public string Design(string labelDefinition, IEnumerable <Object> data, string parentEntity, string printerName) { using (var listLabel = new ListLabel()) { listLabel.LicensingInfo = ListLabelLicenseString; listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.Metric, 1); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.Wizard_FileNew, 0); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.RibbonDefaultEnabledState, 1); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.NoFileVersionUpgradeWarning, 1); // Set up the dataset listLabel.DataSource = new ObjectDataProvider(data) { FlattenStructure = true, }; listLabel.DataMember = parentEntity; listLabel.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsVariables; // If we have a default printer then set it here if (printerName != null) { listLabel.Core.LlSetOptionString(71, printerName); } // Launch the designer listLabel.Design(LlProject.List); return(String.Empty); } }
private void SetUpListAndLabel(ListLabel ll, List <FlipDataSource> data, int startPosition = 0) { //get license var llKey = GetKeyFromConfig(); ll.LicensingInfo = llKey; List <FlipDataSource> flips = new List <FlipDataSource>(); if (startPosition > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < startPosition - 1; i++) { flips.Add(new FlipDataSource { }); } } flips.AddRange(data); ll.SetDataBinding(flips, string.Empty); ll.AutoShowSelectFile = false; ll.AutoDesignerPreview = true; ll.AutoShowPrintOptions = false; }
public static void ExportAsPdf(string labelDefinition, IEnumerable <Object> data, string parentEntity, string targetFilePath) { using (var listLabel = new ListLabel()) { listLabel.LicensingInfo = ListLabelLicenseString; // Set up the dataset listLabel.DataSource = new ObjectDataProvider(data) { FlattenStructure = true, }; listLabel.DataMember = parentEntity; listLabel.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsVariables; // Configure the designer to read the report design from a memoryStream var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if (labelDefinition != null) { var stringBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(labelDefinition); memoryStream.Write(stringBytes, 0, stringBytes.Length); } // Launch the designer var exportConfiguration = new ExportConfiguration( LlExportTarget.Pdf, targetFilePath, memoryStream) { ShowResult = false, }; listLabel.Export(exportConfiguration); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(245, 246, 247); this.GetMainWindowsPos(); try { if (RedmineReportsConfigDataHelper.ConnectionStringEncrypted(connString)) { _dataAccess = new RedmineMySqlDataAccess(); } else { if (RedmineReportsConfigDataHelper.ConnectionStringIsPlain(connString)) { _dataAccess = new RedmineMySqlDataAccess(null, RedmineReportsConfigDataHelper.ConnectionStringIsPlain(connString)); } else { //open config form for sql data ConfigureMySqlDataBaseConnection(); } } _lL = new ListLabel(); // Add your License Key _lL.LicensingInfo = "Insert license key here"; // fill project listbox if (_dataAccess != null) { lstbProjects.DataSource = _dataAccess.GetRedmineProjects(Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseAllProjects"])); } lstbProjects.DisplayMember = "display_name"; lstbProjects.ValueMember = "id"; // check or uncheck checkbox for subprojects cbAllProjects.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["UseAllProjects"]); DesignerFunction fct = new DesignerFunction(); fct.FunctionName = "GetStatusNameFromId"; fct.GroupName = "RedmineFunctions"; fct.ResultType = LlParamType.String; fct.MinimalParameters = 1; fct.MaximumParameters = 1; fct.Parameter1.Type = LlParamType.Double; fct.EvaluateFunction += new EvaluateFunctionHandler(fct_EvaluateFunction); _lL.DesignerFunctions.Add(fct); lstbTrackers.Enabled = !AllLstBoxItemsSelected(lstbTrackers); chkBox_All_Trackers.Checked = AllLstBoxItemsSelected(lstbTrackers); } catch (NullReferenceException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Sanitize the fields of a <see cref="ListLabel"/> in-place. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">A reference to the <see cref="ListLabel"/> to check.</param> private void CheckLabel(ref ListLabel label, bool normalMode) { void CheckString(ref string s) => s = s ?? ""; CheckString(ref label.FirstCol); if (label.LastCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.LastCol.Count; i++) { var LastCol = label.LastCol[i]; CheckString(ref LastCol); label.LastCol[i] = LastCol; } } if (label.SymbolCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.SymbolCol.Count; i++) { var symbolCol = label.SymbolCol[i]; CheckString(ref symbolCol); label.SymbolCol[i] = symbolCol; } } CheckString(ref label.KeyPressed); UpdateColsWidth(label, normalMode); }
