Example #1
        public override void  doInitAction(DoInitAction tag)
            if (header_field.version > 6 && tag.sprite != null)
                String __Packages = idRef(tag.sprite);
                className = (__Packages != null && __Packages.StartsWith("__Packages"))?__Packages.Substring(11):null;                 // length("__Packages.") = 11

                if (isRegisterClass(tag.actionList))
                    DebugModule dm = new DebugModule();
                    // C: We actually want the class name here, not the linkage ID.
                    dm.name = "<" + __Packages + ".2>";
                    // C: We want the class name as the second input argument. Fortunately, we don't
                    //    really do anything with the source, so it's okay.
                    dm.Text   = "Object.registerClass(" + __Packages + ", " + __Packages + ");";
                    dm.bitmap = 1;

                    LineRecord lr = new LineRecord(1, dm);

                    int startOffset = tag.actionList.getOffset(0);
                    dm.addOffset(lr, startOffset);

                    tag.actionList.insert(startOffset, lr);
                    modules.put((int)(SupportClass.Random.NextDouble() * System.Int32.MaxValue), dm);

            String[] temp = pool;
            pool = temp;

            className = null;
Example #2
        private void RenderLinePrimitive(Graphics g, LineRecord line)
            var penWidth = ScaleLineWidth(line.LineWidth);

            using (var pen = CreatePen(line.Color, penWidth))
                var point1 = ScreenFromWorld(line.Location);
                var point2 = ScreenFromWorld(line.Corner);
                g.DrawLine(pen, point1, point2);
 public override void  lineRecord(LineRecord line)
     if (!showLineRecord)
     else if (showDebugSource)
         printLines(line, out_Renamed);
         out_Renamed.WriteLine(" " + line.module.name + ":" + line.lineno);
Example #4
        public static void WordCountExample()
#if local
			// This overload runs the computation on your local computer using a single worker
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(1);

            var lines = new LineRecord[] { new LineRecord("This is a dummy line for a short job") };
            // You can create inputs from any IEnumerable source using this method
            var input = config.FromEnumerable(lines);
			string clusterName = "Replace with your HDInsight 3.0 cluster name";
            // to use the davinci.txt example input below, select your cluster's default
            // storage account and container, which automatically includes the sample text
			string accountName = "Replace with a storage account name";
			string containerName = "Replace with a storage container name";

			// This overload creates an Azure-based computation
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(clusterName);
            config.JobFriendlyName = "DryadLINQ Sample Wordcount";

            // plain text files should be read as type LineRecord
			var input = config.FromStore<LineRecord>(AzureUtils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,

            var words = input.SelectMany(x => x.Line.Split(' '));
            var groups = words.GroupBy(x => x);
            var counts = groups.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(x.Key, x.Count()));
            var toOutput = counts.Select(x => new LineRecord(String.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value)));

#if local
            // any collection computed by the query can be materialized back at the client,
            // not just the 'output' collection. For large collections this is expensive!
            foreach (LineRecord line in toOutput)
            // the 'true' parameter to ToStore means the output will be over-written if you run
            // the job more than once
            var info = toOutput.ToStore(AzureUtils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,
			           "wc-out.txt"), true).SubmitAndWait();
Example #5
        public static void WordCountExample()
#if local
            // This overload runs the computation on your local computer using a single worker
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(1);

            var lines = new LineRecord[] { new LineRecord("This is a dummy line for a short job") };
            // You can create inputs from any IEnumerable source using this method
            var input = config.FromEnumerable(lines);
            string clusterName = "Replace with your HDInsight 3.0 cluster name";
            // to use the davinci.txt example input below, select your cluster's default
            // storage account and container, which automatically includes the sample text
            string accountName   = "Replace with a storage account name";
            string containerName = "Replace with a storage container name";

            // This overload creates an Azure-based computation
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(clusterName);
            config.JobFriendlyName = "DryadLINQ Sample Wordcount";

            // plain text files should be read as type LineRecord
            var input = config.FromStore <LineRecord>(AzureUtils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,

            var words    = input.SelectMany(x => x.Line.Split(' '));
            var groups   = words.GroupBy(x => x);
            var counts   = groups.Select(x => new KeyValuePair <string, int>(x.Key, x.Count()));
            var toOutput = counts.Select(x => new LineRecord(String.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value)));

