Example #1
        internal void UnloadAssets()
            files = files
                    .Where(file => GetFileState(file.Key) < LoadedState.Assets)
                    .ToDictionary(file => file.Key, file => file.Value);

            state = LoadedState.Code;
Example #2
        public ImageProcessingProgram()
            loadedState   = new LoadedState(this);
            unloadedState = new UnloadedState(this);
            loadingState  = new LoadingState(this);
            paramState    = new ParameterEnteringState(this);

            programState = unloadedState;
Example #3
 private void LoadHeaer(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.Method)
         if (this.Header.Read(stream, mCookies))
             mState = LoadedState.Header;
             int.TryParse(Header[HeaderType.CONTENT_LENGTH], out mLength);
             KeepAlive = string.Compare(Header[HeaderType.CONNECTION], "Keep-Alive", true) == 0;
Example #4
 private void LoadHeaer(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.Method)
         if (this.Header.Read(stream))
             mState = LoadedState.Header;
             int.TryParse(Header[Header.CONTENT_LENGTH], out mLength);
             KeepAlive = Header[Header.CONNECTION] == "keep-alive";
Example #5
        private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
            string line;

            if (mState == LoadedState.None)
                if (stream.TryReadLine(out line))
                    string[] values = line.Split(' ');
                    Method      = values[0];
                    Url         = values[1];
                    HttpVersion = values[2];
                    mState      = LoadedState.Method;
Example #6
 private void LoadBody(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.Header)
         if (mLength == 0)
             mState = LoadedState.Completed;
             if (stream.Length == mLength)
                 mState = LoadedState.Completed;
Example #7
 private void LoadBody(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.Header)
         if (mLength == 0)
             mState = LoadedState.Completed;
             object data;
             if (Serializer.TryDeserialize(stream, mLength, out data))
                 mState = LoadedState.Completed;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// removes all points from Contained point lists
        /// </summary>
        public bool ClearAllPoints()
            if (pointsMutex == false)
                pointsMutex = true;

                if (State == LoadedState.BUFFERED_IN_RAM)
                    State = LoadedState.UNLOADED;
                pointsMutex = false;


Example #9
        private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
            if (mState == LoadedState.None)
                string data;
                if (!stream.TryReadWith(HeaderTypeFactory.LINE_BYTES, out data))
                HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(data, this);
                HttpParse.ReadHttpVersionNumber(HttpVersion, mQueryString, this);
                int len = HttpParse.ReadUrlQueryString(Url, mQueryString, this);
                if (len > 0)
                    HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan().Slice(0, len), mQueryString, this, this.Server.ServerConfig);
                    HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan(), mQueryString, this, this.Server.ServerConfig);

                RouteMatchResult routeMatchResult = new RouteMatchResult();
                if (Server.UrlRewrite.Match(this, ref routeMatchResult, mQueryString))
                    this.IsRewrite = true;
                    this.SourceUrl = this.Url;
                    if (Server.EnableLog(EventArgs.LogType.Info))
                        Server.BaseServer.Log(EventArgs.LogType.Info, Session, "request rewrite {0}  to {1}", Url, routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl);
                    Url = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
                    if (Server.ServerConfig.UrlIgnoreCase)
                        BaseUrl = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrlLower;
                        BaseUrl = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
                    Ext = routeMatchResult.Ext;
                mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #10
 private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.None)
         Span <char> data;
         if (!stream.ReadLine(out data))
         HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(data, this);
         HttpParse.ReadHttpVersionNumber(HttpVersion, mQueryString, this);
         int len = HttpParse.ReadUrlQueryString(Url, mQueryString, this);
         if (len > 0)
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan().Slice(0, len), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan(), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
         //UrlCode = BaseUrl.GetHashCode() << 16 | BaseUrl.Length;
         RouteMatchResult routeMatchResult = new RouteMatchResult();
         if (Server.UrlRewrite.Count > 0 && Server.UrlRewrite.Match(this, ref routeMatchResult, mQueryString))
             this.IsRewrite = true;
             this.SourceUrl = this.Url;
             if (Server.EnableLog(EventArgs.LogType.Info))
                 Server.BaseServer.Log(EventArgs.LogType.Info, Session, $"HTTP {ID} request rewrite {Url} to {routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl}");
             Url = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
             if (Server.Options.UrlIgnoreCase)
                 BaseUrl = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrlLower;
                 BaseUrl = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
             Ext = routeMatchResult.Ext;
         mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #11
        public LoadedState Load(PipeStream stream)
            string line;

