/// <summary>
        /// Creates a thresholded geometric graph
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d">distance matrix used to construct the graph</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">the maximum allowed distance</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LightWeightGraph GetGeoGraph(DistanceMatrix d, double threshold)
            //construct the geo graph
            int numNodes = d.Count;
            var nodes    = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[numNodes];

            //Create a list to hold edge values
            List <int>[]    edges   = new List <int> [numNodes];
            List <double>[] weights = new List <double> [numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                edges[i] = new List <int>();

            //Add Edges
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < numNodes; j++)
                    if (d[i, j] <= threshold)
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                nodes[i] = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode(i, true, edges[i], weights[i]);

            return(new LightWeightGraph(nodes, true));
Example #2
        public LightWeightGraph GetNormalizedRandomGraph(DistanceMatrix d)
            int numNodes = d.Count;
            var nodes    = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[numNodes];
            // make an array to hold all possible edges, less the edges in the mst
            List <oneNode> myDistances = new List <oneNode>();

            LightWeightGraph mst = LightWeightGraph.GetStackedMST(d, 1);

            LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[] mstNodes = mst.Nodes;

            //Create a list to hold edge values
            List <int>[]    edges   = new List <int> [numNodes];
            List <double>[] weights = new List <double> [numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                edges[i]   = new List <int>();
                weights[i] = new List <double>();

            double largestMSTEdge = 0.0;

            // add edges from the mst to the edges list, to facilitate adding additional edges later on
            // Also find the largest edge to use as a cutoff
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mstNodes[i].Edge.Length; j++)
                    largestMSTEdge = Math.Max(largestMSTEdge, mst[i].EdgeWeights[j]);
            largestMSTEdge *= _cutoffProp;
            // cycle through each possible edge
            // if the edge exists in the mst, continue
            // otherwise, add the edge to distances array, and add distance to the edge to the cummulative total
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < numNodes; j++)
                    double dist = d[i, j];
                    if (dist >= largestMSTEdge || mstNodes[i].Edge.Contains(j))
                        //Probability function goes here

                        double  addlProb = _normAlpha * (1.0 / Math.Exp(_xScale * dist / largestMSTEdge));
                        oneNode nd       = new oneNode {
                            prob = addlProb, fromNode = i, toNode = j, alreadyExists = false

            // walk through the array until you find the random number
            for (int m = 0; m < myDistances.Count; m++)
                double rand = Utility.Util.Rng.NextDouble();
                if (myDistances[m].prob > rand)
                    // we have found the edge to add.
                    // add the edge if it does not already exist
                    if (!myDistances[m].alreadyExists)
                        int    from = myDistances[m].fromNode;
                        int    to   = myDistances[m].toNode;
                        double dist = d[from, to];
                        myDistances[m].alreadyExists = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                nodes[i] = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode(i, true, edges[i], weights[i]);

            return(new LightWeightGraph(nodes, true));
Example #3
        public LightWeightGraph GetLOOGraph(DistanceMatrix distances, int numNeighbors, bool[] exclusion = null, int numToLeaveOut = 0)
            int numNodes = distances.Count;

            var nodes = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[numNodes];

            List <int>[]    edgeLists   = new List <int> [numNodes];
            List <double>[] edgeWeights = new List <double> [numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                edgeLists[i]   = new List <int>();
                edgeWeights[i] = new List <double>();

            //prevent redundant edges
            HashSet <Tuple <int, int> > addedEdges = new HashSet <Tuple <int, int> >();

            //Our comparator
            MinHeapPriorityQueue <Tuple <int, double> > .isGreaterThan comp = ((x, y) => x.Item2 > y.Item2);

            //Deal with _skipLast Choice
            int lastNeighbor = (_skipLast) ? numNodes - 1 : numNodes;

