Example #1
        public override void ExtractBundleSections(LocationBundle bundle, string outDirectory)
            var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(bundle.File);

            if (directory == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid bundle object given.");

            var streamPath = Path.Combine(directory, $"STREAM{bundle.Name}.BUN");

            if (!File.Exists(streamPath))
                throw new ArgumentException("Bundle has no associated stream!");


            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(streamPath))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    var data = new byte[0];

                    foreach (var streamSection in bundle.Sections)
                        br.BaseStream.Position = streamSection.Offset;

                        data = br.ReadBytes((int)streamSection.Size);

                        using (var os = File.OpenWrite(Path.Combine(outDirectory, $"STREAM{bundle.Name}_{streamSection.Number}.BUN")))
                            os.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

                        data = new byte[0];

Example #2
        private WorkerToReturn convertWorkerToReturn(Worker worker, List <string> disponibility)
            byte[] workerImg = ImageSaver.GetIntance().getImage(worker.ProfileImage);

            IEnumerable <WorkerImage> workerImages = unitOfWork.WorkerImagesRepository.Get(i => i.WorkerId == worker.WorkerId);

            byte[] bannerImage = null;
            if (workerImages.Count() > 0)
                bannerImage = ImageSaver.GetIntance().getImage(workerImages.ElementAt(0).ImageUrl);

            LocationBundle workerLocation = convertLocationToReturn(worker.Location);
            double         workerScore    = getWorkerAverageScore(worker.WorkerId);

            WorkerToReturn retWorker = new WorkerToReturn(worker.WorkerId, worker.Name, worker.Surname,
                                                          worker.Email, worker.Password, worker.PhoneNumber, worker.IsWalker, disponibility, workerImg,
                                                          worker.ShortDescription, worker.Information, worker.BoardingPrice, worker.WalkingPrice,
                                                          bannerImage, workerLocation, workerScore);

        public override LocationBundle ReadLocationBundle(string bundlePath)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(bundlePath);

            if (fileName == null)
                throw new Exception("Please. Don't do this to me!");

            var locationBundle = new LocationBundle
                File     = bundlePath,
                Name     = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
                Sections = new List <StreamSection>()

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(bundlePath))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    var sectionsOffset = 0L;
                    var sectionsSize   = BinaryUtil.FindChunk(br, 0x00034110, ref sectionsOffset);

                    if (sectionsOffset == 0L)
                        throw new Exception($"Cannot find section list in [{bundlePath}]! Location bundle is probably corrupted.");

                    br.BaseStream.Position = sectionsOffset + 8;

                    var sectionStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf <World15Section>();

                    if (sectionsSize <= 0)

                    if (sectionsSize % sectionStructSize != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Section structure is incorrect. You shouldn't ever get this.");

                    var numSections = sectionsSize / sectionStructSize;

                    for (var i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
                        var section      = BinaryUtil.ReadStruct <World15Section>(br);
                        var worldSection = new WorldStreamSection
                            Name                 = section.ModelGroupName,
                            Hash                 = section.Hash,
                            Position             = new Vector3(section.X, section.Y, section.Z),
                            Number               = section.StreamChunkNumber,
                            Type                 = section.Type,
                            FragmentFileId       = section.FragmentFileId,
                            PermSize             = 0,
                            Size                 = 0,
                            Offset               = 0,
                            UnknownSectionNumber = section.StreamChunkNumber2

                        var scnDiff = section.StreamChunkNumber2 - section.StreamChunkNumber;

                        //if (section.Type == 1)
                        //    // if type 1, params[0..2] = size1, size2, size3
                        //    worldSection.Size = section.Parameters[0];
                        //    worldSection.PermSize = section.Parameters[2];

                        //    worldSection.ParamSize1 = section.Parameters[0];
                        //    worldSection.ParamSize2 = section.Parameters[1];
                        //    worldSection.ParamSize3 = section.Parameters[2];
                        //    worldSection.Size = section.Parameters[9];
                        //    worldSection.PermSize = section.Parameters[11];

                        worldSection.Size     = section.Parameters[(4 * 3 * (section.Type - 1)) >> 2];
                        worldSection.PermSize = section.Parameters[((4 * 3 * (section.Type - 1)) >> 2) + 2];


