private Tuple <int, Vector3> BestQPosition(Obj_AI_Base target, List <Obj_AI_Base> targets, HitChance hitChance) { var castPos = Vector3.Zero; var totalHits = 0; try { var enemies = targets.Where(e => e.IsValidTarget(Q.Range * 1.5f)).ToList(); var enemyPositions = new List <Tuple <Obj_AI_Base, Vector3> >(); var circle = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle(Player.Position, Player.BoundingRadius, 30).Points; foreach (var h in enemies) { var ePred = Q.GetPrediction(h); if (ePred.Hitchance >= hitChance) { circle.Add(Player.Position.Extend(ePred.UnitPosition, Player.BoundingRadius).To2D()); enemyPositions.Add(new Tuple <Obj_AI_Base, Vector3>(h, ePred.UnitPosition)); } } var targetPos = target == null ? Vector3.Zero : target.Position; if (target == null) { var possibilities = ListExtensions.ProduceEnumeration(enemyPositions).Where(p => p.Count > 0).ToList(); var count = 0; foreach (var possibility in possibilities) { var mec = MEC.GetMec(possibility.Select(p => p.Item2.To2D()).ToList()); if (mec.Radius < Q.Width && possibility.Count > count) { count = possibility.Count; targetPos = mec.Center.To3D(); } } } if (targetPos.Equals(Vector3.Zero)) { return(new Tuple <int, Vector3>(totalHits, castPos)); } circle = circle.OrderBy(c => c.Distance(targetPos)).ToList(); if (!enemyPositions.Any()) { return(new Tuple <int, Vector3>(totalHits, castPos)); } foreach (var point in circle) { var hits = 0; var containsTarget = false; var direction = Q.Range * (point.To3D() - ObjectManager.Player.Position).Normalized().To2D(); var rect1 = new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle( Player.Position, Player.Position.Extend(Player.Position + direction.To3D(), Q.Range), Q.Width); var rect2 = new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle( Player.Position, Player.Position.Extend(Player.Position + direction.Rotated(QAngle).To3D(), Q.Range), Q.Width); var rect3 = new Geometry.Polygon.Rectangle( Player.Position, Player.Position.Extend(Player.Position + direction.Rotated(-QAngle).To3D(), Q.Range), Q.Width); foreach (var enemy in enemyPositions) { var bounding = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle(enemy.Item2, enemy.Item1.BoundingRadius * 0.85f); if (bounding.Points.Any(p => rect1.IsInside(p) || rect2.IsInside(p) || rect3.IsInside(p))) { hits++; if (target != null && enemy.Item1.NetworkId.Equals(target.NetworkId)) { containsTarget = true; } } } if ((containsTarget || target == null) && hits > totalHits) { totalHits = hits; castPos = Player.Position.Extend(point.To3D(), Q.Range); if (totalHits >= enemies.Count) { break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(new Tuple <int, Vector3>(totalHits, castPos)); }
/// <summary> /// get random valid completed sudoku grid /// </summary> private void GetValidCompleteSudoku() { completeSudokuValues = ListExtensions.GetValidCompletedSudoku(); for (int i = 1; i <= Board.Size; i++) { Board.GetSquareByID(i).FillWithValues(completeSudokuValues[i - 1]); } int numberOfRepetitions = generator.Next(minrowOrColumnSwaps, maxrowOrColumnSwaps); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfRepetitions; i++) { int option = generator.Next(0, 5); int squareNumber = generator.Next(Board.SquaresPerDimension); int outerIndex = squareNumber * Board.SquaresPerDimension; int innerIndex1 = generator.Next(Board.SquaresPerDimension); int innerIndex2 = generator.Next(Board.SquaresPerDimension); int first = outerIndex + innerIndex1; int second = outerIndex + innerIndex2; switch (option) { case 0: Board.SwapColumns(first, second); break; case 1: Board.SwapRows(first, second); break; case 2: Board.SwapColumnSquares(innerIndex1, innerIndex2); break; case 3: Board.SwapRowSquares(innerIndex1, innerIndex2); break; case 4: Board.Transponse(); break; default: break; } } // set SolvedSudokuValues for (int i = 0; i < Board.Size; i++) { var row = new List <int>(); for (int j = 0; j < Board.Size; j++) { row.Add(int.Parse(Board[i, j].Value)); } SolvedSudokuValues.Add(row); } }
/// <summary> /// Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified data /// using the specified hash algorithm and padding, and comparing it to the provided signature. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data to sign.</param> /// <param name="signature">The signature data to be verified.</param> /// <returns>true if the signature is valid; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Verify(byte[] data, byte[] signature) { return(ListExtensions.Equals(Sign(data), signature)); }
public GrandparentsItem(IEnumerable <Relative> grandparents, List <User> users) : base(ProfileInfoItemType.RichText) { this.Title = CommonResources.ProfilePage_Info_Grandparents; this.Data = ListExtensions.GetCommaSeparated((List <string>)Enumerable.ToList <string>(Enumerable.Select <Relative, string>(grandparents, (Func <Relative, string>)(r => r.GetVKFormatted(users)))), ", "); }
public void Impl4() => ListExtensions.CompareToImpl4(_localItems, _remoteItems, _ => _.Key);
public IEnumerable <CategoryDto> GetAllCategories(string urlStr) { return(ListExtensions.ToCategoriesLightWeight(DataContext.Categories, urlStr)); }
public void WhenListObjectReturnSame() { List <object> sample = new List <object>(); Assert.AreSame(sample, ListExtensions.AsObjectList(sample)); }
