public bool TryMoveLivingBeingToPosition(LivingBeing lb, Vector2 targetPosition) { var retour = false; var targetCellObject = this.CellOnPosition(targetPosition); if (null != targetCellObject) { var obstacle = this.LivingAtPosition(targetPosition); if (obstacle != null) { //check politic lb.Attack(obstacle); retour = true; } else { if (targetCellObject.IsWalkable(lb)) { this.Game.MoveBeing(lb, targetPosition); retour = true; } } } return(retour); }
public void AutoPlay(LivingBeing lb) { var rnd = new Random(); var ca = rnd.Next(9); var dep = new Vector2(0, 0); switch (ca) { case 0: dep = new Vector2(0, 1); break; case 1: dep = new Vector2(1, 0); break; case 2: dep = new Vector2(-1, 0); break; case 3: dep = new Vector2(0, -1); break; } lb.PositionCell += dep; }
private void UnRegister(LivingBeing lb) { if (this.IsActivable(lb)) { BlackBoard.Pool.UnRegister(lb, this.PossibleActions(lb)); } }
public void Exiting(LivingBeing lb) { if (lb.IsUserControlled) { Console.WriteLine(lb.Description + " as left"); } }
private static void ProcessVisibilityWithFOV(LivingBeing being, List <List <Vector2> > listPathOfVisibility, List <MapComponent> listGameAware) { IEnumerable <MapComponent> listAtPos; foreach (var path in listPathOfVisibility) { var currentPos = being.PositionCell; foreach (Vector2 t in path) { currentPos += t; listAtPos = listGameAware.Where(x => x.PositionCell == currentPos); var stop = false; foreach (var v in listAtPos) { v.SetColorToUse(Visibility.InView); if (!v.SeenBy.Contains(being.UniqueIdentifier)) { v.SeenBy.Add(being.UniqueIdentifier); } stop |= v.BlockVisibility(being); } if (stop) { break; } } } }
public void Entering(LivingBeing lb) { if (lb.IsUserControlled) { Console.WriteLine(lb.Description + " as entered."); } }
protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed || Keyboard.GetState().IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { this.Exit(); } // if list empty while (this.beingToPlay == null) { this.beingToPlay = BlackBoard.Scheduler.CurrentPlaying(); if (!this.beingToPlay.IsUserControlled) { this.beingToPlay.AutoPlay(); BlackBoard.Scheduler.Played(); this.beingToPlay = null; } }; this.keyBoardInputHandler.HandleInput(this.beingToPlay, this.poolOfAction); base.Update(gameTime); }
public override void OnShoot(LivingBeing pShotThing) { AI tAI = pShotThing.GetComponent<AI>(); Assert.IsNotNull(tAI, "Trying to persuade non-AI target?"); tAI.Persuade(m_pWielder); }
public void Pickup(LivingBeing lb) { var listObject = this.ItemsOnPosition(lb.PositionCell).ToList(); lb.Inventory.Poutch.AddRange(listObject); this.RemoveItems(listObject); }
void Attack(LivingBeing target) { State = AI_State.ATTACK; Target = target; TargetPos = Target.Pos; Animator.SetBool("Agressive", true); }
public override void OnShoot(LivingBeing pShotThing) { AI tAI = pShotThing.GetComponent <AI>(); Assert.IsNotNull(tAI, "Trying to persuade non-AI target?"); tAI.Persuade(m_pWielder); }
public void Register(LivingBeing lb, IEnumerable <ActionDoable> action) { if (!PossibleActions.ContainsKey(lb.UniqueIdentifier)) { PossibleActions.Add(lb.UniqueIdentifier, new List <ActionDoable>()); } PossibleActions[lb.UniqueIdentifier].AddRange(action); }
protected virtual void Awake() { Body = transform.Find("Body"); BodyRaycastOrigin = Body.Find("BodyRaycastOrigin"); Visual = transform.Find("Visual"); anim = Visual.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>(); LB = GetComponent <LivingBeing>(); }
void Awake() { if (OneTimeUpdate = true) { OneTimeUpdate = !OneTimeUpdate; } livingBeing = gameObject.GetComponentInParent <LivingBeing>(); GOSlider = this.GetComponent <Slider>(); GOText = this.GetComponent <Text>(); GOImg = this.GetComponent <Image>(); }
void ShowDamageText(LivingBeing obj, byte damage) { GameObject textObj = Instantiate(Text); textObj.GetComponent<Text>().text = damage.ToString(); textObj.GetComponent<Text>().color = new Color(1, 1 - damage / obj.MaxHealth, 0); textObj.transform.SetParent(CameraCanvas); textObj.transform.localScale =; textObj.transform.position = new Vector2(obj.transform.position.x, obj.transform.position.y + Offset); StartCoroutine(MoveHelper.Fly(textObj, new Vector2(obj.transform.position.x, obj.transform.position.y + FlyHeight), FlyTime)); textObj.AddComponent<Fader>().FadeAndDestroyObject(FadeTime); }
public void DropFirstObject(LivingBeing lb) { var itemToDrop = lb.Inventory.Poutch.FirstOrDefault(x => !x.IsEquipped); if (itemToDrop != null) { lb.Inventory.Poutch.Remove(itemToDrop); itemToDrop.PositionCell = lb.PositionCell; this.fullBoard.Add(itemToDrop); } }
