private void SetTovarCode(IntercarsProfile profile) { ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres($"{profile.Number}&ofe=", HttpMethod.POST, $"oesearch={profile.Number}"); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.34 Safari/537.36"); SetCookies(req); req.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); List <string> allCodes = link.Data.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").ParsRegex("Daj_Katalog_Detail_Clob(.*?);", 1); List <string> uniqCodes = new List <string>(); allCodes.ForEach( code => { string rawCode = code.Split(',')[code.Split(',').Length - 1].ParsFromTo("'", "'"); if (!uniqCodes.Contains(rawCode) && Regex.IsMatch(rawCode, "[A-Z0-9]+")) { uniqCodes.Add(rawCode); } }); if (uniqCodes.Count > 0) { profile.TovarCode = uniqCodes[0]; } else { profile.TovarCode = ""; } }
private void SetParametres(IntercarsProfile profile) { ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres("", HttpMethod.POST, $"artnr={profile.Number}&witryna=ICKATALOGWEB&towkod={profile.TovarCode}&lang=RU&nb=N&kraj=UA&typ=&wsk="); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.34 Safari/537.36"); SetCookies(req); req.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); profile.Description = link.Data.ParsFromTo("<title>", "<"); profile.Image = link.Data.ParsFromTo("<img src=\"", "\""); if (profile.Image != "") { profile.Image = "" + profile.Image; } SetModel(profile, link.Data); SetZaminniki(profile, link.Data); SetOriginalNumbers(profile); List <string> additionalInformation = link.Data.ParsRegex("dKartaNazClass(.*?)>(.*?)<", 2); for (int i = 0; i < additionalInformation.Count; i += 2) { if (i == 0) { profile.AdditionalInformation = additionalInformation[i] + " " + additionalInformation[i + 1]; } else { profile.AdditionalInformation += "\n" + additionalInformation[i] + " " + additionalInformation[i + 1]; } } SetPrices(profile, link.Data); }
private void SetOriginalNumbers(IntercarsProfile profile) { if (profile.NomerOe == "") { return; } ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres($"{profile.NomerOe}&wit=ICKATALOGWEB", HttpMethod.POST, $"call=numoe&art={profile.NomerOe}&wit=ICKATALOGWEB"); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.34 Safari/537.36"); SetCookies(req); req.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); List <string> numbers = link.Data.ParsRegex("> ([0-9]+)", 1); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { profile.OriginalNumbers = numbers[i]; } else { profile.OriginalNumbers += ";\n" + numbers[i]; } } }
public void Should_replace_link_tags() { var parser = new LinkParser("some text <<Link>>some more text<</Link>> and yet <<Link>>some more<</Link>>"); var links = parser.Parse(); parser.ParsedText.ShouldEqual("some text some more text and yet some more"); links.Length.ShouldEqual(2); }
private void SetModel(IntercarsProfile profile, string data) { string numerOe = data.ParsFromTo("daj_numeryOE('", "'"); profile.NomerOe = numerOe; if (numerOe == "") { return; } ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres($"{numerOe}&wit=ICKATALOGWEB", HttpMethod.POST, $"call=stos&art={numerOe}&wit=ICKATALOGWEB"); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.34 Safari/537.36"); SetCookies(req); req.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); profile.Mark = link.Data.ParsFromTo("class=\"dZB1\" ><u>", "<"); List <string> models = link.Data.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").ParsRegex("class=\"dZB2\"><u>(.*?)<", 1); for (int i = 0; i < models.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { profile.Model = models[i]; } else { profile.Model += ";\n" + models[i]; } } }
public void TestLinkParser() { Dictionary <string, string> index = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "link", "href" }, }; string input = "a@'link'@invalid"; string output = LinkParser.ResolveText((s) => { string item; if (index.TryGetValue(s, out item)) { return(item); } return(null); }, input, s => s); Assert.Equal("ahref@invalid", output); input = @"a@link @'link' @""link"""; output = LinkParser.ResolveText((s) => { string item; if (index.TryGetValue(s, out item)) { return(item); } return(null); }, input, s => "[link](" + s + ")"); Assert.Equal("a[link](href) [link](href) [link](href)", output); }
