Example #1
        private void AssertNoOverlap(LineSeg la, LineSeg lb, double av, double dv)
            LineSeg o, b, a; bool ab, aa;

            OverlayFn(la, lb, av, dv, out b, out ab, out o, out a, out aa);
Example #2
        private void DrawEdge(Edge e, Pen pen, Graphics graphics)
            ICurve curve = e.Curve;
            Curve  c     = curve as Curve;

            if (c != null)
                foreach (ICurve s in c.Segs)
                    LineSeg l = s as LineSeg;
                    if (l != null)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, GleePointToDrawingPoint(l.Start), GleePointToDrawingPoint(l.End));
                    CubicBezierSeg cs = s as CubicBezierSeg;
                    if (cs != null)
                        graphics.DrawBezier(pen, GleePointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(0)), GleePointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(1)), GleePointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(2)), GleePointToDrawingPoint(cs.B(3)));
                if (e.ArrowHeadAtSource)
                    DrawArrow(e, pen, graphics, e.Curve.Start, e.ArrowHeadAtSourcePosition);
                if (e.ArrowHeadAtTarget)
                    DrawArrow(e, pen, graphics, e.Curve.End, e.ArrowHeadAtTargetPosition);
Example #3
        public LineSeg[] GenerateLineSegs(float height, Vertex2D tangent, IItem item)
            if (_gateData.TwoWay)
                return(new LineSeg[0]);

            var halfLength = _gateData.Length * 0.5f;
            var angleMin   = MathF.Min(_gateData.AngleMin, _gateData.AngleMax);           // correct angle inversions
            var angleMax   = MathF.Max(_gateData.AngleMin, _gateData.AngleMax);

            _gateData.AngleMin = angleMin;
            _gateData.AngleMax = angleMax;

            // oversize by the ball's radius to prevent the ball from clipping through
            var rgv = new[] {
                _gateData.Center.Clone().Add(tangent.Clone().MultiplyScalar(halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)),
                _gateData.Center.Clone().Sub(tangent.Clone().MultiplyScalar(halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)),
            var lineSeg = new LineSeg(rgv[0], rgv[1], height, height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin, ItemType.Gate, item);             //!! = ball diameter


            return(new[] { lineSeg });
Example #4
        public GOTileCell(Vector3 center, GameObject marker, Vector2 arrayPosition, float edge_x, float edge_z)
            this.center        = center;
            this.marker        = marker;
            this.arrayPosition = arrayPosition;
            this.edge_x        = edge_x;
            this.edge_z        = edge_z;

            LineSeg top_edge = new LineSeg(
                new Vector2(center.x - (edge_x / 2), center.z + (edge_z / 2)),
                new Vector2(center.x + (edge_x / 2), center.z + (edge_z / 2)));

            LineSeg right_edge = new LineSeg(
                new Vector2(center.x + (edge_x / 2), center.z + (edge_z / 2)),
                new Vector2(center.x + (edge_x / 2), center.z - (edge_z / 2)));

            LineSeg bottom_edge = new LineSeg(
                new Vector2(center.x + (edge_x / 2), center.z - (edge_z / 2)),
                new Vector2(center.x - (edge_x / 2), center.z - (edge_z / 2)));

            LineSeg left_edge = new LineSeg(
                new Vector2(center.x - (edge_x / 2), center.z - (edge_z / 2)),
                new Vector2(center.x - (edge_x / 2), center.z + (edge_x / 2)));

            edges = new List <LineSeg> {
                top_edge, right_edge, bottom_edge, left_edge
Example #5
 public override void Search(LineSeg s, double dist, Dictionary <int, LSeg> r)
     foreach (Pair <LSeg, LinkedListNode <LNode> > l in m_segs.Values)
         r[l.First.Keyval] = l.First;
        public PlungerHit(PlungerData data, float zHeight) : base(ItemType.Plunger)
            _data    = data;
            _zHeight = zHeight;
            _x       = _data.Center.X - _data.Width;
            _y       = _data.Center.Y + _data.Height;
            _x2      = _data.Center.X + _data.Width;

            FrameTop    = data.Center.Y - data.Stroke;
            FrameBottom = data.Center.Y;
            FrameLen    = FrameBottom - FrameTop;
            RestPos     = data.ParkPosition;
            Position    = FrameTop + RestPos * FrameLen;

            // static
            LineSegBase  = new LineSeg(new Vertex2D(_x, _y), new Vertex2D(_x2, _y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            JointBase[0] = new HitLineZ(new Vertex2D(_x, _y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            JointBase[1] = new HitLineZ(new Vertex2D(_x2, _y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);