public async Task <List <StockPricesForUi> > GetPricesForUi(StockPricesForUiRequest request) { var ticker = request.Tickers; var result = new List <StockPricesForUi>(); var resultPrices = new List <StockPriceHistoric>(); if (ticker.Count != 0) { var stockSplits = ListExtensions.Split(ticker, 5); foreach (var stockSplit in stockSplits) { var stockSymbols = StringExtensions.GetSymbolsString(stockSplit); var currentPrices = await _stockPriceService.GetStockPrices(stockSymbols); var prices = await _stockPriceService.GetHistoricPrices(stockSymbols, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-100), DateTime.Now); if (prices.HistoricalStockList != null && currentPrices != null) { foreach (var price in prices.HistoricalStockList) { var currentStockPrice = currentPrices.First(x => x.Symbol == price.Symbol).Price; price.Historical.Add(new StockPriceHistoricItem() { AdjClose = currentStockPrice, Date = DateTime.Now.Date, Change = price.Historical[0].AdjClose - currentStockPrice, ChangePercent = (currentStockPrice - price.Historical[0].AdjClose) / price.Historical[0].AdjClose }); price.Historical = price.Historical.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).ToList(); resultPrices.Add(price); } } } } foreach (var prices in resultPrices) { var dto = new StockPricesForUi() { Ticker = prices.Symbol }; if (prices.Historical != null && prices.Historical.Count >= 61) { if (prices.Historical[0] != null) { if (prices.Historical[1] != null) { dto.Day = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[1].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[1].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } if (prices.Historical[2] != null) { dto.TwoDay = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[2].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[2].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } if (prices.Historical[3] != null) { dto.ThreeDay = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[3].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[3].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } if (prices.Historical[5] != null) { dto.Week = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[5].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[5].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } if (prices.Historical[20] != null) { dto.Month = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[20].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[20].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } if (prices.Historical[60] != null) { dto.ThreeMonths = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices.Historical[0].AdjClose - prices.Historical[60].AdjClose) / prices.Historical[60].AdjClose), 4, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }; } } } result.Add(dto); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Parses a string to the query data. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query string.</param> /// <param name="append">true if append instead of override; otherwise, false.</param> /// <param name="encoding">The optional encoding.</param> /// <returns>The count of query item added.</returns> /// <exception cref="FormatException">The format is not correct.</exception> public int ParseSet(string query, bool append = false, Encoding encoding = null) { if (!append) { Clear(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query)) { return(0); } var queryTrim = query.TrimStart(); if (queryTrim.IndexOf('{') == 0) { queryTrim = queryTrim.Substring(1).Trim(); var lastPos = queryTrim.LastIndexOf('}'); if (lastPos >= 0) { queryTrim = queryTrim.Substring(0, lastPos); } var count = 0; string name = null; StringBuilder sb = null; var level = new List <char>(); StringBuilder backSlash = null; bool ignoreRest = false; foreach (var c in queryTrim) { if (ignoreRest) { switch (c) { case '\r': case '\n': ignoreRest = false; break; } continue; } if (c == '\\') { backSlash = new StringBuilder(); continue; } if (backSlash != null) { if (StringExtensions.ReplaceBackSlash(sb, backSlash, c)) { backSlash = null; } continue; } if (sb == null) { if (c == '/') { ignoreRest = true; continue; } if (c == '"') { sb = new StringBuilder(); level.Add('"'); continue; } if (name == null) { if (NameChars.IndexOf(c) > -1) { sb = new StringBuilder(); level.Add(':'); sb.Append(c); } continue; } if (c == '{') { level.Add('}'); } else if (c == '[') { level.Add(']'); } else if (NumBoolChars.IndexOf(c) > -1) { level.Add(','); } else { continue; } sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append(c); continue; } if (level.Count == 0) { continue; } var lastLevelChar = level[level.Count - 1]; if (c == lastLevelChar) { level.RemoveAt(level.Count - 1); if (name == null) { name = sb.ToString(); sb = null; continue; } else if (level.Count == 0) { if (c == ',') { var sbStr = sb.ToString().Trim(); sb = new StringBuilder(sbStr); if (sbStr == "null" || sbStr == "undefined") { name = null; sb = null; continue; } } else if (c == '"') { } else { sb.Append(c); } ListExtensions.Add(this, name, sb.ToString()); name = null; sb = null; continue; } } else if (lastLevelChar == ':' && name == null) { if (c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\t' || c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '+') { sb = null; } else if (c == '/') { sb = null; ignoreRest = true; } else if (NameChars.IndexOf(c) < 0) { throw new FormatException("The format of query string is not correct."); } if (sb == null) { level.RemoveAt(level.Count - 1); continue; } } else if (c == '"') { level.Add('"'); } else if (lastLevelChar != '"') { if (c == '{') { level.Add('}'); } else if (c == '[') { level.Add(']'); } } if (sb == null) { sb = new StringBuilder(); } sb.Append(c); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name) && sb != null) { var sbStr = sb.ToString().Trim(); if (sbStr != "null" && sbStr != "undefined") { ListExtensions.Add(this, name, sbStr); } } return(count); } if (encoding == null) { encoding = DefaultEncoding ?? Encoding.UTF8; } var pos = query.IndexOf("?"); if (pos >= 0) { query = query.Substring(pos + 1); } pos = query.IndexOf("#"); if (pos >= 0) { query = query.Substring(0, pos); } var arr = query.Split('&'); foreach (var item in arr) { pos = item.IndexOf("="); if (pos < 0) { ListExtensions.Add(this, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item, encoding), string.Empty); } else { ListExtensions.Add(this, HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.Substring(0, pos), encoding), HttpUtility.UrlDecode(item.Substring(pos + 1), encoding)); } } return(arr.Length); }
