/// <summary> /// Search hospitals in database using Advanced option /// </summary> /// <param name="cityId">City ID</param> /// <param name="districtId">District ID</param> /// <param name="specialityId">Speciality ID</param> /// <param name="diseaseName">Disease name</param> /// <returns>List[HospitalEntity] that contains a list of Hospitals</returns> public async Task <List <HospitalEntity> > AdvancedSearchHospital(int cityId, int districtId, int specialityId, string diseaseName) { List <HospitalEntity> hospitalList = null; // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { hospitalList = await Task.Run(() => (from h in data.SP_ADVANCED_SEARCH_HOSPITAL(cityId, districtId, specialityId, diseaseName) select new HospitalEntity() { Hospital_ID = h.Hospital_ID, Hospital_Name = h.Hospital_Name, Address = h.Address, Ward_ID = h.Ward_ID, District_ID = h.District_ID, City_ID = h.City_ID, Phone_Number = h.Phone_Number, Coordinate = h.Coordinate, Is_Active = h.Is_Active, Rating = h.Rating }).ToList()); } // Return list of hospitals return(hospitalList); }
/// <summary> /// Search hospitals in database using normal option /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <HospitalEntity> > NormalSearchHospital() { List <HospitalEntity> hospitalList = null; // Take input values int cityId = this.CityID; int districtId = this.DistrictID; string whatPhrase = this.WhatPhrase; // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { hospitalList = await Task.Run(() => (from h in data.SP_NORMAL_SEARCH_HOSPITAL(whatPhrase.Trim().ToLower(), cityId, districtId) select new HospitalEntity() { Hospital_ID = h.Hospital_ID, Hospital_Name = h.Hospital_Name, Address = h.Address, Ward_ID = h.Ward_ID, District_ID = h.District_ID, City_ID = h.City_ID, Phone_Number = h.Phone_Number, Coordinate = h.Coordinate, Is_Active = h.Is_Active, Rating = h.Rating }).ToList()); } // Return list of hospitals return(hospitalList); }
/// <summary> /// Search hospitals in database using Location option /// </summary> /// <param name="latitude">Latitide</param> /// <param name="longitude">Longitude</param> /// <param name="distance">Distance between 2 locations</param> /// <returns>List[HospitalEntity] that contains a list of Hospitals</returns> public static async Task <List <HospitalEntity> > LocationSearchHospital(double latitude, double longitude, double distance) { List <HospitalEntity> hospitalList = null; // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { hospitalList = await Task.Run(() => (from h in data.SP_LOCATION_SEARCH_HOSPITAL(latitude, longitude, distance) select new HospitalEntity() { Hospital_ID = h.Hospital_ID, Hospital_Name = h.Hospital_Name, Address = h.Address, Ward_ID = h.Ward_ID, District_ID = h.District_ID, City_ID = h.City_ID, Phone_Number = h.Phone_Number, Coordinate = h.Coordinate, Is_Active = h.Is_Active, Rating = h.Rating }).ToList()); } // Return list of hospitals return(hospitalList); }
/// <summary> /// Load all speciality by hospital code /// </summary> /// <returns>List[SpecialityEntity] that contains a list of speciality</returns> public static async Task <List <Speciality> > LoadSpecialityByHospitalIDAsync(int HospitalID) { List <SP_LOAD_SPECIALITY_BY_HOSPITALIDResult> result = null; // Take specalities in a specific hospital in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await Task.Run(() => data.SP_LOAD_SPECIALITY_BY_HOSPITALID(HospitalID).ToList()); } List <Speciality> specialityList = new List <Speciality>(); Speciality speciality = null; // Assign values for each speciality foreach (SP_LOAD_SPECIALITY_BY_HOSPITALIDResult re in result) { if (re.Speciality_ID != 1) { speciality = new Speciality(); speciality.Speciality_ID = re.Speciality_ID; speciality.Speciality_Name = re.Speciality_Name; specialityList.Add(speciality); } } // Return list of speciality return(specialityList); }
public static List <FeedbackEntity> LoadHospitalUserFeedback(DateTime fromDate, DateTime toDate, int feedbackType, int responseType, int hospialId) { List <FeedbackEntity> feedbackList = null; using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { feedbackList = (from f in data.Feedbacks from ft in data.FeedbackTypes where f.Feedback_Type == ft.Type_ID && ft.Is_Active == true && fromDate <= f.Created_Date && f.Created_Date <= toDate && (f.Feedback_Type == 4 || f.Feedback_Type == 5) && // Only Type_ID == 4 and Type_ID == 5 (feedbackType == 0 || f.Feedback_Type == feedbackType) && (responseType == 0 || f.Is_Response == (responseType == 1 ? true : false)) && f.Hospital_ID == hospialId select new FeedbackEntity() { Feedback_ID = f.Feedback_ID, Header = f.Header, Feedback_Content = f.Feedback_Content, Email = f.Email, Feedback_Type = ft.Type_Name, Created_Date = f.Created_Date, Is_Response = f.Is_Response }).ToList <FeedbackEntity>(); } return(feedbackList); }