private void initLabelText(int containItemCount, List <ListItem> pendingItems) { for (int index = 0; index < containItemCount; ++index) { ListLabel listLabel = new ListLabel(); listLabel.LabelText = "this is label:" + index; pendingItems.Add(listLabel); } }
protected override void ImplementLabelLocalization() { base.ImplementLabelLocalization(); if (!ListLabel.TrimHasValue()) { lblTitle.Text = Localize("Common.UserControls.SuperGridView.lblTitle", "Data Preview: "); } lblExport.Text = Localize("Common.UserControls.SuperGridView.lblExport", "Export"); }
public void Dispose() { _defaultFont?.Dispose(); _boldFont?.Dispose(); List?.Dispose(); ListLabel?.Dispose(); Tree?.Dispose(); TreeLabel?.Dispose(); Form?.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Display info according to the full text window or the slim text window /// </summary> /// <param name="firstkeyactivated"></param> /// <param name="firstcol"></param> /// <param name="lastcol"></param> /// <param name="symbolcol"></param> /// <param name="changecolwidth"></param> /// <param name="lastkeyactivated"></param> /// private void UpdateColsWidth(ListLabel label) { if (!UpdateDataEnded) { var firstColWidth = 0; var lastColWidth = 0; var firstCol = label.FirstCol; var lastCol = label.LastCol; var symbolCol = label.SymbolCol; var keyPressed = label.KeyPressed; var changeColwidth = label.ChangeColWidth; if (!firstCol.Contains("Sprtr")) { firstColWidth = FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(firstCol.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(firstCol.TrimEnd()); if (firstCol.ToUpper().Contains("TIME")) { lastColWidth = FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(lastCol.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(lastCol.TrimEnd()); } //Set a minimum value for LastColWidth to avoid overlap between time value if (labels.Count == 1) { lastColWidth = labels.First().LastColWidth + 15;// time value + symbol } } labels.Add(new ListLabel { FirstCol = firstCol, FirstColWidth = firstColWidth, LastCol = lastCol, LastColWidth = lastColWidth, SymbolCol = symbolCol, ChangeColWidth = changeColwidth, KeyPressed = keyPressed }); //ResizeWindow, when the string spans over the right boundary of the window if (!ResizeWindow) { if (maxFirstColWidth < firstColWidth) { FirstColOverFlow = maxFirstColWidth; } if (maxLastColWidth < lastColWidth) { LastColOverFlow = maxLastColWidth; } ResizeWindow = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Sanitize the fields of a <see cref="ListLabel"/> in-place. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">A reference to the <see cref="ListLabel"/> to check.</param> private void CheckLabel(ref ListLabel label) { void CheckString(ref string s) => s = s ?? ""; CheckString(ref label.FirstCol); CheckString(ref label.LastCol); CheckString(ref label.SymbolCol); CheckString(ref label.KeyPressed); UpdateColsWidth(label); }
private void Form1_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { var addnewlist = new AddNewList(); listBox1.Show(); ListLabel.Show(); listBox1.Items.Clear(); var vs = WordList.GetLists(); foreach (var v in vs) { listBox1.Items.Add(v); } }
public void PrintListAndLabel(List <FlipDataSource> data, string labelFilePath, string labelFile, string printerName, int startPosition = 0 ) { using (ListLabel ll = new ListLabel()) { FlipPrintDataToLaserFlips(data); SetUpListAndLabel(ll, data, startPosition); ll.Print(printerName, LlProject.Label, GetFullLabelFilePath(labelFilePath, labelFile)); } }
protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { gvList.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = true; gvList.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true; gvList.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = true; if (ListLabel.TrimHasValue()) { gvList.ExportSettings.FileName = ListLabel; } else { gvList.ExportSettings.FileName = "List"; } gvList.MasterTableView.ExportToExcel(); }
public void DesignListAndLabel(List <FlipDataSource> data, string labelFilePath, string labelFile, string printerName, int startPosition = 0) { using (ListLabel ll = new ListLabel()) { FlipPrintDataToLaserFlips(data); SetUpListAndLabel(ll, data, startPosition); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(labelFile)) { ll.Design("", LlProject.Label, GetFullLabelFilePath(labelFilePath, labelFile), false); } else { ll.Design(LlProject.Label); } } }
private void MainForm_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e) { listBox1.Show(); listBox1.Enabled = true; ListLabel.Show(); listBox1.Items.Clear(); TranslationGrid.Hide(); var listsOnComputer = WordList.GetLists(); foreach (var lists in listsOnComputer) { var wordList = WordList.LoadList(lists); if (wordList != null && wordList.Languages.Length > 1) { listBox1.Items.Add(lists); } } }