public void WhenNullShouldReturnNull() { Assert.IsNull(ListExtensions.AsObjectList(null)); }
/// <summary> /// Notifies the framer instance that incoming data has been received from the stream. This method will invoke <see cref="MessageArrived"/> as necessary. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// <para>This method may invoke <see cref="MessageArrived"/> zero or more times.</para> /// <para>Zero-length receives are ignored. May streams use a 0-length read to indicate the end of a stream, but the framer takes no action in this case.</para> /// </remarks> /// <param name="data">The data received from the stream. Cannot be null. May be a slice of the read buffer for the stream.</param> /// <exception cref="System.Net.ProtocolViolationException">If the data received is not a properly-formed message.</exception> public void DataReceived(IList <byte> data) { int i = 0; while (i != data.Count) { int bytesAvailable = data.Count - i; if (this.delimiterIndex == -1) { // We are searching for the begin delimiter bool waiting = false; for (int index = 0; index != this.beginDelimiters.Length; ++index) { byte[] beginDelimiter = this.beginDelimiters[index]; int bytesRequested = beginDelimiter.Length - this.dataBuffer.Count; if (bytesRequested > bytesAvailable) { // Not enough data has arrived for a complete match waiting = true; continue; } // Test if this begin delimiter already has been rejected if (bytesRequested <= 0) { continue; } // Test if we have a complete match IList <byte> lastOfBeginDelimiter = data.Slice(i, bytesRequested); if (beginDelimiter.SequenceEqual(this.dataBuffer.Concat(lastOfBeginDelimiter))) { this.AppendDataToDataBuffer(lastOfBeginDelimiter); i += bytesRequested; this.delimiterIndex = index; break; } } if (this.delimiterIndex == -1) { if (waiting) { // The data is not long enough to match at least one of the begin delimiters, and it doesn't match any that it is long enough to match. this.AppendDataToDataBuffer(data.Slice(i, bytesAvailable)); return; } else { trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Error, 0, "Message does not begin with a defined start delimieter in data " + data.Slice(i, bytesAvailable).PrettyDump()); throw new System.Net.ProtocolViolationException("Message does not begin with a start delimiter"); } } } else { // The begin delimiter has been found; we are reading data while searching for the end delimiter byte[] endDelimiter = this.endDelimiters[this.delimiterIndex]; if (this.endDelimiterIndex != 0) { // A partial end delimiter was found at the end of a previous chunk of incoming data; see if this data finishes the end delimiter #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(i == 0, "This branch should only be taken when a new chunk of incoming data has arrived."); #endif int bytesToMatch = Math.Min(endDelimiter.Length - this.endDelimiterIndex, bytesAvailable); if (endDelimiter.Slice(this.endDelimiterIndex, bytesToMatch).SequenceEqual(data.Slice(0, bytesToMatch))) { // A partial or complete match was found if (bytesToMatch == endDelimiter.Length - this.endDelimiterIndex) { // A complete match has been found: report the message and continue processing if (this.MessageArrived != null) { this.MessageArrived(this.delimiterIndex, this.dataBuffer.Skip(this.beginDelimiters[this.delimiterIndex].Length)); } i += bytesToMatch; this.Reset(); } else { // The partial match has been extended into a longer partial match (at the end of the data) this.endDelimiterIndex += bytesAvailable; return; } } else { // This was a false partial end delimiter; prepend it to the incoming data and continue searching List <byte> newData = new List <byte>(data.Count + this.endDelimiterIndex); newData.AddRange(endDelimiter.Take(this.endDelimiterIndex)); newData.AddRange(data); data = newData; this.endDelimiterIndex = 0; } } else { // The data buffer does not have an implicit partial end delimiter on it, so we can just search the incoming data // Search for a complete end delimiter, or a partial end delimiter at the end of the incoming data int endDelimiterFoundIndex; for (endDelimiterFoundIndex = 0; endDelimiterFoundIndex != bytesAvailable; ++endDelimiterFoundIndex) { int bytesToMatch = Math.Min(endDelimiter.Length, bytesAvailable - endDelimiterFoundIndex); if (endDelimiter.Slice(0, bytesToMatch).SequenceEqual(data.Slice(i + endDelimiterFoundIndex, bytesToMatch))) { // A partial or complete match was found IList <byte> match = data.Slice(i, endDelimiterFoundIndex); if (bytesToMatch == endDelimiter.Length) { // A complete match was found: report the message and continue processing this.CheckMaxMessageSize(this.dataBuffer.Count, endDelimiterFoundIndex); IList <byte> message = ListExtensions.Concat(this.dataBuffer, match); if (this.MessageArrived != null) { this.MessageArrived(this.delimiterIndex, message.Skip(this.beginDelimiters[this.delimiterIndex].Length)); } i += endDelimiterFoundIndex + bytesToMatch; this.dataBuffer.Clear(); this.delimiterIndex = -1; #if DEBUG Debug.Assert(this.endDelimiterIndex == 0, "endDelimiterIndex should already be 0"); #endif break; } else { // A partial match was found at the end of the available data this.AppendDataToDataBuffer(match); this.endDelimiterIndex = bytesToMatch; return; } } } if (endDelimiterFoundIndex == bytesAvailable) { // No end delimiter match was found (not even a partial at the end of the buffer) this.AppendDataToDataBuffer(data.Slice(i, bytesAvailable)); return; } } } } }
