Example #1
        private void Enqueue(ConcurrentDictionary <ChunkCoordinates, ConcurrentQueue <LightingOperation> > dict,
                             LightingOperation op)
            var r = dict.GetOrAdd(op.Coordinates, coordinates => new ConcurrentQueue <LightingOperation>());

Example #2
        private void LightBox(LightingOperation op)
            var corners = op.Box.GetCorners();
            // var center = op.Coordinates;
            ChunkCoordinates center = new ChunkCoordinates(new PlayerLocation(corners.Average(p => p.X), corners.Average(p => p.Y), corners.Average(p => p.Z)));
            var chunk = World.GetChunkColumn(center.X, center.Z);

            if (chunk == null)

            for (int x = (int)op.Box.Min.X; x < (int)op.Box.Max.X; x++)
                for (int z = (int)op.Box.Min.Z; z < (int)op.Box.Max.Z; z++)
                    for (int y = (int)op.Box.Max.Y - 1; y >= (int)op.Box.Min.Y; y--)
                        LightVoxel(x, y, z, op);

            chunk.SkyLightDirty = false;
Example #3
        private void LightBox(LightingOperation op)
            var chunk = World.FindChunk((Coordinates3D)op.Box.Center, generate: false);

            if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated)
            for (int x = (int)op.Box.Min.X; x < (int)op.Box.Max.X; x++)
                for (int z = (int)op.Box.Min.Z; z < (int)op.Box.Max.Z; z++)
                    for (int y = (int)op.Box.Max.Y - 1; y >= (int)op.Box.Min.Y; y--)
                        LightVoxel(x, y, z, op);
Example #4
        private void FixPriority(LightingOperation op, CheckResult result)
            switch (result)
            case CheckResult.LowPriority:
                Enqueue(LowPriorityQueue, op);

            case CheckResult.MediumPriority:
                Enqueue(MidPriorityQueue, op);

            case CheckResult.HighPriority:
                Enqueue(HighPriorityQueue, op);

            case CheckResult.Cancel:
Example #5
        private void LightBox(LightingOperation op)
            var chunk = World.FindChunk((Coordinates3D)op.Box.Center(), false);

            if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated)
            for (var x = (int)op.Box.Min.X; x < (int)op.Box.Max.X; x++)
                for (var z = (int)op.Box.Min.Z; z < (int)op.Box.Max.Z; z++)
                    for (var y = (int)op.Box.Max.Y - 1; y >= (int)op.Box.Min.Y; y--)
                        LightVoxel(x, y, z, op);
Example #6
        private void PropegateLightEvent(int x, int y, int z, byte value, LightingOperation op)
            var coords = new BlockCoordinates(x, y, z);

            if (!World.HasBlock(x, y, z))

            IChunkColumn chunk;
            var          adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk);

            if (chunk == null)

            byte current = op.SkyLight ? chunk.GetSkylight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z) : chunk.GetBlocklight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z);

            if (value == current)

            var provider = chunk.GetBlockState(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z);

            if (op.Initial)
                byte emissiveness = (byte)provider.Block.LightValue;
                if (chunk.GetHeight((byte)adjustedCoords.X, (byte)adjustedCoords.Z) <= y)
                    emissiveness = 15;
                if (emissiveness >= current)
            EnqueueOperation(new ChunkCoordinates(chunk.X, chunk.Z), new BoundingBox(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1)), op.SkyLight, op.Initial);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///  Propegates a lighting change to an adjacent voxel (if neccesary)
        /// </summary>
        private void PropegateLightEvent(int x, int y, int z, byte value, LightingOperation op)
            var coords = new Coordinates3D(x, y, z);

            if (!World.IsValidPosition(coords))
            IChunk chunk;
            var    adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk, false);

            if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated)
            var current = op.SkyLight ? World.GetSkyLight(coords) : World.GetBlockLight(coords);

            if (value == current)
            var provider = BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(World.GetBlockId(coords));

            if (op.Initial)
                var emissiveness = provider.Luminance;
                if (chunk.GetHeight((byte)adjustedCoords.X, (byte)adjustedCoords.Z) <= y)
                    emissiveness = 15;
                if (emissiveness >= current)

            EnqueueOperation(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1)), op.SkyLight, op.Initial);
Example #8
        public void EnqueueOperation(ChunkCoordinates coords, BoundingBox box, bool skyLight, bool initial = false)
            var op = new LightingOperation
                SkyLight = skyLight, Box = box, Initial = initial, Coordinates = coords

            CheckResult result = CheckResult.HighPriority;

            if (!op.Initial)
                result = CheckDistance(coords);

                if (result == CheckResult.Cancel)

            FixPriority(op, result);

Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the correct lighting value for a given voxel.
        /// </summary>
        private void LightVoxel(int x, int y, int z, LightingOperation op)
            var coords = new Coordinates3D(x, y, z);

            IChunk chunk;
            var    adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk, generate: false);

            if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated) // Move on if this chunk is empty

            var id       = World.GetBlockID(coords);
            var provider = BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(id);

            // The opacity of the block determines the amount of light it receives from
            // neighboring blocks. This is subtracted from the max of the neighboring
            // block values. We must subtract at least 1.
            byte opacity = Math.Max(provider.LightOpacity, (byte)1);

            byte current = op.SkyLight ? World.GetSkyLight(coords) : World.GetBlockLight(coords);
            byte final   = 0;

            // Calculate emissiveness
            byte emissiveness = provider.Luminance;

            if (op.SkyLight)
                var height = HeightMaps[chunk.Coordinates][adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Z];
                // For skylight, the emissiveness is 15 if y >= height
                if (y >= height)
                    emissiveness = 15;
                    if (provider.LightOpacity >= 15)
                        emissiveness = 0;

            if (opacity < 15 || emissiveness != 0)
                // Compute the light based on the max of the neighbors
                byte max = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Neighbors.Length; i++)
                    if (World.IsValidPosition(coords + Neighbors[i]))
                        IChunk c;
                        var    adjusted = World.FindBlockPosition(coords + Neighbors[i], out c, generate: false);
                        if (c != null) // We don't want to generate new chunks just to light this voxel
                            byte val;
                            if (op.SkyLight)
                                val = c.GetSkyLight(adjusted);
                                val = c.GetBlockLight(adjusted);
                            max = Math.Max(max, val);
                // final = MAX(max - opacity, emissiveness, 0)
                final = (byte)Math.Max(max - opacity, emissiveness);
                if (final < 0)
                    final = 0;

            if (final != current)
                // Apply changes
                if (op.SkyLight)
                    chunk.SetSkyLight(adjustedCoords, final);
                    chunk.SetBlockLight(adjustedCoords, final);

                byte propegated = (byte)Math.Max(final - 1, 0);

                // Propegate lighting change to neighboring blocks
                PropegateLightEvent(x - 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                PropegateLightEvent(x, y - 1, z, propegated, op);
                PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z - 1, propegated, op);
                if (x + 1 >= op.Box.Max.X)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x + 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                if (y + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Y)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y + 1, z, propegated, op);
                if (z + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Z)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z + 1, propegated, op);
Example #10
        private bool TryDequeue(
            ConcurrentDictionary <ChunkCoordinates, ConcurrentQueue <LightingOperation> > dict, ChunkCoordinates center, out LightingOperation op)
            var f = dict.OrderBy(x => Math.Abs(x.Key.DistanceTo(center))).FirstOrDefault(x => !x.Value.IsEmpty);

            if (f.Value == null)
                op = default(LightingOperation);

            return(f.Value.TryDequeue(out op));
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the correct lighting value for a given voxel.
        /// </summary>
        private void LightVoxel(int x, int y, int z, LightingOperation op)
            var coords = new BlockCoordinates(x, y, z);

            IChunkColumn chunk;
            var          adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk);

            if (chunk == null) // Move on if this chunk is empty

            var provider = chunk.GetBlockState(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z).Block;
            // var provider = BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(id);

            // The opacity of the block determines the amount of light it receives from
            // neighboring blocks. This is subtracted from the max of the neighboring
            // block values. We must subtract at least 1.
            byte opacity = (byte)Math.Max(provider.LightOpacity, (byte)1);

            byte current = op.SkyLight ? chunk.GetSkylight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z) : chunk.GetBlocklight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z);
            byte final   = 0;

            // Calculate emissiveness
            byte emissiveness = (byte)provider.LightValue;

            if (op.SkyLight)
                var chunkPos = new ChunkCoordinates(chunk.X, chunk.Z);
                byte[,] map;
                if (!HeightMaps.TryGetValue(chunkPos, out map))
                    map = HeightMaps[chunkPos];
                // var height = chunk.GetHeight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Z);
                var height = map[adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Z];
                // For skylight, the emissiveness is 15 if y >= height
                if (y >= height)
                    emissiveness = 15;
                    if (provider.LightOpacity >= 15)
                        emissiveness = 0;

            if (opacity < 15 || emissiveness != 0)
                // Compute the light based on the max of the neighbors
                byte max = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Neighbors.Length; i++)
                    IChunkColumn c;
                    var          adjusted = World.FindBlockPosition(coords + Neighbors[i], out c);
                    //var n = coords + Neighbors[i];
                    //  if (World.HasBlock(n.X, n.Y, n.Z))
                    if (c != null)
                        byte val;
                        if (op.SkyLight)
                            val = c.GetSkylight(adjusted.X, adjusted.Y, adjusted.Z);
                            val = c.GetBlocklight(adjusted.X, adjusted.Y, adjusted.Z);
                        max = Math.Max(max, val);
                // final = MAX(max - opacity, emissiveness, 0)
                final = (byte)Math.Max(max - opacity, emissiveness);
                if (final < 0)
                    final = 0;

            if (final != current)
                // Apply changes
                if (op.SkyLight)
                    chunk.SetSkyLight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z, final);
                    chunk.SetBlocklight(adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Y, adjustedCoords.Z, final);

                byte propegated = (byte)Math.Max(final - 1, 0);

