private void secondShipChoice_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ListShip    listReturn   = new ListShip();
            List <Ship> corvetteList = new List <Ship>();
            Ship        corvette     = new Ship();

            corvette.Name  = "Corvette";
            corvette.State = true;

            // dimensions of the ship
            if (this.secondShipWidthTxt.Text == "" || this.secondShipWidthTxt.Text == "0")
                corvette.WidthNbBox = 3;
                int widthChoice = int.Parse(this.secondShipWidthTxt.Text);
                if (widthChoice < 0)
                    widthChoice = -widthChoice;
                corvette.WidthNbBox = widthChoice;
            if (this.secondShipHeightTxt.Text == "" || this.secondShipHeightTxt.Text == "0")
                corvette.HeightNbBox = 1;
                int heightChoice = int.Parse(this.secondShipHeightTxt.Text);
                if (heightChoice < 0)
                    heightChoice = -heightChoice;
                corvette.HeightNbBox = heightChoice;
            corvette.PositionShip = new int[corvette.WidthNbBox, corvette.HeightNbBox];

            // number of ship
            int quantity = 0;

            if (this.secondShipQuantityTxt.Text == "" || this.secondShipQuantityTxt.Text == "0")
                quantity = 1;
                quantity = int.Parse(this.secondShipQuantityTxt.Text);
                if (quantity < 0)
                    quantity = -quantity;

            // quantity test
            Boolean quantityTestReturn = false;

            while (quantityTestReturn != true && quantity != 0)
                quantityTestReturn = ListShip.quantityTest(quantity, corvette.WidthNbBox, corvette.HeightNbBox);

                if (quantityTestReturn == false)

            listReturn.Quantity      = quantity;
            listReturn.QuantityAlive = quantity;
            listReturn.DisplayString = listReturn.QuantityAlive + " " + corvette.Name + " alive";
            listReturn.ImageSource   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/NavalBattle;component/Resources/corvette.jpg"));
            for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
            listReturn.ShipsList = corvetteList;

            (this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementPlayer.Add(listReturn);
            (this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementVersus.Add(listReturn);

            (this.Parent as Window).Content = new PageThirdShipChoice();
        private void fourthShipChoice_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            ListShip    listReturn          = new ListShip();
            List <Ship> aircraftCarrierList = new List <Ship>();
            Ship        aircraftCarrier     = new Ship();

            aircraftCarrier.Name  = "Aircraft carrier";
            aircraftCarrier.State = true;

            // dimensions of the ship
            if (this.fourthShipWidthTxt.Text == "" || this.fourthShipWidthTxt.Text == "0")
                aircraftCarrier.WidthNbBox = 4;
                int widthChoice = int.Parse(this.fourthShipWidthTxt.Text);
                if (widthChoice < 0)
                    widthChoice = -widthChoice;
                aircraftCarrier.WidthNbBox = widthChoice;
            if (this.fourthShipHeightTxt.Text == "" || this.fourthShipHeightTxt.Text == "0")
                aircraftCarrier.HeightNbBox = 2;
                int heightChoice = int.Parse(this.fourthShipHeightTxt.Text);
                if (heightChoice < 0)
                    heightChoice = -heightChoice;
                aircraftCarrier.HeightNbBox = heightChoice;
            aircraftCarrier.PositionShip = new int[aircraftCarrier.WidthNbBox, aircraftCarrier.HeightNbBox];

            // number of ship
            int quantity = 0;

            if (this.fourthShipQuantityTxt.Text == "" || this.fourthShipQuantityTxt.Text == "0")
                quantity = 1;
                quantity = int.Parse(this.fourthShipQuantityTxt.Text);
                if (quantity < 0)
                    quantity = -quantity;

            // quantity test
            Boolean quantityTestReturn = false;

            while (quantityTestReturn != true && quantity != 0)
                quantityTestReturn = ListShip.quantityTest(quantity, aircraftCarrier.WidthNbBox, aircraftCarrier.HeightNbBox);

                if (quantityTestReturn == false)

            listReturn.Quantity      = quantity;
            listReturn.QuantityAlive = quantity;
            listReturn.DisplayString = listReturn.QuantityAlive + " " + aircraftCarrier.Name + " alive";
            listReturn.ImageSource   = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/NavalBattle;component/Resources/aircraft_carrier.jpg"));
            for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
            listReturn.ShipsList = aircraftCarrierList;

            (this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementPlayer.Add(listReturn);
            (this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementVersus.Add(listReturn);

            PageGridGame game = new PageGridGame();

            game.PlacementShipsPlayer = (this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementPlayer;

            // generate random configuration of ships
            game.placementAleatoire((this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementPlayer);
            game.placementAleatoire((this.Parent as MainWindow).PlacementVersus);

            (this.Parent as Window).Content = game;