private void ProcessPlatform(XmlNode platformNode)
            if (platformNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("platformNode");

            // process platform task assemblies
            if (!ScannedTasks)
                FileSet platformTaskAssemblies = new FileSet();
                platformTaskAssemblies.BaseDirectory    = new DirectoryInfo(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);
                platformTaskAssemblies.Project          = Project;
                platformTaskAssemblies.NamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
                platformTaskAssemblies.Parent           = Project;      // avoid warnings by setting the parent of the fileset
                platformTaskAssemblies.ID = "platform-task-assemblies"; // avoid warnings by assigning an id
                XmlNode taskAssembliesNode = platformNode.SelectSingleNode(
                    "nant:task-assemblies", NamespaceManager);
                if (taskAssembliesNode != null)
                                                      Project.Properties, null);

                // scan platform extensions assemblies
                LoadTasksTask loadTasks = new LoadTasksTask();
                loadTasks.Project          = Project;
                loadTasks.NamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
                loadTasks.Parent           = Project;
                loadTasks.TaskFileSet      = platformTaskAssemblies;
                loadTasks.FailOnError      = false;
                loadTasks.Threshold        = (Project.Threshold == Level.Debug) ?
                                             Level.Debug : Level.Warning;

                // scan NAnt.Core
                TypeFactory.ScanAssembly(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(), loadTasks);

            // process the framework nodes of the current platform

            // process runtime framework task assemblies
            if (!ScannedTasks)
                LoadTasksTask loadTasks = new LoadTasksTask();
                loadTasks.Project          = Project;
                loadTasks.NamespaceManager = NamespaceManager;
                loadTasks.Parent           = Project;
                loadTasks.TaskFileSet      = Project.RuntimeFramework.TaskAssemblies;
                loadTasks.FailOnError      = false;
                loadTasks.Threshold        = (Project.Threshold == Level.Debug) ?
                                             Level.Debug : Level.Warning;

                // ensure we don't scan task assemblies for the current
                // runtime framework and platform again
                ScannedTasks = true;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the tdc task.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTask()
            if (!IsOutputUpToDate())
                string source = "using System.Xml;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core.Attributes;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core.Types;\n";

                foreach (string fileName in Sources.FileNames)
                    XmlDocument tasksXml = new XmlDocument();
                    UseDefaultNamespace(tasksXml, Project);

                    foreach (XmlNode taskXml in tasksXml.SelectNodes("/*/*[local-name()='taskdef']"))
                        Log(Level.Verbose, "generating task from: " + taskXml.OuterXml);
                        TaskDefTask taskDef = (TaskDefTask)Project.CreateTask(taskXml);
                        source += taskDef.GenerateCSharpCode() + "\n";

                Log(Level.Verbose, source);

            LoadTasksTask loadTasksTask = new LoadTasksTask();

            loadTasksTask.Project      = Project;
            loadTasksTask.AssemblyPath = new FileInfo(Output);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the extension assemblies in the current <see cref="AppDomain" />
        /// and scans them for extensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="extensionAssemblies">The extension assemblies to load.</param>
        /// <param name="project">The <see cref="Project" /> which will be used to output messages to the build log.</param>
        private static void LoadExtensionAssemblies(StringCollection extensionAssemblies, Project project)
            LoadTasksTask loadTasks = new LoadTasksTask();

            loadTasks.Project          = project;
            loadTasks.NamespaceManager = project.NamespaceManager;
            loadTasks.Parent           = project;
            loadTasks.Threshold        = (project.Threshold == Level.Debug) ?
                                         Level.Debug : Level.Warning;

            foreach (string extensionAssembly in extensionAssemblies)

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Registers the project with <see cref="TypeFactory" />, and optionally
        /// scan the <see cref="Project.BaseDirectory" /> for extension assemblies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to work from.</param>
        /// <param name="scan">Specified whether to scan the <see cref="Project.BaseDirectory" /> for extension assemblies.</param>
        /// <param name="targetCallStack">The current target call stack.  Needed for accessing thread and target properties.</param>
        internal static void AddProject(Project project, bool scan, TargetCallStack targetCallStack)
            if (!scan || String.IsNullOrEmpty(project.BaseDirectory))

            LoadTasksTask loadTasks = new LoadTasksTask();

            loadTasks.Project          = project;
            loadTasks.CallStack        = targetCallStack;
            loadTasks.NamespaceManager = project.NamespaceManager;
            loadTasks.Parent           = project;
            loadTasks.FailOnError      = false;
            loadTasks.Threshold        = (project.Threshold == Level.Debug) ?
                                         Level.Debug : Level.Warning;

            string tasksDir       = Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, "extensions");
            string commonTasksDir = Path.Combine(tasksDir, "common");