/// <summary> /// Sanitize the fields of a <see cref="ListLabel"/> in-place. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">A reference to the <see cref="ListLabel"/> to check.</param> private static void CheckLabel(ref ListLabel label, bool normalMode) { void CheckString(ref string s) => s = s ?? ""; CheckString(ref label.FirstCol); if (label.LastCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.LastCol.Count; i++) { var LastCol = label.LastCol[i]; CheckString(ref LastCol); label.LastCol[i] = LastCol; } } if (label.SymbolCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.SymbolCol.Count; i++) { var symbolCol = label.SymbolCol[i]; CheckString(ref symbolCol); label.SymbolCol[i] = symbolCol; } } if (!normalMode) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in FirstColToAbbreviated) { label.FirstCol = label.FirstCol.Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in LastColToAbbreviated) { if (label.LastCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.LastCol.Count; i++) { label.LastCol[i] = label.LastCol[i].Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } } } } }
public bool Print(string labelDefinition, IEnumerable <Object> data, string parentEntity, string printerName) { try { using (var listLabel = new ListLabel()) { listLabel.LicensingInfo = ListLabelLicenseString; // Set up the dataset listLabel.DataSource = new ObjectDataProvider(data) { FlattenStructure = true, }; listLabel.DataMember = parentEntity; listLabel.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsVariables; // Configure the designer to read the report design from a memoryStream var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if (labelDefinition != null) { var stringBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(labelDefinition); memoryStream.Write(stringBytes, 0, stringBytes.Length); } // If we have a default printer then set it here if (printerName != null) { listLabel.Core.LlSetOptionString(71, printerName); } // Launch the designer listLabel.Print(LlProject.List, memoryStream); return(true); } } catch (LL_User_Aborted_Exception) { // Ignore user abort } return(false); }
public void GetListLabels() { //ExStart //ExFor:Document.UpdateListLabels() //ExFor:Node.ToString(SaveFormat) //ExFor:ListLabel //ExFor:Paragraph.ListLabel //ExFor:ListLabel.LabelValue //ExFor:ListLabel.LabelString //ExSummary:Shows how to extract the label of each paragraph in a list as a value or a String. Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Lists.PrintOutAllLists.doc"); doc.UpdateListLabels(); int listParaCount = 1; foreach (Paragraph paragraph in doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true).OfType <Paragraph>()) { // Find if we have the paragraph list. In our document our list uses plain arabic numbers, // which start at three and ends at six. if (paragraph.ListFormat.IsListItem) { Console.WriteLine("Paragraph #{0}", listParaCount); // This is the text we get when actually getting when we output this node to text format. // The list labels are not included in this text output. Trim any paragraph formatting characters. String paragraphText = paragraph.ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim(); Console.WriteLine("Exported Text: " + paragraphText); ListLabel label = paragraph.ListLabel; // This gets the position of the paragraph in current level of the list. If we have a list with multiple level then this // will tell us what position it is on that particular level. Console.WriteLine("Numerical Id: " + label.LabelValue); // Combine them together to include the list label with the text in the output. Console.WriteLine("List label combined with text: " + label.LabelString + " " + paragraphText); listParaCount++; } } //ExEnd }
private void LLAction(string action) { if (ensureService()) { ListLabel LL = new ListLabel(); OpenEdgeDataProvider Provider = new OpenEdgeDataProvider(); Provider.ServiceAdapter = OpenEdgeServiceAdapter; Provider.ServiceName = Config.ServiceName; Provider.Initialize(); LL.DataSource = Provider; try { if (action == "Design") { if (Config.DesignerPreviewMaxRows > 0) { Provider.MaxRows = Config.DesignerPreviewMaxRows; } LL.Design(); } else { LL.Print(); } } catch (ListLabelException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { Provider.Dispose(); LL.Dispose(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("No connection available"); } }
