Example #1
        public App()
            var tracksSerializer    = new iTunesXMLTracksDeserializer();
            var tracksRepository    = new SerializingTracksRepository(tracksSerializer);
            var playlistsRepository = new FakePlaylistsRepository(tracksRepository);

            var service = new LocalLibraryService(tracksRepository, tracksRepository);

            var audio         = new CSCoreAudioPlaybackEngine();
            var windowManager = new CustomWindowManager();
            var dialog        = new WindowsDialogService(windowManager);
            var proxy         = new LibraryViewModelsProxy(service, t => new TrackViewModel(t));
            //var tagger = new TagLibSharpAudioFileTagger();
            //var audioDurationCalc = new CSCoreAudioFileDurationCalculator();
            //var audioFIProvider = new LocalAudioFileInfoProvider(tagger, audioDurationCalc);

            var libraryVM   = new LibraryViewModel(proxy);
            var libraryView = new LibraryWindow()
                DataContext = libraryVM
            var libraryConductor = new CustomWindowManager.WindowConductor(libraryVM, libraryView);


            //var shellVM = new ShellViewModel(audio, service, dialog, libraryVM, new PlaybackControlsViewModel(audio, new PlaybackTimelineViewModel(audio)));
            //var shellView = new ShellWindow() { DataContext = shellVM };
            //var shellConductor = new CustomWindowManager.WindowConductor(shellVM, shellView);

        public void ScanForChanges()
            var localFiles = LocalLibraryService.GetAllMusicFilePaths().ToList();

            var libraryLocalFileReferences  = iTunesService.iTunesTracks.Where(itt => itt.Fingerprint != null).Select(itt => itt.Fingerprint.File).ToList();
            var localFilesNotInLibrary      = localFiles.Where(lf => !libraryLocalFileReferences.Contains(lf)).ToList();
            var libraryFilesNotFoundInLocal = libraryLocalFileReferences.Where(llfr => !localFiles.Contains(llfr)).ToList();
            var filesFoundLocalAndInLibrary = localFiles.Where(lf => libraryLocalFileReferences.Contains(lf)).ToList();

            TracksToRemoveFromLibrary.AddRange(iTunesService.iTunesTracks.Where(itt => itt.Fingerprint != null && libraryFilesNotFoundInLocal.Contains(itt.Fingerprint.File)));

            // Hydrates TracksToUpdateInLibrary
            // This is multithreaded as calculating hashes can take a while

            // Next, update/encode changed files. This is multithreaded as
            // encoding to Apple lossless may occur.

            // We have to remove tracks first in descending order
            // The iTunes database goes by indexes/total song counts
            // If we add or remove to that in any descending order,
            // all of our cached songs with their indexes are then invalidated
            TracksToRemoveFromLibrary = TracksToRemoveFromLibrary.OrderByDescending(t => t.iTunesTrack.Index).ToList();
            iTunesService.RemoveFiles(TracksToRemoveFromLibrary.Select(t => t.Location).ToList());

            // Next, add all remaining files. This is multithreaded as
            // encoding to Apple lossless may occur.
        public ConversionService()
            Source              = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Source"];
            Destination         = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Destination"];
            LocalLibraryService = new LocalLibraryService();
            iTunesService       = new iTunesService();
            ThreadMessages      = new Dictionary <int, string>();

            SupportedExtensions   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SupportedFileExtensions"].Split('|');
            UnsupportedExtensions = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UnsupportedFileExtensions"].Split('|');
        public Task[] ProcessUpdatedMusic()
            // 4x as many threads because calculating hashes is FAST
            Task[] workers = new Task[Threads * 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < Threads * 4; i++)
                int  workerId = i;
                Task task     = new Task(() => ProcessChangedFile(workerId));
                workers[i] = task;


            // Build full list of files
            var localFiles   = LocalLibraryService.GetAllMusicFilePaths().ToList();
            var libraryFiles = iTunesService.iTunesFingerprints.Select(itf => itf.File).ToList();

            localFiles = localFiles.Distinct().ToList();
