public bool Callback(BCBlockGameState gamestate) { //iterate through all balls... BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("RANDOMY"); foreach (cBall iterateball in gamestate.Balls) { var gotspeed = iterateball.getMagnitude(); //set a new velocity with that speed. iterateball.Velocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(gotspeed); //add some randomly coloured lightorbs... foreach (Color addcolor in chosencolors) { LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(iterateball.Location, addcolor, 17); PointF usevelocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(2, 5, BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(new PointF(0, 0), iterateball.Velocity)); BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(usevelocity, Math.PI / 4); lo.Velocity = usevelocity; gamestate.Particles.Add(lo); } } return true; }
public void EatOrb(GameObject objectToEat) { if (eating) { LightOrb otherOrb = objectToEat.GetComponent <LightOrb>(); collectedOrbs.Add(; objectionManager.EatColor(; AddSubfish(; Destroy(objectToEat); objectionManager.CheckIfDone(); } }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { GameObject other = collision.gameObject; if (other.gameObject.GetComponent <LightOrb>() != null) { otherOrb = other.gameObject.GetComponent <LightOrb>(); if (!otherOrb.attractingToOtherOrb) { StartAttractingOtherOrb(); otherOrb.StartAttractingOtherOrb(this); } Debug.Log("Other Orb found"); } }
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate) { //hitscan. We only "take" a single frame to hit something. //first, normalize the Velocity. _Velocity = _Velocity.Normalize(); //now, starting from _Origin, advance position by _Velocity until we hit a block or leave the gamearea. List<Block> blockshit = new List<Block>(); PointF currpos = _Origin; PointF lastpos = _Origin; bool scancomplete = false; int spawnjump = 0; int particlecomparator = Math.Max(gamestate.Particles.Count-500, 2); //particlecomparator is our modulus. This will be modulo'd with spawnjump each iteration while (!scancomplete) { spawnjump++; currpos = new PointF(currpos.X + _Velocity.X, currpos.Y + _Velocity.Y); PointF diff = new PointF(currpos.X-lastpos.X,currpos.Y-lastpos.Y); //spawn some particles here. if (spawnjump>particlecomparator && Tracer) { spawnjump = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { float randomspot = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble(); PointF randomoffset = new PointF(currpos.X + diff.X * randomspot, currpos.Y + diff.Y * randomspot); if (BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() > 0.5) { DustParticle dp = new DustParticle(randomoffset, 3, 25, _BulletColor); dp.Important = true; gamestate.Particles.Add(dp); } else { LightOrb dp = new LightOrb(randomoffset, Color.Green, 16); dp.TTL = 25; dp.Important = true; gamestate.Particles.Add(dp); } } } //are we outside gamearea? if (!gamestate.GameArea.Contains(currpos.ToPoint())) scancomplete = true; //have we hit a block? var hitblock = BCBlockGameState.Block_HitTestOne(gamestate.Blocks, currpos); if (hitblock != null && !blockshit.Contains(hitblock)) { blockshit.Add(hitblock); if(_Strength == HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_bullet) { //create a bullet at currpos, make it go in our direction. Bullet bb = new Bullet(currpos, _Velocity, false); bb.BulletBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Transparent); //invisible bullet... gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(bb))); } else if(_Strength==HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_hit) { gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => BCBlockGameState.Block_Hit(gamestate, hitblock, _Velocity))); } if (!Penetrate) scancomplete = true; } lastpos = currpos; } if (!Tracer) { DustParticle pa = new DustParticle(Origin, 800,9000,Color.Transparent); DustParticle pb = new DustParticle(currpos,800,9000,Color.Transparent); pa.Velocity = PointF.Empty; pb.Velocity = PointF.Empty; LineParticle ls = new LineParticle(pa, pb,new Pen(Color.Yellow,1)); ls.Important = true; ls.TTL = 750; gamestate.Particles.Add(ls); //show the impact point. PointF Impactpoint = currpos; for (int