            // dynamic
            LineSegSide[0] = new LineSeg(new Vertex2D(_x + 0.0001f, Position), new Vertex2D(_x, _y), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            LineSegSide[1] = new LineSeg(new Vertex2D(_x2, _y), new Vertex2D(_x2 + 0.0001f, Position), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            LineSegEnd     = new LineSeg(new Vertex2D(_x2, Position), new Vertex2D(_x, Position), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            JointEnd[0]    = new HitLineZ(new Vertex2D(_x, Position), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
            JointEnd[1]    = new HitLineZ(new Vertex2D(_x2, Position), zHeight, zHeight + Plunger.PlungerHeight, ItemType.Plunger);
Example #7
 public override void Search(LineSeg s, double dist, Dictionary <int, LSeg> res)
     if (m_s != null)
         m_s.Search(s, dist, res);
Example #8
        public void TestNonOverlaps()
            foreach (LineSeg l in Take(1000, LineSegs))
                double t   = Double(); // 0..1
                Vector dir = l.Dir;
                if (Boolean())
                    t  *= -1;
                    dir = dir * -1.0;
                    t += 1.001;
                LineSeg ll = new LineSeg(l.Start + (l.Dir * t),
                LineSeg o = null; LineSeg before = null; LineSeg after = null;
                bool    ab, af;

                OverlayFn(l, ll, 0.0001, l.Dir.LengthSq * 0.000001,
                          out before, out ab, out o, out after, out af);
Example #9
        private IPolyline assemblePolyLine(List <LineSeg> segs)
            IPolyline ln  = new PolylineClass();
            double    dsq = m_dtol * m_dtol;

            ISegmentCollection path = new PathClass();

//			List<LineSeg> sorted = new List<LineSeg>();;
//			for (int i = 0; i < segs.Count; i++) {
//				LineSeg prior = (i > 0 ? sorted[i-1] : null);
//				LineSeg next = (i < segs.Count-1 ? segs[i+1] : null);
//				sorted.Add(appropriatelySwapped(dsq,prior,segs[i],next));
//			}

            for (int i = 0; i < /*sorted*/ segs.Count; i++)
                LineSeg l     = /*sorted*/ segs[i];
                ILine   part  = new LineClass();
                IPoint  fromp = new PointClass();
                fromp.X = l.Start.X;
                fromp.Y = l.Start.Y;
                IPoint top = new PointClass();
                top.X          = l.End.X;
                top.Y          = l.End.Y;
                part.FromPoint = fromp;
                part.ToPoint   = top;
                object ignored = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                path.AddSegment((ISegment)part, ref __missing, ref __missing);
            (ln as IGeometryCollection).AddGeometry((IGeometry)path, ref __missing, ref __missing);
            ln.SpatialReference = m_spref;
Example #10
        public override List <LineSeg> GetLineSegs()
            List <LineSeg> lineSeg = new List <LineSeg>();

            foreach (Hitable hitable in Substraction)
            for (int i = 0; i < lineSeg.Count; i++)
                LineSeg seg = lineSeg[i];
                seg.Normal = -lineSeg[i].Normal;
                lineSeg[i] = seg;
            lineSeg = LineSeg.DivideByIntersection(lineSeg);
            for (int i = 0; i < lineSeg.Count; i++)
                if (!Minuend.IsInside(lineSeg[i].Position) || IsInSubstraction(lineSeg[i].Position))
Example #11
        public GateHit(GateData data, float height) : base(ItemType.Gate)
            var data1   = data;
            var height1 = height;

            var halfLength = data1.Length * 0.5f;
            var radAngle   = MathF.DegToRad(data1.Rotation);
            var sn         = MathF.Sin(radAngle);
            var cs         = MathF.Cos(radAngle);

            LineSeg0 = new LineSeg(
                new Vertex2D(
                    data1.Center.X - cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),
                    data1.Center.Y - sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)
                new Vertex2D(
                    data1.Center.X + cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),
                    data1.Center.Y + sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)
                height1 + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin,

            LineSeg1 = new LineSeg(
                new Vertex2D(LineSeg0.V2.X, LineSeg0.V2.Y),
                new Vertex2D(LineSeg0.V1.X, LineSeg0.V1.Y),
                height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin,

