// GET: mains/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(string id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } BBSPATIENT Patient = bbs.PATIENTS.Find(id); if (Patient == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } //Test requests var testrequests = ( from rq in bbs.REQUESTS join test in bbs.TESTS on rq.ACCESSNUMBER equals test.ACCESSNUMBER where rq.PATNUMBER == id orderby rq.REQDATE descending select new { RequestDate = rq.REQDATE, AccessNumber = rq.ACCESSNUMBER, TestCode = test.TESTCODE, TestResult = test.RESULT } ).ToList(); //Create array for populating results table int ireq = testrequests.Select(x => x.AccessNumber).Distinct().Count(); ViewBag.TestCount = ireq; string abo = "", rh = "", reqvaliddate = "none"; int aboerr = 0, rherr = 0, abserr = 0, abonum = 0, absnum = 0, reqvalid = 0; if (ireq > 0) { int j = 0; string[,] res = new string[ireq, 8]; string accnum = testrequests.First().AccessNumber; for (int i = 0; i < testrequests.Count(); i++) { if (accnum != testrequests[i].AccessNumber) { j = j + 1; accnum = testrequests[i].AccessNumber; } res[j, 0] = testrequests[i].AccessNumber; res[j, 1] = testrequests[i].RequestDate.Value.ToString("HH:mm dd MMM yyyy"); switch (testrequests[i].TestCode) { case "RJ": res[j, 2] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; case "GROUP": case "ABO": res[j, 3] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Check for any abo discrepancies if (abo == "" && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { abo = testrequests[i].TestResult; abonum = abonum + 1; } else { abonum = abonum + 1; } if (testrequests[i].TestResult != abo && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { aboerr = 1; } //Check if any sample with ABO determination within last 3 days if (testrequests[i].RequestDate != null && (DateTime.Today - testrequests[i].RequestDate).Value.Days < 7) { reqvalid = reqvalid + 1; reqvaliddate = testrequests[i].RequestDate.ToString(); } break; case "RH": res[j, 4] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Check for any rh discrepancies if (rh == "" && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { rh = testrequests[i].TestResult; } if (testrequests[i].TestResult != rh && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { rherr = 1; } break; case "DAT": res[j, 5] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; case "ABS": res[j, 6] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Count number of abs with neg results if (testrequests[i].TestResult != null && testrequests[i].TestResult.Contains("ABNEG")) { absnum = absnum + 1; } //Check for any abs positives if (testrequests[i].TestResult != null && testrequests[i].TestResult.Contains("ABPOS")) { abserr = abserr + 1; } break; case "ABID": res[j, 7] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; } } ViewData["TestResults"] = res; ViewBag.AboErr = aboerr; ViewBag.RhErr = rherr; ViewBag.AbsErr = abserr; ViewBag.Abonum = abonum; ViewBag.Absnum = absnum; ViewBag.ReqValid = reqvalid; ViewBag.ReqValidDate = reqvaliddate; } //Product requests var prodrequests = ( from p in bbs.PATIENTS join r in bbs.REQUESTS on p.PATNUMBER equals r.PATNUMBER into List1 from r in List1.DefaultIfEmpty() join rp in bbs.REQUEST_PRODUCT on r.ACCESSNUMBER equals rp.ACCESSNUMBER into List2 from rp in List2.DefaultIfEmpty() join pr in bbs.PRODUCTS on rp.PRODUCTID equals pr.PRODUCTID into List3 from pr in List3.DefaultIfEmpty() where p.PATNUMBER == id orderby r.REQDATE descending select new { Patnumber = p.PATNUMBER, PatName = p.NAME, BirthDate = p.BIRTHDATE, Sex = p.SEX, Patgroup = p.PATGROUP, Abo = p.ABO, Rh = p.RHFACTOR, Rhpheno = p.RHPHENO, Ab = p.ANTIBODIES, Accessno = r.ACCESSNUMBER, Reqdate = r.REQDATE, Prodcode = pr.PRODCODE, Prodnum = pr.PRODNUM, Mstatus = rp.MSTATUS, Pstatus = rp.PSTATUS, Reservdate = rp.RESERVDATE, Xmatchdate = rp.XMATCHDATE, Issuedate = rp.ISSUEDATE, Returndate = rp.RETURNDATE, Transreaction = rp.TRANSREACTION }).ToList() .Select(x => new PatientDetailViewModel() { PATNUMBER = x.Patnumber, NAME = x.PatName, BIRTHDATE = x.BirthDate, SEX = x.Sex, PATGROUP = x.Patgroup, ABO = x.Abo, RHFACTOR = x.Rh, RHPHENO = x.Rhpheno, ANTIBODIES = x.Ab, ACCESSNUMBER = x.Accessno, REQDATE = x.Reqdate, PRODCODE = x.Prodcode, PRODNUM = x.Prodnum, MSTATUS = x.Mstatus, PSTATUS = x.Pstatus, RESERVDATE = x.Reservdate, XMATCHDATE = x.Xmatchdate, ISSUEDATE = x.Issuedate, RETURNDATE = x.Returndate, TRANSREACTION = x.Transreaction }); if (prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null) > 