/// <summary> /// Delete file from server /// </summary> /// <param name="id">File ID</param> /// <param name="fileName">File name</param> /// <param name="type">File type. 1: Photo, 2: Excel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public static async Task <int> DeleteFileFromServer( int id, string fileName, int type) { int result = 0; // Check file type if (type == 1) { using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { Photo deleteFile = await Task.Run(() => (from p in data.Photos where p.Photo_ID == id select p).SingleOrDefault()); data.Photos.DeleteOnSubmit(deleteFile); result = data.GetChangeSet().Deletes.Count; data.SubmitChanges(); if (result != 0) { string fileLocation = WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings[Constants.PhotoFolder]; string filePath = Path.Combine(fileLocation, fileName); File.Delete(filePath); } } } // Return delete result return(result); }
public async Task <ActionResult> UpdateDisease(DataModel model) { try { // Prepare data int result = 0; model.IsPostBack = false; model.IsActive = true; // Return list of dictionary words using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await model.UpdateDiseaseAsync(model.DiseaseID, model.DiseaseName, model.SelectedSpecialities); } // Return result TempData[Constants.ProcessUpdateData] = result; return(RedirectToAction(Constants.DisplayDiseaseAction, Constants.DataController, model)); } catch (Exception exception) { LoggingUtil.LogException(exception); return(RedirectToAction(Constants.SystemFailureHomeAction, Constants.ErrorController)); } }
/// <summary> /// Load all doctor in Doctor_Speciality /// </summary> /// <param name="SpecialityID"></param> /// <returns>List[DoctorEnity] that contains list of doctor with appropriate Speciality code</returns> public static async Task <List <Doctor> > LoadDoctorInDoctorSpecialityAsyn(int SpecialityID, int HospitalID) { List <Doctor> doctorList = new List <Doctor>(); Doctor doctor = null; List <SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_BY_SPECIALITYIDResult> result = null; // Take doctor in specific speciality in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await Task.Run(() => data.SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_BY_SPECIALITYID(SpecialityID, HospitalID).ToList()); } // Assign value for each doctor foreach (SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_BY_SPECIALITYIDResult r in result) { doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Doctor_ID = r.Doctor_ID; doctor.First_Name = r.First_Name; doctor.Last_Name = r.Last_Name; doctor.Degree = r.Degree; doctor.Experience = r.Experience; doctor.Working_Day = r.Working_Day; doctor.Photo_ID = r.Photo_ID; doctorList.Add(doctor); } Appointment app = new Appointment(); return(doctorList); }
public static async Task <List <Doctor> > LoadDoctorInDoctorHospitalAsync(int hospitalID) { List <SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_IN_DOCTOR_HOSPITALResult> result = null; List <Doctor> doctorList = new List <Doctor>(); Doctor doctor = null; using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await Task.Run(() => data.SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_IN_DOCTOR_HOSPITAL(hospitalID).ToList()); } foreach (SP_LOAD_DOCTOR_IN_DOCTOR_HOSPITALResult re in result) { doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Doctor_ID = re.Doctor_ID; doctor.First_Name = re.First_Name; doctor.Last_Name = re.Last_Name; doctor.Degree = re.Degree; doctor.Experience = re.Experience; doctor.Photo_ID = re.Photo_ID; doctor.Working_Day = re.Working_Day; doctorList.Add(doctor); } return(doctorList); }
public async Task <ActionResult> AddSpeciality(DataModel model) { try { // Prepare data int result = 0; model.IsPostBack = true; model.IsActive = true; // Return list of dictionary words using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await model.AddSpeciality(model); } // Return result TempData[Constants.ProcessInsertData] = result; return(RedirectToAction(Constants.DisplaySpecialityAction, Constants.DataController, model)); } catch (Exception exception) { LoggingUtil.LogException(exception); return(RedirectToAction(Constants.SystemFailureHomeAction, Constants.ErrorController)); } }
public void GetReservas(String rut) { this.rut = rut; ListaReservas = new List<Reserva>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var reservas = from reserva in db.RESERVA where reserva.RUT_CLI == rut select new { reserva.FECHA, reserva.HORARIO, reserva.NUMERO_COMENSALES, reserva.OBSERVACIONES, reserva.CODIGO_MESA }; foreach (var r in reservas) { Reserva rl = new Reserva(); rl.fecha = r.FECHA; rl.horario = r.HORARIO; rl.comensales = r.NUMERO_COMENSALES; rl.observaciones = r.OBSERVACIONES; rl.mesa = Convert.ToInt32(r.CODIGO_MESA); ListaReservas.Add(rl); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> FeedBack(FeedBackModels model) { try { string url = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri; int result = 0; // Return list of dictionary words using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await FeedBackModels.InsertFeedbackAsync(model); } // Check returned result if (result == 1) { ViewBag.AddFeedbackStatus = 1; return(RedirectToAction(Constants.HospitalAction, Constants.HomeController, new { hospitalId = model.HospitalID, redirect = "yes" })); } else { ViewBag.AddFeedbackStatus = 0; ModelState.Clear(); return(View()); } } catch (Exception exception) { LoggingUtil.LogException(exception); return(RedirectToAction(Constants.SystemFailureHomeAction, Constants.ErrorController)); } }
/// <summary> /// Add new disease /// </summary> /// <param name="diseaseName">Disease name</param> /// <param name="specialityList">List of speciality ID</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> AddDiseaseAsync(string diseaseName, List <string> specialityList) { // Speciality list string speciality = string.Empty; if ((specialityList != null) && (specialityList.Count != 0)) { for (int n = 0; n < specialityList.Count; n++) { if (n == (specialityList.Count - 1)) { speciality += specialityList[n]; } else { speciality += specialityList[n] + Constants.VerticalBar.ToString(); } } } // Insert new service to database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_INSERT_DISEASE(diseaseName, speciality))); } }
/// <summary> /// Update disease /// </summary> /// <param name="diseaseId">Disease ID</param> /// <param name="diseaseName">Disease name</param> /// <param name="specialityList">List of speciality ID</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> UpdateDiseaseAsync(int diseaseId, string diseaseName, List <string> specialityList) { // Speciality list string speciality = string.Empty; if ((specialityList != null) && (specialityList.Count != 0)) { for (int n = 0; n < specialityList.Count; n++) { if (n == (specialityList.Count - 1)) { speciality += specialityList[n]; } else { speciality += specialityList[n] + Constants.VerticalBar.ToString(); } } } // Update service information using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_UPDATE_DISEASE(diseaseId, diseaseName, speciality))); } }
public static async Task <List <Doctor> > SearchDoctor(string DoctorName, int SpecialityID, int HospitalID) { List <Doctor> doctorList = new List <Doctor>(); Doctor doctor = null; List <SP_SEARCH_DOCTORResult> result = null; using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { result = await Task.Run(() => data.SP_SEARCH_DOCTOR(DoctorName, SpecialityID, HospitalID).ToList()); } foreach (SP_SEARCH_DOCTORResult r in result) { doctor = new Doctor(); doctor.Doctor_ID = r.Doctor_ID; doctor.First_Name = r.First_Name; doctor.Last_Name = r.Last_Name; doctor.Degree = r.Degree; doctor.Experience = r.Experience; doctor.Working_Day = r.Working_Day; doctor.Photo_ID = r.Photo_ID; doctorList.Add(doctor); } return(doctorList); }
public static bool RateHospital(int userId, int hospitalId, int score) { using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { int result = data.SP_RATE_HOSPITAL(userId, hospitalId, score); return(result > 0); } }
public virtual void Delete(LinqDBDataContext dc) { Type t = this.GetType(); object[] oo = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TableAttribute), true); if (oo == null || oo.Length < 1) { return; } TableAttribute ta = (TableAttribute)oo[0]; string q; List <object> Params = new List <object>(); PropertyInfo PiStatus = t.GetProperty("Status"); if (PiStatus != null && PiStatus.PropertyType.FullName == typeof(bool?).FullName) { q = "UPDATE " + ta.Name + " SET Status=0, Updated={0} WHERE "; Params.Add(DateTime.Now); } else { q = "DELETE " + ta.Name + " WHERE "; } PropertyInfo[] pis = t.GetProperties(); bool FirstWhere = true; foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pis) { oo = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ColumnAttribute), true); if (oo == null || oo.Length < 1) { continue; } ColumnAttribute ca = (ColumnAttribute)oo[0]; if (!ca.IsPrimaryKey) { continue; } object v; if (pi.Name == "InstanceId") { v = LinqMicajahDataContext.InstanceId; } else { v = pi.GetValue(this, null); } Params.Add(v); q += (FirstWhere ? "" : " AND ") + ca.Name + "={" + (Params.Count - 1) + "} "; FirstWhere = false; } dc.ExecuteCommand(q, Params.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Update service /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> UpdateService(DataModel model) { // Update service information using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_UPDATE_SERVICE(model.ServiceID, model.ServiceName, model.TypeID))); } }
/// <summary> /// Add new speciality /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> AddSpeciality(DataModel model) { // Insert new service to database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_INSERT_SPECIALITY(model.SpecialityName))); } }
/// <summary> /// Update speciality /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> UpdateSpeciality(DataModel model) { // Update service information using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_UPDATE_SPECIALITY(model.SpecialityID, model.SpecialityName))); } }
/// <summary> /// Add new facility /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> AddFacility(DataModel model) { // Insert new service to database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_INSERT_FACILITY(model.FacilityName, model.TypeID))); } }
/// <summary> /// Add new service /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> AddService(DataModel model) { // Insert new service to database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_INSERT_SERVICE(model.ServiceName, model.TypeID))); } }
/// <summary> /// Update facility /// </summary> /// <param name="model">DataModel</param> /// <returns>1: Successful, 0: Failed</returns> public async Task <int> UpdateFacility(DataModel model) { // Update service information using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_UPDATE_FACILITY(model.FacilityID, model.FacilityName, model.TypeID))); } }
/// <summary> /// Load list of speciality base on input conditions /// </summary> /// <param name="specialityName">Speciality name</param> /// <param name="isActive">Status</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <SP_TAKE_SPECIALITY_AND_TYPEResult> > LoadListOfSpeciality( string specialityName, bool isActive) { // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_TAKE_SPECIALITY_AND_TYPE(specialityName, isActive).ToList())); } }
public static Photo LoadPhotoByPhotoID(int photoID) { using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(( from p in data.Photos where p.Photo_ID == photoID select p).FirstOrDefault()); } }
/// <summary> /// Load facility type in database /// </summary> /// <returns>List[FacilityType] that contains a list of services</returns> public static async Task <List <FacilityType> > LoadFacilityTypeAsync() { // Return list of dictionary words using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => (from f in data.FacilityTypes select f).ToList())); } }
/// <summary> /// Load list of disease base on input conditions /// </summary> /// <param name="diseaseName">Disease name</param> /// <param name="isActive">Status</param> /// <param name="mode">Mode</param> /// <param name="specialityID">Speciality ID</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <SP_TAKE_DISEASE_AND_TYPEResult> > LoadListOfDisease( string diseaseName, bool isActive, int mode, int specialityID) { // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_TAKE_DISEASE_AND_TYPE(diseaseName, isActive, mode, specialityID).ToList())); } }
/// <summary> /// Load list of service base on input conditions /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceName">Service name</param> /// <param name="serviceType">Service type</param> /// <param name="isActive">Status</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <SP_TAKE_SERVICE_AND_TYPEResult> > LoadListOfService( string serviceName, int serviceType, bool isActive) { // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_TAKE_SERVICE_AND_TYPE(serviceName, serviceType, isActive).ToList())); } }
/// <summary> /// Load list of facility base on input conditions /// </summary> /// <param name="facilityName">Facility name</param> /// <param name="facilityType">Facility type</param> /// <param name="isActive">Status</param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <List <SP_TAKE_FACILITY_AND_TYPEResult> > LoadListOfFacility( string facilityName, int facilityType, bool isActive) { // Search for suitable hospitals in database using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => data.SP_TAKE_FACILITY_AND_TYPE(facilityName, facilityType, isActive).ToList())); } }
public static bool StoreSearchQuery(string searchQuery, int resultCount) { int check = -1; using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { check = data.SP_INSERT_SEARCH_QUERY(searchQuery, resultCount, DateTime.Now); } return(check >= 0); }
/// <summary> /// Load service type in database /// </summary> /// <returns>List[ServiceType] that contains a list of services</returns> public static async Task <List <ServiceType> > LoadServiceTypeAsync() { // Return list of dictionary words using (LinqDBDataContext data = new LinqDBDataContext()) { return(await Task.Run(() => (from s in data.ServiceTypes select s).ToList())); } }
public int SetInvitacion() { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); int resp; try { resp = db.SendInvitacion(rutContacto, rutCliente, cantidad); } catch { resp = -1; } return resp; }
public void getMenu(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; this.horario = horario; ListaMenu = new List<SelectListItem>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var menu = (from item in db.ITEM from menu_fecha in db.MENU_FECHA from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where menu_fecha.FECHA == fecha && menu_fecha.HORARIO == horario && item.CODIGO_ITEM == menu_fecha.CODIGO_ITEM && tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM, item.CODIGO_ITEM, menu_fecha.MENU_ITEM_CANTIDAD } ); foreach (var item in menu) { SelectListItem sli = new SelectListItem(); sli.Text = item.NOMBRE_ITEM; sli.Value = item.CODIGO_ITEM.ToString(); ListaMenu.Add(sli); cantidades.Add(item.MENU_ITEM_CANTIDAD.Value); } }
public int setMenu(Int32 item, Int16 cantidad, DateTime fecha, Boolean horario) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); int resp; try { resp = (Int32)db.AddItemMenu(item, cantidad, fecha, horario); } catch { resp = -1; } return resp; }
public void getPedido() { ListaPedido = new List<ItemPedido>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var det_pedido = (from item in db.ITEM from pedido in db.DETALLE_PEDIDO from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where pedido.CODIGO_PEDIDO == this.id_pedido && item.CODIGO_ITEM == pedido.CODIGO_ITEM && tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM, item.CODIGO_ITEM, pedido.DETALLE_ITEM_CANTIDAD, pedido.DETALLE_ITEM_OBSERVACION } ); foreach (var item in det_pedido) { ItemPedido itp = new ItemPedido(); itp.nom_item = item.NOMBRE_ITEM; itp.cod_item = (Int16)item.CODIGO_ITEM; itp.cantidad = (Int16)item.DETALLE_ITEM_CANTIDAD; itp.observacion = item.DETALLE_ITEM_OBSERVACION; ListaPedido.Add(itp); } }
public void RegistrarMesa() { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); MESA m1 = new MESA { POS_X = pos_x, POS_Y = pos_y, CANT_MAXIMA = (short)cant_maxima}; db.MESA.InsertOnSubmit(m1); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void SetReserva(Int32 mesa, String rut, DateTime fecha, Boolean horario, Int16 comensales) { this.mesa = mesa; this.rut = rut; this.fecha = fecha; this.horario = horario; this.comensales = comensales; LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); RESERVA iRESERVA = new RESERVA { CODIGO_MESA = mesa, RUT_CLI = rut, FECHA = fecha, HORARIO = horario, NUMERO_COMENSALES = comensales }; db.RESERVA.InsertOnSubmit(iRESERVA); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void getListas() { ListaEntrada = new List<SelectListItem>(); ListaFondo = new List<SelectListItem>(); ListaPostre = new List<SelectListItem>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var menu = (from item in db.ITEM from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM, item.CODIGO_ITEM } ); foreach (var item in menu) { SelectListItem sli = new SelectListItem(); sli.Text = item.NOMBRE_ITEM; sli.Value = item.CODIGO_ITEM.ToString(); if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Entrada")) { ListaEntrada.Add(sli); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Plato de Fondo")) { ListaFondo.Add(sli); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Postre")) { ListaPostre.Add(sli); } } }
public void setItem(Int32 tipo_item, String nombre_item, String descripcion) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); ITEM iITEM = new ITEM { CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM = tipo_item, NOMBRE_ITEM = nombre_item, DESCRIPCION_ITEM = descripcion }; db.ITEM.InsertOnSubmit(iITEM); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public ActionResult HacerReserva(MesasModel modelo) { string date = Request.Form["__DATE"]; string operacion = Request.Form["op"]; MesasModel _modelo = new MesasModel(); DateTime fecha = DateTime.Now.Date; if (fecha.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) fecha = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).Date; else if (fecha.