            TwoWay = false;
Example #12
        public override List <LineSeg> GetLineSegs()
            List <LineSeg> lineSeg1 = new List <LineSeg>();
            List <LineSeg> lineSeg2 = new List <LineSeg>();
            List <LineSeg> lineSeg  = new List <LineSeg>();

            lineSeg1 = LineSeg.DivideByIntersection(lineSeg1);
            for (int i = 0; i < lineSeg1.Count; i++)
                if (O2.IsInside(lineSeg1[i].Position))
            lineSeg2 = LineSeg.DivideByIntersection(lineSeg2);
            for (int i = 0; i < lineSeg2.Count; i++)
                if (O1.IsInside(lineSeg2[i].Position))
Example #13
        private List <GOTileCell> CellsIntersectedAround(GOTileCell c, LineSeg l, List <GOTileCell> cells = null, List <GOTileCell> tagged = null, NodeVert v1 = null, NodeVert v2 = null)
            // init
            if (cells == null)
                cells = new List <GOTileCell>();
            if (tagged == null)
                tagged = new List <GOTileCell>();

            foreach (var cell in SurroundingCellsOf(c))
                if (cell != null && !cells.Contains(cell))
                    if (cell.marker.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color != Color.green)
                        cell.marker.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = Color.black;


                    //cell.marker.GetComponent<NodeMarker>().LineTestedFrom(v1, v2, cell.edges);

                    if (CellIntersectedBy(cell, l))                    //  && !tagged.Contains(cell)
                        CellsIntersectedAround(cell, l, cells, tagged, v1, v2);                         // recursion

Example #14
        private void checkBox(Aabb box)
            IEnumerable <LineSeg> segs = Gen <LineSeg>(delegate() { return(LineSeg.FromEndpoints(PointInside(box), PointOutside(box))); });

            foreach (LineSeg ls in Take(100, segs))

                LineSeg outline = new LineSeg(ls.End, ls.Dir);

                LineSeg swapped = LineSeg.FromEndpoints(ls.End, ls.Start);

                // neither endpoint is inside but the line def. crosses
                LineSeg crossing = new LineSeg(ls.Start - ls.Dir, ls.Dir * 2.0);

                // Shift it outside of the box by moving it sideways a min amt...
                double shift_length = Math.Sqrt(box.W * box.W + box.H * box.H);
                Vector shift        = shift_length * crossing.Dir.Normalize().Perp;

                LineSeg out1 = new LineSeg(crossing.Start + shift,
Example #15
 public Fragment Next;     // next connected fragment
 public void Split(out Fragment a, LineSeg aseg,
                   out Fragment b, LineSeg bseg)
     a      = new Fragment(); a.m_l = aseg; a.Sources = this.Sources;
     b      = new Fragment(); b.m_l = bseg; b.Sources = this.Sources;
     a.Prev = Prev; a.Next = b;
     b.Prev = a; a.Next = Next;
Example #16
        public LineVerts(NodeVert a, NodeVert b, List <LineSeg> edges)
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;

            lineSeg = new LineSeg(a.transform.position, b.transform.position);

            this.edgesTested = edges;
Example #17
 public OverlapSegment(LineSeg s, ArcSegInf m, ArcSegInf o)
     Seg     = s;
     Fid     = m.SrcFid;
     OFid    = o == null ? -1 : o.SrcFid;
     Shell   = m.ShellNum;
     OShell  = o == null ? -1 : o.ShellNum;
     SegNum  = m.SegNum;
     OSegNum = o == null ? -1 : o.SegNum;
Example #18
 public override void Search(LineSeg s, double dist, Dictionary <int, LSeg> res)
     foreach (Node n in Children)
         if (n.Intersects(s, dist))
             n.Search(s, dist, res);
Example #19
        public IEnumerable <IIndexedSeg> SearchByLineSeg(LineSeg o, double dist)
            LinkedListNode <IHasLine> cur = m_segments.First;

            while (cur != null)
                yield return(new Handle(cur));

                cur = cur.Next;
Example #20
        /// Return all segements that might lie w/in a given distance.
        public IEnumerable <IIndexedSeg> SearchByLineSeg(LineSeg o, double dist)
            Dictionary <int, LSeg> r = new Dictionary <int, LSeg>();

            m_root.Search(o, dist, r);

            foreach (LSeg l in r.Values)
                yield return(l);
Example #21
        public override List <LineSeg> GetLineSegs()
            List <LineSeg> lineSeg = new List <LineSeg>();