#if local
            // any collection computed by the query can be materialized back at the client,
            // not just the 'output' collection. For large collections this is expensive!
            foreach (LineRecord line in toOutput)
            // the 'true' parameter to ToStore means the output will be over-written if you run
            // the job more than once
            var info = toOutput.ToStore(AzureUtils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,
                                                              "wc-out.txt"), true).SubmitAndWait();
        /// <summary> process any dangling line records that belong to the given module</summary>
        /// <param name="lineRecords">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="moduleId">
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="handler">
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// </returns>
        private System.Collections.ArrayList purgeLineRecords(System.Collections.ArrayList lineRecords, int moduleId, DebugHandler handler)
            System.Collections.ArrayList newLineRecords = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            DebugModule module = (DebugModule)modules.get_Renamed(moduleId);
            int         i = 0, size = lineRecords.Count;

            while (i < size)
                System.Int32 id     = (System.Int32)lineRecords[i];
                LineRecord   lr     = (LineRecord)lineRecords[i + 1];
                System.Int32 offset = (System.Int32)lineRecords[i + 2];

                if (id == moduleId)
                    lr.module = module;

                    if (lr.module != null)
                        lr.module.addOffset(lr, offset);
                        handler.offset(offset, lr);
                        handler.error("Could not find kDebugScript with module ID = " + id);

                i += 3;

        public virtual void  printLines(LineRecord lr, StreamWriter out_Renamed)
            DebugModule script = lr.module;

            if (script != null)
                int lineno = lr.lineno;
                if (lineno > 0)
                    while (lineno - 1 > 0 && script.offsets[lineno - 1] == 0)
                    if (lineno == 1)
                    int off = script.index[lineno - 1];
                    int len = script.index[lr.lineno] - off;
                    out_Renamed.Write(script.text.ToCharArray(), off, len);
Example #8
        // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete.
        // Formats the line preceding the first directly affected line after a TextContainer change.
        // In general this line might grow as content in the following line is absorbed.
        private void FormatFirstIncrementalLine(int lineIndex, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line,
            out int lineOffset, out bool endOfParagraph)
            int originalEndOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset;
            lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;

            using (line)
                line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                lineOffset += line.Length;
                endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Don't clear the cached Visual unless something changed.
            if (originalEndOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a record according to its record type number.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recordType">Integer representing the record type.</param>
        /// <returns>A new empty instance of a record primitive.</returns>
        private SchPrimitive CreateRecord(int recordType)
            SchPrimitive record;

            switch (recordType)
            case 1:
                record = new SchComponent();

            case 2:
                record = new PinRecord();

            case 3:
                record = new SymbolRecord();

            case 4:
                record = new TextStringRecord();

            case 5:
                record = new BezierRecord();

            case 6:
                record = new PolylineRecord();

            case 7:
                record = new PolygonRecord();

            case 8:
                record = new EllipseRecord();

            case 9:
                record = new PieChartRecord();

            case 10:
                record = new RoundedRectangleRecord();

            case 11:
                record = new EllipticalArcRecord();

            case 12:
                record = new ArcRecord();

            case 13:
                record = new LineRecord();

            case 14:
                record = new RectangleRecord();

            case 28:
            case 209:
                record = new TextFrameRecord();

            case 30:
                record = new ImageRecord();

            case 34:
                record = new Record34();

            case 41:
                record = new Record41();

            case 44:
                record = new Record44();

            case 45:
                record = new Record45();

            case 46:
                record = new Record46();

            case 48:
                record = new Record48();

                EmitWarning($"Record {recordType} not supported");
                record = new SchPrimitive();

Example #10
 public virtual void  lineRecord(LineRecord line)
 public override void offset(int offset, LineRecord lr)
     Console.Out.WriteLine("DebugOffset #" + lr.module.id + ":" + lr.lineno + " " + offset);
        public virtual void  readTags(DebugHandler handler)
            System.Collections.ArrayList lineRecords = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

                int tag = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                switch (tag)
                case kDebugScript:
                    DebugModule m  = new DebugModule();
                    int         id = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                    m.id     = id;
                    m.bitmap = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                    m.name   = in_Renamed.readString();
                    m.Text   = in_Renamed.readString();


