Example #1
        public void OptimizeParallelInsertsForDifferentGroups()
            var tests = new ListOfTuples <string, string, bool>
                                                   // Format:
                                                   // 1. Records to insert (Grouping1-Grouping2) to entity MultipleGroups, with parallel requests.
                                                   // 2. Expected generated codes (Code1-Code2) for each record.
                                                   // 3. Whether the inserts should be executed in parallel.
                { "A-B, A-B", "1-1, 2-2", false }, // Same Grouping1 and Grouping2: codes should be generated sequentially.
                { "A-B, A-C", "1-1, 2-1", false }, // Same Grouping1: Code1 should be generated sequentially.
                { "A-B, C-B", "1-1, 1-2", false }, // Same Grouping2: Code2 should be generated sequentially.
                { "A-B, C-D", "1-1, 1-1", true },
                { "A-B, B-A", "1-1, 1-1", true },

            var results = new ListOfTuples <string, string, bool>();
            var report  = new List <string>();

            const int testPause = 100;
            const int retries   = 4;

            foreach (var test in tests)
                for (int retry = 0; retry < retries; retry++)
                    var items = test.Item1.Split(',').Select(item => item.Trim()).Select(item => item.Split('-'))
                                .Select(item => new TestAutoCode.MultipleGroups {
                        Grouping1 = item[0], Grouping2 = item[1]

                    var insertDurations = new double[items.Length];

                    var parallelInsertRequests = items.Select((item, x) => (Action <Common.ExecutionContext>)
                                                                  (context =>
                        var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                        insertDurations[x] = sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds;

                    var exceptions = ExecuteParallel(parallelInsertRequests,
                                                     context => context.Repository.TestAutoCode.MultipleGroups.Insert(new TestAutoCode.MultipleGroups {
                                                     context => Assert.AreEqual(1, context.Repository.TestAutoCode.MultipleGroups.Query().Count(), $"({test.Item1}) Test initialization failed."));

                    Assert.IsTrue(exceptions.All(e => e == null), $"({test.Item1}) Test initialization threw exception. See the test output for details");

                    // Check the generated codes:

                    string generatedCodes;
                    using (var container = new RhetosTestContainer(false))
                        var repository = container.Resolve <Common.DomRepository>();
                        generatedCodes = TestUtility.DumpSorted(
                            repository.TestAutoCode.MultipleGroups.Load(items.Select(item => item.ID)),
                            x => $"{x.Code1}-{x.Code2}");

                    // Check if the inserts were executed in parallel:

                    bool startedImmediately = insertDurations.Any(t => t < testPause);
                    bool executedInParallel = insertDurations.All(t => t < testPause);

                    // It the parallelism check did not pass, try again to reduce false negatives when the test machine is under load.
                    if (!startedImmediately || executedInParallel != test.Item3)

                    Assert.IsTrue(startedImmediately, $"({test.Item1}) At lease one item should be inserted without waiting. The test machine was probably under load during the parallelism test.");

                    report.Add($"Test '{test.Item1}' insert durations: '{TestUtility.Dump(insertDurations)}'.");
                    results.Add(test.Item1, generatedCodes, executedInParallel);

                string.Concat(tests.Select(test => $"{test.Item1} => {test.Item2} {(test.Item3 ? "parallel" : "sequential")}\r\n")),
                string.Concat(results.Select(test => $"{test.Item1} => {test.Item2} {(test.Item3 ? "parallel" : "sequential")}\r\n")),
                "Report: " + string.Concat(report.Select(line => "\r\n" + line)));