public SetFixityDialog(SlopeCanvas canvas, LineConstraint lc) { InitializeComponent(); this.canvas = canvas; = lc; isFixedX.IsChecked = lc.IsFixedX; isFixedY.IsChecked = lc.IsFixedY; }
public ActivateFixityDialog(SlopeDefineCanvas canvas, LineConstraint lc) { InitializeComponent(); this.canvas = canvas; = lc; MaterialBlock parent = canvas.Substructs.Find(delegate(MaterialBlock mb) { return(mb.Material.Name != "NULL" && mb.LineConstraints.Contains(lc)); }); isFixedX.IsEnabled = parent != null && lc.IsFixedX; isFixedY.IsEnabled = parent != null && lc.IsFixedY; isFixedX.IsChecked = parent != null && lc.IsActiveX; isFixedY.IsChecked = parent != null && lc.IsActiveY; }
/// <summary> /// Gets substruct (material block data) from file /// </summary> public void LoadSubstructData() { if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not find input data file.", "Error"); return; } // get canvas dimensions/properties double originX = OriginOffsetX, originY = OriginOffsetY, scale = Scale, yHeight = ActualHeight; Units units = Units; // get units dependent scaling factor double factor; switch (units) { case Units.Metres: factor = 0.0254; break; case Units.Millimetres: factor = 25.4; break; case Units.Feet: factor = 1.0 / 12.0; break; default: factor = 1.0; break; } // Load material blocks from source canvas substructs = new List <MaterialBlock>(); using (TextReader tr = new StreamReader(FilePath)) { // advance to material block data while (!tr.ReadLine().Contains("MATERIAL BLOCK DATA")) { ; } tr.ReadLine(); tr.ReadLine(); int numMaterialBlocks = int.Parse(tr.ReadLine().Split('=')[1]); tr.ReadLine(); if (numMaterialBlocks > 0) { MaterialBlock block; MaterialType mtl; DrawingPoint p1, p2; LineConstraint newLC, existingLC; LineLoad newLL, existingLL; PointLoad newPL, existingPL; Point[] materialBoundPoints; bool[] isFixedX; bool[] isFixedY; bool[] isPrintPoint; string materialName; int numMaterialBoundPoints, numLineConstraints, numLineLoads, numPointLoads; double xCoord, yCoord; string[] coords, lineConstraint, lineLoad, pointLoad; for (int i = 0; i < numMaterialBlocks; i++) { tr.ReadLine(); materialName = tr.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { '\"' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]; mtl = materialTypes.Find(delegate(MaterialType mt) { return(mt.Name == materialName); }); numMaterialBoundPoints = int.Parse(tr.ReadLine().Split('=')[1]); materialBoundPoints = new Point[numMaterialBoundPoints]; isFixedX = new bool[numMaterialBoundPoints]; isFixedY = new bool[numMaterialBoundPoints]; isPrintPoint = new bool[numMaterialBoundPoints]; for (int j = 0; j < numMaterialBoundPoints; j++) { coords = tr.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); xCoord = double.Parse(coords[0]); yCoord = double.Parse(coords[1]); materialBoundPoints[j].X = xCoord / (factor * Scale) * dpiX + OriginOffsetX; materialBoundPoints[j].Y = ActualHeight - (yCoord / (factor * Scale) * dpiY + OriginOffsetY); isFixedX[j] = coords[2] == bool.TrueString; isFixedY[j] = coords[3] == bool.TrueString; isPrintPoint[j] = coords[4] == bool.TrueString; } block = new MaterialBlock(this, mtl, materialBoundPoints); for (int j = 0; j < numMaterialBoundPoints; j++) { block.BoundaryPoints[j].IsFixedX = isFixedX[j]; block.BoundaryPoints[j].IsFixedY = isFixedY[j]; block.BoundaryPoints[j].IsPrintPoint = isPrintPoint[j]; } substructs.Add(block); numLineConstraints = int.Parse(tr.ReadLine().Split('=')[1]); for (int j = 0; j < numLineConstraints; j++) { lineConstraint = tr.