                    if (modules.contains(id))
                        DebugModule m2 = (DebugModule)modules.get_Renamed(id);
                        if (!m.Equals(m2))
                            handler.error("Module '" + m2.name + "' has the same ID as Module '" + m.name + "'");
                            handler.error("Let's check for kDebugOffset that came before Module '" + m2.name + "'");
                            handler.error("Before: Number of accumulated line records: " + lineRecords.Count);
                            lineRecords = purgeLineRecords(lineRecords, id, handler);
                            handler.error("After: Number of accumulated line records: " + lineRecords.Count);
                    modules.put(id, m);

                case kDebugOffset:
                    id = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                    int         lineno = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                    DebugModule module = (DebugModule)modules.get_Renamed(id);
                    LineRecord  lr     = new LineRecord(lineno, module);
                    int         offset = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();

                    if (module != null)
                        // not corrupted before we add the offset and offset add fails
                        bool wasCorrupt = module.corrupt;
                        if (!module.addOffset(lr, offset) && !wasCorrupt)
                            handler.error(module.name + ":" + lineno + " does not exist for offset " + offset + ", module marked for exclusion from debugging");
                        handler.offset(offset, lr);

                case kDebugBreakpoint:

                case kDebugRegisters:
                    offset = (int)in_Renamed.readUI32();
                    int            size = in_Renamed.readUI8();
                    RegisterRecord r    = new RegisterRecord(offset, size);
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        int    nbr  = in_Renamed.readUI8();
                        String name = in_Renamed.readString();
                        r.addRegister(nbr, name);
                    handler.registers(offset, r);

                case kDebugID:
                    FlashUUID uuid = new FlashUUID();

                case -1:

                    throw new SwfFormatException("Unexpected tag id " + tag);

                if (tag == -1)
            }while (true);

            int i2 = 0, size2 = lineRecords.Count;

            while (i2 < size2)
                int        id     = ((System.Int32)lineRecords[i2]);
                LineRecord lr     = (LineRecord)lineRecords[i2 + 1];
                int        offset = ((System.Int32)lineRecords[i2 + 2]);
                lr.module = (DebugModule)modules.get_Renamed(id);

                if (lr.module != null)
                    //System.out.println("updated module "+id+" out of order");
                    // not corrupted before we add the offset and offset add fails
                    bool wasCorrupt = lr.module.corrupt;
                    if (!lr.module.addOffset(lr, offset) && !wasCorrupt)
                        handler.error(lr.module.name + ":" + lr.lineno + " does not exist for offset " + offset + ", module marked for exclusion from debugging");

                    handler.offset(offset, lr);
                    handler.error("Could not find debug module (id = " + id + ") for offset = " + offset);

                i2 += 3;
Example #13
        // Helper for IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert, IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete.
        // Formats line until we hit a synchronization point, a position where we know
        // following lines could not be affected by the change.
        private void SyncLineMetrics(DirtyTextRange range, double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, TextBoxLine line,
            bool endOfParagraph, int lineIndex, int lineOffset)
            bool offsetSyncOk = (range.PositionsAdded == 0 || range.PositionsRemoved == 0);
            int lastCoveredCharOffset = range.StartIndex + Math.Max(range.PositionsAdded, range.PositionsRemoved);

            // Keep updating lines until we find a synchronized position.
            while (!endOfParagraph &&
                   (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count ||
                    !offsetSyncOk ||
                    lineOffset != _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset))
                if (lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count &&
                    lineOffset >= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset)
                    // If the current line offset starts past the current line metric offset,
                    // remove the metric.  This happens when the previous line
                    // frees up enough space to completely consume the following line.
                    // We can't simply replace the record without potentially missing our
                    // [....] position.
                    _lineMetrics.RemoveAt(lineIndex); // 
                    RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, 1);
                    using (line)
                        line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                        LineRecord record = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                        if (lineIndex == _lineMetrics.Count ||
                            lineOffset + line.Length <= _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset)
                            // The new line preceeds the old line, insert a new record.

                            _lineMetrics.Insert(lineIndex, record);
                            // We expect to be colliding with the old line directly.
                            // If we extend past it, we're in danger of needlessly
                            // re-formatting the entire doc (ie, we miss the real
                            // [....] position and don't stop until EndOfParagraph).
                            Invariant.Assert(lineOffset < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset);

                            _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = record;

                            // If this line ends past the invalidated region, and it
                            // has a hard line break, it's safe to synchronize on the next
                            // line metric with a matching start offset.
                            offsetSyncOk |= lastCoveredCharOffset <= record.EndOffset && line.HasLineBreak;

                        lineOffset += line.Length;
                        endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Remove any trailing lines that got absorbed into the new last line.
            if (endOfParagraph && lineIndex < _lineMetrics.Count)
                int count = _lineMetrics.Count - lineIndex;
                _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, count);
                RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, count);
Example #14
        private void  collectActions(ActionList c)
            // assumption: ActionContext c is always not null! try-catch-finally may be busted.
            if (c == null)

            // interprets the actions. try to assign names to anonymous functions...