            if (mState == LoadedState.None)
                if (stream.TryReadWith(HeaderTypeFactory.LINE_BYTES, out line))
                    HttpParse.AnalyzeResponseLine(line, this);
                    mState = LoadedState.Method;
            if (mState == LoadedState.Method)
                if (Header.Read(stream, Cookies))
                    mState = LoadedState.Header;
            if (mState == LoadedState.Header)
                if (string.Compare(Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONNECTION], "close", true) == 0)
                    this.KeepAlive = false;
                if (string.Compare(Header[HeaderTypeFactory.TRANSFER_ENCODING], "chunked", true) == 0)
                    Chunked = true;
                    string lenstr = Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONTENT_LENGTH];
                    int    length = 0;
                    if (lenstr != null)
                        int.TryParse(lenstr, out length);
                    Length = length;
                mState = LoadedState.Completed;
Example #12
        private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
            string line;

            if (mState == LoadedState.None)
                if (stream.TryReadLine(out line))
                    Tuple <string, string, string> result = HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(line);
                    Method      = result.Item1;
                    Url         = result.Item2;
                    BaseUrl     = HttpParse.GetBaseUrl(Url);
                    Ext         = HttpParse.GetBaseUrlExt(BaseUrl);
                    HttpVersion = result.Item3;
                    HttpParse.AnalyzeQueryString(Url, mQueryString);
                    mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #13
        private void LoadHeaer(PipeStream stream)
            if (mState == LoadedState.Method)
                if (this.Header.Read(stream, mCookies))
                    mState = LoadedState.Header;
                    string length = Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONTENT_LENGTH];
                    if (length != null)
                        int.TryParse(length, out mLength);
                    if (VersionNumber == "1.0")
                        string connection = Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONNECTION];
                        KeepAlive = string.Compare(connection, "keep-alive", true) == 0;

                    RouteMatchResult routeMatchResult;
                    this.IsRewrite = false;
                    if (Server.UrlRewrite.Count > 0 && Server.UrlRewrite.Match(this, out routeMatchResult, mQueryString))
                        var url = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
                        if (Server.Options.AgentRewrite)
                            if (mQueryStringIndex > 0 && this.Url.Length > mQueryStringIndex + 1)
                                if (routeMatchResult.HasQueryString)
                                    url += "&";
                                    url += "?";
                                url += new string(Url.AsSpan().Slice(mQueryStringIndex + 1));
Example #14
 private void LoadHeaer(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.Method)
         if (this.Header.Read(stream, mCookies))
             mState = LoadedState.Header;
             string length = Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONTENT_LENGTH];
             if (length != null)
                 int.TryParse(length, out mLength);
             if (VersionNumber == "1.0")
                 string connection = Header[HeaderTypeFactory.CONNECTION];
                 KeepAlive = string.Compare(connection, "keep-alive", true) == 0;
Example #15
 private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.None)
         IndexOfResult index = stream.IndexOf(HeaderType.LINE_BYTES);
         if (index.End != null)
             ReadOnlySpan <Char> line = HttpParse.ReadCharLine(index);
             Tuple <string, string, string> result = HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(line);
             Method      = result.Item1;
             Url         = result.Item2;
             BaseUrl     = HttpParse.GetBaseUrlToLower(Url);
             Ext         = HttpParse.GetBaseUrlExt(BaseUrl);
             HttpVersion = result.Item3;
             HttpParse.AnalyzeQueryString(Url, mQueryString);
             mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #16
        internal void SetInvisibleAndUnbuffered()
            visible = false;

            if (ClearAllPoints())
                numberOfLoadedPoints = 0;

                if (serverBufferId != null)
                    serverBufferId = null;

                    if (parentVBOs.Count > 0)