public void Equip(LivingBeing lb) { if (!this.CanEquip(lb)) { throw new Exception("Can't equip"); } this._isEquipped = true; this.whoEquipped = lb; lb.Statistics.ApplyBonus(this.statisModifier.StatisticDiffToApply); }
public GameEngine() : base() { = new GraphicsDeviceManager(this); this.Content.RootDirectory = "Content"; this.IsMouseVisible = true; = 15 * SpriteSize; = 25 * SpriteSize; this.beingToPlay = null; this.poolOfAction = new ActionsPool(); BlackBoard.Pool = this.poolOfAction; BlackBoard.Game = this; }
public void Execute(LivingBeing actor, LivingBeing target) { int damage = GodOfRandom.NumberBetween(_minDamage, _maxDamage); if (damage == 0) { ReportResult($"{actor.Name} missed"); } else { ReportResult($"{actor.Name} hit {target.Name} for {damage}"); target.TakeDamage(damage); } }
public void MoveBeing(LivingBeing p, Vector2 targetPosition) { BlackBoard.CurrentCamera.Move(targetPosition - p.PositionCell); Cell cellTarget = <Cell>(x => x.PositionCell == targetPosition).First(); Cell cellGoingout = <Cell>(x => x.PositionCell == p.PositionCell).First(); cellGoingout.OnExit(p); p.PositionCell = targetPosition; cellTarget.OnEnter(p); // we have played, so we remove it BlackBoard.Scheduler.Played(); this.beingToPlay = null; }
public void HandleInput(LivingBeing lb, ActionsPool poolOfAction) { this.previousKeyboardState = this.currentKeyboardState; this.currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(); var pressedKeys = this.currentKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys(); if (pressedKeys.Except(this.previousKeyboardState.GetPressedKeys()).Any()) { if (poolOfAction.ContainsAnActionFor(lb, pressedKeys)) { var action = poolOfAction.GetAction(lb, pressedKeys).Activity; action(lb); } } }
void CheckChange(LivingBeing lb, byte unused = 0) { if (lb is Player) { float percent = (float)lb.Health / lb.MaxHealth; if (percent > 0.75f) GetComponent<Image>().sprite = FullHP; else if (percent > 0.5f) GetComponent<Image>().sprite = ThreeQuatersHP; else if (percent > 0.25f) GetComponent<Image>().sprite = HalfHP; else GetComponent<Image>().sprite = QuaterHP; } }
private static void ReitinializeVisibility(LivingBeing being, List <MapComponent> listGameAware) { Parallel.ForEach( listGameAware, element => { if (element.SeenBy.Contains(being.UniqueIdentifier)) { element.SetColorToUse(Visibility.Visited); } else { element.SetColorToUse(Visibility.Unvisited); } }); }
public List <ActionDoable> Activables(LivingBeing lb) { var result = new List <ActionDoable>(); if (lb.IsUserControlled) { ActionDoable act = new ActionDoable { Name = "Go down", Activity = (a) => a.GoMapDown(), Bind = new Keys[] { Keys.LeftShift, Keys.D } }; result.Add(act); } return(result); }
public List <ActionDoable> Activables(LivingBeing lb) { var result = new List <ActionDoable>(); if (lb.IsUserControlled) { var ad = new ActionDoable { Name = "Going upstair", Activity = (a) => a.GoMapUp(), Bind = new Keys[] { Keys.LeftShift, Keys.U } }; result.Add(ad); } return(result); }
public void ChangeMap(LivingBeing lb, bool goingDown) { var nextLVL = this.donjon.CurrentLevel + (goingDown ? 1 : -1);; if (!lb.IsUserControlled) { throw new Exception("Error"); }; this.donjon.CurrentLevel = nextLVL; = this.donjon.CurrentMap; var targetpos = => x is Cell).First(x => ((Cell)x).IsWalkable(lb)).PositionCell;, targetpos);; BlackBoard.CurrentCamera.CenterOnCell(lb.PositionCell); BlackBoard.CurrentMap =; }
private IEnumerator GrowPlant(LivingBeing targetPlant, Collider targetPlantCollider) { Vector3 defaultScale = targetPlant.transform.localScale; targetPlant.transform.localScale =; targetPlant.transform.position -= Vector3.up * 0.5f * defaultScale.y; float t = 0; while (Vector3.Distance(defaultScale, targetPlant.transform.localScale) > Mathf.Epsilon) { yield return(null); t += _growSpeed * Time.deltaTime; targetPlant.transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(, defaultScale, t); targetPlant.transform.position += Vector3.up * (targetPlant.GroundYPos + 0.5f * targetPlant.transform.localScale.y - targetPlant.transform.position.y); } targetPlantCollider.enabled = true; }