public void AddRangeNullTest2() { ListExtensions.AddRange(new List <string> { "foobar" }, null); }
public void AddRangeNullTest1() { ListExtensions.AddRange(null, new List <string> { "foobar" }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the query value by a specific key. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The key.</param> /// <param name="ignoreEmpty">true if ignore empty; otherwise, false.</param> /// <returns>The query value. The last one for multiple values..</returns> public string GetLastValue(string key, bool ignoreEmpty = false) { var col = ListExtensions.GetValues(this, key); return(ignoreEmpty ? col.LastOrDefault(item => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item)) : col.LastOrDefault()); }
public void ThrowExceptionWhenListArgumentIsNull() { IList <string> list = null; Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ListExtensions.PaginateList(list)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the parameters from OpenSSL RSA key (PEM Base64) or the RSA parameters XML string. /// </summary> /// <param name="key">The OpenSSL RSA key string (PEM Base64) or the RSA parameters XML string.</param> /// <returns>The RSA parameters; or null, if parse failed.</returns> public static RSAParameters?Parse(string key) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { return(null); } key = key.Trim(); if (key.IndexOf("<") == 0 && key.LastIndexOf(">") == key.Length - 1) { var xml = XElement.Parse(key); if (xml == null) { return(null); } var p = new RSAParameters(); foreach (var ele in xml.Elements()) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ele?.Value)) { continue; } var chars = Convert.FromBase64String(ele.Value); switch (ele.Name?.LocalName?.ToLowerInvariant()) { case "modulus": p.Modulus = chars; break; case "exponent": p.Exponent = chars; break; case "p": p.P = chars; break; case "q": p.Q = chars; break; case "dp": p.DP = chars; break; case "dq": p.DQ = chars; break; case "inverseq": p.InverseQ = chars; break; case "d": p.D = chars; break; } } if (p.Modulus == null || p.Modulus.Length == 0 || p.Exponent == null || p.Exponent.Length == 0) { return(null); } return(p); } var lines = key.Split(new[] { '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (lines.Length == 0) { return(null); } var isPrivate = true; var firstLine = lines[0].Trim(); if (lines.Length == 1) { key = firstLine; } else if (firstLine.IndexOf("ssh-rsa ") == 0) { isPrivate = false; key = string.Join(string.Empty, lines).Trim(); if (key.Length < 16) { return(null); } key = key.Substring(8); var blankPos = key.IndexOf(' '); if (blankPos > 0) { key = key.Substring(0, blankPos); } } else if (lines.Length == 2) { isPrivate = firstLine.IndexOf("PRIVATE KEY") >= 0; key = lines[1]; } else { isPrivate = firstLine.IndexOf(" PRIVATE KEY") > 0 || firstLine.IndexOf("PRIVATE KEY") == 0; key = string.Join(string.Empty, lines.Skip(1).Take(lines.Length - 2)); } using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(key))) { using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream)) { if (isPrivate) { var twoBytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (twoBytes == 0x8130) { reader.ReadByte(); } else if (twoBytes == 0x8230) { reader.ReadInt16(); } else { return(null); } if (!AreSame(reader, verPem)) { return(null); } // For PKCS8. if (reader.BaseStream.Position + seqOID.Length < reader.BaseStream.Length) { var isPkcs8 = true; var i = 0; for (; i < seqOID.Length; i++) { if (seqOID[i] == reader.ReadByte()) { continue; } isPkcs8 = false; break; } if (isPkcs8) { GetIntegerSize(reader, 0x04); GetIntegerSize(reader, 0x30); if (!AreSame(reader, verPem)) { return(null); } } else { i++; reader.BaseStream.Seek(-i, SeekOrigin.Current); } } return(new RSAParameters { Modulus = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), Exponent = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), D = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), P = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), Q = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), DP = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), DQ = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)), InverseQ = reader.ReadBytes(GetIntegerSize(reader)) }); } else { var twoBytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (twoBytes == 0x8130) // Data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81). { reader.ReadByte(); // Advance 1 byte. } else if (twoBytes == 0x8230) { reader.ReadInt16(); // Advance 2 bytes. } else { return(null); } var seq = reader.ReadBytes(15); // Read the Sequence OID. if (!ListExtensions.Equals(seq, seqOID)) // Make sure Sequence for OID is correct. { return(null); } twoBytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (twoBytes == 0x8103) // Data read as little endian order (actual data order for Bit String is 03 81). { reader.ReadByte(); // Advance 1 byte. } else if (twoBytes == 0x8203) { reader.ReadInt16(); // Advance 2 bytes. } else { return(null); } var testByte = reader.ReadByte(); if (testByte != 0x00) // Expect null byte next. { return(null); } twoBytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (twoBytes == 0x8130) // Data read as little endian order (actual data order for Sequence is 30 81). { reader.ReadByte(); // Advance 1 byte. } else if (twoBytes == 0x8230) { reader.ReadInt16(); // Advance 2 bytes. } else { return(null); } twoBytes = reader.ReadUInt16(); byte lowByte = 0x00; byte highByte = 0x00; if (twoBytes == 0x8102) // Data read as little endian order (actual data order for Integer is 02 81). { lowByte = reader.ReadByte(); // Read next bytes which is