private void InitializeGraph(int V)
            this.Vertices = V;
            AdjacencyList = new LinkedListofGraphNodes[Vertices];

            for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
                AdjacencyList[i] = new LinkedListofGraphNodes();
        public void DijkstraAlgorithm(int sourceVertex)
            MinHeap minHeap = new MinHeap(Vertices);

            int[] distanceTable = new int[Vertices];

            //Set all distances to max value initially
            for (int i = 0; i < distanceTable.Length; i++)
                distanceTable[i] = Int32.MaxValue;

            //Set source vertex's distance as 0;

            minHeap.DecreaseKey(sourceVertex, 0);
            distanceTable[sourceVertex] = 0;

            while (minHeap.HeapSize > 0)
                //Extract min
                MinHeapNode minNode = minHeap.ExtractMin();
                Console.WriteLine("Min value extraxted: " + minNode.Vertex);

                //Look for the node's neighbors in adjacency list
                LinkedListofGraphNodes neighbors = AdjacencyList[minNode.Vertex];
                GraphNode p = neighbors.Head;
                while (p != null)
                    if (minHeap.IsinMinHeap(p.Key) && minNode.Distance != Int32.MaxValue)
                        int new_distance = minNode.Distance + p.EdgeWeight;

                        if (distanceTable[p.Key] > new_distance)
                            minHeap.DecreaseKey(p.Key, new_distance);
                            distanceTable[p.Key] = new_distance;

                    p = p.Next;
