public void EnqueueLoadCubeRequest(LoadCubeRequest loadRequest) { _loadCubeRequests.Enqueue(loadRequest); }
public IEnumerator Load() { DebugLog("+Load()"); var pyriteQuery = new PyriteQuery(this, SetName, ModelVersion, PyriteServer); yield return StartCoroutine(pyriteQuery.LoadAll()); DebugLog("CubeQuery complete."); var pyriteLevel = pyriteQuery.DetailLevels[DetailLevel]; var allOctCubes = pyriteQuery.DetailLevels[DetailLevel].Octree.AllItems(); foreach (var octCube in allOctCubes) { var pCube = CreateCubeFromCubeBounds(octCube); var x = pCube.X; var y = pCube.Y; var z = pCube.Z; var cubePos = pyriteLevel.GetWorldCoordinatesForCube(pCube); if (UseCameraDetection) { // Move cube to the orientation we want also move it up since the model is around -600 var g = (GameObject) //Instantiate(PlaceHolderCube, new Vector3(-cubePos.x, cubePos.z + 600, -cubePos.y), //Instantiate(PlaceHolderCube, new Vector3(-cubePos.x, cubePos.z, -cubePos.y), Instantiate(PlaceHolderCube, new Vector3(cubePos.x, cubePos.y, cubePos.z), Quaternion.identity); //var loc = Instantiate(LocatorCube, new Vector3(cubePos.x, cubePos.y, cubePos.z), Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; var loc = Instantiate(LocatorCube, cubePos, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; loc.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; g.transform.parent = gameObject.transform; //g.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = _colorList[_colorSelector%_colorList.Length]; g.GetComponent<IsRendered>().SetCubePosition(x, y, z, DetailLevel, pyriteQuery, this); g.transform.localScale = new Vector3( pyriteLevel.WorldCubeScale.x, pyriteLevel.WorldCubeScale.z, pyriteLevel.WorldCubeScale.y); _colorSelector++; } else { var loadRequest = new LoadCubeRequest(x, y, z, DetailLevel, pyriteQuery, null); EnqueueLoadCubeRequest(loadRequest); } } if (CameraRig != null) { //DebugLog("Moving camera"); // Hardcoding some values for now //var min = new Vector3(pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMin.x, pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMin.y, // pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMin.z); //var max = new Vector3(pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMax.x, pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMax.y, // pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMax.z); //min += pyriteLevel.WorldCubeScale/2; //max -= pyriteLevel.WorldCubeScale/2; //var newCameraPosition = min + (max - min)/2.0f; //newCameraPosition += new Vector3(0, 0, (max - min).z*1.4f); //CameraRig.transform.position = newCameraPosition; //CameraRig.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 180, 0); //DebugLog("Done moving camera"); //var delta = pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMax - pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMin; //var center = pyriteLevel.ModelBoundsMin + new Vector3(-delta.x / 2, delta.z /2 , -delta.y); //CameraRig.transform.position = center; //var allOctCubes = pyriteQuery.DetailLevels[DetailLevel].Octree.AllItems(); // RPL CONVERSION List<GridPos> gList = new List<GridPos>(); Dictionary<string, CubeBounds> gDict = new Dictionary<string, CubeBounds>(); foreach (var octCube in allOctCubes) { var pCube = CreateCubeFromCubeBounds(octCube); var x = pCube.X; var y = pCube.Y; var z = pCube.Z; var gPos = new GridPos(x, y, z); gList.Add(gPos); gDict.Add(gPos.ToKeyString(), octCube); } int midIndex = gList.Count / 2; var gMid = gList.OrderBy(n => n.x).ThenBy(n => n.y).ThenBy(n => n.z).ToList()[midIndex]; var cubeBound = CreateCubeFromCubeBounds(gDict[gMid.ToKeyString()]); var cubeVector3 = pyriteLevel.GetWorldCoordinatesForCube(cubeBound); CameraRig.transform.position = cubeVector3; var r = Instantiate(LocatorCube, cubeVector3, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject; r.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color =; r.transform.localScale = new Vector3(12f, 12f, 12f); //Instantiate(RenderCubes); //RenderCubes.GetComponent<RenderCubes3D>().GridMinSize = (int)(pyriteQuery.DetailLevels[DetailLevel].WorldCubeScale.x); // World Size cut to 3x3x3 Sections //RenderCubes.GetComponent<RenderCubes3D>().CreateCubeLayers(CameraRig.transform.position); } DebugLog("-Load()"); }