                        //locationBundle.Sections.Add(new WorldStreamSection
                        //    Name = section.ModelGroupName,
                        //    Hash = section.Hash,
                        //    Position = new Vector3(section.X, section.Y, section.Z),
                        //    Size = section.Size1,
                        //    OtherSize = section.Size3,
                        //    Number = section.StreamChunkNumber,
                        //    Offset = section.MasterStreamChunkOffset

            var cm = new ChunkManager(GameDetector.Game.World);

            locationBundle.Chunks = cm.Chunks;

 public override void ExtractBundleSections(LocationBundle bundle, string outDirectory)
     throw new NotSupportedException("NFS:World sections are already in their own files");
        public override void WriteLocationBundle(string outPath, LocationBundle bundle, List <StreamSection> sections)
            using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)))
                using (var cs = new ChunkStream(bw))
                    // We have to skip null chunks in order to avoid weirdness.
                    foreach (var chunk in bundle.Chunks.Where(c => c.Id != 0))
                        if (chunk.PrePadding > 8) // 0x10 - 8 = 8; greater than 8 = align 0x80
                        else if (chunk.PrePadding > 0)

                        if (chunk.Id == 0x00034110)
                            // Write sections list

                            foreach (var bundleSection in sections.Cast <WorldStreamSection>())
                                var secStruct = new World15Section();

                                secStruct.Hash               = bundleSection.Hash;
                                secStruct.ModelGroupName     = bundleSection.Name;
                                secStruct.Blank              = new uint[3];
                                secStruct.Blank2             = new byte[36];
                                secStruct.StreamChunkNumber  = bundleSection.Number;
                                secStruct.StreamChunkNumber2 = bundleSection./*UnknownSectionNumber*/ Number;
                                secStruct.FragmentFileId     = bundleSection.FragmentFileId;
                                secStruct.Unknown1           = 2;
                                secStruct.X    = bundleSection.Position.X;
                                secStruct.Y    = bundleSection.Position.Y;
                                secStruct.Z    = bundleSection.Position.Z;
                                secStruct.Type = bundleSection.Type;

                                    secStruct.Unknown2 = (int)0xffffffff;

                                secStruct.Parameters = new uint[28];
                                secStruct.Parameters[(4 * 3 * (secStruct.Type - 1)) >> 2]       = bundleSection.Size;
                                secStruct.Parameters[((4 * 3 * (secStruct.Type - 1)) >> 2) + 1] = bundleSection.Size;
                                secStruct.Parameters[((4 * 3 * (secStruct.Type - 1)) >> 2) + 2] = bundleSection.PermSize;

                                //worldSection.Size = section.Parameters[(4 * 3 * (section.Type - 1)) >> 2];
                                //worldSection.PermSize = section.Parameters[((4 * 3 * (section.Type - 1)) >> 2) + 2];

                                //if (section.Type == 1)
                                //    // if type 1, params[0..2] = size1, size2, size3
                                //    worldSection.Size = section.Parameters[0];
                                //    worldSection.OtherSize = section.Parameters[2];

                                //    worldSection.ParamSize1 = section.Parameters[0];
                                //    worldSection.ParamSize2 = section.Parameters[1];
                                //    worldSection.ParamSize3 = section.Parameters[2];
                                //    worldSection.ParamTpkDataOff = section.Parameters[2];
                                //    worldSection.ParamTpkNullOff = section.Parameters[0];

                                //    worldSection.TextureContainerOffsets.Add(section.Parameters[3]);
                                //    worldSection.TextureContainerOffsets.Add(section.Parameters[6]);
                                //    worldSection.TextureContainerOffsets.Add(section.Parameters[9]);
                                //    //worldSection.TextureContainerOffsets.Add(section.Parameters[12]);
                                //    worldSection.ParamSize1 = worldSection.Size = section.Parameters[12];


Example #6
        public override LocationBundle ReadLocationBundle(string bundlePath)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(bundlePath);

            if (fileName == null)
                throw new Exception("Please. Don't do this to me!");

            var locationBundle = new LocationBundle
                File     = bundlePath,
                Name     = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
                Sections = new List <StreamSection>(),
                Chunks   = new List <Chunk>()

            var streamPath = Path.Combine(
            var masterStream = new FileStream(streamPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(bundlePath))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    var sectionsOffset = 0L;
                    var sectionsSize   = BinaryUtil.FindChunk(br, 0x00034110, ref sectionsOffset);

                    if (sectionsOffset == 0L)
                        throw new Exception($"Cannot find section list in [{bundlePath}]! Location bundle is probably corrupted.");

                    br.BaseStream.Position = sectionsOffset + 8;

                    var sectionStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf <MostWantedSection>();

                    if (sectionsSize <= 0)

                    if (sectionsSize % sectionStructSize != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Section structure is incorrect. You shouldn't ever get this.");

                    var numSections = sectionsSize / sectionStructSize;

                    for (var i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
                        var section = BinaryUtil.ReadStruct <MostWantedSection>(br);