            // scan framework-neutral and version-neutral assemblies
            ScanDir(Path.Combine(commonTasksDir, "neutral"), loadTasks,

            // skip further processing if runtime framework has not yet
            // been set
            if (project.RuntimeFramework == null)

            // scan framework-neutral but version-specific assemblies
            ScanDir(Path.Combine(commonTasksDir, project.RuntimeFramework.
                                 ClrVersion.ToString(2)), loadTasks, false);

            string frameworkTasksDir = Path.Combine(tasksDir,

            // scan framework-specific but version-neutral assemblies
            ScanDir(Path.Combine(frameworkTasksDir, "neutral"), loadTasks,

            // scan framework-specific and version-specific assemblies
            ScanDir(Path.Combine(frameworkTasksDir, project.RuntimeFramework
                                 .Version.ToString()), loadTasks, false);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds any task assemblies in the project base directory
        /// and its <c>tasks</c> subdirectory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project">The project to work from.</param>
        public static void AddProject(Project project)
            if (!StringUtils.IsNullOrEmpty(project.BaseDirectory))
                LoadTasksTask loadTasks = new LoadTasksTask();
                loadTasks.Project          = project;
                loadTasks.NamespaceManager = project.NamespaceManager;
                loadTasks.Parent           = project;
                loadTasks.FailOnError      = false;
                loadTasks.Threshold        = (project.Threshold == Level.Debug) ?
                                             Level.Debug : Level.Warning;

                // scan project base directory
                ScanDir(project.BaseDirectory, loadTasks, false);

                // scan framework-neutral assemblies
                ScanDir(Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, "tasks"), loadTasks,

                // skip further processing if runtime framework has not yet
                // been set
                if (project.RuntimeFramework == null)

                // scan framework-specific assemblies
                ScanDir(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, "tasks"),
                                     project.RuntimeFramework.Family), loadTasks, false);

                // scan framework version specific assemblies
                ScanDir(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(project.BaseDirectory, "tasks"),
                                                  project.RuntimeFramework.Family), project.RuntimeFramework.Version.ToString()),
                        loadTasks, false);

            // create weakref to project. It is possible that project may go
            // away, we don't want to hold it
            _projects.Add(new WeakReference(project));

            foreach (TaskBuilder tb in TaskBuilders)
                UpdateProjectWithBuilder(project, tb);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the tdc task.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ExecuteTask()
            if (!IsOutputUpToDate())
                string source = "using System;\n"
                                + "using System.Xml;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core.Attributes;\n"
                                + "using NAnt.Core.Types;\n";

                foreach (string fileName in Sources.FileNames)
                    XmlDocument tasksXml = new XmlDocument();
                    UseDefaultNamespace(tasksXml, Project);

                    foreach (XmlNode taskXml in tasksXml.SelectNodes("/*/*[local-name()='taskdef']"))
                        Log(Level.Verbose, "generating task from: " + taskXml.OuterXml);
                        TaskDefTask taskDef = (TaskDefTask)Project.CreateTask(taskXml);
                        source += taskDef.GenerateCSharpCode() + "\n";

                Dictionary <string, List <FuncDefTask> > funcs = new Dictionary <string, List <FuncDefTask> >();

                foreach (string fileName in Sources.FileNames)
                    XmlDocument tasksXml = new XmlDocument();
                    UseDefaultNamespace(tasksXml, Project);

                    foreach (XmlNode taskXml in tasksXml.SelectNodes("/*/*[local-name()='funcdef']"))
                        Log(Level.Verbose, "generating task from: " + taskXml.OuterXml);
                        FuncDefTask funcDef = (FuncDefTask)Project.CreateTask(taskXml);
                        if (!funcs.ContainsKey(funcDef.Namespace))
                            funcs[funcDef.Namespace] = new List <FuncDefTask>();

                foreach (string ns in funcs.Keys)
                    source += string.Format("[FunctionSet(\"{0}\", \"{0}\")]", ns);
                    source += string.Format("public class {0}: FunctionSetBase {{\n", ns);
                    source += string.Format("public {0}(Project project, PropertyDictionary properties) : base(project, properties) {{}}\n", ns);
                    foreach (FuncDefTask fd in funcs[ns])
                        source += fd.GenerateCSharpCode() + "\n";
                    source += "}\n";

                Log(Level.Verbose, source);

            LoadTasksTask loadTasksTask = new LoadTasksTask();

            loadTasksTask.Project      = Project;
            loadTasksTask.AssemblyPath = new FileInfo(Output);