bytes in modulus. } else if (twoBytes == 0x8202) { highByte = reader.ReadByte(); // Advance 2 bytes. lowByte = reader.ReadByte(); } else { return(null); } byte[] modInt = { lowByte, highByte, 0x00, 0x00 }; // Reverse byte order since asn.1 key uses big endian order. var modsize = BitConverter.ToInt32(modInt, 0); var firstByte = reader.PeekChar(); if (firstByte == 0x00) { // Don't include it if the first byte (highest order) of modulus is zero. reader.ReadByte(); // Skip this null byte. modsize -= 1; // Reduce modulus buffer size by 1. } var modulus = reader.ReadBytes(modsize); // Read the modulus bytes. if (reader.ReadByte() != 0x02) // Expect an Integer for the exponent data. { return(null); } var expBytes = (int)reader.ReadByte(); // Should only need one byte for actual exponent data (for all useful values). var exponent = reader.ReadBytes(expBytes); // Create RSACryptoServiceProvider instance and initialize with public key. return(new RSAParameters { Modulus = modulus, Exponent = exponent }); } } } }
public void WhenIsNull_ThenReturnEmpty() { var result = ListExtensions.NullToEmpty(null as IList <string>); Assert.That(result, Is.Empty); }
public async Task <RedditDdDtoList> GetStockPricesForUi(List <RedditDdDto> dtos, RedditOtherRequest request) { string pattern = @"[A-Z]{2,}"; var regex = new Regex(pattern); var tickers = new List <string>(); var validatedTickers = new List <string>(); var stockList = await _stockListService.GetStockList(); foreach (var dto in dtos) { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dto.title)) { var potentialTickers = dto.title.Split(); var uppercaseTickers = new List <string>(); foreach (var val in potentialTickers) { var match = regex.Match(val); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(match.Value) && !StockLists.TickerBlackList.Contains(match.Value)) { if (!tickers.Contains(match.Value)) { tickers.Add(match.Value); } uppercaseTickers.Add(match.Value); } } dto.PotentialTickers = uppercaseTickers; } } foreach (var ticker in tickers) { if (stockList.Select(x => x.Symbol).Contains(ticker)) { validatedTickers.Add(ticker); } } var result = new List <StockPriceHistoric>(); if (validatedTickers.Count != 0) { var stockSplits = ListExtensions.Split(validatedTickers, 5); foreach (var stockSplit in stockSplits) { var stockSymbols = StringExtensions.GetSymbolsString(stockSplit); var prices = await _stockPriceService.GetHistoricPrices(stockSymbols, DateTime.Now.AddDays(-100), DateTime.Now); if (prices.HistoricalStockList != null) { foreach (var price in prices.HistoricalStockList) { result.Add(price); } } } } foreach (var dto in dtos) { dto.Prices = new StockPricesForUi(); foreach (var potentialTicker in dto.PotentialTickers) { var prices = result.Where(x => x.Symbol.Contains(potentialTicker)).ToList(); if (prices.Count != 0 && prices[0].Historical != null && prices[0].Historical.Count >= 61) { dto.Ticker = prices[0].Symbol; if (prices[0].Historical[0] != null) { if (prices[0]?.Historical[1] != null) { dto.Prices.Day = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices[0].Historical[0].AdjClose - prices[0].Historical[1].AdjClose) / prices[0].Historical[1].AdjClose), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) //.ToString("P2", new NumberFormatInfo { PercentPositivePattern = 1, PercentNegativePattern = 1 }) }; } if (prices[0]?.Historical[5] != null) { dto.Prices.Week = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices[0].Historical[0].AdjClose - prices[0].Historical[5].AdjClose) / prices[0].Historical[5].AdjClose), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) //.ToString("P2", new NumberFormatInfo { PercentPositivePattern = 1, PercentNegativePattern = 1 }) }; } if (prices[0]?.Historical[20] != null) { dto.Prices.Month = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices[0].Historical[0].AdjClose - prices[0].Historical[20].AdjClose) / prices[0].Historical[20].AdjClose), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) //.ToString("P2", new NumberFormatInfo { PercentPositivePattern = 1, PercentNegativePattern = 1 }) }; } if (prices[0]?.Historical[60] != null) { dto.Prices.ThreeMonths = new StockPriceForUi() { Performance = decimal.Round(((prices[0].Historical[0].AdjClose - prices[0].Historical[60].AdjClose) / prices[0].Historical[60].AdjClose), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) //.ToString("P2", new NumberFormatInfo { PercentPositivePattern = 1, PercentNegativePattern = 1 }) }; } } } } } return(new RedditDdDtoList() { Aggregated = GetAggregateds(dtos), Items = dtos, Paging = new PagingModel() { Page = request.Page, PageSize = request.RowsPerPage, TotalItems = result.Count } }); }
public void WhenSourceIsNull_ThenThrowException() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ListExtensions.GetNext(null as IList <string>, 0)); }
public void ReceiveBook(VariableViewerNetworking.NetFriendlyBook Book) { Pool(); ID = Book.ID; Title = Book.Title; PresentPagesCount = 0; CurrentlyOpenBook = Book; if (History.Count > 0) { HistoryBackwards.SetActive(true); } if (!NotModifyingHistory) { if ((History.Count - 1) != HistoryLocation) { ListExtensions.RemoveAtIndexForwards(History, HistoryLocation); } History.Add(Book.ID); HistoryLocation = HistoryLocation + 1; } NotModifyingHistory = false; if (HistoryLocation < 1) { HistoryBackwards.SetActive(false); } else { HistoryBackwards.SetActive(true); } if (HistoryLocation + 1 < History.Count) { HistoryForward.SetActive(true); } else { HistoryForward.SetActive(false); } foreach (var page in CurrentlyOpenBook.BindedPages) { if (UIShowDebugOptions.toggle == false) { if (page.VVHighlight == VVHighlight.DEBUG || (page.VariableType == null && page.VVHighlight != VVHighlight.DEBUG)) { continue; } } GUI_PageEntry