private void SetZaminniki(IntercarsProfile profile, string data) { string parametres = data.ParsFromTo("&sta=T&fir=UJ8&gru=", "\""); profile.Gru = parametres; if (parametres == "") { return; } ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres($"{parametres}&towkod={profile.TovarCode}&zakres=all"); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.34 Safari/537.36"); SetCookies(req); req.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); List <string> zaminniki = link.Data.ParsRegex(" <b>(.*?)<", 1); for (int i = 0; i < zaminniki.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { profile.Zaminniki = zaminniki[i]; } else { profile.Zaminniki += ";\n" + zaminniki[i]; } } }
private void setInfoText(string text) { try { int previousHeight = linkLabelInfo.Height; var parser = new LinkParser(text); var links = parser.Parse(); if (parser.ParsedText.Length > GDI_SIZE_LIMIT) { linkLabelInfo.Text = parser.ParsedText.Substring(0, GDI_SIZE_LIMIT); } else { linkLabelInfo.Text = parser.ParsedText; } linkLabelInfo.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0); foreach (var link in links) { if (link.Start + link.Length <= GDI_SIZE_LIMIT) { linkLabelInfo.Links.Add(link.Start, link.Length); } } var difference = linkLabelInfo.Height - previousHeight; Height = Height + difference; } catch (Exception exception) { _bus.Publish(new ErrorMessage(exception)); } }
public TelegramChecker(string url, int reconnects) { triesToConnect = reconnects; Url = url; LinkParser linkParser = null; do { ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres(url); _currentProxy = Proxies.GetProxy(); req.SetProxy(_currentProxy); req.SetTimout(8000); linkParser = new LinkParser(req.Request); }while (triesToConnect-- > 0 && linkParser.IsError); if (!linkParser.IsError) { string title = linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("<title>", "</title>"); string data = linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("<div class=\"tgme_page_extra\">", "</div>"); SetType(title, data); SetMembers(data); Proxies.ReturnProxie(_currentProxy); } else { IsError = true; } }
private string UploadImageToGoogle() { try { Console.Write("Trying connection to new proxy: "); ReqParametres req = new ReqParametres($"{_imageUrl}"); req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.53 Safari/537.36"); //req.SetProxy(5000, Proxies.GetProxy()); LinkParser link = new LinkParser(req.Request); if (link.IsError) { Proxies.DeleteFirstProxy(); return(UploadImageToGoogle()); } if (link.Data.ParsFromTo("role=\"heading\"><a href=\"", "\"") == "") { Proxies.DeleteFirstProxy(); return(UploadImageToGoogle()); } Console.WriteLine("Succes!"); return("" + link.Data.ParsFromTo("role=\"heading\"><a href=\"", "\"").Replace("amp;", "")); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); Proxies.DeleteFirstProxy(); return(UploadImageToGoogle()); } }
private void CheckTrust() { LinkParser linkParser; do { ReqParametres reqParametres = new ReqParametres($"{_site.Link}¶meterList=spam,mjDin,mjCF,mjTF"); linkParser = new LinkParser(reqParametres.Request); try { _site.Bl = decimal.Parse(linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("mjDin\":\"", "\""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _site.TrustFlow = decimal.Parse(linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("mjTF\":\"", "\""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); _site.CitationFlow = decimal.Parse(linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("mjCF\":\"", "\""), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } if (linkParser.Data.Contains("message\":\"Host ")) { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); } } while (linkParser.Data.Contains("message\":\"Host ")); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var parser = new LinkParser(); var domains = new string[] { "" }; var strategies = new ILinkParserStrategy[] { new BaseParserStrategy(), new ExcludeValueParserStrategie("profile"), new ImageSrcParserStrategy(), new NotLessThenPageSizeParserStrategy(1024 * 200) }; Console.CancelKeyPress += new ConsoleCancelEventHandler((object sender, ConsoleCancelEventArgs cancelArgs) => { parser.Stop(); cancelArgs.Cancel = true; }); parser.Parse(domains, "result.txt", strategies, new ProgressReporter()); Console.WriteLine("Parsing is over"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public override void CrawlData() { string baid = "-1"; for (int i = 0; i < MaxPageNumber; i++) { try { LinkParser linkParser; do { ReqParametres reqParametres = new ReqParametres("", HttpMethod.Post, $"t=5&action=search&hidAdvSearch=ddlAdvKeyword:3|txtKeyword:|ddlCharacters:0|txtCharacters:|txtMinTraffic:|txtMaxTraffic:|txtMinDomainAge:|txtMaxDomainAge:|txtMinPrice:|txtMaxPrice:|ddlCategories:0|chkAddBuyNow:false|chkAddFeatured:false|chkAddDash:true|chkAddDigit:true|chkAddWeb:false|chkAddAppr:false|chkAddInv:false|chkAddReseller:false|ddlPattern1:|ddlPattern2:|ddlPattern3:|ddlPattern4:|chkSaleOffer:false|chkSalePublic:false|chkSaleExpired:false|chkSaleCloseouts:false|chkSaleUsed:false|chkSaleBuyNow:false|chkSaleDC:false|chkAddOnSale:false|ddlAdvBids:0|txtBids:|txtAuctionID:|ddlDateOffset:|ddlSort:auctionendtimeD&rtr=7&baid={baid}&searchDir=1"); reqParametres.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.38 Safari/537.36"); reqParametres.RowRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; linkParser = new LinkParser(reqParametres.Request); } while (!linkParser.Data.Contains("onclick=\"_s_baid")); Sites.AddRange(linkParser.Data.ParsRegex("alt=\"\" />(.*?)<", 1).Select(x => new Site { Link = x })); baid = linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("onclick=\"_s_baid1=", ";"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(baid)) { break; } } catch (Exception e) { Thread.Sleep(5000); Console.WriteLine(e.Message + "\n"); } } }
private void ParsInfo(Zillow zillow) { Thread thread = new Thread(() => { LinkParser linkParser; ReqParametres reqParametres; do { //Парсим предварительную ссылку reqParametres = new ReqParametres(zillow.URL); reqParametres.SetUserAgent(Useragents.GetNewUseragent()); reqParametres.SetProxy(); linkParser = new LinkParser(reqParametres.Request); SavedCookies = linkParser.Cookies; } while (isCaptcha(linkParser.Data)); string newLink = linkParser.Data.ParsFromTo("<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"", "\""); //Проверяем на неверную ссылку if (newLink.Contains("")) { zillow.Status = "No such adress"; } else { zillow.URL = newLink; do { reqParametres = new ReqParametres(zillow.URL); reqParametres.SetUserAgent(Useragents.GetNewUseragent()); reqParametres.SetProxy(); linkParser = new LinkParser(reqParametres.Request); } while (isCaptcha(linkParser.Data)); zillow.Status = CheckOnStatus(linkParser.Data.ToLower()).Replace("<span tabindex=\"0\" role=\"button\"><span class=\"zsg-tooltip-launch_keyword\">", "") .Replace("<Span Tabindex=\"0\" Role=\"Button\"><Span Class=\"Zsg-Tooltip-Launch_Keyword\">", ""); if (zillow.Status.Equals("Undefined")) { DebugBox.WriteLine(linkParser.Data); } else { //Zestimate set List <string> rawZestimate = linkParser.Data.ParsRegex("Zestimate<sup>®</sup></span></span>(.*?)\\$([0-9,./a-zA-Z]+)<", 2); if (rawZestimate.Count != 0) { zillow.Zestimate = "$" + rawZestimate[0]; } zillow.SoldPrice = CheckPrice(linkParser.Data); } SavedCookies = linkParser.Cookies; } threadCount--; progress++; DebugBox.WriteLine($"Обработано ссылок: {progress} из {results.Count}."); double val = 100.0f / results.Count * progress; WorkProgress.SetValue(val); }); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
public static Dictionary <string, string> Find(string body, string url, List <string> userNames, List <DomainData> socialDomains, bool returnOnlyNone200 = true) { Dictionary <string, string> foundUrls = new Dictionary <string, string>(); LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(); parser.ParseLinksAgility(body, url, true); foreach (Request foundUrl in parser.GoodUrls) { string foundURL = DomainUtility.StripProtocol(foundUrl.Url.Split('?')[0]); if (SocialDomainUtility.CheckIfSocialMediaSite(foundURL, socialDomains)) { if (userNames.Count == 0) { if (!foundUrls.ContainsKey(foundURL)) { Request request = new Request(DomainUtility.EnsureHTTPS(foundURL)); RequestUtility.GetWebText(request); if (!request.Response.Code.Equals("200") || request.Url.Contains("buymethat")) { foundUrls.Add(foundURL, url); } else if (!returnOnlyNone200) { foundUrls.Add(foundURL, url); } } } else { foreach (string userName in userNames) { if (foundURL.ToLower().Contains(userName.ToLower())) { if (!foundUrls.ContainsKey(foundURL)) { if (Ignore.Contains(foundURL.ToLower())) { continue; } Request request = new Request(DomainUtility.EnsureHTTPS(foundURL)); RequestUtility.GetWebText(request); if (!request.Response.Code.Equals("200") || request.Url.Contains("buymethat")) { foundUrls.Add(foundURL, url); } else if (!returnOnlyNone200) { foundUrls.Add(foundURL, url); } } } } } } } return(foundUrls); }
public async Task BuildSite(Site site) { foreach (var version in site.Versions) { // compose doc sections foreach (var section in site.GetSectionsByVersion(version)) { var uiBundleRef = LinkParser.Parse("xref://ui-bundle:tanka-docs-section.yml").Xref !.Value; var uiContent = site.GetSectionByXref(uiBundleRef, section); if (uiContent == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"Could not resolve ui-bundle. Xref '{uiBundleRef}' could not be resolved.'"); } var uiBundle = new HandlebarsUiBundle(site, uiContent, _output); await uiBundle.Initialize(CancellationToken.None); var composer = new SectionComposer(site, _cache, _output, uiBundle); await composer.ComposeSection(section); } } await ComposeIndexPage(site); }
public void Should_return_links() { var parser = new LinkParser("some text <<Link>>some more text<</Link>> and yet <<Link>>some more<</Link>>"); var links = parser.Parse(); links.Length.ShouldEqual(2); parser.ParsedText.Substring(links[0].Start, links[0].Length).ShouldEqual("some more text"); parser.ParsedText.Substring(links[1].Start, links[1].Length).ShouldEqual("some more"); }
private void should_grab_links() { var input = File.ReadAllText(_testFilePath); var linkGrabber = new LinkParser(); var result = linkGrabber.Parse(input); Approvals.VerifyAll(result, "[name, link]"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(int page) { var houses = await httpWrapper.GetAsync <List <House> >(RelativePaths.HousesEndpoint, page); var navigationControls = LinkParser.Parse(houses.LinkHeader); ViewBag.controls = new NavigationControls(navigationControls); return(View(houses.HttpResponse)); }
public IActionResult AddRelatedProduct( string id, string pathToRelatedProduct, [FromServices] LinkParser linkParser) { var routeValues = linkParser.ParsePathByEndpointName( nameof(GetProduct), pathToRelatedProduct); var relatedProductId = routeValues?["id"]; // ... // </snippet_AddRelatedProduct> return(NoContent()); }
public void ParseUri() { /* Given */ var link = ExternalLink; /* When */ var definition = LinkParser.Parse(link); /* Then */ Assert.True(definition.IsExternal); Assert.False(definition.IsXref); Assert.Equal("https://link.invalid", definition.Uri); }
public void Should_return_links() { var parser = new LinkParser("some text <<Link>>some more text<</Link>> and yet <<Link>>some more<</Link>>"); var links = parser.Parse(); links.Length.ShouldEqual(2); // some more text links[0].Start.ShouldEqual(10); links[0].Length.ShouldEqual(14); // some more links[1].Start.ShouldEqual(33); links[1].Length.ShouldEqual(9); }
public void TestLinkParser() { Dictionary <string, string> index = new Dictionary <string, string> { { "link", "href" }, }; string input = "a@T:link-@invalid"; string output = LinkParser.ResolveText(index, input, s => s); Assert.AreEqual("ahref@invalid", output); input = "a@link @T:link-"; output = LinkParser.ResolveText(index, input, s => "[link](" + s + ")"); Assert.AreEqual("a[link](href) [link](href)", output); }
public object?ReadYaml(IParser parser, Type type) { // should be string var value = parser.Consume <Scalar>().Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return(null); } var link = LinkParser.Parse(value); return(link); }
public void ParseXref_with_SectionId() { /* Given */ var link = XrefWithSectionIdLink; /* When */ var definition = LinkParser.Parse(link); /* Then */ Assert.True(definition.IsXref); Assert.False(definition.IsExternal); Assert.Equal("", definition.Xref?.Path); Assert.Equal("section", definition.Xref?.SectionId); }
// Checks URL text box for a video or playlist link and adds the videos to the queue private void buttonAddVideos_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { labelUrlStatus.Content = "Loading..."; labelUrlStatus.Refresh(); string videoID = LinkParser.GetVideoIDFromURL(textBoxURL.Text); string playlistID = LinkParser.GetPlaylistIDFromURL(textBoxURL.Text); // Check which IDs were found if (videoID != null && playlistID != null) { // Ask if user would like to load the attached playlist var result = MessageBox.Show( "This link contains a playlist. Would you like to load the playlist?", "Playlist Detected", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { // Loads playlist instead of video videoID = null; } } if (videoID != null) { // Get video and add to list var video = YouTubeApiService.GetVideo(videoID); var videoListEntry = new VideoListEntry(video); VideoList.Add(videoListEntry); labelUrlStatus.Content = $"\"{video.Title}\" successfully added!"; } else if (playlistID != null) { // Get playlist and add all videos to list var videos = YouTubeApiService.GetPlaylist(playlistID); foreach (var video in videos) { var videoListEntry = new VideoListEntry(video); VideoList.Add(videoListEntry); } labelUrlStatus.Content = $"Playlist successfully added!"; } else { labelUrlStatus.Content = "Invalid link!"; } }
private void GetAllGoogleImageLinks(string googleUrl) { for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i += 100) { try { Console.WriteLine($"Trying to get page {i/100} of Google search results."); ReqParametres req; if (i == 0) { req = new ReqParametres($"{googleUrl}&async=_id:rg_s,_pms:s,_jsfs:Ffpdje,_fmt:pc&asearch=ichunk"); } else { req = new ReqParametres($"{googleUrl}&start={i}&ijn={i / 100}&async=_id:rg_s,_pms:s,_jsfs:Ffpdje,_fmt:pc&asearch=ichunk"); } req.SetUserAgent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/80.0.3987.53 Safari/537.36"); //req.SetProxy(3000, Proxies.GetProxy()); LinkParser linkParser = new LinkParser(req.Request); if (linkParser.IsError) { throw new Exception(); } List <string> allLinksOnSite = linkParser.Data.ParsRegex("\"ou\":\"(.*?)\"", 1); if (allLinksOnSite.Count == 0) { break; } allLinksOnSite.ForEach( x => { if (x.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg") || x.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpeg") || x.ToLower().EndsWith(".png")) { CrowledImageLinks.Add(x); } }); Console.WriteLine($"{_imagePath}.....Found {CrowledImageLinks.Count} images."); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed."); Proxies.DeleteFirstProxy(); i -= 100; continue; } } }
public ContentBlockModel(string providerName, string content, Guid sharedContentId, Type containerType, string wrapperCssClass) { this.ContainerType = containerType; this.ProviderName = providerName; this.SharedContentID = sharedContentId; this.WrapperCssClass = wrapperCssClass; content = this.GetContentHtmlValue(content); this.Content = LinkParser.ResolveLinks( content, DynamicLinksParser.GetContentUrl, null, SystemManager.IsInlineEditingMode); }
public void SetText(string text, string caption) { Text = caption; var parser = new LinkParser(text); var links = parser.Parse(); linkLabel.Text = parser.ParsedText; linkLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0); foreach (var link in links) { linkLabel.Links.Add(link.Start, link.Length); } Height = linkLabel.Height + (linkLabel.Top * 2) + 28; Width = linkLabel.Width + (linkLabel.Left * 2) + 8; }
public ContentBlockModel(string providerName, string content, bool enableSocialSharing, Guid sharedContentId, Type containerType) { this.ContainerType = containerType; this.ProviderName = providerName; this.EnableSocialSharing = enableSocialSharing; this.SharedContentID = sharedContentId; content = this.GetContentHtmlValue(content); this.Content = LinkParser.ResolveLinks( content, DynamicLinksParser.GetContentUrl, null, SystemManager.IsInlineEditingMode); }
public ListModel(string items) { this.Items = new List <ListItem>(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items)) { this.Items.AddRange(ServiceStack.Text.JsonSerializer.DeserializeFromString <List <ListItem> >(items)); //Resolve the links foreach (var i in this.Items) { i.Content = LinkParser.ResolveLinks(i.Content, DynamicLinksParser.GetContentUrl, null, false); } } }
