public MainViewModel(IBikingService bikingService)
     LoadUsers = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(bikingService.GetUsers);
     users     = LoadUsers.ToProperty(this, model => model.Users);
     bikes     = this.WhenAnyValue(model => model.SelectedUser)
                 .SelectMany(u => bikingService.GetBikes(u.Id))
                 .ToProperty(this, model => model.Bikes);
        public UsersViewModel(IBikingService bikingService)
            LoadUsers = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(bikingService.GetUsers);
            users     = LoadUsers
                        .Select(us =>
                                us.Select(user => new UserViewModel(user, bikingService)).ToList()).ToProperty(this, model => model.Users);

            isBusy = LoadUsers.IsExecuting.ToProperty(this, vm => vm.IsBusy);

            selectedBike = MessageBus.Current.Listen <Bike>()
                           .Select(bike => new BikeViewModel(bike, bikingService))
                           .ToProperty(this, model => model.SelectedBike);
 /// <summary>
 /// Form Load
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void Pharmacist_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     DateExpiry.MinDate = DateTime.Now.Date;                              //Set Minimum Expiry Date to Todays Date
     foreach (Users LoadUsers in ParentListHolder.UserList)               //For Every User in the User List
         if (LoadUsers.GetUserStatus() == ListHolder.Usertype.Pharmacist) //If User is a Pharmacist /""/
             PharmaCombo.Items.Add(LoadUsers.GetUsername());              //If your a pharmacist
     ReadToDoPrescriptionsFile();                                                                                                                                  //Read In Prescriptions to Process
     ReadPrescriptionsFile();                                                                                                                                      //Read In Prescription to Collect
     #region Check if more than 24 hours have gone by
     foreach (Prescription prescript in ParentListHolder.FinalPrescriptionList)                                                                                    //For Every Prescription that needs collecting
         string   dateissued = prescript.GetDateIssued();                                                                                                          //Get Date Issued
         DateTime date       = Convert.ToDateTime(dateissued);                                                                                                     //Convert to Date Format
         if (date.Add(TimeSpan.FromDays(1)) < DateTime.Today.Date && prescript.GetCompleted() == "Not Completed")                                                  //If It Has Not Been Collected
             MessageBox.Show(prescript.GetPatientName() + ": " + prescript.GetDateIssued() + " Prescription has not been collected please return items to stock"); //Show Message
             int ItemCount = 0;                                                                                                                                    //Counter
             foreach (string itemname in prescript.ItemName)                                                                                                       //For every Item in Prescription
                 DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.DO("'" + itemname + "' restock " + prescript.Quantity[ItemCount] + " please");                                  //Return items to stock
                 ItemCount++;                                                                                                                                      //Next Item
             if (DodgyBobStockControl.StockControl.SAVE() == true)                                                                                                 //Save stock update
                 ParentListHolder.FinalPrescriptionList.Remove(prescript);                                                                                         //Delete Prescription
                 WritePrescription();                                                                                                                              //this should remove any prescriptions that are out of date
         UpdatePrescriptionsToCollect(); //Update Prescription to Collect XML file
Example #4
 public MainViewModel(IBikingService bikingService)
     LoadUsers = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask(() => bikingService.GetUsers());
     users     = LoadUsers.ToProperty(this, model => model.Users);
 public void ClearState()
     Workflows = new ObservableCollection <QueryWorkflowVM>();
     Usernames = new ObservableCollection <string>();