PageEntry; if (PooledPages.Count > 0) { PageEntry = PooledPages[0]; PooledPages.RemoveAt(0); PageEntry.gameObject.SetActive(true); PageEntry.transform.SetParent(PagePanel.transform, true); } else { PageEntry = Instantiate(PageEntryPrefab) as GUI_PageEntry; PageEntry.transform.SetParent(PagePanel.transform, true); PageEntry.transform.localScale =; } PageEntry.Page = page; //Logger.Log(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(page)); if (PresentPagesCount > MaximumPerTwoPages) { PageEntry.gameObject.SetActive(false); int PageSetNumber = (int)Math.Floor((decimal)(PresentPagesCount / MaximumPerTwoPages)); if ((PagesInBook.Count - 1) != PageSetNumber) { PagesInBook.Add(new List <GUI_PageEntry>()); } PagesInBook[PageSetNumber].Add(PageEntry); } else { PagesInBook[0].Add(PageEntry); } PresentPagesCount++; } CurrentlyOpen = PagesInBook[0]; intCurrentlyOpen = 0; if (PagesInBook.Count > 1) { RightArrow.SetActive(true); } }
public void WhenSourceIsNull_ThenThrowException() { Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => ListExtensions.MoveToFirst(null, _customer1)); }
public CategoryDetailsDto GetCategoryDetailItemById(int id, string urlStr) { return(ListExtensions.ToCategoryDetailItem(DataContext.Categories.Where(x => x.Id == id).ToList(), urlStr).FirstOrDefault()); }
public override string ToString() { return(ListExtensions.ToString(TrainingEntries)); }
/// <summary> /// Verifies that a digital signature is valid by calculating the hash value of the specified data /// using the specified hash algorithm and padding, and comparing it to the provided signature. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">The data to sign.</param> /// <param name="signature">The signature data to be verified.</param> /// <returns>true if the signature is valid; otherwise, false.</returns> public bool Verify(byte[] data, byte[] signature) { return(verify != null ? verify(data, signature, secretBytes) : ListExtensions.Equals(sign(data, secretBytes), signature)); }
private void LoadInformation() { using (var ctx = new ApplicationDbContext()) { #region commented //var minDate = DateTime.MinValue; //var maxDate = DateTime.MaxValue; //DateTime tempDateTime; //if (DateTime.TryParseExact(txtStartDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None, // out tempDateTime)) //{ // minDate = tempDateTime; //} //if (DateTime.TryParseExact(txtEndDate.Text.Trim(), "dd/MM/yyyy", null, DateTimeStyles.None, // out tempDateTime)) //{ // maxDate = tempDateTime; //} //// To make the endDate as the last minute of the day so that x < endDate comparision can work correctly. //if (maxDate.Date != DateTime.MaxValue.Date) //{ // maxDate = maxDate.AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1); //} #endregion var transactions = ctx.Transactions.ToList(); var transactionsExpenses = transactions.Where( x => x.TransactionLegs.Single(y => y.TransactionLegType == TransactionLegType.Debit) .Account.AccountCategory == AccountCategory.Nominal).ToList(); var reversals = transactions.Where( x => x.TransactionLegs.Single(y => y.TransactionLegType == TransactionLegType.Credit) .Account.AccountCategory == AccountCategory.Nominal).ToList(); reversals.ForEach(tran => ListExtensions.ForEach(tran.TransactionLegs, leg => leg.Amount *= -1)); transactions = transactionsExpenses.Union(reversals).OrderBy(x => x.Timestamp).ToList(); var finalData2 = transactions.Select(x => new { TransactionDate = x.Timestamp, DebitAccount = x.TransactionLegs.Single(y => y.TransactionLegType == TransactionLegType.Debit) .Account.AccountName, CreditAccount = x.TransactionLegs.Single(y => y.TransactionLegType == TransactionLegType.Credit) .Account.AccountName, Amount = x.TransactionLegs.First().Amount, TransactionDescription = x.Description }) .GroupBy(g => g.TransactionDate.Date) .Select(q => new { Date = q.Key.Date, Amount = q.Sum(tr => tr.Amount) }) .OrderBy(item => item.Date); var dayExpenses = (from dynamic item in finalData2 select new DayExpense(item.Date, item.Amount)).ToList(); Session["_ExpensesSummary_ExpensesChart"] = dayExpenses; //var chartType = (SeriesChartType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SeriesChartType), ddlChartType.SelectedValue); Chart1.Series.Clear(); Chart1.Series.Add(new Series() { ChartType = SeriesChartType.Column, }); Chart1.Series[0]["PixelPointWidth"] = "15"; Chart1.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.Date; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Interval = 1; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Days; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.MajorGrid = new Grid() { Enabled = false }; Chart1.Series[0].XValueType = ChartValueType.DateTime; var minDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddSeconds(-1); var maxDate = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1); // or DateTime.Now; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = minDate.ToOADate(); Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = maxDate.ToOADate(); Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.Interval = 10; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dot; Chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.DarkGray; foreach (var item in finalData2) { Chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY(item.Date, item.Amount); } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when [imports satisfied]. /// </summary> public override void OnImportsSatisfied() { base.OnImportsSatisfied(); CurrentMappingBasis = ConfigurationService.HospitalRegion; ReferenceExists = !IsInitialMapping; AddStateToContextCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnAddState, CanAddState); RemoveStateFromContextCommand = new DelegateCommand <SelectListItem>(OnRemoveStateCommand, CanRemoveState); ApplyContextCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnApplyContextCommand, CanApplyContextCommand); NavigateBackCommand = new DelegateCommand(OnNavigateBackCommand); SelectedStates = CollectionHelper.EmptyListCollectionView <SelectListItem>(); var crit = PredicateBuilder.True <State>(); ListExtensions.ForEach(CurrentMappingBasis.DefaultStates.OfType <string>().ToList(), ab => crit = crit.And(st => st.Abbreviation != ab)); var availStates = new List <SelectListItem>(); availStates.Add(SELECT_STATE); var allStates = HospitalRegistryService.GetStates(null).ToList(); availStates.AddRange(allStates.AsQueryable() .Where(crit) .Select(state => new SelectListItem { Model = state, Text = state.Abbreviation, Value = state.Abbreviation }) //.Concat(new[] { SELECT_STATE }) .OrderBy(item => item.Text).ToList()); AvailableStates = availStates.ToListCollectionView(); crit = PredicateBuilder.False <State>(); ListExtensions.ForEach(CurrentMappingBasis.DefaultStates .OfType <string>(), ab => crit = crit.Or(st => st.Abbreviation == ab)); var selectedStates = allStates.AsQueryable().Where(crit).Select(st => new SelectListItem { Text = st.Abbreviation, Value = st.Abbreviation, Model = st }).ToList(); // Setting the Selected Reporting States for Global use. //if (!MonahrqContext.ReportingStatesContext.Any(s => selectedStates.Any(s1 => s.In(s1)) )) // MonahrqContext.ReportingStatesContext.AddRange(selectedStates); MonahrqContext.ReportingStatesContext.AddRange(selectedStates.Select(s => s.Text).ToList()); SelectedStates = selectedStates.ToListCollectionView(); SelectedStates.CommitNew(); AvailableStates.CommitEdit(); AvailableStates.MoveCurrentToFirst(); SelectedState = SELECT_STATE; // Regions for combo box, Object type return "SELECT" on display, and NULL on return using RegionTypes = (new[] { typeof(object), typeof(CustomRegion), typeof(HealthReferralRegion), typeof(HospitalServiceArea) }).ToListCollectionView(); SelectedRegionType = CurrentMappingBasis.SelectedRegionType; }
public Task DownloadMetadataAsync( List <Game> games, MetadataDownloaderSettings settings, Action <Game, int, int> processCallback, CancellationTokenSource cancelToken) { return(Task.Run(() => { if (games == null || games.Count == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < games.Count; i++) { Game game = null; try { if (cancelToken?.IsCancellationRequested == true) { return; } GameMetadata storeData = null; GameMetadata igdbData = null; GameMetadata gameData = null; // We need to get new instance from DB in case game got edited or deleted. // We don't want to block game editing while metadata is downloading for other games. game = database.Games[games[i].Id]; if (game == null) { logger.Warn($"Game {game.GameId} no longer in DB, skipping metadata download."); processCallback?.Invoke(null, i, games.Count); continue; } logger.Debug($"Downloading metadata for {game.Name}, {game.GameId}, {game.PluginId}"); // Name if (!game.IsCustomGame && settings.Name.Import) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Name, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Name); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Name)) { game.Name = StringExtensions.RemoveTrademarks(gameData.GameData.Name); var sortingName = StringExtensions.ConvertToSortableName(game.Name); if (sortingName != game.Name) { game.SortingName = sortingName; } } } // Genre if (settings.Genre.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Genres))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Genre, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Genres); game.Genres = ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Genres) ? game.Genres : gameData.GameData.Genres; } } // Release Date if (settings.ReleaseDate.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && game.ReleaseDate == null)) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.ReleaseDate, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.ReleaseDate); game.ReleaseDate = gameData?.GameData?.ReleaseDate ?? game.ReleaseDate; } } // Developer if (settings.Developer.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Developers))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Developer, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Developers); game.Developers = ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Developers) ? game.Developers : gameData.GameData.Developers; } } // Publisher if (settings.Publisher.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Publishers))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Publisher, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Publishers); game.Publishers = ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Publishers) ? game.Publishers : gameData.GameData.Publishers; } } // Tags / Features if (settings.Tag.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Tags))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Tag, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Tags); game.Tags = ListExtensions.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Tags) ? game.Tags : gameData.GameData.Tags; } } // Description if (settings.Description.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Description))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Description, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Description); game.Description = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.GameData?.Description) == true ? game.Description : gameData.GameData.Description; } } // Links if (settings.Links.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && game.Links == null)) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Links, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.Links); game.Links = gameData?.GameData?.Links ?? game.Links; } } // Critic Score if (settings.CriticScore.