0) { ViewBag.Rccount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC"); ViewBag.Xm = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.MSTATUS == 2); ViewBag.Reserved = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 2); ViewBag.Issued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.Transfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.Returned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 6); ViewBag.Reaction = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 9); ViewBag.InReserve = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 2 && (DateTime.Today - x.XMATCHDATE).Value.Days < 3); ViewBag.Plcount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL"); ViewBag.PlIssued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.PlTransfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.PlReturned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 6); ViewBag.Fpcount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR")); ViewBag.FpIssued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.FpTransfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.FpReturned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 6); } else { ViewBag.Rccount = 0; ViewBag.Plcount = 0; ViewBag.Fpcount = 0; } ViewBag.Tcount = prodrequests.Count(); //LMD results for chart var result = ( from tst in lmd.TESTS join rq in lmd.REQUESTS on tst.REQUESTID equals rq.REQUESTID join pt in lmd.PATIENTS on rq.PATID equals pt.PATID where pt.PATNUMBER == id && (tst.CHAPID == 36 | tst.CHAPID == 40) && tst.RESVALUE != null && rq.COLLECTIONDATE != null orderby rq.COLLECTIONDATE ascending select new { Interval = DbFunctions.DiffDays(DateTime.Now, rq.COLLECTIONDATE), Resvalue = tst.RESVALUE, TestId = tst.TESTID } ).ToList(); //Hgb var hgb = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 2719).ToList(); int iHgb = hgb.Count; ViewBag.iHgb = iHgb; string cHgb = ""; if (iHgb > 0) { double[] y = new double[iHgb]; string[] x = new string[iHgb]; for (int i = 0; i < iHgb; i++) { if (double.TryParse(hgb[i].Resvalue, out double temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = hgb[i].Interval.ToString(); } } ViewBag.xHb = x; ViewBag.yHb = y; int UHgb = x.GetUpperBound(0); ViewBag.UHgb = UHgb; switch (x[UHgb]) { case "0": cHgb = "The patient's last Hb result was " + y[UHgb] + "g/L checked today."; break; case "-1": case "-2": case "-3": cHgb = "The patient's last Hb result was " + y[UHgb] + " g/L checked " + x[UHgb] + " days ago."; break; default: cHgb = "The patient's last Hb result was " + y[UHgb] + " g/L checked " + x[UHgb] + " days ago. " + "Please ensure a recent Hb level has been determined " + "before proceeding to order red cells."; break; } } else { cHgb = "No Hb results are available for this patient. Please ensure that the Hb level has been determined " + "before proceeding to order red cells."; double[] y = { 0 }; ViewBag.yHb = y; ViewBag.UHgb = 0; } ViewBag.cHgb = cHgb; //Mcv var mcv = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 1848).ToList(); int iMcv = mcv.Count; ViewBag.iMcv = iMcv; string cMcv = ""; if (iMcv > 0) { int[] y = new int[iMcv]; string[] x = new string[iMcv]; for (int i = 0; i < iMcv; i++) { if (int.TryParse(mcv[i].Resvalue, out int temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = mcv[i].Interval.ToString(); if (y[i] < 76) { cMcv = "The patient's MCV is " + y[i] + " fL which is low. " + "Investigations to exclude iron deficiency or thalassaemia would be advised, if not already done. " + "Iron therapy would be warranted before an elective red cell transfusion, if there is evidence to indicate iron deficiency."; } else { cMcv = ""; } } } ViewBag.xMcv = x; ViewBag.yMcv = y; } ViewBag.cMcv = cMcv; //Platelet var plt = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 1999).ToList(); int iPlt = plt.Count; string cPlt = ""; ViewBag.iPlt = iPlt; if (iPlt > 0) { double[] y = new double[iPlt]; string[] x = new string[iPlt]; for (int i = 0; i < iPlt; i++) { if (double.TryParse(plt[i].Resvalue, out double temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = plt[i].Interval.ToString(); } } ViewBag.xPlt = x; ViewBag.yPlt = y; int UPlt = x.GetUpperBound(0); ViewBag.UPlt = UPlt; switch (x[UPlt]) { case "0": cPlt = "The patient's last platelet count was " + y[UPlt] + " x 10^9/L checked today."; break; case "-1": cPlt = "The patient's last platelet count was " + y[UPlt] + " x 10^9/L checked yesterday."; break; default: cPlt = "The patient's