                State = LoadedState.UNLOADED;
Example #17
 private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.None)
         Span <char> data;
         if (!stream.ReadLine(out data))
         PathLevel = 0;
         HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(data, this);
         HttpParse.ReadHttpVersionNumber(HttpVersion, mQueryString, this);
         mQueryStringIndex = HttpParse.ReadUrlQueryString(Url, mQueryString, this);
         if (mQueryStringIndex > 0)
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan().Slice(0, mQueryStringIndex), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan(), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
         mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #18
        internal void Read(LoadedState desiredState, ReadStreamingAsset streamingHandler = null)
            if (desiredState <= state)

            using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(path))
                using (var hReader = new BinaryReader(fileStream))
                    if (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hReader.ReadBytes(4)) != "TMOD")
                        throw new Exception("Magic Header != \"TMOD\"");

                    tModLoaderVersion = new Version(hReader.ReadString());
                    hash      = hReader.ReadBytes(20);
                    signature = hReader.ReadBytes(256);
                    //currently unused, included to read the entire data-blob as a byte-array without decompressing or waiting to hit end of stream
                    int datalen = hReader.ReadInt32();

                    if (state < LoadedState.Integrity)
                        long pos        = fileStream.Position;
                        var  verifyHash = SHA1.Create().ComputeHash(fileStream);
                        if (!verifyHash.SequenceEqual(hash))
                            throw new Exception("Hash mismatch, data blob has been modified or corrupted");

                        state = LoadedState.Integrity;
                        if (desiredState == LoadedState.Integrity)

                        fileStream.Position = pos;

                    bool filesAreLoadOrdered = tModLoaderVersion >= new Version(0, 10, 1, 2);

                    using (var deflateStream = new DeflateStream(fileStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
                        using (var reader = new BinaryReader(deflateStream))
                            name    = reader.ReadString();
                            version = new Version(reader.ReadString());

                            int count = reader.ReadInt32();
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                string      fileName  = reader.ReadString();
                                LoadedState fileState = GetFileState(fileName);
                                if (filesAreLoadOrdered && fileState > desiredState)

                                int len = reader.ReadInt32();
                                if (fileState == LoadedState.Streaming && desiredState >= LoadedState.Streaming)
                                    var end = deflateStream.TotalOut + len;
                                    streamingHandler(fileName, len, reader);
                                    if (deflateStream.TotalOut < end)
                                        reader.ReadBytes((int)(end - deflateStream.TotalOut));
                                    else if (deflateStream.TotalOut > end)
                                        throw new IOException(
                                                  $"Read too many bytes ({deflateStream.Position - end - len}>{len}) while loading streaming asset: {fileName}");
                                    byte[] content = reader.ReadBytes(len);
                                    if (fileState > state && fileState <= desiredState)
                                        AddFile(fileName, content);

            if (desiredState >= LoadedState.Info && !HasFile("Info"))
                throw new Exception("Missing Info file");

            if (desiredState >= LoadedState.Code && !HasFile("All.dll") && !(HasFile("Windows.dll") && HasFile("Mono.dll")))
                throw new Exception("Missing All.dll or Windows.dll and Mono.dll");

            state = desiredState;
            if (state > LoadedState.Assets)
                state = LoadedState.Assets;
Example #19
        protected unsafe void LoadIntoVBO()
            if (serverBufferId != null)
                throw new ApplicationException("should not occur");

            if (parentVBOs == null)
                parentVBOs = new Stack <VBOStorageInformation>();