private IEnumerator ProcessLoadCubeRequest(LoadCubeRequest loadRequest) { DebugLog("+LoadCube(L{3}:{0}_{1}_{2})", loadRequest.X, loadRequest.Y, loadRequest.Z, loadRequest.Lod); var modelPath = loadRequest.Query.GetModelPath(loadRequest.Lod, loadRequest.X, loadRequest.Y, loadRequest.Z); var pyriteLevel = loadRequest.Query.DetailLevels[loadRequest.Lod]; var buffer = new GeometryBuffer(); WWW loader; if (!UseEbo) { if (!_objCache.ContainsKey(modelPath)) { _objCache[modelPath] = null; yield return StartCoroutine(StartRequest(modelPath)); if (!UseWww) { var client = new RestClient(modelPath); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); client.ExecuteAsync(request, (r, h) => { LogResponseError(r, modelPath); if (r.RawBytes != null) { _objCache[modelPath] = r.Content; } else { Debug.LogError("Error getting model data"); } }); } else { loader = WwwExtensions.CreateWWW(modelPath + "?fmt=obj", true); yield return loader; LogWwwError(loader, modelPath); _objCache[modelPath] = loader.GetDecompressedText(); } while (_objCache[modelPath] == null) { yield return null; } EndRequest(modelPath); } while (_objCache[modelPath] == null) { yield return null; } CubeBuilderHelpers.SetGeometryData(_objCache[modelPath], buffer); } else { if (!_eboCache.ContainsKey(modelPath)) { _eboCache[modelPath] = null; yield return StartCoroutine(StartRequest(modelPath)); if (!UseWww) { var client = new RestClient(modelPath); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); client.ExecuteAsync(request, (r, h) => { LogResponseError(r, modelPath); if (r.RawBytes != null) { _eboCache[modelPath] = r.RawBytes; } else { Debug.LogError("Error getting model data"); } }); } else { loader = WwwExtensions.CreateWWW(modelPath); yield return loader; LogWwwError(loader, modelPath); _eboCache[modelPath] = loader.GetDecompressedBytes(); } while (_eboCache[modelPath] == null) { yield return null; } EndRequest(modelPath); } // Loop while other tasks finish getting ebo data while (_eboCache[modelPath] == null) { // Another task is in the process of filling out this cache entry. // Loop until it is set yield return null; } buffer.EboBuffer = _eboCache[modelPath]; } var textureCoordinates = pyriteLevel.TextureCoordinatesForCube(loadRequest.X, loadRequest.Y); var materialDataKey = string.Format("model.mtl_{0}_{1}_{2}", textureCoordinates.x, textureCoordinates.y, loadRequest.Lod); if (!_materialDataCache.ContainsKey(materialDataKey)) { var materialData = new List<MaterialData>(); _materialDataCache[materialDataKey] = null; CubeBuilderHelpers.SetDefaultMaterialData(materialData, (int) textureCoordinates.x, (int) textureCoordinates.y, loadRequest.Lod); foreach (var m in materialData) { var texturePath = loadRequest.Query.GetTexturePath(loadRequest.Query.GetLodKey(loadRequest.Lod), (int) textureCoordinates.x, (int) textureCoordinates.y); if (!_textureCache.ContainsKey(texturePath)) { // Set to null to signal to other tasks that the key is in the process // of being filled _textureCache[texturePath] = null; yield return StartCoroutine(StartRequest(texturePath)); byte[] textureData = null; if (!UseWww) { var client = new RestClient(texturePath); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); client.ExecuteAsync(request, (r, h) => { LogResponseError(r, texturePath); if (r.RawBytes != null) { textureData = r.RawBytes; } else { Debug.LogError("Error getting texture data"); } }); } else { // Do not request compression for textures var texloader = WwwExtensions.CreateWWW(texturePath, false); yield return texloader; LogWwwError(texloader, texturePath); textureData = texloader.bytes; } while (textureData == null) { yield return null; } var texture = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.DXT1, false); texture.LoadImage(textureData); _textureCache[texturePath] = texture; EndRequest(texturePath); } // Loop while other tasks finish creating texture while (_textureCache[texturePath] == null) { // Another task is in the process of filling out this cache entry. // Loop until it is set yield return null; } m.DiffuseTex = _textureCache[texturePath]; } _materialDataCache[materialDataKey] = materialData; } while (_materialDataCache[materialDataKey] == null) { // Another task is in the process of filling out this cache entry. // Loop until it is set yield return null; } Build(buffer, _materialDataCache[materialDataKey], loadRequest.X, loadRequest.Y, loadRequest.Z, loadRequest.Lod, loadRequest.RegisterCreatedObjects); DebugLog("-LoadCube(L{3}:{0}_{1}_{2})", loadRequest.X, loadRequest.Y, loadRequest.Z, loadRequest.Lod); }
private IEnumerator OnRenderRoutine() { if (_manager != null) { _loadCubeRequest = new LoadCubeRequest(_x, _y, _z, _lod, _pyriteQuery, createdObjects => { if (!_loadCubeRequest.Cancelled) { _cubes.AddRange(createdObjects); StartCoroutine(StopRenderCheck(Camera.main)); } else { foreach (var createdObject in createdObjects) { Destroy(createdObject); } } }); _manager.EnqueueLoadCubeRequest(_loadCubeRequest); } else if (_cubeLoader != null) { _cube = new Cube {MapPosition = new Vector3(_x, _y, _z), Query = _pyriteQuery, Lod = _lod}; _cubeLoader.AddToQueue(_cube); while (_cube.GameObject == null) { yield return null; } _cubes.AddRange(new[] {_cube.GameObject}); yield return StartCoroutine(StopRenderCheck(Camera.main)); } }