private void LLAction(string action) { var param = new RestConnectionParameter(); param.RestURL = Properties.Settings.Default.RestURL; param.Userid = Properties.Settings.Default.Userid; param.Password = Properties.Settings.Default.Password; var ll = new ListLabel(); var dp = new OpenEdgeDataProvider(); dp.ServiceAdapter = new RestServiceAdapter(param); dp.ServiceName = Properties.Settings.Default.ServiceName; dp.Initialize(); ll.DataSource = dp; try { if (action == "DESIGN") { if (Properties.Settings.Default.DesignerPreviewMaxRows > 0) { dp.MaxRows = Properties.Settings.Default.DesignerPreviewMaxRows; } ll.Design(); } else if (action == "PRINT") { ll.Print(); } else { } } catch (ListLabelException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } ll.Dispose(); dp.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Sanitize the fields of a <see cref="ListLabel"/> in-place. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">A reference to the <see cref="ListLabel"/> to check.</param> private static void CheckLabel(ref ListLabel label, bool normalMode) { void CheckString(ref string s) => s = s ?? ""; CheckString(ref label.FirstCol); CheckString(ref label.LastCol); CheckString(ref label.SymbolCol); CheckString(ref label.KeyPressed); if (!normalMode) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in FirstColToAbbreviated) { label.FirstCol = label.FirstCol.Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in LastColToAbbreviated) { label.LastCol = label.LastCol.Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } } }
public void GetListLabels() { //ExStart //ExFor:Document.UpdateListLabels() //ExFor:Node.ToString(SaveFormat) //ExFor:ListLabel //ExFor:Paragraph.ListLabel //ExFor:ListLabel.LabelValue //ExFor:ListLabel.LabelString //ExSummary:Shows how to extract the label of each paragraph in a list as a value or a String. Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Rendering.docx"); doc.UpdateListLabels(); NodeCollection paras = doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true); // Find if we have the paragraph list. In our document our list uses plain Arabic numbers, // which start at three and ends at six foreach (Paragraph paragraph in paras.OfType <Paragraph>().Where(p => p.ListFormat.IsListItem)) { Console.WriteLine($"List item paragraph #{paras.IndexOf(paragraph)}"); // This is the text we get when actually getting when we output this node to text format // The list labels are not included in this text output. Trim any paragraph formatting characters string paragraphText = paragraph.ToString(SaveFormat.Text).Trim(); Console.WriteLine($"\tExported Text: {paragraphText}"); ListLabel label = paragraph.ListLabel; // This gets the position of the paragraph in current level of the list. If we have a list with multiple levels, // this will tell us what position it is on that level Console.WriteLine($"\tNumerical Id: {label.LabelValue}"); // Combine them together to include the list label with the text in the output Console.WriteLine($"\tList label combined with text: {label.LabelString} {paragraphText}"); } //ExEnd Assert.AreEqual(10, paras.OfType <Paragraph>().Count(p => p.ListFormat.IsListItem)); }
private void WriteAttributes(ListLabel listLabel) { if (listLabel != null) { PdfObject obj = parent.GetAttribute(PdfName.STARTINDENT); if (obj is PdfNumber) { float startIndent = ((PdfNumber)obj).FloatValue; if (startIndent != listLabel.Indentation) { this.SetAttribute(PdfName.STARTINDENT, new PdfNumber(listLabel.Indentation)); } } else { if (Math.Abs(listLabel.Indentation) > float.Epsilon) { this.SetAttribute(PdfName.STARTINDENT, new PdfNumber(listLabel.Indentation)); } } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { ListLabel LL = new ListLabel(); OpenEdgeDataProvider dp = new OpenEdgeDataProvider(); ServiceAdapter s = new ServiceAdapter(_schema); try { dp.ServiceName = TextServiceName.Text; dp.ServiceAdapter = s; dp.Initialize(); if (TableCombo.Text != "<none>") { LL.DataMember = TableCombo.Text; if (AutoMasterModeNone.Checked) { LL.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.None; } if (AutomasterModeAsVariables.Checked) { LL.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsVariables; } if (AutoMasterModeAsFields.Checked) { LL.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsFields; } } LL.DataSource = dp; LL.Design(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message); } LL.Dispose(); }