                        var streamSection = new StreamSection
                            Name                 = section.ModelGroupName,
                            Hash                 = section.Hash,
                            Position             = new Vector3(section.X, section.Y, section.Z),
                            Size                 = section.Size1,
                            PermSize             = section.Size3,
                            Number               = section.StreamChunkNumber,
                            UnknownValue         = section.Unknown1,
                            UnknownSectionNumber = section.Unknown2,
                            Offset               = section.MasterStreamChunkOffset,
                            Data                 = new byte[section.Size1]

                        masterStream.Position = section.MasterStreamChunkOffset;
                        masterStream.Read(streamSection.Data, 0, streamSection.Data.Length);


                    br.BaseStream.Position = 0;


            var cm = new ChunkManager(GameDetector.Game.MostWanted);

            locationBundle.Chunks = cm.Chunks;

Example #7
        public override void WriteLocationBundle(string outPath, LocationBundle bundle, List <StreamSection> sections)
            // Write master stream
            var streamPath = Path.Combine(


            var offsetTable = new List <long>();

            using (var mfs = File.Open(streamPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read))
                for (var index = 0; index < sections.Count; index++)
                    var bundleSection = sections[index];
                    mfs.Write(bundleSection.Data, 0, bundleSection.Data.Length);

                    if (mfs.Position % 0x800 != 0 && index != sections.Count - 1)
                        var align = 0x800 - mfs.Position % 0x800;

                        align -= 8;

                        mfs.Write(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }, 0, 4);
                        mfs.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(align), 0, 4);
                        mfs.Write(new byte[align], 0, (int)align);


            // Write location bundle
            using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(File.Open(outPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)))
                using (var cs = new ChunkStream(bw))
                    // We have to skip null chunks in order to avoid weirdness.
                    foreach (var chunk in bundle.Chunks.Where(c => c.Id != 0))
                        if (chunk.PrePadding > 8) // 0x10 - 8 = 8; greater than 8 = align 0x80
                        else if (chunk.PrePadding > 0)

                        if (chunk.Id == 0x00034110)
                            // Write sections list

                            for (var index = 0; index < sections.Count; index++)
                                var bundleSection = sections[index];
                                var sectionStruct = new MostWantedSection();

                                sectionStruct.ModelGroupName          = bundleSection.Name;
                                sectionStruct.Hash                    = bundleSection.Hash;
                                sectionStruct.MasterStreamChunkOffset = (uint)offsetTable[index];
                                sectionStruct.MasterStreamChunkNumber = 1;
                                sectionStruct.StreamChunkNumber       = bundleSection.Number;
                                sectionStruct.Size1                   = sectionStruct.Size2 = bundleSection.Size;
                                //sectionStruct.Unknown2 = bundleSection.UnknownSectionNumber;
                                sectionStruct.Unknown2 = 0;
                                sectionStruct.X        = bundleSection.Position.X;
                                sectionStruct.Y        = bundleSection.Position.Y;
                                sectionStruct.Z        = bundleSection.Position.Z;

 public abstract void ExtractBundleSections(LocationBundle bundle, string outDirectory);
 public abstract void WriteLocationBundle(string outPath, LocationBundle bundle, List <StreamSection> sections);
Example #10
        public override LocationBundle ReadLocationBundle(string bundlePath)
            var fileName = Path.GetFileName(bundlePath);

            if (fileName == null)
                throw new Exception("Please. Don't do this to me!");

            var locationBundle = new LocationBundle
                File     = bundlePath,
                Name     = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.IndexOf('.')),
                Sections = new List <StreamSection>()

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(bundlePath))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    var sectionsOffset = 0L;
                    var sectionsSize   = BinaryUtil.FindChunk(br, 0x00034110, ref sectionsOffset);

                    if (sectionsOffset == 0L)
                        throw new Exception($"Cannot find section list in [{bundlePath}]! Location bundle is probably corrupted.");

                    br.BaseStream.Position = sectionsOffset + 8;

                    var sectionStructSize = Marshal.SizeOf <UndercoverSection>();

                    if (sectionsSize <= 0)

                    if (sectionsSize % sectionStructSize != 0)
                        throw new Exception("Section structure is incorrect. You shouldn't ever get this.");

                    var numSections = sectionsSize / sectionStructSize;

                    for (var i = 0; i < numSections; i++)
                        var section = BinaryUtil.ReadStruct <UndercoverSection>(br);