            QTreeWrapper parentTree = LasDataManager.GetInstance().GetQtreeByGuid(ParentTreeID);

            #region Create vertex arrays
            //form three arrays to copy to server memory

            ColorPalette pallette = LasDataManager.ColorPallette;

            //code that reduces given points
            //how many points to skip when loading
            int step = (int)Math.Ceiling((1.0 / ReductionToParentCoef));        //be conservative

            int allLevels = parentTree.qtree.NumberOfTreeLevels;

            int pointsOnLevel     = NumberOfPoints / allLevels;
            int pointsOnLastLevel = pointsOnLevel + NumberOfPoints - pointsOnLevel * allLevels;

            if (pointsOnLevel < 5)
                //no need to overburden the system with separate arrays for very small amounts of points
                allLevels         = 1;
                pointsOnLastLevel = NumberOfPoints;

            float[][] interleavedArrayAtLevel = new float[allLevels][];

            int interleavedDataStride = VBOUtils.PointInformationSize;
            int byteStride            = interleavedDataStride / 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < allLevels; i++)
                if (i == (allLevels - 1))
                    //last(leaf) level also contains all remaining points
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[i] = new float[pointsOnLastLevel * byteStride]; //10 is for 3*V,3*N and 4*C bytes
                else if (pointsOnLevel > 0)
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[i] = new float[pointsOnLevel * byteStride];

            int currentLevel        = 0;                                                  //we will iterate mod allLevels so the points are distributed fairly
            int pointIndex          = 0;                                                  //point index inside an array for a level. increased only when we return to locating points to the frst level
            int numAllocatedPoints  = 0;                                                  //counts total number of allcoated point
            int lastPointsThreshold = NumberOfPoints - pointsOnLastLevel + pointsOnLevel; //threshold which determines from where on points are only on the last level

            //generate points for all levels in one iteration over all the points
            for (int j = 0; j < ContainedPointLists.Count; j++)
                Point3D[] pts = ContainedPointLists[j];
                int       len = pts.Length;

                for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                    Point3D p = pts[k];

                    GetColorFromPalette(interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel], pallette, pointIndex, p);
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 3] = 1;

                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 4] = p.nx;
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 5] = p.nz;
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 6] = p.ny;

                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 7] = p.x + parentTree.positionOffset.x;
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 8] = p.z;
                    interleavedArrayAtLevel[currentLevel][pointIndex + 9] = p.y + parentTree.positionOffset.y;

                    numAllocatedPoints++; //increased for every point

                    if (numAllocatedPoints < lastPointsThreshold)

                        if (currentLevel == allLevels)
                            //increase point index only when going back to the first level
                            pointIndex  += byteStride; //3 values for vertices, 3 for colors and 3 for normals
                            currentLevel = 0;
                        currentLevel = allLevels - 1;
                        pointIndex  += byteStride; //point index is always updated, because we only insert points to the last layer now

            //only if points wil bedistributed between nodes propagate them up the hierarchy
            if (allLevels > 1)
                //load all arrays into VBOStorageInformation objects and pass them along to parents
                Stack <VBOStorageInformation> vbosForParents = new Stack <VBOStorageInformation>(allLevels - 1); //for parents

                for (int i = 0; i < allLevels - 1; i++)
                    VBOStorageInformation vbos = VBOUtils.GenerateVBOs(pointsOnLevel);

                    VBOUtils.CopyPointsToVBOs(interleavedArrayAtLevel[i], vbos);

                    //insert into stack so parents can take them out


            //load also into this leafs VBO
            serverBufferId = VBOUtils.GenerateVBOs(pointsOnLastLevel);

            VBOUtils.CopyPointsToVBOs(interleavedArrayAtLevel[allLevels - 1], serverBufferId);