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); p1 = block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse(lineConstraint[0])]; p2 = block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse(lineConstraint[1])]; existingLC = null; foreach (MaterialBlock mb in substructs) { existingLC = mb.LineConstraints.Find(delegate(LineConstraint lc) { return(lc.Nodes.Contains(p1) && lc.Nodes.Contains(p2)); }); if (existingLC != null) { break; } } if (existingLC == null) { newLC = new LineConstraint(this, p1, p2, //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[0] )] , //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[1] )] , lineConstraint[2] == bool.TrueString, lineConstraint[3] == bool.TrueString); } else { block.LineConstraints.Add(existingLC); } //newLC = new LineConstraint( this , // block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[0] )] , // block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[1] )] , // lineConstraint[2] == bool.TrueString , // lineConstraint[3] == bool.TrueString ); //existingLC = null; //foreach ( MaterialBlock mb in substructs ) //{ // existingLC = mb.LineConstraints.Find( // delegate( LineConstraint lc ) // { // return lc.Nodes.Contains( newLC.Nodes[0] ) && lc.Nodes.Contains( newLC.Nodes[1] ); // } ); // if ( existingLC != null ) break; //} //if ( existingLC != null ) //{ // if ( !block.LineConstraints.Contains( existingLC ) ) // block.LineConstraints.Add( existingLC ); //} //else block.LineConstraints.Add( newLC ); } numLineLoads = int.Parse(tr.ReadLine().Split('=')[1]); for (int j = 0; j < numLineLoads; j++) { lineLoad = tr.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); p1 = block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse(lineLoad[0])]; p2 = block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse(lineLoad[1])]; existingLL = null; foreach (MaterialBlock mb in substructs) { existingLL = mb.LineLoads.Find(delegate(LineLoad ll) { return(ll.Nodes.Contains(p1) && ll.Nodes.Contains(p2)); }); if (existingLL != null) { break; } } if (existingLL == null) { newLL = new LineLoad(this, p1, p2, //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[0] )] , //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[1] )] , lineLoad[2] == bool.TrueString, double.Parse(lineLoad[3]), double.Parse(lineLoad[4]), lineLoad[5] == bool.TrueString, double.Parse(lineLoad[6]), double.Parse(lineLoad[7])); } else { block.LineLoads.Add(existingLL); } //block.LineLoads.Add( new LineLoad( this , // block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineLoad[0] )] , // block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineLoad[1] )] , // lineLoad[2] == bool.TrueString , double.Parse( lineLoad[3] ) , double.Parse( lineLoad[4] ) , // lineLoad[5] == bool.TrueString , double.Parse( lineLoad[6] ) , double.Parse( lineLoad[7] ) ) ); } numPointLoads = int.Parse(tr.ReadLine().Split('=')[1]); for (int j = 0; j < numPointLoads; j++) { pointLoad = tr.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); p1 = block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse(pointLoad[0])]; existingPL = null; foreach (MaterialBlock mb in substructs) { existingPL = mb.PointLoads.Find(delegate(PointLoad pl) { return(pl.Node == p1); }); if (existingPL != null) { break; } } if (existingPL == null) { newPL = new PointLoad(this, p1, //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[0] )] , //newMaterialBlock.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( lineConstraint[1] )] , pointLoad[1] == bool.TrueString, double.Parse(pointLoad[2]), pointLoad[3] == bool.TrueString, double.Parse(pointLoad[4])); } else { block.PointLoads.Add(existingPL); } //block.PointLoads.Add( new PointLoad( this , // block.BoundaryPoints[int.Parse( pointLoad[0] )] , // pointLoad[1] == bool.TrueString , double.Parse( pointLoad[2] ) , // pointLoad[3] == bool.TrueString , double.Parse( pointLoad[4] ) ) ); } tr.ReadLine(); } } } // Set selected analysis phase to first (if present) if (source.AnalysisPhases.Count > 1) { ComboBox phaseList = (ComboBox)((Grid)((GroupBox)((Grid)((ScrollViewer)((Grid)this.Parent).Children[2]).Content).Children[1]).Content).Children[1]; AnalysisPhase initial = source.AnalysisPhases[1]; phaseList.SelectedItem = initial; } }
bool SolveLine(LineConstraint constraint) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }