internal Delegate CreateDelegate(StrongBox<object>[] closure) {
            if (_compiled != null) {
                return CreateCompiledDelegate(closure);

            // Otherwise, we'll create an interpreted LightLambda
            var ret = new LightLambda(_interpreter, closure, this);
            lock (this) {
                // If this field is now null, it means a compile happened
                if (_lightLambdas != null) {

            if (_lightLambdas == null) {
                return CreateCompiledDelegate(closure);

            return ret.MakeDelegate(_lambda.Type);
        private Delegate CreateCompiledDelegate(StrongBox<object>[] closure) {
            // It's already compiled, and the types match, just use the
            // delegate directly.
            Delegate d = _compiled(closure);

            // The types might not match, if the delegate type we want is
            // not a Func/Action. In that case, use LightLambda to create
            // a new delegate of the right type. This is not the most
            // efficient approach, but to do better we need the ability to
            // compile into a DynamicMethod that we created.
            if (d.GetType() != _lambda.Type) {
                var ret = new LightLambda(_interpreter, closure, this);
                ret.Compiled = d;
                d = ret.MakeDelegate(_lambda.Type);

            return d;