i = 0; i < 14 * BCBlockGameState.Settings.ParticleGenerationFactor; i++) { Particle xp = BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() > 0.5 ? (Particle) new EmitterParticle(Impactpoint,(gstate,emitter,aint,bint)=> { float ssspeed = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 5 + 2; PointF ssusespeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0,-ssspeed), Math.PI / 10); DustParticle addit = new DustParticle(emitter.Location, 40); addit.Velocity = ssusespeed; return addit; }) : (Particle)new DustParticle(Impactpoint); float speed = (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 5 + 2; PointF usespeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0,-speed), Math.PI / 10); xp.Velocity = usespeed; gamestate.Particles.Add(xp); } } return true; //we only exist for one frame. }
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate) { bool retval = base.PerformFrame(gamestate); //add some particles around the edges of the explosion, moving outward... if (gamestate.Particles.Count((w)=>!w.Important) < BCBlockGameState.MaxParticles) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)(25f * BCBlockGameState.ParticleGenerationFactor); i++) { const float speedmult = 1; //choose a random Angle... double randomangle = Math.PI * 2 * BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble(); //create the appropriate speed vector, based on our radius... double usespeed = (_CurrentRadius / _MaxRadius) * speedmult; //should be proportional to how close we are to the maximum radius; max radius will have particles move 1... usespeed += ((BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 0.6) - 0.3); PointF addpointLocation = new PointF(Location.X + (float)Math.Cos(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius, Location.Y + (float)Math.Sin(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius); //create a dustparticle... PointF PointSpeed = new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(randomangle) * usespeed), (float)(Math.Sin(randomangle) * usespeed)); Particle addparticle = null; if (i % 5 != 0) { addparticle = new DustParticle(addpointLocation, PointSpeed); } else if (_ShowOrbs) { //LightOrb... LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(addpointLocation, ExplosionColor, (float)BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 10 + 5); lo.Velocity = PointSpeed; addparticle = lo; } if (addparticle != null) gamestate.Particles.Add(addparticle); } } //each frame, check for blocks that are within the given radius. Hell with it, we'll check their centerpoints... if (gamestate.PlayerPaddle != null) { //if( if (DamagePaddle && BCBlockGameState.RectangleIntersectsCircle(gamestate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect(), Location, _CurrentRadius)) { gamestate.PlayerPaddle.HP -= 1f; } } if (_EffectObjects) { //find all GameObjects that implement IExplodable. //we might be bothered to do the same for Balls, I suppose. No promises. IEnumerable<IExplodable> result = BCBlockGameState.Join<IExplodable>( (from ball in gamestate.Balls where ball is IExplodable && (BCBlockGameState.Distance(Location,ball.Location) < _CurrentRadius) select ball as IExplodable), (from obj in gamestate.GameObjects where obj is IExplodable select obj as IExplodable)); //in order to prevent contention issues, we will defer the loop that "effects" each item until the next gametick iteration starts. gamestate.NextFrameCalls.Enqueue(new BCBlockGameState.NextFrameStartup(() => { foreach (var iterateresult in result) { PointF useVelocityEffect = new PointF(Math.Max(1,Velocity.X),Math.Max(1,Velocity.Y)); iterateresult.ExplosionInteract(this, Location, useVelocityEffect); } })); } List<Block> removethese = new List<Block>(); if (_DamageBlocks) { var blowemup = from p in gamestate.Blocks where BCBlockGameState.Distance(Location.X, Location.Y, p.CenterPoint().X, p.CenterPoint().Y) < _CurrentRadius select p; if (blowemup.Any()) { foreach (var loopblock in blowemup) { //destroy it. if (loopblock is DestructionBlock) { //special handling for combos Debug.Print("DestructionBlock detected in ExplosionEffect..."); (loopblock as DestructionBlock).ComboCount = this.ComboCount + 1; } if (DestroyAll || loopblock.MustDestroy()) { loopblock.StandardSpray(gamestate); removethese.Add(loopblock); } } lock (gamestate.Blocks) { foreach (Block removeit in removethese) { //get angle between the center of the explosion and the block's center. double Angle = BCBlockGameState.GetAngle(CenterPoint(), removeit.CenterPoint()); int useSpeed = BCBlockGameState.ClampValue((int)_MaxRadius / 2, 1, 5); PointF useVelocity = BCBlockGameState.GetVelocity(useSpeed, Angle); cBall tempball = new cBall(new PointF(removeit.CenterPoint().X-useVelocity.X,removeit.CenterPoint().Y-useVelocity.Y), useVelocity); tempball.PreviousVelocity = useVelocity; tempball.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour()); //add a proxy behaviour to remove it as well. //tempball.Behaviours.Add(new ProxyBallBehaviour("ExplosionEffect", null, proxyperformframe, null, null, null, null, null, null)); //gamestate.Balls.AddLast(tempball); List<cBall> discardlist = new List<cBall>(); try { //this is... well, cheating... //we cannot add GameObjects to the List, except by plopping them in the ref AddedObject parameter. //however, we cannot "force" the PerformBlockHit of a block (say a destruction block) to add a GameObject (another ExplosionEffect, in that case) //we cheat. we swap out the entire gamestate.GameObject LinkedList with a new one, call the routine, and then //we add any added GameObjects to our ref parameter, and swap the old list back in, hoping nobody notices our //audacity to fiddle with core game state objects... var copiedref = gamestate.GameObjects; gamestate.GameObjects = new LinkedList<GameObject>(); removeit.PerformBlockHit(gamestate, tempball); gamestate.Blocks.Remove(removeit); var tempadded = gamestate.GameObjects; gamestate.GameObjects = copiedref; //now we add the ones we need to add to our ref array. I feel dirty. gamestate.Defer(() => { foreach (var iterate in tempadded) { gamestate.GameObjects.AddLast(iterate); } }); } catch { } //we don't add the ball to our GameState, so we don't have to worry about it persisting :D //the idea is that we want to invoke the actions of the block (which for many blocks will simply be destroyed). //at the same time, some blocks might react weirdly to having temporary balls tossed into their centers, so we make it so the ball will only live for //two frames by adding a proxyballbehaviour that ensure that. //gamestate.Blocks.Remove(removeit); gamestate.Forcerefresh = true; } //changed: instead of removing them, create a temporary ball at their center point. } } } return retval; }
public override bool PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState gamestate) { bool rval = base.PerformFrame(gamestate); for (int i = 0; i < (int)(50f * BCBlockGameState.ParticleGenerationFactor); i++) { const float speedmult = 1; //choose a random Angle... double randomangle = Math.PI * 2 * BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble(); //create the appropriate speed vector, based on our radius... double usespeed = (_CurrentRadius / _MaxRadius) * speedmult; //should be proportional to how close we are to the maximum radius; max radius will have particles move 1... usespeed += ((BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 0.5) - 0.25); PointF addpointLocation = new PointF(Location.X + (float)Math.Cos(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius, Location.Y + (float)Math.Sin(randomangle) * _CurrentRadius); //create a dustparticle... Particle addparticle = null; if ((i % 5 == 0) && _ShowOrbs) { addparticle = new LightOrb(addpointLocation, Color.Blue, 5 + (float)(BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 10)); } else { addparticle = new WaterParticle(addpointLocation, new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(randomangle) * usespeed), (float)(Math.Sin(randomangle) * usespeed))); } if (addparticle != null) { addparticle.Velocity = new PointF(addparticle.Velocity.X + Velocity.X, addparticle.Velocity.Y + Velocity.Y); gamestate.Particles.Add(addparticle); } } //is this the first call? if (!flInit) { flInit = true; //initialize data structures. //the idea here is that createblocklocations will store