// for OutsideSql
        protected void ThrowOutsideSqlLikeSearchOptionSplitUnsupportedException(LikeSearchOption option, Object resourceBean, String currentName)
            String msg = "Look! Read the message below." + GetLineSeparator();

            msg = msg + "/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "The splitByXxx() of LikeSearchOption is unsupported at OutsideSql!" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "[Advice]" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "Please confirm your method call:" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "  For example:" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "    before (x):" + GetLineSeparator();
            String beanName   = resourceBean.GetType().Name;
            String methodName = "Set" + InitCap(currentName) + "_LikeSearch(value, likeSearchOption);";

            msg = msg + "      " + beanName + " pmb = new " + beanName + "();" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      LikeSearchOption likeSearchOption = new LikeSearchOption().likeContain();" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      likeSearchOption.SplitBySpace(); // *No! Don't invoke this!" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      pmb." + methodName + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "    after  (o):" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      " + beanName + " pmb = new " + beanName + "();" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      LikeSearchOption likeSearchOption = new LikeSearchOption().LikeContain();" + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "      pmb." + methodName + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "[Target LikeSearchOption]" + GetLineSeparator() + option + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "[Target ParameterBean]" + GetLineSeparator() + resourceBean + GetLineSeparator();
            msg = msg + "* * * * * * * * * */";
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg);
        // for OutsideSql
        protected LikeSearchOption GetLikeSearchOption(Type type, String currentName, Object resourceBean)
            PropertyInfo     pi     = type.GetProperty(currentName + "InternalLikeSearchOption");
            LikeSearchOption option = (LikeSearchOption)pi.GetValue(resourceBean, null);

            if (option == null)
                ThrowLikeSearchOptionNotFoundException(resourceBean, currentName);
            if (option.isSplit())
                ThrowOutsideSqlLikeSearchOptionSplitUnsupportedException(option, resourceBean, currentName);
Example #3
        protected override void doAddWhereClause(List <String> conditionList, String columnName, ConditionValue value, ConditionOption option)
            if (option == null)
                String msg = "The argument[option] should not be null: columnName=" + columnName + " value=" + value;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
            if (!(option is LikeSearchOption))
                String msg = "The argument[option] should be LikeSearchOption: columnName=" + columnName + " value=" + value;
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
            LikeSearchOption myOption = (LikeSearchOption)option;

            conditionList.add(buildBindClauseWithRearOption(columnName, value.getLikeSearchLocation(), myOption.getRearOption()));
Example #4
        public ConditionValue setNotLikeSearch(String value, LikeSearchOption option)
            if (_notLikeSearch == null)
                _notLikeSearch       = new ArrayList <NotLikeSearchValue>();
                _notLikeSearch4Spare = new ArrayList <NotLikeSearchValue>();
            if (_notLikeSearch.isEmpty() && !_notLikeSearch4Spare.isEmpty())
                for (int index = 0; index < _notLikeSearch4Spare.size(); index++)
            NotLikeSearchValue notLikeSearchValue = new NotLikeSearchValue(value, option);

 public void Setメールアドレス_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValueメールアドレス(), "メールアドレス", option);
 public void Set電話番号_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue電話番号(), "電話番号", option);
 public void Set会社名カナ_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue会社名カナ(), "会社名カナ", option);
 public void Set会社名_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValue会社名(), "会社名", option);
Example #9
 public void Setメニュー名称_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValueメニュー名称(), "メニュー名称", option);
Example #10
 public void Set客室コード_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue客室コード(), "客室コード", option);
Example #11
 public NotLikeSearchValue(String value, LikeSearchOption option)
     _value  = value;
     _option = option;
 public void Set対象年月_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue対象年月(), "対象年月", option);
 // for OutsideSql
 protected bool IsLastLoop4LikeSearch(int pos, LikeSearchOption likeSearchOption)
     return(_names.Length == (pos + 1) && likeSearchOption != null);
        public void SetupValueAndType(InternalValueAndType valueAndType)
            Object value = valueAndType.TargetValue;
            Type   type  = valueAndType.TargetType;

            // LikeSearchOption handling here is for OutsideSql.
            LikeSearchOption likeSearchOption = null;
            String           rearOption       = null;

            for (int pos = 1; pos < _names.Length; ++pos)
                if (value == null)
                String currentName = _names[pos];
                if (pos == 1)  // at the First Loop
                    if (HasLikeSearchOption(type, currentName))
                        likeSearchOption = GetLikeSearchOption(type, currentName, value);
                if (value is System.Collections.IDictionary)
                    System.Collections.IDictionary map = (System.Collections.IDictionary)value;
                    value = map[currentName];
                    if (IsLastLoop4LikeSearch(pos, likeSearchOption) && IsValidStringValue(value))  // at the Last Loop
                        value      = likeSearchOption.generateRealValue((String)value);
                        rearOption = likeSearchOption.getRearOption();
                    type = (value != null ? value.GetType() : type);
                if (value is NgMap)
                    NgMap map = (NgMap)value;
                    value = map.getAsNg(currentName);
                    if (IsLastLoop4LikeSearch(pos, likeSearchOption) && IsValidStringValue(value))  // at the Last Loop
                        value      = likeSearchOption.generateRealValue((String)value);
                        rearOption = likeSearchOption.getRearOption();
                    type = (value != null ? value.GetType() : type);
                PropertyInfo pi = type.GetProperty(currentName);
                if (pi != null)
                    value = pi.GetValue(value, null);
                    if (IsLastLoop4LikeSearch(pos, likeSearchOption) && IsValidStringValue(value))  // at the Last Loop
                        value      = likeSearchOption.generateRealValue((String)value);
                        rearOption = likeSearchOption.getRearOption();
                    type = (value != null ? value.GetType() : pi.PropertyType);
                if (pos == 1 && typeof(MapParameterBean).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    MapParameterBean             pmb = (MapParameterBean)value;
                    IDictionary <String, Object> map = pmb.ParameterMap;
                    Object elementValue = (map != null && map.ContainsKey(currentName) ? map[currentName] : null);
                    if (elementValue != null)
                        value = elementValue;
                        type  = elementValue.GetType();
                ThrowBindOrEmbeddedCommentNotFoundPropertyException(_expression, type, currentName, _specifiedSql, _bind);
            valueAndType.TargetValue = value;
            valueAndType.TargetType  = type;
            valueAndType.RearOption  = rearOption;
 public void Set会員コード_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValue会員コード(), "会員コード", option);
 public void Set名字_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValue名字(), "名字", option);
 public void Set職位英字名称_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue職位英字名称(), "職位英字名称", option);
 public void Set名前_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue名前(), "名前", option);
 public void Set客室番号_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValue客室番号(), "客室番号", option);
 public void Set氏名カナ_LikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_LS, fRES(v), getCValue氏名カナ(), "氏名カナ", option);
Example #21
 public void Set備考_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValue備考(), "備考", option);
 public void SetDummy_NotLikeSearch(String v, LikeSearchOption option)
     regLSQ(CK_NLS, fRES(v), getCValueDummy(), "dummy", option);