private static BlockingQueue<long[]> queueItemIDsInBatches(DataModel dataModel, int batchSize) { longPrimitiveIterator itemIDs = dataModel.getItemIDs(); int numItems = dataModel.getNumItems(); BlockingQueue<long[]> itemIDBatches = new LinkedBlockingQueue<long[]>((numItems / batchSize) + 1); long[] batch = new long[batchSize]; int pos = 0; while (itemIDs.hasNext()) { if (pos == batchSize) { itemIDBatches.add(batch.clone()); pos = 0; } batch[pos] = itemIDs.nextlong(); pos++; } int nonQueuedItemIDs = batchSize - pos; if (nonQueuedItemIDs > 0) { long[] lastBatch = new long[nonQueuedItemIDs]; Array.Copy(batch, 0, lastBatch, 0, nonQueuedItemIDs); itemIDBatches.add(lastBatch); }"Queued {} items in {} batches", numItems, itemIDBatches.Count); return itemIDBatches; }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(timeout = TEST_RUN_TIME_MS * 20) public void closeTransaction() throws Throwable //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#: public virtual void CloseTransaction() { BlockingQueue <bool> committerToTerminator = new LinkedBlockingQueue <bool>(1); BlockingQueue <TerminatorAction> terminatorToCommitter = new LinkedBlockingQueue <TerminatorAction>(1); RunTwoThreads(tx => { bool?terminatorShouldAct = committerToTerminator.poll(); if (terminatorShouldAct != null && terminatorShouldAct) { TerminatorAction action = TerminatorAction.random(); action.executeOn(tx); assertTrue(terminatorToCommitter.add(action)); } }, tx => { tx.initialize(); CommitterAction committerAction = CommitterAction.random(); committerAction.executeOn(tx); if (committerToTerminator.offer(true)) { TerminatorAction terminatorAction; try { terminatorAction = terminatorToCommitter.poll(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException) { Thread.CurrentThread.Interrupt(); return; } if (terminatorAction != null) { Close(tx, committerAction, terminatorAction); } } }); }