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) fecha = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date; if (date != null) { if (operacion == "mk") { // IDENTIFICAR SI LA FECHA ACTUAL ES POR LO MENOS 2 DÍAS ANTES DE LA RESERVA if (DateTime.Now.Date < DateTime.Parse(date).AddDays(-1).Date) { Int16 mesa_id = Int16.Parse(Request.Form["id_mesa"]); short num_comen = Int16.Parse(Request.Form["num_comen"]); string rut = User.Identity.Name; bool horario = modelo.horario; string obs = Request.Form["obs"]; // Intentando agregar a DB LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); int respuesta = (Int32)db.MK_RESERVA(rut, mesa_id, DateTime.Parse(date), horario, num_comen, obs).ReturnValue; if (respuesta == 2) ViewBag.RESP = "No puede reservar dos veces para el mismo momento"; else if (respuesta == 1) ViewBag.RESP = "La reserva se ha realizado con éxito"; else if (respuesta == 0) ViewBag.RESP = "Ya existe una reserva hecha en dicha mesa"; else if (respuesta == -1) { ViewBag.RESP = "No tienes invitaciones para realizar una reserva"; } else { ViewBag.RESP = "Ha ocurrido un error desconocido :("; } } else { ViewBag.RESP = "Debe reservar por lo menos dos días antes de la fecha que desea reservar"; } } _modelo.getMesasReserva(DateTime.Parse(date), modelo.horario);//DateTime.Parse(date) ViewBag.Fecha = _modelo.fecha.ToString("dd-MM-yyy"); } return View(_modelo); }
public ActionResult TomarPedido(PedidoModel modelo, string id_reserva, string rut_garzon, string btn_submit) { DateTime fecha = DateTime.Parse(Request.Form["__DATE"]); bool horario = Boolean.Parse(Request.Form["__HORARIO"]); PedidoModel _modelo = new PedidoModel(); if (btn_submit == null) { string user_rut = User.Identity.Name.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rut_garzon) && !rut_garzon.Equals(user_rut)) { TempData.Add("Error", "_"+user_rut+"_"+rut_garzon+"_"); return RedirectToAction("ConsultarReserva", "Garzon"); } else { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); int respuesta = (Int32)db.CrearPedido(Int16.Parse(id_reserva), user_rut); if (respuesta <= 0) { TempData.Add("Error", "Ha habido un error inesperado"); return RedirectToAction("ConsultarReserva", "Garzon"); } else if (respuesta > 0) { _modelo = new PedidoModel(); _modelo.id_pedido = (Int16)respuesta; } } ModelState.Clear(); } else { _modelo.id_pedido = Int16.Parse(Request.Form["id_pedido"]); if (ModelState.IsValid) { int resp = _modelo.setPedido(Int16.Parse(modelo.selected_item), Int16.Parse(modelo.selected_cant), modelo.observacion); if (resp == 2) { TempData.Add("Resp", "El Pedido se ha actualizado"); } else if (resp == 1) { TempData.Add("Resp", "Se ha agregado el ítem"); } else if (resp == -1) { TempData.Add("Resp", "Ha ocurrido un error inesperado"); } ModelState.Clear(); } } ViewBag.Fecha = fecha.ToString("dd-MM-yyy"); _modelo.getListas(fecha,horario); _modelo.getPedido(); return View(_modelo); }
public void DeleteReserva(Int32 codigo_reserva) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var eliminaRESERVA = ( from reserva in db.RESERVA where reserva.CODIGO_RESERVA == codigo_reserva select reserva); foreach (var del in eliminaRESERVA) { db.RESERVA.DeleteOnSubmit(del); } db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void getMesas() { lista_mesas = new List<Mesa>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var mesas = (from mesa in db.MESA select new { mesa.CODIGO_MESA, mesa.POS_X, mesa.POS_Y, mesa.CANT_MAXIMA } ); foreach (var una_mesa in mesas) { Mesa _mesa = new Mesa(); _mesa.id_mesa = una_mesa.CODIGO_MESA; _mesa.pos_x = una_mesa.POS_X.Value; _mesa.pos_y = una_mesa.POS_Y.Value; _mesa.cant_maxima = una_mesa.CANT_MAXIMA.Value; lista_mesas.Add(_mesa); } }
public void getMesasGarzon(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; lista_mesas = new List<Mesa>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var lines = db.MesasPedidoInfo(fecha,horario); foreach (var una_mesa in lines) { Mesa _mesa = new Mesa(); _mesa.id_reserva = una_mesa.CODIGO_RESERVA.HasValue ? una_mesa.CODIGO_RESERVA.Value : 0; _mesa.id_mesa = una_mesa.CODIGO_MESA; _mesa.pos_x = una_mesa.POS_X.Value; _mesa.pos_y = una_mesa.POS_Y.Value; _mesa.cant_maxima = una_mesa.CANT_MAXIMA.Value; _mesa.observacion = una_mesa.OBSERVACIONES; _mesa.num_comensales = una_mesa.NUMERO_COMENSALES.HasValue ? una_mesa.NUMERO_COMENSALES.Value : 0; _mesa.estado = una_mesa.ESTADO_PEDIDO.HasValue ? una_mesa.ESTADO_PEDIDO.Value : -1; _mesa.nombre_cliente = String.IsNullOrEmpty(una_mesa.CLIENTE) ? "" : una_mesa.CLIENTE; _mesa.nombre_garzon = String.IsNullOrEmpty(una_mesa.GARZON) ? "" : una_mesa.GARZON; _mesa.rut_garzon = String.IsNullOrEmpty(una_mesa.RUT_GARZON) ? "" : una_mesa.RUT_GARZON; lista_mesas.Add(_mesa); } }