            //Add Edges
            for (int i = 0; i < lastNeighbor; i++)
                if (exclusion != null && exclusion[i])
                // Deal with the leave one out
                double probability = (double)numToLeaveOut / numNodes;
                double rollDie     = rnd.NextDouble();
                if (rollDie < probability)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Skipped Node " + i);

                //get list of edges
                List <Tuple <int, double> > edges = new List <Tuple <int, double> >();
                for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; j++)
                    //Make sure we don't load our heap with repeated edges
                    if (i != j)
                        edges.Add(new Tuple <int, double>(j, distances[i, j]));
                //Build the heap
                MinHeapPriorityQueue <Tuple <int, double> > heap = new MinHeapPriorityQueue <Tuple <int, double> >(comp);

                //Now add all of the neighbors
                for (int edgeNum = 0; edgeNum < numNeighbors; edgeNum++)
                    if (heap.isEmpty())

                    Tuple <int, double> e = heap.extractMin();

                    Tuple <int, int> edgeNodePair = (e.Item1 < i)
                            ? new Tuple <int, int>(e.Item1, i)
                            : new Tuple <int, int>(i, e.Item1);

                    //if (!addedEdges.Contains(edgeNodePair))
                    if (!addedEdges.Contains(edgeNodePair))
                        //make sure we don't add this edge again in the future
                        //Add the double edge now

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                nodes[i] = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode(i, true, edgeLists[i], edgeWeights[i]);

            return(new LightWeightGraph(nodes, true));
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a random graph, based on an mst.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d">distance matrix used to construct the graph</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">the resulting average degree of the graph</param>
        /// /// <param name="expP">The probability of adding an edge depends on its distance: 1/d^expP</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LightWeightGraph GetRandomGraph(DistanceMatrix d, int alpha, double expP)
            int numNodes = d.Count;

            var nodes = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[numNodes];

            // make an array to hold all possible edges, less the edges in the mst
            oneNode[] myDistances = new oneNode[numNodes * (numNodes - 1) / 2 - (numNodes - 1)];

            LightWeightGraph mst = LightWeightGraph.GetStackedMST(d, 1);

            LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode[] mstNodes = mst.Nodes;
            int    myDistancesIndex = 0;
            double myDistancesTotal = 0;

            //Create a list to hold edge values
            List <int>[]    edges   = new List <int> [numNodes];
            List <double>[] weights = new List <double> [numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                edges[i] = new List <int>();

            // add edges from the mst to the edges list, to facilitate adding additional edges later on
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < mstNodes[i].Edge.Length; j++)

            // cycle through each possible edge
            // if the edge exists in the mst, continue
            // otherwise, add the edge to distances array, and add distance to the edge to the cummulative total
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes - 1; i++)
                for (int j = i + 1; j < numNodes; j++)
                    if (mstNodes[i].Edge.Contains(j))
                        double addlProb = 1.0 / Math.Pow(d[i, j], expP);
                        myDistancesTotal += addlProb;
                        oneNode nd = new oneNode {
                            prob = myDistancesTotal, fromNode = i, toNode = j, alreadyExists = false
                        myDistances[myDistancesIndex] = nd;

            // how many edges do we want to add?
            int desiredNewEdges = (alpha * numNodes) - (numNodes - 1);

            Random rnd = Utility.Util.Rng;

            // add edges randomly until we have added the desired number of edges
            while (desiredNewEdges > 0)
                // generate a random number between 0 and myDistancesTotal
                double rand = rnd.NextDouble() * myDistancesTotal;

                // walk through the array until you find the random number
                for (int m = 0; m < myDistances.Length; m++)
                    if (myDistances[m].prob > rand)
                        // we have found the edge to add.
                        // add the edge if it does not already exist
                        if (!myDistances[m].alreadyExists)
                            myDistances[m].alreadyExists = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; i++)
                nodes[i] = new LightWeightGraph.LightWeightNode(i, true, edges[i], weights[i]);

            return(new LightWeightGraph(nodes, true));