} // LoadExperianLtd public ExperianLtd CheckLtdCompanyCache(int userId, string sCompanyRefNum) { var stra = new LoadExperianLtd(sCompanyRefNum, 0); stra.Execute(); return(stra.Result); } // CheckLtdCompanyCache
} // ParseExperianLtd public ExperianLtd LoadExperianLtd(long nServiceLogID) { var stra = new LoadExperianLtd(null, nServiceLogID); stra.Execute(); return(stra.Result); } // LoadExperianLtd
} // LoadConsumerData protected virtual ExperianLtd LoadCompanyData() { var ltd = new LoadExperianLtd(MetaData.CompanyRefNum, 0); ltd.Execute(); return(ltd.Result); } // LoadCompanyData
public void TestLoadExperianLtd() { var s = new LoadExperianLtd("06357516", 0); s.Execute(); Console.WriteLine(s.Result.ToString()); Assert.IsNotNull(s.Result); Assert.IsNotNull(s.History); }
} // constructor public Approval Init() { using (this.trail.AddCheckpoint(ProcessCheckpoints.Initializtion)) { var stra = new LoadExperianConsumerData(this.trail.CustomerID, null, null); stra.Execute(); this.experianConsumerData = stra.Result; if (this.customer == null) { this.isBrokerCustomer = false; } else { this.isBrokerCustomer = this.customer.Broker != null; } bool hasLtd = (this.customer != null) && (this.customer.Company != null) && (this.customer.Company.TypeOfBusiness.Reduce() == TypeOfBusinessReduced.Limited) && (this.customer.Company.ExperianRefNum != "NotFound"); if (hasLtd) { var limited = new LoadExperianLtd(this.customer.Company.ExperianRefNum, 0); limited.Execute(); this.companyDissolutionDate = limited.Result.DissolutionDate; this.directors = new List <Name>(); foreach (ExperianLtdDL72 dataRow in limited.Result.GetChildren <ExperianLtdDL72>()) { this.directors.Add(new Name(dataRow.FirstName, dataRow.LastName)); } foreach (ExperianLtdDLB5 dataRow in limited.Result.GetChildren <ExperianLtdDLB5>()) { this.directors.Add(new Name(dataRow.FirstName, dataRow.LastName)); } } // if this.hmrcNames = new List <NameForComparison>(); this.db.ForEachRowSafe( names => { if (!names["BelongsToCustomer"]) { return; } var name = new NameForComparison(names["BusinessName"]); if (name.AdjustedName != string.Empty) { this.hmrcNames.Add(name); } }, "GetHmrcBusinessNames", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID) ); SafeReader sr = this.db.GetFirst( "GetExperianMinMaxConsumerDirectorsScore", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID), new QueryParameter("Now", Now) ); if (!sr.IsEmpty) { this.minExperianScore = sr["MinExperianScore"]; } var oScore = new QueryParameter("CompanyScore") { Type = DbType.Int32, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, }; var oDate = new QueryParameter("IncorporationDate") { Type = DbType.DateTime2, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output, }; this.db.ExecuteNonQuery( "GetCompanyScoreAndIncorporationDate", CommandSpecies.StoredProcedure, new QueryParameter("CustomerId", this.trail.CustomerID), new QueryParameter("TakeMinScore", true), oScore, oDate ); int nScore; if (int.TryParse(oScore.SafeReturnedValue, out nScore)) { this.minCompanyScore = nScore; } this.m_oSecondaryImplementation.Init(); } // using timer step return(this); } // Init
} // Calculate private void Validate() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FatalMsg)) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: fatal (for quick offer calculation) error reported when selecting data from DB: {0}", FatalMsg); return; } // if if (!AreLoadedValid()) { return; } if (IsThinFile()) { return; } var oLoader = new LoadExperianLtd(CompanyRefNum, 0); oLoader.Execute(); if (oLoader.Result.RegisteredNumber != CompanyRefNum) { return; } if (!m_oExperianUtils.IsDirector(oLoader.Result, FirstName, LastName)) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: the customer is not director of this company."); return; } // if BusinessScore = oLoader.Result.GetCommercialDelphiScore(); if (BusinessScore < Cfg.BusinessScoreMin) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: business score is too low."); return; } // if IncorporationDate = oLoader.Result.IncorporationDate; if (!IncorporationDate.HasValue) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: business age cannot be detected."); return; } // if if (DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(IncorporationDate.Value).TotalDays < 30.45 * Cfg.CompanySeniorityMonths) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: business is too young."); return; } // if decimal nTangibleEquity; decimal nTotalCurrentAssets; m_oExperianUtils.DetectTangibleEquity(oLoader.Result, out nTangibleEquity, out nTotalCurrentAssets); TangibleEquity = nTangibleEquity; TotalCurrentAssets = nTotalCurrentAssets; if (TangibleEquity < 0) { Log.Debug("QuickOffer.Validate: tangible equity is to low."); return; } // if IsValid = true; } // Validate