            State = LoadedState.BUFFERED_IN_GPU;
Example #20
 private void LoadMethod(PipeStream stream)
     if (mState == LoadedState.None)
         Span <char> data;
         if (!stream.ReadLine(out data))
         HttpParse.AnalyzeRequestLine(data, this);
         HttpParse.ReadHttpVersionNumber(HttpVersion, mQueryString, this);
         int len = HttpParse.ReadUrlQueryString(Url, mQueryString, this);
         if (len > 0)
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan().Slice(0, len), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
             HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan(), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
         RouteMatchResult routeMatchResult = new RouteMatchResult();
         this.IsRewrite = false;
         if (Server.UrlRewrite.Count > 0 && Server.UrlRewrite.Match(this, ref routeMatchResult, mQueryString))
             this.IsRewrite     = true;
             this.SourceUrl     = Url;
             this.SourceBaseUrl = BaseUrl;
             this.SourcePath    = Path;
             if (Server.Options.UrlIgnoreCase)
                 Url = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrlLower;
                 Url = routeMatchResult.RewriteUrl;
             if (Server.Options.AgentRewrite)
                 if (len > 0 && this.SourceUrl.Length > len + 1)
                     if (Url.IndexOf('?') > 0)
                         Url += "&";
                         Url += "?";
                     Url += new string(SourceUrl.AsSpan().Slice(len + 1));
             len = HttpParse.ReadUrlQueryString(Url, null, this);
             if (len > 0)
                 HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan().Slice(0, len), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
                 HttpParse.ReadUrlPathAndExt(Url.AsSpan(), mQueryString, this, this.Server.Options);
             if (Server.EnableLog(EventArgs.LogType.Info))
                 Server.BaseServer.Log(EventArgs.LogType.Info, Session, $"HTTP {ID} {((IPEndPoint)Session.RemoteEndPoint).Address} request {SourceUrl} rewrite to {Url}");
         mState = LoadedState.Method;
Example #21
        // 转场景  path = "map/xinkaijie.unity"
        private void _ChangeScene(string pathName, bool bAsync, UnityAction <string> aLoaded = null, UnityAction <string> aUnLoaded = null)
            //Debug.Log("_ChangeScene: " + pathName + " | " + bAsync);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pathName))

            string sSceneName = pathName.Substring(pathName.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);

            sSceneName = sSceneName.Substring(0, sSceneName.LastIndexOf("."));

            if (ms_sLoadingSceneName == sSceneName || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ms_sLoadingSceneName)))
                string sSameWarn = "_ChangeScene Load Same Scene:";
                string sLoading  = "_ChangeScene LastScene is Loading:";
                Debug.LogWarning((ms_sLoadingSceneName == sSceneName ? sSameWarn : sLoading) + ms_sLoadingSceneName);

            //AsyncOperation op = null;
            UnityAction <string, AssetBundle> aComplete = (path, ab) =>
                ms_aOnUnloadedScene = (oScene) =>
                    if (aUnLoaded != null)

                /*ms_aOnActiveScene = (oSceneA, oSceneB) =>
                 * {
                 *      //SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(oSceneB.name);
                 * };*/
                ms_aOnLoadedScene = (oScene, eMode) =>
                    if (aLoaded != null)
                        aLoaded(oScene.name.Equals("Empty") ? ms_sLoadingSceneName : oScene.name);

                //LoadSceneAsync Loads the scene asynchronously in the background.
                //LoadScene, the loading does not happen immediately, it completes in the next frame
                if (bAsync)
                    m_eLoadSate = LoadedState.Async;
                    //m_oLoadAsync = Application.LoadLevelAsync(ms_sLoadingSceneName);
                    m_oLoadAsync = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(ms_sLoadingSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Single);
                    m_eLoadSate = LoadedState.Sync;
                    SceneManager.LoadScene(sSceneName, LoadSceneMode.Single);

            m_oLoadAsync         = null;
            m_eLoadSate          = LoadedState.None;
            ms_sLoadingSceneName = sSceneName;
            ResourceMgr.LoadSceneAB(pathName, aComplete, true);