Example #1
        public void ValidFromData()
            var address = "0000012345";
            var code    = new LocationCode(address);

            Assert.AreEqual("LK0000012345", code.Code);
Example #2
        public void ValidFromString()
            var codeString = "LK0000012345";
            var code       = new LocationCode(codeString);

            Assert.AreEqual("0000012345", code.Address);
            Assert.AreEqual(codeString, code.Code);
Example #3
 public Activity(
     string shortname,
     string activityType,
     string location,
     string description,
     string statusType = STATUS_BLANK)
     ShortName   = shortname;
     Act         = (ActivityType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ActivityType), activityType.ToUpper());
     Loc         = (LocationCode)Int32.Parse(location);
     Status      = (StatusType)Enum.Parse(typeof(StatusType), statusType.ToUpper());
     Description = description;
Example #4
    public void OnSimpleUI(LocationCode locationCode)
        if (!isSimpleActive)
            isSimpleActive = true;

            simpleNameText.text = locationCode.ToString();
            //simpleExplainText.text = ;
            //simpleImageSprite = Resources.Load("");

            nextLocation = locationCode;

Example #5
    IEnumerator CheckDecideReason() //decide start reason or not
        bool reasonStart = false;

        ButtonSetting(0, "", "추리 시작!");
        ButtonSetting(1, "", "지금은 아닌것 같다.");
        yield return(StartCoroutine(waitChoice()));

        if (choice0.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Choicebutton>().clk)
            reasonStart = true;
        else if (choice1.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Choicebutton>().clk)
            reasonStart = false;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

        if (reasonStart)
            GameManager.inst.MainCamera.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = TutorialManager.inst.BGM[1];
            GameManager.inst.MainCamera.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();

            errorText.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "추리를 시작 하자!";
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));


            currentLocation = GameManager.inst.ReturnLocation();

            switch (currentLocation)
            case LocationCode.PartyHall: ReasonFirst();
                CharacterUI.inst.AddExplain(0, "결백이 증명되었다. 용궁 태자의 부탁으로 용왕을 죽인 범인을 찾아주기로 했다.");

        yield return(null);
Example #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Location이 변경되면 해당 location에 맞는 gameobject 매핑
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="locationCode"></param>
    public void CurrentLocationMapping(LocationCode locationCode)
        currentLocation = location[(int)locationCode];

        int viewCount = currentLocation.GetComponent <LocationBase>().GetViewCount(); // currentLocation의 viewCount

        views = new GameObject[viewCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < viewCount; i++)
            views[i] = currentLocation.transform.Find("View" + i.ToString()).gameObject;

        // location 변경 이후 첫 시점은 View0
        currentViewNum = 0;

        Debug.Log("Location Mapping Complete");
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// 플레이어의 맵 이동
    /// </summary>
    public void ChangeLocation(LocationCode nextLocation)
        LocationBase nextLocationScript = LocationManager.inst.locationScript[(int)nextLocation];


        currentLocation = nextLocation;


        Debug.Log("Change Location: " + currentLocation);

        // 처음 방문 시 location의 isActive(방문 유무) true
        if (nextLocationScript.GetActive() == false)
Example #8
        public IQueryable <Vehicle> Filter(IQueryable <Vehicle> query)
            //if (Manufacturer.NotNullOrEmpty())
            //    query = query.Where(v => Manufacturer.Any(m => m == v.VehicleModel.Manufacturer));

            if (Manufacturer.NotNullOrEmpty())
                query = query.Where(v => v.VehicleModel.Manufacturer == Manufacturer);

            if (VehicleModelId.NotNullOrLessThanOne())
                query = query.Where(v => v.VehicleModel.Id == VehicleModelId);

            if (LocationCode.NotNullOrEmpty())
                query = query.Where(v => v.LocationCode == LocationCode);

            if (ChassisCode.NotNullOrEmpty())
                query = query.Where(v => v.ChassisCode == ChassisCode);

            if (MinBookingDays != null && MinBookingDays > 0)
                query = query.Where(v => (v.InspectionValidUntil - DateTime.UtcNow).Days > MinBookingDays);

            if (Enum.TryParse(Status, out VehicleStatus status))
                query = query.Where(v => v.Status == status);

 public Task HistogramCommandAsync(string imageName, LocationCode location, Tier tier) => GenerateHistogramAsync(null, tier, imageName, location);
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync(LocationCode location, Tier tier) => GenerateHistogramAsync(null, tier, null, location);
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync(string imageName, LocationCode location, DivisionWithCategory div) => GenerateHistogramAsync(div, null, imageName, location);
Example #12
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync([Summary("The location (either two-letter postal code or three-letter country code, in all caps) to filter the analysis to.")] LocationCode location) => GenerateHistogramAsync(ScoreboardFilterInfo.NoFilter, null, location);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// A button click event to perform robot move to a selected location code of selected slot of selected station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void MoveBTN_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (connection.isConnected())
                string rbt          = RobotCB.Text;
                string hand         = RbtHandCB.Text;
                string lp           = LoadPortCB.Text;
                string slot         = LPSlotCB.Text;
                string locationCode = locationCodeCB.Text;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationCode))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select Location Code");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rbt))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select Robot");