last platelet count was " + y[UPlt] + " x 10^9/L checked " + x[UPlt] + " days ago. " + "Please ensure a recent platelet count has been determined " + "before proceeding to order platelets."; break; } } else { cPlt = "No platelet counts are available for this patient. Please ensure that the platelet count has been determined " + "before proceeding to order platelets."; double[] y = { 0 }; ViewBag.yPlt = y; ViewBag.UPlt = 0; } ViewBag.cPlt = cPlt; //INR var inr = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 2761).ToList(); int iInr = inr.Count; string cInr = ""; ViewBag.iInr = iInr; if (iInr > 0) { double[] y = new double[iInr]; string[] x = new string[iInr]; for (int i = 0; i < iInr; i++) { if (double.TryParse(inr[i].Resvalue, out double temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = inr[i].Interval.ToString(); } } ViewBag.xInr = x; ViewBag.yInr = y; int UInr = x.GetUpperBound(0); ViewBag.UInr = UInr; switch (x[UInr]) { case "0": cInr = "The patient's last INR was " + y[UInr] + " checked today."; break; case "-1": cInr = "The patient's last INR was " + y[UInr] + " checked yesterday."; break; default: cInr = "The patient's last INR was " + y[UInr] + " checked " + x[UInr] + " days ago. " + "Please ensure a recent INR has been determined " + "before proceeding to order ffp or plasma derivatives."; break; } } else { cInr = "No INR results available for this patient. Please ensure that the INR has been determined " + "before proceeding to order FFP or plasma derivatives."; double[] y = { 0 }; ViewBag.yInr = y; ViewBag.UInr = 0; } ViewBag.cInr = cInr; //APTT var apt = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 2704).ToList(); int iApt = apt.Count; ViewBag.iApt = iApt; if (iApt > 0) { double[] y = new double[iApt]; string[] x = new string[iApt]; for (int i = 0; i < iApt; i++) { if (double.TryParse(apt[i].Resvalue, out double temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = apt[i].Interval.ToString(); } } ViewBag.xApt = x; ViewBag.yApt = y; int UApt = x.GetUpperBound(0); ViewBag.UApt = UApt; } else { double[] y = { 0 }; ViewBag.yApt = y; ViewBag.UApt = 0; } //Fibrinogen var fbg = result.Where(i => i.TestId == 1451).ToList(); int iFbg = fbg.Count; ViewBag.iFbg = iFbg; if (iFbg > 0) { double[] y = new double[iFbg]; string[] x = new string[iFbg]; for (int i = 0; i < iFbg; i++) { if (double.TryParse(fbg[i].Resvalue, out double temp)) { y[i] = temp; x[i] = fbg[i].Interval.ToString(); } } ViewBag.xFbg = x; ViewBag.yFbg = y; int UFbg = x.GetUpperBound(0); ViewBag.UFbg = UFbg; ViewBag.FbgInterval = x[UFbg]; } else { double[] y = { 0 }; ViewBag.yFbg = y; ViewBag.UFbg = 0; } //Create table for choosing blood products ProductInfoModel productInfoModel = new ProductInfoModel(); ViewBag.ProductInfo = productInfoModel.ProductInfoAll(); //Create dropdown for indications ProductInfoModel IndicationModel = new ProductInfoModel(); ViewBag.Indications = IndicationModel.IndicationAll(); //return View("Details",Patient); return(View("Details", prodrequests)); }
// GET: mains/Details/5 public ActionResult Details(string id) { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } PATIENT Patient = db.PATIENTS.Find(id); if (Patient == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } //Test requests var testrequests = ( from rq in db.REQUESTS join test in db.TESTS on rq.ACCESSNUMBER equals test.ACCESSNUMBER where rq.PATNUMBER == id orderby rq.REQDATE descending select new { RequestDate = rq.REQDATE, AccessNumber = rq.ACCESSNUMBER, TestCode = test.TESTCODE, TestResult = test.RESULT } ).ToList(); //Create array for populating results table int ireq = testrequests.Select(x => x.AccessNumber).Distinct().Count(); ViewBag.TestCount = ireq; string abo = "", rh = "", reqvaliddate = "none"; int aboerr = 0, rherr = 0, abserr = 0, abonum = 0, reqvalid = 0; if (ireq > 0) { int j = 0; string[,] res = new string[ireq, 8]; string accnum = testrequests.First().AccessNumber; for (int i = 0; i < testrequests.Count(); i++) { if (accnum != testrequests[i].AccessNumber) { j = j + 1; accnum = testrequests[i].AccessNumber; } res[j, 0] = testrequests[i].AccessNumber; res[j, 1] = testrequests[i].RequestDate.Value.ToString("HH:mm dd MMM yyyy"); switch (testrequests[i].TestCode) { case "RJ": res[j, 2] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; case "GROUP": case "ABO": res[j, 3] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Check for any abo discrepancies if (abo == "" && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { abo = testrequests[i].TestResult; abonum = abonum + 1; } else { abonum = abonum + 1; } if (testrequests[i].TestResult != abo && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { aboerr = 1; } //Check if any sample with ABO determination within last 3 days if (testrequests[i].RequestDate != null && (DateTime.Today - testrequests[i].RequestDate).Value.Days < 180) { reqvalid = reqvalid + 1; reqvaliddate = testrequests[i].RequestDate.ToString(); } break; case "RH": res[j, 4] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Check for any rh discrepancies if (rh == "" && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { rh = testrequests[i].TestResult; } if (testrequests[i].TestResult != rh && testrequests[i].TestResult != null) { rherr = 1; } break; case "DAT": res[j, 5] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; case "ABS": res[j, 6] = testrequests[i].TestResult; //Check for any abs positives if (testrequests[i].TestResult != null && testrequests[i].TestResult.Contains("POS")) { abserr = abserr + 1; } break; case "ABID": res[j, 7] = testrequests[i].TestResult; break; } } ViewData["TestResults"] = res; ViewBag.AboErr = aboerr; ViewBag.RhErr = rherr; ViewBag.AbsErr = abserr; ViewBag.Abonum = abonum; ViewBag.ReqValid = reqvalid; ViewBag.ReqValidDate = reqvaliddate; } //Product requests var prodrequests = ( from p in db.PATIENTS join r in db.REQUESTS on p.PATNUMBER equals r.PATNUMBER into List1 from r in List1.DefaultIfEmpty() join rp in db.REQUEST_PRODUCT on r.ACCESSNUMBER equals rp.ACCESSNUMBER into List2 from rp in List2.DefaultIfEmpty() join pr in db.PRODUCTS on rp.PRODUCTID equals pr.PRODUCTID into List3 from pr in List3.DefaultIfEmpty() where p.PATNUMBER == id orderby r.REQDATE descending select new { Patnumber = p.PATNUMBER, PatName = p.NAME, BirthDate = p.BIRTHDATE, Sex = p.SEX, Patgroup = p.PATGROUP, Abo = p.ABO, Rh = p.RHFACTOR, Rhpheno = p.RHPHENO, Ab = p.ANTIBODIES, Accessno = r.ACCESSNUMBER, Reqdate = r.REQDATE, Prodcode = pr.PRODCODE, Prodnum = pr.PRODNUM, Mstatus = rp.MSTATUS, Pstatus = rp.PSTATUS, Reservdate = rp.RESERVDATE, Xmatchdate = rp.XMATCHDATE, Issuedate = rp.ISSUEDATE, Returndate = rp.RETURNDATE, Transreaction = rp.TRANSREACTION }).ToList() .Select(x => new PatientProductViewModel() { PATNUMBER = x.Patnumber, NAME = x.PatName, BIRTHDATE = x.BirthDate, SEX = x.Sex, PATGROUP = x.Patgroup, ABO = x.Abo, RHFACTOR = x.Rh, RHPHENO = x.Rhpheno, ANTIBODIES = x.Ab, ACCESSNUMBER = x.Accessno, REQDATE = x.Reqdate, PRODCODE = x.Prodcode, PRODNUM = x.Prodnum, MSTATUS = x.Mstatus, PSTATUS = x.Pstatus, RESERVDATE = x.Reservdate, XMATCHDATE = x.Xmatchdate, ISSUEDATE = x.Issuedate, RETURNDATE = x.Returndate, TRANSREACTION = x.Transreaction }); if (prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null) > 0) { ViewBag.Rccount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC"); ViewBag.Xm = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.MSTATUS == 2); ViewBag.Reserved = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 2); ViewBag.Issued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.Transfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.Returned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 6); ViewBag.Reaction = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 9); ViewBag.InReserve = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "RC" && x.PSTATUS == 2 && (DateTime.Today - x.XMATCHDATE).Value.Days < 3); ViewBag.Plcount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL"); ViewBag.PlIssued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.PlTransfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.PlReturned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "PL" && x.PSTATUS == 6); ViewBag.Fpcount = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR")); ViewBag.FpIssued = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 3); ViewBag.FpTransfused = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 4); ViewBag.FpReturned = prodrequests.Count(x => x.PRODNUM != null && (x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "FF" || x.PRODCODE.Substring(0, 2) == "CR") && x.PSTATUS == 6); } else { ViewBag.Rccount = 0; ViewBag.Plcount = 0; ViewBag.Fpcount = 0; } ViewBag.Tcount = prodrequests.Count(); //Create table for choosing blood products BloodProductModel bloodProductModel = new BloodProductModel(); ViewBag.bloodProducts = bloodProductModel.findAll(); //return View("Details",Patient); return(View("Details", prodrequests)); }