the offset from the CreationEffect's location, rather than an absolute position. for (float x = -_MaxRadius; x < (_MaxRadius); x += BlockCreateSize.Width) { for (float y = -_MaxRadius; y < (_MaxRadius); y += BlockCreateSize.Height) { //add a new rectangle to that cache RectangleF createrect = new RectangleF(x, y, BlockCreateSize.Width, BlockCreateSize.Height); //add it to the list. createblocklocations.Add(createrect); } } } //createblocklocations has the offsets from our position. LINQ-ee-fy it to see if any need to be created. var createthese = from q in createblocklocations where BCBlockGameState.Distance(0, 0, q.CenterPoint().X, q.CenterPoint().Y) < _CurrentRadius select q; List<RectangleF> removethese = new List<RectangleF>(); if (createthese.Any()) { //we need to create some blocks we do. foreach (RectangleF looprect in createthese) { //create the PROPER rectanglef structure by cloning this one and offseting the clone. RectangleF userect = looprect; userect.Offset(Location.X, Location.Y); Block createdblock = DefaultCreationFunction(gamestate, userect); //add this block to the game. gamestate.Blocks.AddLast(createdblock); removethese.Add(looprect); } foreach (var removeit in removethese) { createblocklocations.Remove(removeit); } gamestate.Forcerefresh = true; } return rval; }
public static void spawnpoof(BCBlockGameState bstate, Block cloned) { Random rg = BCBlockGameState.rgen; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //choose a random location within the block. PointF randomspot = new PointF((float) (rg.NextDouble()*cloned.BlockRectangle.Width + cloned.BlockRectangle.Left), (float) (rg.NextDouble()*cloned.BlockRectangle.Height + cloned.BlockRectangle.Top)); //now, a random speed. PointF randomspeed = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0.5f, 2); //and last, a random radius... float useradius = (float) (rg.NextDouble()*cloned.BlockRectangle.Width); LightOrb addorb = new LightOrb(randomspot, Color.Blue, useradius); addorb.Velocity = randomspeed; bstate.Particles.Add(addorb); } }
private void ShootFunction(int chargeticks) { // TerminatorBehaviour Power Levels // Each Terminator Power up will add one to the power. //Power Level One: Machine gun // Power level Two: Shoot a single ball from the center of the paddle upwards. // Power Level Three: similar to Level one, but it shoots from each side of the paddle. //power level Four: shoots a single laser from the center of the paddle. //power level Five: shoots a laser from each side. // power level Six: Shoot a single ball from the center of the paddle upwards: however, //this will have a laserspinball behaviour, delay set to half a second. //power level Seven, same as five, but with laser spin //power level eight: SpinShot. if (mstate.PlayerPaddle == null) return; //only shoot if we are the first in the list of behaviours that are this type.... if (!mstate.PlayerPaddle.Behaviours.Contains(this)) return; if (mstate.PlayerPaddle.Behaviours.First((x) => x.GetType() == typeof (TerminatorBehaviour)) == this) { if (mstate.PlayerPaddle.Energy == 0) { BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("shootfail"); //and, again, showmanship at work- "shoot" some black light orbs... to simulate smoke... for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { PointF usespeed = new PointF(0, (float) (-3 - (BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble()))); usespeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(usespeed, Math.PI/6); LightOrb addorb = new LightOrb(mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().CenterPoint(), BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() > 0.5d ? Color.Black : Color.Gray, 15 + (float) (15*BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble())); addorb.Velocity = usespeed; addorb.VelocityDecay = new PointF(0.9f, 0.85f); mstate.Particles.Add(addorb); //take damage, too... } mstate.PlayerPaddle.HP -= 10; return; } else { BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("firelaser"); } mstate.PlayerPaddle.Energy--; Paddle pad = mstate.PlayerPaddle; RectangleF paddlerect = mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect(); PointF MiddleTop = new PointF(paddlerect.Left + (paddlerect.Width/2), paddlerect.Top); PointF LeftTop = new PointF(paddlerect.Left, paddlerect.Top); PointF RightTop = new PointF(paddlerect.Right, paddlerect.Top); Pen ChosenPenColor = new Pen(Color.Blue, 2); //TODO: make it depend on the paddle health. (blue when full, red when damaged). //if the powerlevel exceeds MaxPowerup... if (PowerLevel > MaxPowerup) { MachineGunTimer = new Timer(MachineGun, null, 60, 130); //120 ms delay... } //if it's larger than powerLevel*2, set it to powerLevel*2... if (PowerLevel > PowerLevel*2) PowerLevel = PowerLevel*2; int pPowerLevel = ((PowerLevel - 1)%(MaxPowerup)) + 1; //Power Level One: Machine gun if (pPowerLevel == 1) { if (PowerLevel == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Bullet firebullet = new Bullet( new PointF( mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Left + (mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Width/2), mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Top), BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0, -10), Math.PI/7)); mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(firebullet); } } else { Bullet firebullet = new Bullet( new PointF( mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Left + (mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Width/2), mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Top), BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0, -10), Math.PI/7)); mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(firebullet); } } else if (pPowerLevel == 2) { // Power level Two: Shoot a single ball from the center of the paddle upwards. (temp) cBall shootball = new cBall(MiddleTop, BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0, -8), Math.PI/8)); shootball.Radius = 3; shootball.DrawColor = Color.Yellow; shootball.DrawPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow); shootball.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour()); mstate.ShootBalls.AddRange(new cBall[] {shootball}); } else if (pPowerLevel == 3) { // Power Level Three: similar to Level one, but it shoots from each side of the paddle. PointF[] Originspots = new PointF[] {LeftTop, RightTop}; foreach (PointF ShotOrigin in Originspots) { cBall shootit = new cBall(ShotOrigin, BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0f, -8.8f), Math.PI/8.8f)); shootit.Radius = 3; shootit.DrawColor = Color.Yellow; shootit.DrawPen = new Pen(Color.RoyalBlue); shootit.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour()); mstate.ShootBalls.Add(shootit); } } else if (pPowerLevel == 4) { //weak hitscan, straight upwards. HitscanBullet hsb = new HitscanBullet(paddlerect.TopCenter(), new PointF(0, -2)); hsb.Penetrate = false; hsb.Strength = HitscanBullet.HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_bullet; mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(hsb); BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("laser2"); } else if (pPowerLevel == 5) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { PointF selectedvelocity = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0, -8), Math.PI/16); HitscanBullet hsb = new HitscanBullet(paddlerect.TopCenter(), selectedvelocity); hsb.Penetrate = false; hsb.Strength = HitscanBullet.HitscanStrengthConstants.hitscan_bullet; mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(hsb); BCBlockGameState.Soundman.PlaySound("laser2"); } } else if (pPowerLevel == 6) { //power level Four: shoots a single laser from the center of the paddle. LaserShot ShootLaser = new LaserShot(MiddleTop, new PointF(0, -9), ChosenPenColor, 36); mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(ShootLaser); } else if (pPowerLevel == 7) { PointF[] Originspots = new PointF[] {LeftTop, RightTop}; PointF usevelocity = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0f, -8.8f), Math.PI/8.9f); foreach (PointF ShotOrigin in Originspots) { LaserShot ShootLaser = new LaserShot(ShotOrigin, usevelocity, ChosenPenColor); mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(ShootLaser); //power level Five: shoots a laser from each side. } } else if (pPowerLevel == 8) { cBall shootball = new cBall(MiddleTop, BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0f, -1f), Math.PI/10)); shootball.Behaviours.Add(new LaserSpinBehaviour(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 300))); shootball.