public OpsGridManager(string tibcoServer, string tibcoUser, string tibcoPwd, int updateFromCacheTimerInterval, string msgFilter, string inbMsgFilter, List <string> pPermKeyList, bool pIsSuperUser) { try { managedGridList = new List <DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl>(); sumDataCache = new List <SummaryData>(); sumDataCacheCopy = new List <SummaryData>(); rqmtDataCache = new List <RqmtData>(); rqmtDataCacheCopy = new List <RqmtData>(); inbDocViewCache = new List <InboundDocsView>(); inbDocViewCacheCopy = new List <InboundDocsView>(); assDocDataCache = new List <AssociatedDoc>(); assDocDataCacheCopy = new List <AssociatedDoc>(); tradeRqmtConfirmCache = new List <TradeRqmtConfirm>(); tradeRqmtConfirmCacheCopy = new List <TradeRqmtConfirm>(); listenerManager = new ListenerManager(tibcoServer, tibcoUser, tibcoPwd, pPermKeyList, pIsSuperUser); Console.WriteLine("Filter Condition: " + msgFilter); listenerManager.AddListner("sempra.ops.opsTracking.summary.update", this.NotifyTradeSummaryArrived, msgFilter); listenerManager.AddListner("sempra.ops.opsTracking.rqmt.update", this.NotifyTradeRqmtArrived, ""); listenerManager.AddListner("sempra.ops.opsTracking.inboundDocs.update", this.NotifyInboundDocsArrived, inbMsgFilter); listenerManager.AddListner("sempra.ops.opsTracking.associatedDocs.update", this.NotifyAssociatedDocsArrived, inbMsgFilter); listenerManager.AddListner("sempra.ops.opsTracking.tradeRqmtConfirm.update", this.NotifyTradeRqmtConfirmArrived, ""); opsTrackingClock = new Timer((updateFromCacheTimerInterval) * 1000); opsTrackingClock.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(opsClockElapsed); myFireAlarm = new FireAlarm(); myFireHandler = new FireHandlerClass(myFireAlarm); } catch (Exception ex) { myFireAlarm.ActivateFireAlarm("Error in the OpsGridManager constructor. " + ex.Message); string keyListDisplay = string.Empty; if (pPermKeyList.Count > 0) { keyListDisplay = string.Join(",", pPermKeyList.ToArray()); } else { keyListDisplay = "[NONE]"; } throw new Exception("An error occurred while creating a new instance of OpsGridManager using the following values:" + Environment.NewLine + "Message Server: " + tibcoServer + ", Message User: "******", Update From Cache Timer Interval: " + updateFromCacheTimerInterval + Environment.NewLine + "Message Filter: " + msgFilter + ", Inbound Message Filter: " + inbMsgFilter + ", Is User a SuperUser? " + pIsSuperUser + Environment.NewLine + "Permission Keys: " + keyListDisplay + "." + Environment.NewLine + "Error CNF-349 in " + PROJ_FILE_NAME + ".OpsGridManager(): " + ex.Message); } }