            lineSeg = LineSeg.DivideByIntersection(lineSeg);
            //for (int i = 0; i < lineSeg.Count; i++)
            //    if (O1.IsInside(lineSeg[i].Position) && O1.IsOnBoundary(lineSeg[i].Position) ||
            //        O2.IsInside(lineSeg[i].Position) && O2.IsOnBoundary(lineSeg[i].Position)) lineSeg.RemoveAt(i);
Example #22
        /// 如果端点在前,返回true,否则是false
        /// <param name="ray"></param>
        /// <param name="p1">端点</param>
        /// <param name="p2">交点</param>
        private static void HitLineSeg(Ray ray, uint line, out Point p1, out Point p2, out bool b1, out bool b2)
            LineSeg lineSeg = new LineSeg(ray.Origin, ray.NormalDirection * (float.MaxValue / 10000) + ray.Origin,
                                          LineSegs[line].Normal, 0);
            float p1l = ray.Direction.Magnitude();
            float p2l = float.MaxValue;

            p1 = new Point(LineSegs[line].Material, line, ray.Direction + ray.Origin);
            p2 = new Point();
            b1 = true;
            b2 = false;
            for (uint i = 0; i < LineSegs.Length; i++)
                if (line == i)
                if (!LineSeg.IsIntersect(lineSeg, LineSegs[i], out Vector2 vector2))
                if (vector2 == p1.Position)
                if (vector2 == LineSegs[i].P1 || vector2 == LineSegs[i].P2)
                float l = (ray.Origin - vector2).Magnitude();
                if (l < p1l && b1)
                    b1 = false;
                if (l < p2l)
                    p2l = l;
                    if (l < p1l || LineSegs[i].Normal * (ray.Origin - LineSegs[i].Position) < 0)
                        b2 = false;
                    p2 = new Point(LineSegs[i].Material, i, vector2);
                    b2 = true;
            if (b2 && (p2.Position == LineSegs[p2.Line].P1 || p2.Position == LineSegs[p2.Line].P2))
                b2 = false;
Example #23
 protected virtual void OverlayFn(LineSeg a,
                                  LineSeg b,
                                  double ang_tol,
                                  double distsqtol,
                                  out LineSeg before,
                                  out bool a_before,
                                  out LineSeg overlap,
                                  out LineSeg after,
                                  out bool a_after)
     LineSeg.Overlay(a, b, Vector.GetParTolerance(ang_tol), distsqtol,
                     out before, out a_before, out overlap,
                     out after, out a_after);
Example #24
        public void TestRotated()
            double max_rotang = 10.0 / 180.0 * Math.PI;
            double ang_tol    = max_rotang;

            foreach (LineSeg l in Take(1000, LineSegs))
                double ang = Double() * max_rotang;
                if (Boolean())
                    ang = -ang;

                LineSeg ll = new LineSeg(l.Start, l.Dir.Rotate(ang));

                // Come up w/ an appropriate distance threshold
                // (that ll will pass.)
                double threshdist = Math.Sin(ang) * l.Dir.Length * 2.0;
                threshdist *= threshdist;

                LineSeg o = null; LineSeg before = null; LineSeg after = null;
                bool    ab, af;
                OverlayFn(l, ll, ang_tol, threshdist,
                          out before, out ab, out o, out after, out af);



                if (after != null)
                    Assert.Greater(after.Dir.LengthSq, threshdist);
                    // Measure the expected length...
                    double nlength = Math.Cos(ang) * o.Dir.Length;
                    Assert.Less(o.Dir.Length, nlength * 1.001);
                    Assert.Greater(o.Dir.Length, nlength * 0.9999);
                    Assert.Less(o.Dir.LengthSq, l.Dir.LengthSq * 1.0001);

                //Assert.Greater(o.Dir.LengthSq, nlength * 0.99);
Example #25
        public void TestOverlapsShifted()
            double ang_tol = (0.001 / 180.0 * Math.PI);

            foreach (LineSeg l in Take(1000, LineSegs))
                double dist    = Double();
                double dist_sq = (dist * dist) * 1.00001;
                while (dist_sq > l.Dir.LengthSq)
                    dist    = Double();
                    dist_sq = (dist * dist) * 1.00001;

                Vector  shift = l.Dir.Perp.Normalize() * dist;
                LineSeg ll    = new LineSeg(l.Start + shift, l.Dir);

                LineSeg o = null; LineSeg before = null; LineSeg after = null;
                bool    ab, af;

                // First, with itself:
                OverlayFn(l, l, ang_tol, dist_sq,
                          out before, out ab, out o, out after, out af);


                // same length modulo epsilon
                Assert.Less(o.Dir.LengthSq, l.Dir.LengthSq * 1.00001);

                // Now with the shifted version:
                OverlayFn(l, ll, ang_tol, dist_sq,
                          out before, out ab, out o, out after, out af);