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour()); shootball.Radius = 3; shootball.DrawColor = Color.Yellow; shootball.DrawPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow); mstate.ShootBalls.Add(shootball); // power level Six: Shoot a single ball from the center of the paddle upwards: however, //this will have a laserspinball behaviour, delay set to half a second. } else if (pPowerLevel == 9) { //power level Seven, same as five, but with laser spin //also same as 6 but with two of them... PointF[] Originspots = new PointF[] {LeftTop, RightTop}; foreach (PointF ShotOrigin in Originspots) { cBall shootball = new cBall(ShotOrigin, BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0f, -9f), Math.PI/10)); shootball.Behaviours.Add(new LaserSpinBehaviour(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 300))); shootball.Behaviours.Add(new TempBallBehaviour()); shootball.Radius = 3; shootball.DrawColor = Color.Yellow; shootball.DrawPen = new Pen(Color.GreenYellow); mstate.ShootBalls.Add(shootball); } } else if (pPowerLevel == 10) { //spinshot PointF selectedspeed = BCBlockGameState.VaryVelocity(new PointF(0, -9f), Math.PI/10); SpinShot shootit = new SpinShot(mstate, new PointF( mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Left + (mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Width/2), mstate.PlayerPaddle.Getrect().Top), 12, 16, ((float) Math.PI/6), selectedspeed); mstate.GameObjects.AddLast(shootit); } } else { Debug.Print("Terminator Behaviour not first Terminator in behaviours collection... ignoring..."); } }
public override List<Block> PerformFrame(BCBlockGameState ParentGameState, ref List<cBall> ballsadded, ref List<cBall> ballsremove) { /* PreviousVelocity = Velocity; //returns the blocks that were affected by the frame (changed or moved). PointF NextPosition = new PointF(Location.X + Velocity.X, Location.Y + Velocity.Y); RectangleF NextPositionBorders = new RectangleF(NextPosition.X - Radius, NextPosition.Y - Radius, Radius, Radius); NormalizeSpeed(); if (ballsadded == null) ballsadded = new List<cBall>(); RectangleF rectangleborders = new RectangleF(Location.X - Radius, Location.Y - Radius, Radius, Radius); PrevLocation = Location; Location = NextPosition; bool doemit=false; CheckWallCollision(ParentGameState.GameArea, getRect(), ref doemit); if (ParentGameState.PlayerPaddle != null) ParentGameState.PlayerPaddle.CheckImpact(ParentGameState, this,false); //FrustratorBalls only hit Destroyed Blocks. * */ mm = ((mm + 1) % 2); usehue += 2; usehue %= 240; //spawn a lightorb in a random colour. if (mm == 0) { Color drawcolor = new HSLColor((float)usehue, 240, 120); LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(Location, drawcolor, 12); lo.TTL = 30; ParentGameState.Particles.Add(lo); } return base.PerformFrame(ParentGameState, ref ballsadded, ref ballsremove); }
protected override void StandardSpray(BCBlockGameState parentstate, cBall ballhit) { //add lightorbs, too! //one in each cardinal direction. double usespeed = 4; double currangle = 0; double angleincrement = Math.PI / 4; while (currangle < Math.PI * 2) { PointF velocityuse = new PointF((float)(Math.Cos(currangle) * usespeed), (float)(Math.Sin(currangle) * usespeed)); LightOrb makeorb = new LightOrb(BlockRectangle.CenterPoint(), SwitchData[State].StateColor, 24); makeorb.Velocity = velocityuse; parentstate.Particles.Add(makeorb); currangle += angleincrement; } }
private void PerformFrame(Paddle toPaddle,BCBlockGameState gstate) { //add a random lightorb. if (offsetcall++ > 10) { offsetcall = 0; Color chosencolor = new HSLColor(BCBlockGameState.rgen.NextDouble() * 240, 240, 128); LightOrb lo = new LightOrb(toPaddle.BlockRectangle.RandomSpot(BCBlockGameState.rgen), chosencolor, 32); lo.Velocity = BCBlockGameState.GetRandomVelocity(0, 3); gstate.Defer(() => gstate.Particles.Add(lo)); } }
public void StartAttractingOtherOrb(LightOrb orbToAttract) { otherOrb = orbToAttract; StartAttractingOtherOrb(); }