Example #1
        public IEnumerator Load()
            Debug.Log("Loading custom content bundles...");

            if (!LoaderManager.IsDedicatedServer) // Load from workshop (if not dedicated server)
                foreach (var workshopItemID in WorkshopManager.Instance.SubscribedItems)
                    // TODO: Read XML file and get the real addon name to show

                    if (SteamUGC.GetItemInstallInfo(workshopItemID, out _, out var pchFolder, 1024U, out _))
                        // TODO: Prevent from loading local addons

                        var modDirectory = pchFolder;
                        yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(modDirectory));

            foreach (var localModDirectory in LocalMods.GetLocalModDirectories())
                yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(localModDirectory));
        public IEnumerator Load()
            Debug.Log("Loading custom content bundles...");

            if (!LoaderManager.IsDedicatedServer) // Load from workshop (if not dedicated server)
                var query = NetManager.GetLocalAndWorkshopItems(SteamTransport.WorkshopType.Mod).GetAwaiter();

                while (!query.IsCompleted) // This is not how UniTask should be used, but it works for now.
                    yield return(null);

                var result = query.GetResult();

                foreach (var itemWrap in result)
                    var modDirectory = itemWrap.DirectoryPath;
                    yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(modDirectory));

            foreach (var localModDirectory in LocalMods.GetLocalModDirectories())
                yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(localModDirectory));
        public IEnumerator Load()
            Debug.Log("Loading custom content bundles...");

            foreach (var workshopItemID in WorkshopManager.Instance.SubscribedItems)
                // TODO: Read XML file and get the real addon name to show

                if (SteamUGC.GetItemInstallInfo(workshopItemID, out _, out var pchFolder, 1024U, out _))
                    // TODO: Prevent from loading local addons

                    var modDirectory = pchFolder;
                    yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(modDirectory));

            // Load debug assemblies if debugging is enabled
            if (LoaderManager.Instance.IsDebuggingEnabled)
                var localModDirectories = LocalMods.GetLocalModDirectories();

                foreach (var localModDirectory in localModDirectories)
                    yield return(LoadBundleFromModDirectory(localModDirectory));
Example #4
        private IEnumerator LoadLocalPlugins(PluginCompiler pluginCompiler)
            var localPluginDirectories = LocalMods.GetLocalModDirectories(false, true);

            foreach (var localPluginDirectory in localPluginDirectories)
                    var addonDirectory = localPluginDirectory;

                    var addonName    = "local-" + new DirectoryInfo(localPluginDirectory).Name;
                    var assemblyName =
                        addonName + "-Assembly"; // TODO: Make some shared project for string constants etc.
                    var assemblyFile = "AddonManager/AddonsCache/" + assemblyName + ".dll";

                    if (!Directory.Exists(addonDirectory))
                            $"Could not load addon plugin '{addonName}' because directory '{addonDirectory}' does not exist!");

                    var addonScripts = Directory.GetFiles(addonDirectory, "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    if (addonScripts.Length == 0)

                    if (File.Exists(assemblyFile))
                        Debug.Log($"Removing old plugin assembly file '{assemblyFile}'");

                    pluginCompiler.CompileScripts(addonName, addonDirectory, addonScripts);

                    CompiledPlugins.Add(new AddonPlugin(addonName, assemblyFile));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.LogError($"Failed to compile plugin from '{localPluginDirectory}'. Exception:\n{ex}");

                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());
        private IEnumerator LoadLocalPlugins(PluginCompiler pluginCompiler)
            var localPluginDirectories = LocalMods.GetLocalModDirectories(false, true);

            foreach (var localPluginDirectory in localPluginDirectories)
                    var addonDirectory = localPluginDirectory;

                    var addonName    = "local-" + new DirectoryInfo(localPluginDirectory).Name;
                    var assemblyName = addonName + "-Assembly"; // TODO: Make some shared project for string constants etc.
                    var assemblyFile = "AddonManager/AddonsCache/" + assemblyName + ".dll";

                    if (!Directory.Exists(addonDirectory))
                            $"Could not load addon plugin '{addonName}' because directory '{addonDirectory}' does not exist!");

                    var addonScripts = Directory.GetFiles(addonDirectory, "*.cs", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                    // Prevent mods that include the following files from defining duplicate attributes and screwing up compile.
                    // */Properties/*
                    // */bin/*
                    // */obj/*
                    List <string> sourceFilesList = new List <string>(addonScripts);

                    sourceFilesList.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Properties" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
                    sourceFilesList.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "bin" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));
                    sourceFilesList.RemoveAll(x => x.Contains(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "obj" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar));

                    addonScripts = sourceFilesList.ToArray();

                    if (addonScripts.Length == 0)

                    if (File.Exists(assemblyFile))
                        Debug.Log($"Removing old plugin assembly file '{assemblyFile}'");

                    pluginCompiler.CompileScripts(addonName, addonDirectory, addonScripts, out var isSuccess);

                    if (isSuccess)
                        CompiledPlugins.Add(new AddonPlugin(addonName, assemblyFile));
                        throw new Exception(
                                  $"Addon's plugin ('{addonName}') failed to compile. Checks game logs for more info.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Debug.LogError($"Failed to compile plugin from '{localPluginDirectory}'. Exception:\n{ex}");

                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());