/* 0 = Hoteleria; * 1 = Gastronomía; * 2 = Funcionario; * 3 = Administrador; */ public void Registro(int tipo) { string nombre = this.Nombre + " " + this.ApellidoPaterno + " " + this.ApellidoMaterno; LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); if (tipo == 0) { CONTACTO C = new CONTACTO { RUT_CONTACTO = this.UserName, NOMBRE_CONTACTO = nombre, SEXO_CONTACTO = this.Sexo, CODIGO_CARRERA = 1, CORREO_CONTACTO = this.Email, FONO_CONTACTO = Convert.ToInt32(this.Telefono), CANT_TICKETS = 30}; db.CONTACTO.InsertOnSubmit(C); db.SubmitChanges(); } else if (tipo == 1) { CONTACTO C = new CONTACTO { RUT_CONTACTO = this.UserName, NOMBRE_CONTACTO = nombre, SEXO_CONTACTO = this.Sexo, CODIGO_CARRERA = 2, CORREO_CONTACTO = this.Email, FONO_CONTACTO = Convert.ToInt32(this.Telefono), CANT_TICKETS = 30 }; db.CONTACTO.InsertOnSubmit(C); db.SubmitChanges(); } else if (tipo == 2) { CONTACTO C = new CONTACTO { RUT_CONTACTO = this.UserName, NOMBRE_CONTACTO = nombre, SEXO_CONTACTO = this.Sexo, CORREO_CONTACTO = this.Email, FONO_CONTACTO = Convert.ToInt32(this.Telefono), CANT_TICKETS = 30 }; db.CONTACTO.InsertOnSubmit(C); db.SubmitChanges(); } else if (tipo == 3) { // Debería ingresar un administrador al sistema, pero esto solamente serviría para almacenar información de contacto } else { // Si no es ni 0, 1, 2, 3 Fail! } }
public void GetItems(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; ListaEntrada = new List<string>(); ListaFondo = new List<string>(); ListaPostre = new List<string>(); ListaBebestible = new List<string>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var menu = (from item in db.ITEM from menu_fecha in db.MENU_FECHA from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where menu_fecha.FECHA == fecha && menu_fecha.HORARIO == horario && item.CODIGO_ITEM == menu_fecha.CODIGO_ITEM && tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM } ).Union(( from item in db.ITEM from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == 4 && item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == 4 select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM } ) ); foreach (var item in menu) { if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Entrada")) { ListaEntrada.Add(item.NOMBRE_ITEM); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Plato de Fondo")) { ListaFondo.Add(item.NOMBRE_ITEM); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Postre")) { ListaPostre.Add(item.NOMBRE_ITEM); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Bebestible")) { ListaBebestible.Add(item.NOMBRE_ITEM); } } }
public void UpdateMesa(int pos_x, int pos_y) { this.pos_x = pos_x; this.pos_y = pos_y; LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var mesa = (from m in db.MESA where m.CODIGO_MESA == this.id_mesa select m).Single(); mesa.POS_X = pos_x; mesa.POS_Y = pos_y; db.SubmitChanges(); }
public void getListas(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; this.horario = horario; ListaEntrada = new List<SelectListItem>(); ListaFondo = new List<SelectListItem>(); ListaPostre = new List<SelectListItem>(); ListaBebestible = new List<SelectListItem>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var menu = (from menu_ in db.MENU_FECHA from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM from item in db.ITEM where tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM && item.CODIGO_ITEM == menu_.CODIGO_ITEM && menu_.FECHA == fecha && menu_.HORARIO == horario select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM, item.CODIGO_ITEM }).Union(( from item in db.ITEM from tipo_item in db.TIPO_ITEM where tipo_item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == 4 && item.CODIGO_TIPO_ITEM == 4 select new { tipo_item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM, item.NOMBRE_ITEM, item.CODIGO_ITEM } ) ); foreach (var item in menu) { SelectListItem sli = new SelectListItem(); sli.Text = item.NOMBRE_ITEM; sli.Value = item.CODIGO_ITEM.ToString(); if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Entrada")) { ListaEntrada.Add(sli); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Plato de Fondo")) { ListaFondo.Add(sli); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Postre")) { ListaPostre.Add(sli); } else if (item.NOMBRE_TIPO_ITEM.Equals("Bebestible")) { ListaBebestible.Add(sli); } } }
