public bool IsFullHealth()
        public static void Postfix()
            // Check if we've repaired the pod
            if (!EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing && !DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                if (EscapePod.main.liveMixin.GetHealthFraction() > 0.99f)
                    DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired   = true;
                    DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepairTime = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;

            // This just fixes a situation that 1.7.1 screwed up for some people
            if (EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing && DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired   = false;
                DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepairTime = 0;

            // If we've repaired the pod but it hasn't right itself yet, let it off the kinematic leash to turn itself upright
            if (EscapePod_FixedUpdate_Patch.isRighting())
                if (Vector3.Distance(EscapePod.main.transform.position, Player.main.transform.position) < 15)
                    if (DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRightingTime <= 0)
                        DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRightingTime = DayNightCycle.main.timePassedAsFloat;
                    EscapePod.main.rigidbodyComponent.isKinematic = false;
                    WorldForces wf = EscapePod.main.GetComponent <WorldForces>();
                    wf.underwaterGravity = 0.0f;

            if (damaged != EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing)
                if (!EscapePod.main.damageEffectsShowing)
                    // At repair, give a one-time "full recharge"
                    RegeneratePowerSource[] cells = EscapePod.main.gameObject.GetAllComponentsInChildren <RegeneratePowerSource>();
                    if (cells != null)
                        foreach (RegeneratePowerSource cell in cells)
                            float chargeable = cell.powerSource.GetMaxPower() - cell.powerSource.GetPower();

                            cell.powerSource.ModifyPower(chargeable, out _);
                if ((lastBlink == 0) || (lastBlink > Time.time))
                    lastBlink = Time.time;
                else if (Time.time >= lastBlink + 0.5)
                    lastBlink = Time.time;
                    blinkOn   = !blinkOn;

                bool radioFound = false;
                bool radioWorks = false;
                if (EscapePod.main.radioSpawner != null && EscapePod.main.radioSpawner.spawnedObj != null)
                    LiveMixin component = EscapePod.main.radioSpawner.spawnedObj.GetComponent <LiveMixin>();
                    if (component)
                        radioFound = true;
                        if (component.IsFullHealth())
                            radioWorks = true;

                if (damaged)
                    string content = Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod3Content");
                    string bonus;

                    if (DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podAnchored || Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                        if (!Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                            content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: FAILED");

                            if (DeathRun.config.podStayUpright || DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                                content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: DEPLOYED");
                                content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: " + (blinkOn ? "FAILED" : ""));
                        content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: " + (blinkOn ? "FAILED" : ""));

                    if (radioWorks)
                        content = content.Replace("Radio: OFFLINE", "Radio: INCOMING ONLY");

                    if (!Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.creatureAggression))
                        content = content.Replace("Uncharted ocean planet 4546B", "Planet 4546B: HOSTILE FAUNA");

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    bonus = "";

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        bonus += "\n\n- Atmosphere: " + (blinkOn ? "NOT BREATHABLE" : "") + "\n- Recommend Air Pumps to Filter Oxygen";

                    if (DeathRunUtils.isExplosionClockRunning())
                        bonus += "\n\n" + (blinkOn ? "- QUANTUM EXPLOSION WARNING" : "");

                    if (RadiationUtils.isRadiationActive())
                        bonus += "\n\n" + (blinkOn ? "- EXTREME RADIATION HAZARD" : "");

                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetHeader(Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod3Header"), new Color32(243, 201, 63, byte.MaxValue), 2f);
                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetContent(content + bonus, new Color32(233, 63, 27, byte.MaxValue));
                    string content = Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod4Content");

                    if (radioFound && !radioWorks)
                        content = content.Replace("Incoming radio communication: ONLINE", "Incoming radio communication: OFFLINE");

                    if (!Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.creatureAggression))
                        content = content.Replace("Uncharted ocean planet 4546B", (blinkOn ? "Planet 4546B: HOSTILE FAUNA" : "Planet 4546B: "));

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    if (!Config.BASIC_GAME.Equals(DeathRun.config.startLocation))
                        content = content.Replace("Flotation Devices: DEPLOYED", "Flotation Devices: FAILED");

                        if (DeathRun.config.podStayUpright || DeathRun.saveData.podSave.podRepaired)
                            content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: DEPLOYED");
                            content = content.Replace("Hull Integrity: OK", "Inertial Stabilizers: FAILED");

                    if (BreathingPatcher.isSurfaceAirPoisoned())
                        content = content.Replace("Oxygen/nitrogen atmosphere", "Atmosphere: requires filtration");

                    string bonus = "";

                    if (DeathRunUtils.isExplosionClockRunning())
                        bonus += "\n    " + (blinkOn ? "- QUANTUM EXPLOSION WARNING" : "");

                    if (RadiationUtils.isRadiationActive())
                        if (Config.NORMAL.Equals(DeathRun.config.radiationDepth))
                            bonus += "\n    - Radiation Hazard: Aurora";
                            bonus += "\n    " + (blinkOn ? "- EXTREME RADIATION HAZARD" : "");

                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetHeader(Language.main.Get("IntroEscapePod4Header"), new Color32((byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), (byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), 63, byte.MaxValue)); //, 2f);
                    uGUI_EscapePod.main.SetContent(content + bonus, new Color32((byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), (byte)(blinkOn ? 243 : 223), 63, byte.MaxValue));