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && game.CriticScore == null)) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.CriticScore, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.CriticScore); game.CriticScore = gameData?.GameData?.CriticScore == null ? game.CriticScore : gameData.GameData.CriticScore; } } // Community Score if (settings.CommunityScore.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && game.CommunityScore == null)) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.CommunityScore, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.GameData?.CommunityScore); game.CommunityScore = gameData?.GameData?.CommunityScore == null ? game.CommunityScore : gameData.GameData.CommunityScore; } } // BackgroundImage if (settings.BackgroundImage.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.BackgroundImage))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.BackgroundImage, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.BackgroundImage); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameData?.BackgroundImage)) { RemoveGameMedia(game.BackgroundImage); game.BackgroundImage = gameData.BackgroundImage; } } } // Cover if (settings.CoverImage.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.CoverImage))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.CoverImage, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.Image); if (gameData?.Image != null) { RemoveGameMedia(game.CoverImage); game.CoverImage = database.AddFile(gameData.Image, game.Id); } } } // Icon if (settings.Icon.Import) { if (!settings.SkipExistingValues || (settings.SkipExistingValues && string.IsNullOrEmpty(game.Icon))) { gameData = ProcessField(game, settings.Icon, ref storeData, ref igdbData, (a) => a.Icon); if (gameData?.Icon != null) { RemoveGameMedia(game.Icon); game.Icon = database.AddFile(gameData.Icon, game.Id); } } } // TODO make this configurable and re-downalodable manually // Only update them if they don't exist yet if (game.OtherActions?.Any() != true && storeData != null) { if (storeData?.GameData?.OtherActions?.Any() == true) { game.OtherActions = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection <GameAction>(); foreach (var task in storeData.GameData.OtherActions) { game.OtherActions.Add(task); } } } // Just to be sure check if somebody didn't remove game while downloading data if (database.Games.FirstOrDefault(a => a.GameId == games[i].GameId) != null) { database.Games.Update(game); } else { logger.Warn($"Game {game.GameId} no longer in DB, skipping metadata update in DB."); } } catch (Exception e) when(!PlayniteEnvironment.ThrowAllErrors) { logger.Error(e, $"Failed to download metadata for game {game?.Name}, {game?.GameId}"); } finally { if (game != null) { processCallback?.Invoke(game, i, games.Count); } } } })); }
public static Result Circle(Spell spell, Obj_AI_Hero target, HitChance hitChance, bool boundingRadius = true, bool extended = true) { try { if (spell == null || target == null) { return(new Result(Vector3.Zero, new List <Obj_AI_Hero>())); } var hits = new List <Obj_AI_Hero>(); var center = Vector3.Zero; var radius = float.MaxValue; var range = spell.Range + (extended ? spell.Width * 0.85f : 0) + (boundingRadius ? target.BoundingRadius * BoundingRadiusMultiplicator : 0); var positions = (from t in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes where t.IsValidTarget(range * 1.5f, true, spell.RangeCheckFrom) let prediction = spell.GetPrediction(t) where prediction.Hitchance >= hitChance select new Position(t, prediction.UnitPosition)).ToList(); var spellWidth = spell.Width; if (positions.Any()) { var mainTarget = positions.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Hero.NetworkId == target.NetworkId); var possibilities = ListExtensions.ProduceEnumeration( positions.Where( p => p.UnitPosition.Distance(mainTarget.UnitPosition) <= spell.Width * 0.85f).ToList()) .Where(p => p.Count > 0 && p.Any(t => t.Hero.NetworkId == mainTarget.Hero.NetworkId)) .ToList(); foreach (var possibility in possibilities) { var mec = MEC.GetMec(possibility.Select(p => p.UnitPosition.To2D()).ToList()); var distance = spell.From.Distance(mec.Center.To3D()); if (mec.Radius < spellWidth && distance < range) { var lHits = new List <Obj_AI_Hero>(); var circle = new Geometry.Polygon.Circle( spell.From.Extend( mec.Center.To3D(), spell.Range > distance ? distance : spell.Range), spell.Width); if (boundingRadius) { lHits.AddRange( from position in positions where new Geometry.Polygon.Circle( position.UnitPosition, position.Hero.BoundingRadius * BoundingRadiusMultiplicator).Points.Any( p => circle.IsInside(p)) select position.Hero); } else { lHits.AddRange( from position in positions where circle.IsInside(position.UnitPosition) select position.Hero); } if ((lHits.Count > hits.Count || lHits.Count == hits.Count && mec.Radius < radius || lHits.Count == hits.Count && spell.From.Distance(circle.Center.To3D()) < spell.From.Distance(center)) && lHits.Any(p => p.NetworkId == target.NetworkId)) { center = circle.Center.To3D2(); radius = mec.Radius; hits.Clear(); hits.AddRange(lHits); } } } if (!center.Equals(Vector3.Zero)) { return(new Result(center, hits)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Global.Logger.AddItem(new LogItem(ex)); } return(new Result(Vector3.Zero, new List <Obj_AI_Hero>())); }
public override string ToString() { return(string.Format("Order(Id={0},SourceId={1},Status={2},Amount={3},DiscountAmount={4},Items={5})", this.Id, this.SourceId, this.Status, this.Amount, this.DiscountAmount, ListExtensions.ToString <OrderItem>(this.Items))); }