                // Propegate lighting change to neighboring blocks
                if (x - 1 <= op.Box.Min.X)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x - 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                if (y - 1 <= op.Box.Min.Y)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y - 1, z, propegated, op);
                if (z - 1 <= op.Box.Min.Z)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z - 1, propegated, op);

                if (x + 1 >= op.Box.Max.X)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x + 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                if (y + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Y)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y + 1, z, propegated, op);
                if (z + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Z)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z + 1, propegated, op);
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes the correct lighting value for a given voxel.
        /// </summary>
        private void LightVoxel(int x, int y, int z, LightingOperation op)
            var coords = new Coordinates3D(x, y, z);

            IChunk chunk;
            var adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk, generate: false);

            if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated) // Move on if this chunk is empty


            var id = World.GetBlockID(coords);
            var provider = BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(id);

            // The opacity of the block determines the amount of light it receives from
            // neighboring blocks. This is subtracted from the max of the neighboring
            // block values. We must subtract at least 1.
            byte opacity = Math.Max(provider.LightOpacity, (byte)1);

            byte current = op.SkyLight ? World.GetSkyLight(coords) : World.GetBlockLight(coords);
            byte final = 0;

            // Calculate emissiveness
            byte emissiveness = provider.Luminance;
            if (op.SkyLight)
                var height = HeightMaps[chunk.Coordinates][adjustedCoords.X, adjustedCoords.Z];
                // For skylight, the emissiveness is 15 if y >= height
                if (y >= height)
                    emissiveness = 15;
                    if (provider.LightOpacity >= 15)
                        emissiveness = 0;
            if (opacity < 15 || emissiveness != 0)
                // Compute the light based on the max of the neighbors
                byte max = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < Neighbors.Length; i++)
                    if (World.IsValidPosition(coords + Neighbors[i]))
                        IChunk c;
                        var adjusted = World.FindBlockPosition(coords + Neighbors[i], out c, generate: false);
                        if (c != null) // We don't want to generate new chunks just to light this voxel
                            byte val;
                            if (op.SkyLight)
                                val = c.GetSkyLight(adjusted);
                                val = c.GetBlockLight(adjusted);
                            max = Math.Max(max, val);
                // final = MAX(max - opacity, emissiveness, 0)
                final = (byte)Math.Max(max - opacity, emissiveness);
                if (final < 0)
                    final = 0;

            if (final != current)
                // Apply changes
                if (op.SkyLight)
                    chunk.SetSkyLight(adjustedCoords, final);
                    chunk.SetBlockLight(adjustedCoords, final);
                byte propegated = (byte)Math.Max(final - 1, 0);

                // Propegate lighting change to neighboring blocks
                PropegateLightEvent(x - 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                PropegateLightEvent(x, y - 1, z, propegated, op);
                PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z - 1, propegated, op);
                if (x + 1 >= op.Box.Max.X)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x + 1, y, z, propegated, op);
                if (y + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Y)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x,  y + 1, z, propegated, op);
                if (z + 1 >= op.Box.Max.Z)
                    PropegateLightEvent(x, y, z + 1, propegated, op);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Propegates a lighting change to an adjacent voxel (if neccesary)
 /// </summary>
 private void PropegateLightEvent(int x, int y, int z, byte value, LightingOperation op)
     var coords = new Coordinates3D(x, y, z);
     if (!World.IsValidPosition(coords))
     IChunk chunk;
     var adjustedCoords = World.FindBlockPosition(coords, out chunk, generate: false);
     if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated)
     byte current = op.SkyLight ? World.GetSkyLight(coords) : World.GetBlockLight(coords);
     if (value == current)
     var provider = BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(World.GetBlockID(coords));
     if (op.Initial)
         byte emissiveness = provider.Luminance;
         if (chunk.GetHeight((byte)adjustedCoords.X, (byte)adjustedCoords.Z) <= y)
             emissiveness = 15;
         if (emissiveness >= current)
     EnqueueOperation(new BoundingBox(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(x, y, z) + 1), op.SkyLight, op.Initial);
Example #14
 private void LightBox(LightingOperation op)
     var chunk = World.FindChunk((Coordinates3D)op.Box.Center, generate: false);
     if (chunk == null || !chunk.TerrainPopulated)
     for (int x = (int)op.Box.Min.X; x < (int)op.Box.Max.X; x++)
     for (int z = (int)op.Box.Min.Z; z < (int)op.Box.Max.Z; z++)
     for (int y = (int)op.Box.Max.Y - 1; y >= (int)op.Box.Min.Y; y--)
         LightVoxel(x, y, z, op);