Example #1
        public BlendHueData(GroupID gID, LightID lID, LightData fromData, LightData toData, float transitionTime)
            _gID = gID;
             _lID = lID;
             _fromData = fromData;
             _toData = toData;
             _transitionTime = transitionTime;

             _timeStamp = Time.time;
Example #2
 public LightEventArgs(GroupID g, LightID l, LightTypes lt, LightData d)
     Group = g; Light = l; LightType = lt;  Data = d;
Example #3
 public LightTriggeredEventArgs(GroupID g, LightID l, float w)
     Group = g; Light = l; Weight = w;
Example #4
    //finds the GroupID and LightID of a light with the given channel #
    //returns false if it doesnt find a compatible light in any of the groups
    bool FindLight(int channel, LightTypes lightType, ref GroupID gID, ref LightID lID)
        for (int i = 0; i < LightGroups.Length; i++)
         LightGroupConfig g = LightGroups[i];

         for (int j = 0; j < g.Lights.Length; j++)
            LightConfig l = g.Lights[j];

            if ((l.Channel == channel) && (l.LightType == lightType))
               gID = g.Group;
               lID = (LightID)j;
               return true;

          return false;
Example #5
    LightConfig FindLightConfig(GroupID gId, LightID lId)
        for (int i = 0; i < LightGroups.Length; i++)
         LightGroupConfig g = LightGroups[i];
         if (g.Group == gId)
            for (int j = 0; j < g.Lights.Length; j++)
               if (j == (int)lId)
                  return g.Lights[j];

          return null;
Example #6
 //a way to set the value of any light in the system, regardless of type (Hue, LightJams, whatevs)
 public void SetLight(GroupID gID, LightID lID, float intensity, Color color = default(Color), float transitionTime = 0.0f)
     LightConfig lc = FindLightConfig(gID, lID);
       if (lc != null)
      lc.Set(color, intensity, transitionTime);
Example #7
 public void SendLightTriggeredEvent(GroupID g, LightID l, float weight)
     if (OnLightEffectTriggered != null)
      OnLightEffectTriggered(this, new LightTriggeredEventArgs(g, l, weight));
Example #8
 public void SendHueEvent(GroupID gID, LightID lID, LightData newData)
     if(OnLightChanged != null)
      OnLightChanged(this, new LightEventArgs(gID, lID, LightTypes.Hue, newData));
Example #9
 public bool IsLightJamsLight(GroupID g, LightID l)
     LightConfig lConfig = FindLightConfig(g, l);
       if (lConfig != null)
      return lConfig.LightType == LightTypes.LightJams;
       return false;
Example #10
 //get latency for the given light.  Meaning this is how long it takes to set a value, and have it appear on the lights.
 public float GetLatency(GroupID gID, LightID lID)
     LightConfig lc = FindLightConfig(gID, lID);
      if (lc != null)
         if (lc.LightType == LightTypes.Hue)
            return HueMessenger.Instance.GetCurLatency();
            return LightJamsMgr.Instance.GetCurLatency();
      return 0.0f;