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lp))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a Load Port");
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(hand))
                    MessageBox.Show("Please select a Load Port");
                /*Get selected robot hand in type of RobotArm enum */
                RobotArm Hand = new RobotArm();
                switch (hand)
                case "H1":
                    Hand = RobotArm.ARM_1;

                case "H2":
                    Hand = RobotArm.ARM_2;
                /*Get selected location code in type of LocationCode enum */
                LocationCode LC = new LocationCode();
                switch (locationCode)
                case "pbx":
                    LC = LocationCode.pbx;

                case "gbx":
                    LC = LocationCode.gbx;
                /*Construct and send the command to server accordingly */
                string cmd = "";
                switch (lp)
                case "Load Port1":
                    ULTMServices.sendCommand(R1.Move(Hand, LP1, (LoadPortSlot)Convert.ToInt32(slot), LC));


                case "Load Port2":
                    ULTMServices.sendCommand(R1.Move(Hand, LP1, (LoadPortSlot)Convert.ToInt32(slot), LC));

                this.TerminalRTB.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(delegate() { TerminalRTB.AppendText(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Client>>Server:Move"); }));
                errorLogger.Log("Robot is not connected");
Example #14
 public void OnLocationUI(LocationCode locationCode)
Example #15
 public Task GetLocationLeaderboardAsync(LocationCode location, int pageNumber = 1) => GetLocationLeaderboardImplementationAsync(location, ScoreboardFilterInfo.NoFilter, pageNumber);
 public Task GetLeaderboardAsync(LocationCode location, Tier tier, int pageNumber = 1) => GetLeaderboardImplementationAsync(location, null, null, tier, pageNumber);
 public Task GetLeaderboardAsync(LocationCode location, DivisionWithCategory division, int pageNumber = 1) => GetLeaderboardImplementationAsync(location, division.Category, division.Division, null, pageNumber);
 public Task GetTeamWithRankCommandAsync(
     [Summary("The placement to display. The team at this placement will be displayed. Must be inclusively between 1 and the number of teams.")] int rank,
     [Summary("If provided, the location within which ranking should be calculated."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] LocationCode location,
     [Summary("If provided, the division (and optionally category) within which ranking should be calculated."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] DivisionWithCategory division,
     [Summary("If provided, the tier within which ranking should be calculated."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true, SubordinateTo = "division")] Tier tier) => GetTeamWithRankAsync(rank, location, division, tier);
 public Task GetTeamWithRankCommandAsync(int rank, LocationCode location, DivisionWithCategory division) => GetTeamWithRankAsync(rank, location, division, null);
 public Task GetTeamWithRankCommandAsync(int rank, LocationCode location) => GetTeamWithRankAsync(rank, location, null, null);
Example #21
 public Task GetLocationLeaderboardAsync(LocationCode location, Division division, Tier tier, int pageNumber = 1) => GetLocationLeaderboardImplementationAsync(location, new ScoreboardFilterInfo(division, tier), pageNumber);
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync(LocationCode location, DivisionWithCategory div, Tier tier) => GenerateHistogramAsync(div, tier, null, location);
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync(
     [Summary("The exact name of the image for which scores should be retrieved. If unspecified, total scores will be used. Only supported on offline score parameters. See the `datasource` command."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] string imageName,
     [Summary("The location (either two-letter postal code or three-letter country code, in all caps) to filter the analysis to, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] LocationCode location,
     [Summary("The division (and optionally category) to filter the analysis to, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] DivisionWithCategory div,
     [Summary("The tier to filter the analysis to, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] Tier tier
     ) => GenerateHistogramAsync(div, tier, imageName, location);
 public Task GetImageLeaderboardAsync(string imageName, LocationCode location, DivisionWithCategory division, int pageNumber = 1) => GetImageLeaderboardImplementationAsync(imageName, location, division.Category, division.Division, null, pageNumber);
Example #25
 /// <summary>
 /// Not implemented.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="code"></param>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 public void SendCommandToController(LocationCode code, byte data)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 public Task GetImageLeaderboardAsync(string imageName, LocationCode location, Tier tier, int pageNumber = 1) => GetImageLeaderboardImplementationAsync(imageName, location, null, null, tier, pageNumber);
Example #27
 public void OffLocationUI(LocationCode locationCode)
 public Task GetImageLeaderboardAsync(
     [Summary("The image for which information should be retrieved. The name must be an exact match.")] string imageName,
     [Summary("The location to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] LocationCode location,
     [Summary("The division (and optionally category) to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] DivisionWithCategory division,
     [Summary("The tier to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] Tier tier,
     int pageNumber = 1) => GetImageLeaderboardImplementationAsync(imageName, location, division.Category, division.Division, tier, pageNumber);
 public Task GetLeaderboardAsync(
     [Summary("The location to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] LocationCode location,
     [Summary("The division (and optionally category) to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] DivisionWithCategory division,
     [Summary("The tier to which scoreboard display should be filtered, if provided."), AlterParameterDisplay(DisplayAsOptional = true)] Tier tier,
     int pageNumber = 1) => GetLeaderboardImplementationAsync(location, division.Category, division.Division, tier, pageNumber);
Example #30
 public Task HistogramCommandAsync([Summary("The location (either two-letter postal code or three-letter country code, in all caps) to filter the analysis to.")] LocationCode location, Division div, Tier tier) => GenerateHistogramAsync(new ScoreboardFilterInfo(div, tier), null, location);