public void getMesasCocinero(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; lista_mesas = new List<Mesa>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var lines = ( from vista in db.VW_PEDIDOS select new { id_reserva = vista.CODIGO_RESERVA == null ? 0 : vista.CODIGO_RESERVA, vista.CODIGO_MESA, id_pedido = vista.CODIGO_PEDIDO == null ? 0 : vista.CODIGO_PEDIDO, estado = vista.ESTADO_PEDIDO == null ? -1 : vista.ESTADO_PEDIDO, garzon = vista.GARZON == null ? "" : vista.GARZON, num_com = vista.NUMERO_COMENSALES == null ? 0 : vista.NUMERO_COMENSALES, nom_item = vista.NOMBRE_ITEM == null ? "" : vista.NOMBRE_ITEM, obs = vista.DETALLE_ITEM_OBSERVACION == null ? "" : vista.DETALLE_ITEM_OBSERVACION, cant = vista.DETALLE_ITEM_CANTIDAD == null ? 0 : vista.DETALLE_ITEM_CANTIDAD }); foreach (var row in lines) { Int16 id_mesa = (short) row.CODIGO_MESA; Mesa mesa_ = null; int j = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lista_mesas.Count; i++) { if (lista_mesas[i].id_mesa == id_mesa) { j = i; break; } } ItemPedido item_ = new ItemPedido(); item_.nom_item = row.nom_item; item_.observacion = row.obs; item_.cantidad = (short)row.cant; if (j == -1) { mesa_ = new Mesa(); mesa_.id_mesa = id_mesa; mesa_.id_reserva = (short)row.id_reserva; mesa_.estado = (short)row.estado; mesa_.nombre_garzon = row.garzon; mesa_.num_comensales = (short)row.num_com; mesa_.lista_pedido.Add(item_); lista_mesas.Add(mesa_); } else { lista_mesas[j].lista_pedido.Add(item_); } } }
// Actualiza el estado del pedido a 1 -> "Preparado" public int PrepararPedido(short id_reserva) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); // Query the database for the row to be updated. var query = ( from p in db.PEDIDO where p.CODIGO_RESERVA == id_reserva select p); // Execute the query, and change the column values // you want to change. foreach (PEDIDO ped in query) { ped.ESTADO_PEDIDO = 1; // Insert any additional changes to column values. } // Submit the changes to the database. try { db.SubmitChanges(); return 1; } catch (Exception e) { return -1; // Provide for exceptions. } }
public void getMesasReserva(DateTime fecha, bool horario) { this.fecha = fecha; lista_mesas = new List<Mesa>(); LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); var lines = ( from m in db.MESA from r in db.RESERVA.Where(r=>r.CODIGO_MESA == m.CODIGO_MESA && r.FECHA == fecha && r.HORARIO == horario) .DefaultIfEmpty() select new { id_reserva = r.CODIGO_RESERVA == null ? 0 : r.CODIGO_RESERVA, m.CODIGO_MESA, m.POS_X, m.POS_Y, m.CANT_MAXIMA }); foreach (var una_mesa in lines) { Mesa _mesa = new Mesa(); _mesa.id_reserva = una_mesa.id_reserva; _mesa.id_mesa = una_mesa.CODIGO_MESA; _mesa.pos_x = una_mesa.POS_X.Value; _mesa.pos_y = una_mesa.POS_Y.Value; _mesa.cant_maxima = una_mesa.CANT_MAXIMA.Value; lista_mesas.Add(_mesa); } }
public void RegistroCliente() { string nombre = this.Nombre + " " + this.ApellidoPaterno + " " + this.ApellidoMaterno; LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); CLIENTE c1 = new CLIENTE { RUT_CLI = this.UserName, NOMBRE_CLI = nombre, SEXO_CLIENTE = this.Sexo, CORREO_CLI = this.Email, TELEFONO_CLI = Convert.ToInt32(this.Telefono), TICKETS_RECIBIDOS = 0 }; db.CLIENTE.InsertOnSubmit(c1); db.SubmitChanges(); }
public int setPedido(Int32 item, Int16 cantidad, string observacion) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); int resp; try { resp = (Int32)db.AddItemPedido(item, cantidad, this.id_pedido, observacion); } catch { resp = -1; } return resp; }
public ActionResult AgregarMenu(AgregarMenuModel modelo, string btn_submit) { string date = Request.Form["__DATE"]; bool _horario = false; if (modelo != null) { if (Request.Form["__HORARIO"] != null) { if (Request.Form["__HORARIO"] == "True") _horario = true; else if (Request.Form["__HORARIO"] == "False") _horario = false; } else { _horario = modelo.horario; } } AgregarMenuModel new_model = new AgregarMenuModel(); DateTime fecha = DateTime.Now.Date; if (fecha.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday) fecha = DateTime.Now.AddDays(2).Date; else if (fecha.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday) fecha = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).Date; ViewBag.Fecha = fecha.ToString("dd-MM-yy"); ViewBag.Horario = false.ToString(); if (date != null) { ViewBag.Fecha = DateTime.Parse(date).ToString("dd-MM-yy"); ViewBag.Horario = _horario; if (btn_submit != null) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { LinqDBDataContext db = new LinqDBDataContext(); db.CrearFecha(DateTime.Parse(date), _horario); int resp = new_model.setMenu(Int16.Parse(modelo.selected_item), short.Parse(modelo.selected_cant), DateTime.Parse(date), _horario); if (resp == 2) { TempData.Add("Resp", "El Menu se ha actualizado"); } else if (resp == 1) { TempData.Add("Resp", "Se ha agregado el ítem"); } else if (resp == -1) { TempData.Add("Resp", "Ha ocurrido un error inesperado"); } ModelState.Clear(); } } else { ModelState.Clear(); } } new_model.getListas();//DateTime.Parse(date) new_model.getMenu(DateTime.Parse(date), _horario); return View(new_model); }