                Assert.Less(o.Dir.LengthSq, l.Dir.LengthSq * 1.00001);
                Assert.Greater(o.Dir.LengthSq, l.Dir.LengthSq * 0.9999);
Example #26
        public SpinnerHit(SpinnerData data, float height) : base(ItemType.Spinner)
            var halfLength = data.Length * 0.5f;

            var radAngle = MathF.DegToRad(data.Rotation);
            var sn       = MathF.Sin(radAngle);
            var cs       = MathF.Cos(radAngle);

            var v1 = new Vertex2D(
                data.Center.X - cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),                 // through the edge of the
                data.Center.Y - sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)                  // spinner
            var v2 = new Vertex2D(
                data.Center.X + cs * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin),                 // oversize by the ball radius
                data.Center.Y + sn * (halfLength + PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin)                  // this will prevent clipping

            LineSeg0 = new LineSeg(v1, v2, height, height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin, ItemType.Spinner);
            LineSeg1 = new LineSeg(v2.Clone(), v1.Clone(), height, height + 2.0f * PhysicsConstants.PhysSkin, ItemType.Spinner);
Example #27
        // tag cell by line segment
        private void TagCellsOnLine(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, string name = null, NodeVert v1 = null, NodeVert v2 = null)
            // start at a
            GOTileCell starting_cell = ClosestCellTo(a);
            LineSeg    line          = new LineSeg(a, b);

            if (v1 == null || v2 == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("no verts in TagCellsOnLine");

            foreach (var cell in CellsIntersectedAround(starting_cell, line, null, null, v1, v2))
                cell.marker.GetComponent <NodeMarker>().IntersectsWithLine(name); // update marker
                if (!taggedCells.Contains(cell))
                    taggedCells.Add(cell); // add tagged cell
Example #28
            // IEnumerable< starting and ending SegNum, Connected-line-segments > for a given feature & shell
            public IEnumerable <Pair <Pair <int, int>, List <LineSeg> > > GetStrings(Pair <Pair <int, int>, Pair <int, int> > key)
                List <OverlapSegment> vs = m_parts[key];

                // Sort by segment #.
                vs.Sort(delegate(OverlapSegment a, OverlapSegment b) {

                LineSeg        last_seg     = null;
                int            start_segnum = -1;
                int            cur_segnum   = -1;
                List <LineSeg> cur_seg      = null;

                foreach (OverlapSegment s in vs)
                    // if there is a 'jump'!
                    if (last_seg != null && s.SegNum - cur_segnum != 1)
                        Pair <int, int> range = new Pair <int, int>(start_segnum, cur_segnum);
                        yield return(new Pair <Pair <int, int>, List <LineSeg> >(range, cur_seg));

                        last_seg = null;

                    if (last_seg == null)
                        last_seg     = s.Seg;
                        start_segnum = s.SegNum;
                        cur_seg      = new List <LineSeg>();

                    cur_segnum = s.SegNum;
                if (cur_seg != null && cur_seg.Count > 0)
                    Pair <int, int> range = new Pair <int, int>(start_segnum, cur_segnum);
                    yield return(new Pair <Pair <int, int>, List <LineSeg> >(range, cur_seg));
Example #29
        private List <PointString> DivOnePoly(int index)
            PointString   poly = _roadPolys[index];
            List <double> divs = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _roadPolys.Count; i++)
                if (i != index)
                    PointString poly2 = _roadPolys[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < poly.Points.Count - 1; j++)
                        LineSeg seg = poly.GetSegAt(j);
                        for (int k = 0; k < poly2.Points.Count - 1; k++)
                            LineSeg          seg2 = poly2.GetSegAt(k);
                            LineSegIntersect intr = new LineSegIntersect(seg, seg2);
                            if (intr.Intersect())
                                divs.Add(j + intr.RatioAB);
            divs.Insert(0, 0);
            divs.Add(poly.Points.Count - 1);
            divs = divs.Distinct().OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
            List <PointString> result = new List <PointString>();

            for (int i = 0; i < divs.Count - 1; i++)
                PointString subPoly = poly.GetSubPoly(divs[i], divs[i + 1]);
                if (subPoly.Length() > 0.1)  // subtle
Example #30
        private void DrawNode(Node n, Pen pen, Graphics graphics)
            ICurve  curve = n.MovedBoundaryCurve;
            Ellipse el    = curve as Ellipse;

            if (el != null)
                graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new RectangleF((float)el.BBox.Left, (float)el.BBox.Bottom,
                                                         (float)el.BBox.Width, (float)el.BBox.Height));
                Curve c = curve as Curve;
                foreach (ICurve seg in c.Segs)
                    LineSeg l = seg as LineSeg;
                    if (l != null)
                        graphics.DrawLine(pen, GleePointToDrawingPoint(l.Start), GleePointToDrawingPoint(l.End));