Example #1
 public void ResultFromPreviousGuess(int numberOfCorrectsPegs, int numberOfPegsAtWrongPosition)
     // filter out all lines that does not give the same result as the previous guess
     _PosibleSolutions = _PosibleSolutions.Where(l =>
         var r = _LineComparer.Compare(_Guess, l);
         return(r.NumberOfCorrectPegs == numberOfCorrectsPegs &&
                r.NumberOfPegsAtWrongPosition == numberOfPegsAtWrongPosition);
Example #2
        public void GiveTheExpectedResult(int guessPeg1, int guessPeg2, int secretPeg1, int secretPeg2, int expectedCorrect, int expectedWrongPosition)
            var lineComparer = new LineComparer();
            var guess        = new int[] { guessPeg1, guessPeg2 };
            var secret       = new int[] { secretPeg1, secretPeg2 };
            var actualResult = lineComparer.Compare(guess, secret);

            Assert.Equal(expectedCorrect, actualResult.NumberOfCorrectPegs);
            Assert.Equal(expectedWrongPosition, actualResult.NumberOfPegsAtWrongPosition);
Example #3
        public static string Merge(IEnumerable <string> sortedFiles, long cacheSize)
            var files = sortedFiles.ToArray();

            if (files.Length == 1)

            var resultFile = $"./{_mergeFolder}/{Path.GetRandomFileName()}";

            if (File.Exists(resultFile))

            int fileCount = files.Length;

            var iterators = new BufferedFileIterator[fileCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < fileCount; i++)
                var iterator = new BufferedFileIterator(files[i], cacheSize);
                iterators[i] = iterator;

            var comaprer    = new LineComparer();
            var buffer      = new List <string>();
            var currentSize = 0;

            while (true)
                IEnumerator <string> minIterator = null;
                foreach (var iterator in iterators)
                    if (iterator.Current != null)
                        if (minIterator == null || comaprer.Compare(minIterator.Current, iterator.Current) > 0)
                            minIterator = iterator;

                if (minIterator == null)

                var minString = minIterator.Current;
                currentSize += minString.Length;

                if (currentSize > cacheSize)
                    File.AppendAllLines(resultFile, buffer);
                    currentSize = 0;

            File.AppendAllLines(resultFile, buffer);

            foreach (var i in iterators)

Example #4
        public int[] GetGuess()
            int[] guess;
            if (!_UsedGuesses.Any())
                // 2. Start with initial guess 1122
                guess = Enumerable.Range(0, _NumberOfPegsPerLine).Select(i => (i % _NumberOfDifferentPegs) / 2).ToArray();
                // 6. Apply minimax technique to find a next guess as follows:
                var guessesWithMaximumScore = new List <int[]>();
                var maximumScore            = 0;
                // For each possible guess, that is, any unused code of the 1296 not just those in S,
                var possibleGuesses = _AllLines.Except(_UsedGuesses);
                if (!possibleGuesses.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("All guesses used");
                if (!_PosibleSolutions.Any())
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("No posible solution");
                foreach (var possibleGuess in possibleGuesses)
                    // calculate how many possibilities in S would be eliminated for each possible colored/white peg score.
                    // The score of a guess is the minimum number of possibilities it might eliminate from S.
                    // A single pass through S for each unused code of the 1296 will provide a hit count for each colored/white peg score found;
                    var hitCounts = new int[_NumberOfPegsPerLine + 1, _NumberOfPegsPerLine + 1];
                    foreach (var posibleSolution in _PosibleSolutions)
                        var result = _LineComparer.Compare(possibleGuess, posibleSolution);
                        hitCounts[result.NumberOfCorrectPegs, result.NumberOfPegsAtWrongPosition]++;
                    // the colored/white peg score with the highest hit count will eliminate the fewest possibilities;
                    var highestHitCount = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i <= _NumberOfPegsPerLine; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j <= _NumberOfPegsPerLine; j++)
                            highestHitCount = Math.Max(highestHitCount, hitCounts[i, j]);
                    // calculate the score of a guess by using "minimum eliminated" = "count of elements in S" - (minus) "highest hit count".
                    var minimumEliminated = _PosibleSolutions.Count - highestHitCount;

                    if (minimumEliminated > maximumScore)
                        maximumScore = minimumEliminated;
                    else if (minimumEliminated == maximumScore)
                // From the set of guesses with the maximum score, select one as the next guess, choosing a member of S whenever possible.
                guess = guessesWithMaximumScore.FirstOrDefault(l => _PosibleSolutions.Any(l2 => IsEqual(l, l2))) ?? guessesWithMaximumScore.First();

                // 7. Repeat from step 3.

            // 3. Play the guess to get a response of colored and white pegs.