ModelPart ReadBB(LineSplitter ls) { ModelPart result = new ModelPart(); string type = ls.Next(); int H = ls.NextInt(); int W = ls.NextInt(); Color c; string[] rgb; rgb = ls.Next().Split(':'); c = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color(int.Parse(rgb[0]), int.Parse(rgb[1]), int.Parse(rgb[2])); TestParts.PartLight p = new TestParts.PartLight(c); p.Width = W; p.Height = H; result = p; return(result); }
int[] ReadMesh() { LineSplitter ls = new LineSplitter(lines[state.LineNumber].Replace(',', ' ')); List <int> indices = new List <int>(); //keep going until end mesh command while (ls.Next() != "#endmesh") { //rewind because of next ls.Reset(); while (!ls.EOL) //read the rest of the line as ints { indices.Add(ls.NextInt()); } //prepare for next line state.LineNumber++; ls = new LineSplitter(lines[state.LineNumber].Replace(',', ' ')); } return(indices.ToArray()); }