public Parsers() { // Create inline parsers LineBreakParser = new LineBreakParser(); BacktickParser = new BacktickParser(); InlineCodeParser = new InlineCodeParser(); EscapedCharParser = new EscapedCharParser(); EntityParser = new EntityParser(); StrWithEntitiesParser = new StrWithEntitiesParser(this); EscapedStringParser = new EscapedStringParser(this); AutolinkParser = new AutolinkParser(this); AutolinkEmailParser = new AutolinkEmailParser(this); RawHtmlParser = new RawHtmlParser(); LinkLabelParser = new LinkLabelParser(this); LinkDestinationParser = new LinkDestinationParser(this); LinkTitleParser = new LinkTitleParser(this); LinkReferenceParser = new LinkReferenceParser(this); LinkParser = new LinkParser(this); ImageParser = new ImageParser(this); ImageReferenceParser = new ImageReferenceParser(this); LinkDefinitionParser = new LinkDefinitionParser(this); EmphasisParser = new EmphasisParser(this); InlineParser = new InlineParser(this); CommonMarkInlineParser = new CommonMarkInlineParser(this); // Create block parsers IndentedCodeParser = new IndentedCodeParser(); LazyParagraphContinuationParser = new LazyParagraphContinuationParser(); BlockQuoteParser = new BlockQuoteParser(); ATXHeaderParser = new ATXHeaderParser(); FencedCodeParser = new FencedCodeParser(); HtmlBlockParser = new HtmlBlockParser(); SetExtHeaderParser = new SetExtHeaderParser(); HorizontalRuleParser = new HorizontalRuleParser(); ListParser = new ListParser(); }
public void LinkWithMultipleParameters() { LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(); LinkCollection links = parser.Parse("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\"; riaktag=\"foo\""); Assert.AreEqual(1, links.Count); Assert.AreEqual("/raw/hb", links[0].UriResource); Assert.AreEqual("up", links[0].Rel); Assert.AreEqual("foo", links[0].RiakTag); // we don't strip rel="up" out here since there is a riaktag too. Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\"; riaktag=\"foo\"", links.ToString()); }
private void setInfoText(string text) { try { int previousHeight = linkLabelInfo.Height; var parser = new LinkParser(text); var links = parser.Parse(); if (parser.ParsedText.Length > GDI_SIZE_LIMIT) linkLabelInfo.Text = parser.ParsedText.Substring(0, GDI_SIZE_LIMIT); else linkLabelInfo.Text = parser.ParsedText; linkLabelInfo.LinkArea = new LinkArea(0, 0); foreach (var link in links) { if (link.Start + link.Length <= GDI_SIZE_LIMIT) linkLabelInfo.Links.Add(link.Start, link.Length); } var difference = linkLabelInfo.Height - previousHeight; Height = Height + difference; } catch (Exception exception) { _bus.Publish(new ErrorMessage(exception)); } }
public void LinkOddlyFormedIsParsedAndNormalized() { LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(); LinkCollection links = parser.Parse(" </raw/hb> ;rel=\"up\" ; riaktag=\"foo\" ;"); Assert.AreEqual(1, links.Count); Assert.AreEqual("/raw/hb", links[0].UriResource); Assert.AreEqual("up", links[0].Rel); Assert.AreEqual("foo", links[0].RiakTag); Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\"; riaktag=\"foo\"", links.ToString()); }
public void LinkWithUnknownParameters() { LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(); LinkCollection links = parser.Parse("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\"; riaktag=\"foo\"; unk=\"value\""); Assert.AreEqual(1, links.Count); Assert.AreEqual("/raw/hb", links[0].UriResource); Assert.AreEqual("up", links[0].Rel); Assert.AreEqual("foo", links[0].RiakTag); Assert.AreEqual("value", links[0].UnknownParameters["unk"]); // normalizes as unknown -> rel -> riaktag Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb>; unk=\"value\"; rel=\"up\"; riaktag=\"foo\"", links.ToString()); }
public void LinkWithRelationalUri() { LinkParser parser = new LinkParser(); LinkCollection links = parser.Parse("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\", </raw/hb/fourth>; riaktag=\"foo\""); Assert.AreEqual(2, links.Count); Assert.AreEqual("/raw/hb", links[0].UriResource); Assert.AreEqual("up", links[0].Rel); Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb>; rel=\"up\"", links[0].ToString()); Assert.AreEqual("/raw/hb/fourth", links[1].UriResource); Assert.AreEqual("foo", links[1].RiakTag); Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb/fourth>; riaktag=\"foo\"", links[1].ToString()); // we strip out the rel="up" link if it is the only thing in the link Assert.AreEqual("</raw/hb/fourth>; riaktag=\"foo\"", links.ToString()); }