                        locationBundle.Sections.Add(new StreamSection
                            Name     = section.ModelGroupName,
                            Hash     = section.Hash,
                            Position = new Vector3(section.X, section.Y, section.Z),
                            Size     = section.Size1,
                            PermSize = section.Size3,
                            Number   = section.StreamChunkNumber,
                            Offset   = section.MasterStreamChunkOffset

Example #11
        public override void WriteLocationBundle(string outPath, LocationBundle bundle, List <StreamSection> sections)
            var chunkManager = new ChunkManager(GameDetector.Game.Undercover);


            var masterStreamPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(outPath), $"STREAM{bundle.Name}.BUN");
            var sectionInfoMap   = new Dictionary <uint, StreamChunkInfo>();
            var sectionDataMap   = new Dictionary <uint, byte[]>();

            using (var fs = new FileStream(masterStreamPath, FileMode.Open))
                using (var br = new BinaryReader(fs))
                    foreach (var section in bundle.Sections)
                        sectionDataMap[section.Number] = new byte[0];

                        //var sectionPath = Path.Combine(sectionsPath, $"STREAM{bundle.Name}_{section.Number}.BUN");

                        //if (File.Exists(sectionPath))
                        //    sectionDataMap[section.Number] = File.ReadAllBytes(sectionPath);
                        //    br.BaseStream.Position = section.Offset;

                        //    sectionDataMap[section.Number] = new byte[section.Size];
                        //    br.Read(sectionDataMap[section.Number], 0, (int)section.Size);

            using (var fs = new FileStream(masterStreamPath, FileMode.Create))
                using (var bw = new BinaryWriter(fs))
                    for (var index = 0; index < bundle.Sections.Count; index++)
                        var section = bundle.Sections[index];

                        sectionInfoMap[section.Number] = new StreamChunkInfo
                            Offset = bw.BaseStream.Position,
                            Size   = (uint)sectionDataMap[section.Number].Length


                        if (index != bundle.Sections.Count - 1)
                            // calculate and write alignment chunk, align by 0x800 bytes
                            var alignSize = sectionDataMap[section.Number].Length + 8 -
                                            (sectionDataMap[section.Number].Length + 8) % 0x800 + 0x1000;
                            alignSize -= sectionDataMap[section.Number].Length + 8;

                            bw.BaseStream.Position += alignSize;

            using (var fs = new FileStream(outPath, FileMode.Create))
                using (var chunkStream = new ChunkStream(new BinaryWriter(fs)))
                    Chunk previousChunk = null;

                    foreach (var chunk in chunkManager.Chunks.Where(c => c.Id != 0))
                        if (previousChunk != null && previousChunk.Size > 0)


                        if (chunk.Id == 0x00034110)
                            // write sections
                            foreach (var bundleSection in bundle.Sections)
                                var sectionStruct = new UndercoverSection
                                    Hash                    = bundleSection.Hash,
                                    ModelGroupName          = bundleSection.Name,
                                    MasterStreamChunkNumber = 0,
                                    StreamChunkNumber       = bundleSection.Number,
                                    Size1                   = sectionInfoMap[bundleSection.Number].Size,
                                    Size2                   = sectionInfoMap[bundleSection.Number].Size,
                                    Size3                   = sectionInfoMap[bundleSection.Number].Size,
                                    X = bundleSection.Position.X,
                                    Y = bundleSection.Position.Y,
                                    Z = bundleSection.Position.Z,
                                    MasterStreamChunkOffset = (uint)sectionInfoMap[bundleSection.Number].Offset



                        previousChunk = chunk;
Example #12
        private LocationBundle convertLocationToReturn(Location location)
            LocationBundle workerLocation = new LocationBundle(location.Latitude, location.Longitude);

Example #13
        private Location convertLocation(LocationBundle newLocation)
            Location workerLocation = new Location(newLocation.Latitude, newLocation.Longitude);

 public override void WriteLocationBundle(string outPath, LocationBundle bundle, List <StreamSection> sections)
     throw new NotImplementedException();