInfo = Input.location.lastData; string lats = locationInfo.latitude.ToString(); string longs = locationInfo.longitude.ToString(); string alti = locationInfo.altitude.ToString(); Locinfos.text = lats + " - " + longs + " - " + alti; Debug.Log("Loc Info" + lats + " - " + longs + " - " + alti); //if (useLocation) //{ // metadata.location = new LibPlacenote.MapLocation(); // metadata.location.latitude = locationInfo.latitude; // metadata.location.longitude = locationInfo.longitude; // metadata.location.altitude = locationInfo.altitude; //} }
private void mnuAddToWatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LocationInfo location = GetActionTarget(); if (location.Symbol != null) { WatchManager.GetWatchManager(_manager.CpuType).AddWatch("[" + location.Symbol.Name + "]"); } else if (location.Label != null) { string label = location.Label.Label; if (location.ArrayIndex.HasValue) { label += "+" + location.ArrayIndex.Value.ToString(); } WatchManager.GetWatchManager(_manager.CpuType).AddWatch("[" + label + "]"); } else if (location.Address >= 0) { WatchManager.GetWatchManager(_manager.CpuType).AddWatch("[$" + location.Address.ToString("X" + _manager.AddressSize.ToString()) + "]"); } }
private void generateLocations(ConfigInfo config) { this.Locations = new List <LocationInfo>(); int count = 1; int width = this.Config.Width; int height = this.Config.Height; int large = Convert.ToInt32(((width + height) / 2) * 0.1); int small = Convert.ToInt32(((width + height) / 2) * -0.1); for (int y = 1; y <= config.Y; y++) { for (int x = 1; x <= config.X; x++) { LocationInfo location = new LocationInfo(count, x, y); location.PlayerId = config.EmptyId; this.setRandomLocation(location); int locationHeigth = height; int locationWidth = width; if (location.Size == SizeTypes.Large) { locationHeigth += large; locationWidth += large; } else if (location.Size == SizeTypes.Small) { locationHeigth += small; locationWidth += small; } this.Config.SetCycle(location); this.Config.SetArmy(location); location.Army = RND.Next(1, location.Army * 2); location.SetSize(locationHeigth, locationWidth); this.Locations.Add(location); count++; } } }
// GET api/<controller>/5 public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) { EarthSkyTimeEntities1 estEnt = new EarthSkyTimeEntities1(); LocationInfo oLocInfo = new LocationInfo(); var oLocs = (from l in estEnt.Locations where l.LocationID == id select new { l.LocationName, l.Street1, l.Street2, l.City, l.State, l.Zip }).FirstOrDefault(); if (oLocs != null) { oLocInfo.City = oLocs.City; oLocInfo.LocationName = oLocs.LocationName; oLocInfo.State = oLocs.State; oLocInfo.Street1 = oLocs.Street1; oLocInfo.Street2 = oLocs.Street2; oLocInfo.Zip = oLocs.Zip; } return(Ok(oLocInfo)); }
/// <summary> /// Convert the pattern to the rendered message /// </summary> /// <param name="loggingEvent">the event being logged</param> /// <returns>the relevant location information</returns> override protected string Convert(LoggingEvent loggingEvent) { LocationInfo locationInfo = loggingEvent.LocationInformation; switch (m_type) { case FULL_LOCATION_CONVERTER: return(locationInfo.FullInfo); case METHOD_LOCATION_CONVERTER: return(locationInfo.MethodName); case LINE_LOCATION_CONVERTER: return(locationInfo.LineNumber); case FILE_LOCATION_CONVERTER: return(locationInfo.FileName); default: return(null); } }
private void UpdateSpeed() { LocationInfo lastData = Input.location.lastData; if (lastLocationInfoTimestamp == lastData.timestamp) { return; } lastLocationInfoTimestamp = lastData.timestamp; if (lastPositions == null) { lastPositions = new List <LastPositionItem>(); } lastPositions.Add(new LastPositionItem(lastData.longitude, lastData.latitude, lastData.timestamp)); while (lastPositions.Count > maxPositionCount) { lastPositions.RemoveAt(0); } if (lastPositions.Count < 2) { _speed = 0; return; } LastPositionItem p1 = lastPositions[0]; LastPositionItem p2 = lastPositions[lastPositions.Count - 1]; double dx, dy; OnlineMapsUtils.DistanceBetweenPoints(p1.lng,, p2.lng,, out dx, out dy); double distance = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); double time = (p2.timestamp - p1.timestamp) / 3600; _speed = Mathf.Abs((float)(distance / time)); }