void Update() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Submit")) { if (!UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject()) { Vector3 tMousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit Hit; if (Physics.Raycast(tMousePos, Camera.main.transform.forward, out Hit, float.MaxValue, Map.AllButObstaclesLayer, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { if (Hit.collider.tag != "UI") { LivingBeing tLivingBeing = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <LivingBeing>(); if (tLivingBeing != null && !tLivingBeing.IsDead) { if (!tLivingBeing.IsPlayer) { SendTarget(tLivingBeing.gameObject); } else { SelectCharacter(Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Player>()); } } else { SendDestination(Hit.point); } } } } } if (Input.GetButton("Cancel")) { DeselectAll(); } }
public virtual void Shoot(Transform pTarget) { if (Time.fixedTime - m_fLastAttackTime >= m_fFireSpeed) { RaycastHit Hit; if (Physics.Linecast(m_pGun.transform.position, pTarget.transform.position, out Hit, (Map.AllButGroundLayer & LivingBeing.AllButDeadsLayer), QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) { LivingBeing tShotThing = Hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <LivingBeing>(); if (tShotThing) { OnShoot(tShotThing); } } m_fLastAttackTime = Time.fixedTime; m_pShootAnimation.Play(); } }
private IEnumerator ChanceToGrowPlant() { while (true) { float averagePlantTime = 1f / (_plantsPerSecond + Mathf.Epsilon); float nextPlantTime = Random.Range(0.8f * averagePlantTime, 1.2f * averagePlantTime); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(nextPlantTime)); if (_statsManager.CanCreatePlants()) { if (SuitablePositionFound()) { LivingBeing newPlant = Instantiate(_plantPrefab, _newWorldPos, Quaternion.identity); newPlant.transform.parent = transform; Collider newPlantCollider = newPlant.GetComponent <Collider>(); newPlantCollider.enabled = false; StartCoroutine(GrowPlant(newPlant, newPlantCollider)); } } } }
public static void HandleVisibilityOfList(LivingBeing being, List <MapComponent> listGameAware) { var currentPosition = being.PositionCell; // reinit visibility ReitinializeVisibility(being, listGameAware); var listPathOfVisibility = Utilitaires.GetPathsToDistanceMax(currentPosition, being.Statistics.FOV); // handle new visibility var listAtPos = listGameAware.Where(x => x.PositionCell == currentPosition); foreach (var v in listAtPos) { v.SetColorToUse(Visibility.InView); if (!v.SeenBy.Contains(being.UniqueIdentifier)) { v.SeenBy.Add(being.UniqueIdentifier); } } ProcessVisibilityWithFOV(being, listPathOfVisibility, listGameAware); }
private LivingBeing NearbyFood() { Collider[] nearbyColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(transform.position, _animal.GetSenseRadius()); // filter all with type _diet Collider[] nearbyFoodColliders = Array.FindAll(nearbyColliders, c => c.gameObject.GetComponent <LivingBeing>()?.GetType() == _diet); LivingBeing[] nearbyFood = Array.ConvertAll(nearbyFoodColliders, c => c.gameObject.GetComponent <LivingBeing>()); // check which one's closer and target it LivingBeing closestFood = null; float smallestDist = _animal.GetSenseRadius() + 1; foreach (LivingBeing lb in nearbyFood) { float dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, lb.transform.position); if (dist < smallestDist && dist > Mathf.Epsilon) { if (_animal.FoodIgnored != null) { if (_animal.FoodIgnored != lb) { closestFood = lb; smallestDist = dist; } } else { closestFood = lb; smallestDist = dist; } } } return(closestFood); }
public static void OnCreatureDeath(LivingBeing lb)//C#6.0 EBD { CreatureDied(lb); }
void ExcludeLivingBeing(LivingBeing lb) { LBs.Remove(lb); }
public static void OnCreatureHit(LivingBeing lb, byte damage)//C#6.0 EBD { CreatureHit(lb, damage); }
public HitInfos(LivingBeing Attacker, PlayerAttackStats AttackStats) : this(Attacker, (AttackStats)AttackStats) { PlayerAttackStats = AttackStats; }
void Idle() { Target = null; Path.Clear(); State = AI_State.IDLE; Animator.SetBool("Agressive", false); }
public override void OnShoot(LivingBeing pShotThing) { pShotThing.ReceiveDamage(m_fDefaultDamages, m_pWielder); }
void Attack(LivingBeing target, float damage, float accuracy) { if (Random.value < accuracy) target.TakeDamage((byte)damage, true, true); else EventManager.OnAttackMiss(transform.position); RemainingMoves = 0; MakingTurn = false; EventManager.OnBluesUnrender(); EventManager.OnLivingBeingEndTurn(); GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = FightingSprite; }
public abstract void OnShoot(LivingBeing pShotThing);
public HitInfos(LivingBeing Attacker, EnemyAttackStats AttackStats) : this(Attacker, (AttackStats)AttackStats) { EnemyAttackStats = AttackStats; }
public static void OnCreatureHealed(LivingBeing lb, byte heal)//C#6.0 EBD { CreatureHealed(lb, heal); }