public static string Design(string labelDefinition, IEnumerable <object> data, string parentEntity) { using (var listLabel = new ListLabel()) { listLabel.LicensingInfo = ListLabelLicenseString; listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.Metric, 1); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.Wizard_FileNew, 0); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.RibbonDefaultEnabledState, 1); listLabel.Core.LlSetOption(LlOption.NoFileVersionUpgradeWarning, 1); // Set up the dataset listLabel.DataSource = new ObjectDataProvider(data) { FlattenStructure = true, }; listLabel.DataMember = parentEntity; listLabel.AutoMasterMode = LlAutoMasterMode.AsVariables; // Configure the designer to read the report design from a memoryStream var memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); if (labelDefinition != null) { var stringBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(labelDefinition); memoryStream.Write(stringBytes, 0, stringBytes.Length); } // Launch the designer listLabel.Design(LlProject.List, memoryStream); // Now convert the resulting report stream into a string var streamReader = new StreamReader(memoryStream); var updatedLabelDefinition = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); return(updatedLabelDefinition); } }
public ListLabelManager() { _llGlobal = new ListLabel(); }
/// <summary> /// Display info according to the full text window or the slim text window /// </summary> /// <param name="firstkeyactivated"></param> /// <param name="firstcol"></param> /// <param name="lastcol"></param> /// <param name="symbolcol"></param> /// <param name="changecolwidth"></param> /// <param name="lastkeyactivated"></param> private void UpdateColsWidth(ListLabel label, bool normalmode) { if (!UpdateDataEnded) { if (!normalTextMode) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in FirstColToAbbreviated) { label.FirstCol = label.FirstCol.Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> mapping in LastColToAbbreviated) { if (label.LastCol != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.LastCol.Count; i++) { label.LastCol[i] = label.LastCol[i].Replace(mapping.Key, mapping.Value); } } } } var firstCol = label.FirstCol; var firstColWidth = 0; var lastCol = label.LastCol; List <int> lastColWidth = new List <int>(); var symbolCol = label.SymbolCol; var keyPressed = label.KeyPressed; var changeColwidth = label.ChangeColWidth; if (!firstCol.Contains("Sprtr")) { if (ColorCodeCtrl.Keys.Any(firstCol.EndsWith)) { var tempFirstCol = firstCol.Substring(0, firstCol.Length - 3); firstColWidth = FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(tempFirstCol.TrimEnd()) : !normalTextMode?Owner.TextFontMonoSpacedBold.MeasureString(tempFirstCol.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(tempFirstCol.TrimEnd()); } else { firstColWidth = FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(firstCol.TrimEnd()) : !normalTextMode?Owner.TextFontMonoSpacedBold.MeasureString(firstCol.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(firstCol.TrimEnd()); } if (label.LastCol != null) { foreach (string data in label.LastCol) { if (data != null) { data.Replace("|", ""); if (ColorCodeCtrl.Keys.Any(data.EndsWith)) { var tempLastCol = data.Substring(0, data.Length - 3); lastColWidth.Add(FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(tempLastCol.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(tempLastCol.TrimEnd())); } else { lastColWidth.Add(FontToBold ? Owner.TextFontDefaultBold.MeasureString(data.TrimEnd()) : Owner.TextFontDefault.MeasureString(data.TrimEnd())); } } } } } //Set a minimum value for LastColWidth to avoid overlap between time value and clickable symbol if (labels.Count == 1) //&& lastColWidth.Count > 0) { lastColWidth.Add(labels[0].LastColWidth[0] + (TextSize * 3) + dpiOffset * 10); // time value + clickable symbol } labels.Add(new ListLabel { FirstCol = firstCol, FirstColWidth = firstColWidth, LastCol = lastCol, LastColWidth = lastColWidth, SymbolCol = symbolCol, ChangeColWidth = changeColwidth, KeyPressed = keyPressed }); //ResizeWindow, when the string spans over the right boundary of the window if (!ResizeWindow) { if (maxFirstColWidth < firstColWidth) { FirstColOverFlow = maxFirstColWidth; } if (label.LastColWidth != null) { for (int i = 0; i < label.LastColWidth.Count; i++) { if (maxLastColWidth < lastColWidth[i]) { LastColOverFlow = maxLastColWidth; } } } ResizeWindow = true; } } else { if (this.Visible) { // Detect Autopilot is on to avoid flickering when slim window is displayed var AutopilotOn = Owner.Viewer.PlayerLocomotive.Train.TrainType == Train.TRAINTYPE.AI_PLAYERHOSTING ? true : false; //ResizeWindow, when the string spans over the right boundary of the window maxFirstColWidth = labels.Max(x => x.FirstColWidth); maxLastColWidth = labels.Max(x => x.LastColWidth[0]); if (!ResizeWindow & (FirstColOverFlow != maxFirstColWidth || (!AutopilotOn && LastColOverFlow != maxLastColWidth))) { LastColOverFlow = maxLastColWidth; FirstColOverFlow = maxFirstColWidth; ResizeWindow = true; } } } }
/// <summary> /// Sanitize the fields of a <see cref="ListLabel"/> in-place. /// </summary> /// <param name="label">A reference to the <see cref="ListLabel"/> to check.</param> private static void CheckLabel(ref ListLabel label, bool normalMode) {
private void WriteAttributes(ListLabel listLabel) { if (listLabel != null) { } }