            DebugModule d = findDebugModule(c);

            String emptyMethodName = null;

            // loop again, this time, we register all the actions...
            for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
                int    ioffset = c.getOffset(i);
                Action a       = c.getAction(i);

                if (emptyMethodName != null && emptyMethodName.Length != 0)
                    functionNames.put(ioffset, emptyMethodName);
                    emptyMethodName = null;

                if (a.code == ActionList.sactionLineRecord)
                    LineRecord line = (LineRecord)a;
                    if (line.module != null)
                        d = line.module;
                        if (d.name.EndsWith(".mxml"))
                            mxml[d.name] = d;


                if (a.code >= 256)
                    // something synthetic we don't care about

                actions.put(ioffset, (Object)codes[a.code]);
                modules.put(ioffset, d);

                switch (a.code)
                case ActionConstants.sactionDefineFunction:
                case ActionConstants.sactionDefineFunction2:
                    DefineFunction f    = (DefineFunction)a;
                    Int32          size = (Int32)f.codeSize;

                    if (f.actionList.size() == 0)
                        emptyMethodName = f.name;
                        Int32 lineno = -1;

                        // map all the offsets in this function to the function name
                        for (int j = 0; j < f.actionList.size(); j++)
                            int    o     = f.actionList.getOffset(j);
                            Action child = f.actionList.getAction(j);
                            if (child.code == ActionList.sactionLineRecord)
                                if (lineno == -1)
                                    lineno = (Int32)((LineRecord)child).lineno;

                                preciseLines.put(o, (Object)((LineRecord)child).lineno);
                            functionNames.put(o, f.name);
                            functionSizes.put(o, (Object)size);

                        // map all the offsets in this function to the first line number of this function.
                        for (int j = 0; j < f.actionList.size(); j++)
                            int o = f.actionList.getOffset(j);
                            functionLines.put(o, (Object)lineno);

Example #15
        // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change.
        private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterDelete(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize)
            int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved;
            Invariant.Assert(delta < 0);

            int firstLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex);

            // Clip the scope of the affected lines to the region of the document
            // we've already inspected.  Clipping happens when background layout
            // has not yet completed but an incremental update happens.
            int endOffset = range.StartIndex + -delta - 1;
            if (endOffset > _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset)
                endOffset = _lineMetrics[_lineMetrics.Count - 1].EndOffset;
                if (range.StartIndex == endOffset)
                    // Nothing left to do until background layout runs.

            int lastLineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(endOffset);

            // Increment the offsets of all following lines.
            for (int i = lastLineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++)
                _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta;

            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            int lineIndex = firstLineIndex;
            int lineOffset;
            bool endOfParagraph;

            // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted
            // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter
            // and mergeable with its predecessor.
            if (lineIndex > 0) // 
                FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph);
                lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;
                endOfParagraph = false;


            // Update the first affected line.  If it's completely covered, remove it entirely below.
            if (!endOfParagraph &&
                (range.StartIndex > lineOffset || range.StartIndex + -delta < _lineMetrics[lineIndex].EndOffset))
                // Only part of the line is covered, reformat it.
                using (line)
                    line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                    _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                    lineOffset += line.Length;
                    endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Remove all the following lines that are completely covered.
            _lineMetrics.RemoveRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1);
            RemoveLineVisualRange(lineIndex, lastLineIndex - lineIndex + 1);

            // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed.
            SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset);

            desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize();
Example #16
        // Measures content invalidated due to a TextContainer change.
        private void IncrementalMeasureLinesAfterInsert(double constraintWidth, LineProperties lineProperties, DirtyTextRange range, ref Size desiredSize)
            int delta = range.PositionsAdded - range.PositionsRemoved;
            Invariant.Assert(delta >= 0);
            int lineIndex = GetLineIndexFromOffset(range.StartIndex, LogicalDirection.Forward);

            if (delta > 0)
                // Increment of the offsets of all following lines.
                for (int i = lineIndex + 1; i < _lineMetrics.Count; i++)
                    _lineMetrics[i].Offset += delta;

            TextBoxLine line = new TextBoxLine(this);
            int lineOffset;
            bool endOfParagraph = false;

            // We need to re-format the previous line, because if someone inserted
            // a hard break, the first directly affected line might now be shorter
            // and mergeable with its predecessor.
            if (lineIndex > 0) // 
                FormatFirstIncrementalLine(lineIndex - 1, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, out lineOffset, out endOfParagraph);
                lineOffset = _lineMetrics[lineIndex].Offset;

            // Format the line directly affected by the change.
            // If endOfParagraph == true, then the line was absorbed into its
            // predessor (because its new content is thinner, or because the
            // TextWrapping property changed).
            if (!endOfParagraph)
                using (line)
                    line.Format(lineOffset, constraintWidth, constraintWidth, lineProperties, _cache.TextRunCache, _cache.TextFormatter);

                    _lineMetrics[lineIndex] = new LineRecord(lineOffset, line);

                    lineOffset += line.Length;
                    endOfParagraph = line.EndOfParagraph;

            // Recalc the following lines not directly affected as needed.
            SyncLineMetrics(range, constraintWidth, lineProperties, line, endOfParagraph, lineIndex, lineOffset);

            desiredSize = BruteForceCalculateDesiredSize();
 public abstract void offset(int offset, LineRecord lr);
Example #18
        public static void WordCountExample()
#if local
			// This overload runs the computation on your local computer using a single worker
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(1);

            var lines = new LineRecord[] { new LineRecord("This is a dummy line for a short job") };
            // You can create inputs from any IEnumerable source using this method
            var input = config.FromEnumerable(lines);
#if azure
			string clusterName = "Replace with your HDInsight 3.1 cluster name";
            // to use the davinci.txt example input below, select your cluster's default
            // storage account and container, which automatically includes the sample text
			string accountName = "Replace with a storage account name";
			string containerName = "Replace with a storage container name";

			// This overload creates an Azure-based computation
            var config = new DryadLinqContext(clusterName);
            config.JobFriendlyName = "DryadLINQ Sample Wordcount";

            // plain text files should be read as type LineRecord
			var input = config.FromStore<LineRecord>(Utils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,
            // to use a yarn cluster, fill in the username, resource node machine name and port, and name node and hdfs port below (use -1 for the default hdfs port).
            string user = "******";
            string resourceNode = "Replace with the name of the computer your resource node is running on";
            int rmPort = 8088;
            string nameNode = "Replace with the name of the computer your name node is running on";
            int hdfsPort = -1;
            // set the YARN queue to submit your job on below. Leave null to use the default queue
            string queue = null;
            // set the number of worker containers to start for the DryadLINQ job below
            int numberOfWorkers = 2;
            // set the amount of memory requested for the DryadLINQ job manager container below: 8GB should be enough for even the largest jobs, and 2GB will normally suffice
            int amMemoryMB = 2000;
            // set the amount of memory requested for the DryadLINQ worker containers below. The amount needed will depend on the code you are running
            int workerMemoryMB = 8000;
			// This overload runs the computation on your local computer using a single worker
            var cluster = new DryadLinqYarnCluster(user, numberOfWorkers, amMemoryMB, workerMemoryMB, queue, resourceNode, rmPort, nameNode, hdfsPort);

            var config = new DryadLinqContext(cluster);

            var lines = new LineRecord[] { new LineRecord("This is a dummy line for a short job") };
            // You can create inputs from any IEnumerable source using this method
            var input = config.FromEnumerable(lines);

            var words = input.SelectMany(x => x.Line.Split(' '));
            var groups = words.GroupBy(x => x);
            var counts = groups.Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(x.Key, x.Count()));
            var toOutput = counts.Select(x => new LineRecord(String.Format("{0}: {1}", x.Key, x.Value)));

#if azure
            // the 'true' parameter to ToStore means the output will be over-written if you run
            // the job more than once
            var info = toOutput.ToStore(Utils.ToAzureUri(accountName, containerName,
			           "wc-out.txt"), true).SubmitAndWait();
            // any collection computed by the query can be materialized back at the client,
            // not just the 'output' collection. For large collections this is expensive!
            foreach (LineRecord line in toOutput)